FATE (a Shingeki no Kyojin x...

By TheTributer

25.5K 481 357

When he was faced with death, he fought and lived. When he became one of the same monsters he sought to destr... More

Author's note
Chapter I: Goodbye Paradise
Chapter II: The Man in the Crystal
Chapter III: Dreams of Guilt
Chapter IV: Hallucination or Reality ?
Chapter V: Monsters Among Monsters
Chapter VI: Two sides of the same coin
Chapter VII: First Impressions
Chapter VIII: Choices and Hardships
Chapter IX: Titan vs Machine
Chapter X: Keep Moving Forward
Chapter XI: A living Nightmare
Chapter XII: The First Mission (Part 1)
Chapter XIII: The First Mission (Part 2)
Chapter XIV: A Leader's Struggle
Chapter XV: A Promise from the Past
Chapter XVI: Choice
Chapter XVII: Heart or Instinct
Chapter XVII: The Start of the Operation
Chapter XIX: The Belly of the Beast
Chapter XX: Despair

Chapter XVIII: Orders

565 10 4
By TheTributer

Plantation 13

Eren Pov

When I opened the box, what was inside...it was a shock to my eyes.

I already knew about this world's advanced technologies and scientific wonders but still, to remake an exact replica of it was difficult, almost impossible.

Another banging sound came from the door behind me as the metal layer continued to crumble.

I then got the ODM gear off the box and started wearing it as fast as I could.

Its design was a little different from the original. I guess Doctor FranXX modified it.

Unlike the original design, developed by Angel Altonen, this version of the device had 2 sets of swords instead of four and their color was different. Instead of shining silver, it now was a dark black with a yellow line going from the bottom of the blade to its sharp edge.

When I equipped one blade to the grip, it started glowing, as if something activated. Before I could think more on that fact a huge bang was heard from behind the door. It now could withstand about one more hit.

I jumped and held on to two metal bars on the ceiling and waited patiently for the soldiers to enter the room.

A final bang broke down the door, ripping it open as the metal broke apart and fell to the ground.

The guards barged inside the room, aiming their weapons at many sides of the room.

When I saw that the last guard was inside the room, I let go of the bars and run outside the room.

I then jumped down and pulled the trigger and shot the hooks into the hole Zero Two made before when she took one of the soldier's guns.

I then pulled the second trigger and launched myself within the opening. Despite their efforts, the soldiers were unable to prevent my escape.

I then once again launched myself, flying throughout the rooms of the Plantation until I saw a giant glass window.

I shot the anchors there and launched myself towards it at high speed.

The barrier was weaker than I thought and I managed to break out of it with ease.


"Tch!" I hissed angrily to the scenery before my eyes "Hachi wasn't kidding, its a ravage out here"

Suddenly a Klaxosaur tried to attack me from below but I avoided its attack and in return used the blades to cut off two of its legs.

As it fell down on the ground, groaning in anguish, I thought this to be the best opportunity to attack.

I sliced its skin like butter multiple times without any pity or remorse. I then sliced it from below its body, cutting out a square metal piece and making an opening that allowed me to enter its body.

Upon going inside the monster, I immediately spotted the core of it. I wasted no time and quickly attacked it, cutting it in two.

I heard a scream of pain and I exited its body as quickly as I could.

When I did, I gazed upon the shattered enemy, its body mutilated and broken. Its blood rolling down the ground like a river.

Suddenly the ground began to shake and far behind me emerged a giant worm-like Klaxosaur.

"What the hell.......is that ?" I muttered in conflict and confusion.

This was weird. This Klaxosaur was not in any file of the database as I've heard.

"A new class ?" I questioned silently

I carefully approached the newly formed Klaxosaur, making sure not to attract its attention.

However, when I realized it was holding a FranXX I realized that carefulness wouldn't be the answer now

I charged at it from behind at full speed.

I launched myself, again and again, the smoke coming from behind the gear already making a cloud of smoke and my teeth ready to bite my flesh and drop blood.

I finally was close enough and proceeded to dig my teeth deep inside my hand.

I felt the power of the titans thrust upon me as piles of flesh formed around me.

The lightning that struck me lightened the entire battlefield in a yellow glow.

I charged straight for the head and kept running on top of its body.

The lower part of its head opened and three projectiles were launched at me.

Spheres that had multiple spikes.

I avoided the first and knocked the second one aside with my hardened fist.

The third and last however was too quick to dodge. It hit me, impaling my stomach and slowing me down a bit.

But it did not stop me. I did not budge by the impact and simply ripped it off my gut aggressively and roared.

I then formed a spear and slid down to avoid a fourth one which was headed for my neck.

I grabbed on one of its pincers and shoved my spear to another to keep its mouth open long enough to create an opening big enough for the FranXX to get out.

However, the machine did not move an inch. Perhaps its pilots have been immobilized by fear and terror.

I grabbed its ankle and pulled them out of the mouth. They came crashing down on the ground.

The Klaxosaur roared and attempted to eat me but I avoided it and held the other pincer from the outer side and delivered a knee to its head, one that had hardened plates on it that was.

The impact was big enough to force the Klaxosaur to lose balance but not fall down on the ground.

"Eren! Get out of there!" Genista screamed

I let go and began to fall, when I was out of its range, she fired her giant cannon directly toward the Klaxosaur. The explosion forced it to retreat, perhaps to repair itself from the damage.

I turned my gaze to my squad as I slowly approached them.

"Eren......" Delphinium said firmly

3rd Person Pov

The nine FranXX were looking at the humanoid monster before them for what seemed like an eternity.

Some were conflicted, others troubled and some just confused.

One of the FranXX of Unit 26 went to help their comrades after their fall.

"What the hell is that thing ?" Code 245 questioned in confusion

"This has to be what Hachi told us about in the briefing room yesterday" Code 090 stated calmly

"Yeah but...what is it...?" Code 245 asked, confused as ever

Suddenly, Hachi's visual appeared on everyone's FranXX.

"Squad 26 stand down" He ordered

"Sir!" The whole squad shouted in unison

"Many groups of Klaxosaurs are approaching your position. The Attack Titan will assist you in dealing with them. Is that clear ?" Hachi questioned

"Yes Sir!" Code 090 yelled

Then Hachi's image disappeared, having transmitted the message

Soon enough about 30 to 50 Klaxosaurs made their way over to them

Eren stared at the Klaxosaurs before crafting a sword and an axe. He then jumped towards the horde and began slaughtering them alongside his squad.

Squad 26 learned quickly as to why Dr. FranXX chose him.....to be one of the units capable of solo fighting against the Klaxosaurs.

Instead of channeling and controlling attacks, the Atack Titan had a different approach. He wouldn't hesitate to show his brutal nature towards the enemy and insight of his allies.

After his entire body was covered in blue blood, he dropped his weapons and hardened his fists. He then launched himself towards more Klaxosaurs and brutally beat them to a pulp.

He kept smashing and crushing their bodies to oblivion. His brutality had no limits or vows and his energy seemed to not run even slightly low.

Squad 26 stood there speechless after witnessing Eren's massacre, unable to form a singular word. Well, that was the case for Unit 26, Squad 13 on the other hand had already seen firsthand Eren's brutal nature and did not seem as shocked.

"Let's go" Ichigo stated as she approached more Klaxosaurs

"R-right" Code 245 muttered softly "Let's go, leader"

Code 090 stared at Eren's Titan, his eyebrows frowned.

"Yeah," He said firmly and started the FranXX

As squad 13 was fighting the Klaxosaurs, Eren had a thought or rather an observation.

"It's weird. I was certain that Zero Two and Hiro would have gotten out of the hangar by now" He thought to himself.

Eren eventually gave in to frustration and decided to head back to the hangar to look for himself.

Plantation 13

He saw Strelitzia fighting with another FranXX which looked a lot like Strelitzia's Design. Same color, same weapon, only the eyes differed.

He heard Hiro screaming about helping their friends and that this fight was meaningless.

The pilot of the other FranXX chuckled before replying "Oh, that's not good code 016"

Eren's eyes widened. He remembered that voice.

"Alpha" He muttered angrily.

'Why him? Why here? Why now?' Eren asked in silence and confusion "Well, even if I asked nicely I doubt he would open his mouth"

"I don't know the power of a FranXX such as this but my gut tells me that it will definitely be stronger than the others. Considering it is being piloted by one of the strongest parasites. Well... self-proclaimed at least..." He thought to himself

Eren then climbed up from above the two. He then hardened his feet and smashed them on the floor which collapsed by the immense force.

"If you don't let us go...........with our power-" Hiro was cut off by a loud sound from above.

"Huh ?" Hiro screamed

"What the-" Alpha yelled

The sudden sound was the black-haired Attack Titan.

The Humanoid monster landed on its feet and stood in front of Strelitzia, holding his hands in a defensive position.

"Eren?!" Strelitzia yelled

The brunette put his hand on the FranXX's shoulder and pointed at the chaos on the battlefield.

Zero Two realized what Eren was trying to say.

"Darling. We should go" Zero Two said

"What?!" Hiro shouted worriedly

"If we don't go now, then the plantation is going to get annihilated. All your friends will die" She shouted angrily

"But-" Hiro muttered

"No buts! You're with me right ?" Zero Two cut him off furiously

Hiro paused for a second but soon realized that being a parasite would be to do what needs to be done for the greater good and also give faith in your partner.

"Y-yeah" He muttered softly

"Eren we're leaving it to you"

Zero Two smiled in delight and then Strelitzia launched herself towards the battlefield.

Eren placed himself in a combat position and glared at the FranXX before him with his empty, white eyes.

"Well, my orders are to escort Iota to the front lines. But I suppose I can spare some time for you. Mister Jaeger" Alpha stated with a little chuckle.

Eren seemed surprised that he knew of his identity but kept his cool.

"Shall we begin ?" He asked coldly as his face grew a cocky smile

The Titan roared before charging right at his opponent.

Model Alpha stood there without moving while its pilot giggled in delight and satisfaction

"This is gonna be fun"

At the same time

The situation on the field was getting worse and worse as BETA was getting closer snd closer to the wall and its massive size would prove fatal for the wall.

Meanwhile, Code 090 was surprised of Ichigo's leadership skills and the overall squad's skill and endurance, stating that most parasites would have been far too exhausted to fight at this point


Eren and Alpha were having an intense fight inside the hangar. Their duel had nearly destroyed the entire place.

Eren hardened his fists once again and punched the FranXX to its stomach twice and a heavy punch to its chest.

To the Brunette's surprise, the robot did not even flinch. The blows left nothing but scratches. Able to push him back but unable to cause damage.

"That tickled" Alpha exclaimed from inside the FranXX and sliced Eren's chest.

"Tch!" Eren hissed and backed away to figure out a better way to attack

"Damn it! This FranXX's speed and strength are tremendous. A single strike will most definitely obliterate me" Eren thought in anxiousness

Model Nine then launched itself towards the Titan and sliced off his hand before kicking him in the gut. Eren tried to counter with a punch but Alpha grabbed and broke it. He then threw him a pile of wreckage.

"Its armor is tough as rock. And its speed is immense. It's like.......its skin is as tough as the Warhammer's and his speed and agility are equal or greater to the jaws titan. He is absolute and I am expendable. I don't stand a chance against him" Eren thought to himself in despair as his wounds began to heal.

"But.......he must know that" Eren muttered softly

Alpha slowly approached the downed monster.

"Oh... I think I get it now. He is just toying with me" Eren murmured

Eren jumped and readied his fist to smash the FranXX's face but........the hit never landed.

Alpha grabbed his head and smashed him down on the ground. He then shoved his metal foot to the shifter's mouth, breaking his jaw and his teeth.

"This is getting boring" He exclaimed lazily "So let's just finish this eh"

The model Nine raised his weapon and held it in the air.

Eren saw the magma energy forming at the spear's edge, enchanting its strength and power.

Within a flash of a second, all of the Attack Titan's limbs were cut off.

As the humanoid monster lay there, helpless, Alpha approached it, looking down on it.

"Good night" He muttered softly yet mockingly.

He then punched the Attack Titan's head with all his force.

The hit destroyed the skull completely.

Alpha now with a big smile on his face walked over to the edge of the platform and gazed upon the newly formed Klaxosaur.

"Oh my, it looks like it's a Gutenberg class after all. I wonder if squad 13 can handle it" Alpha said firmly

Eren was not yet done, however.

Having fully regenerated his broken body, Eren launched himself towards Alpha, his attack catching the FranXX off guard.

"You little-" As Alpha yelled in rage, Eren tried to slice him to the face with his hardened nails in an attempt to blind him but Alpha backed away to avoid the blades.

The problem was..........there was no floor to step on.

His foot slipped and he began to fall with Eren on top.

He hardened his fists and began to smash them all across Model Nine's face as they fell on high speed.

They finally landed on the ground, the impact shook the ground to a low range and many pieces of dirt and rock flew in the air from the collision. The impact to the ground created a 20-meter radius crater.

Eren continued to attack the downed FranXX with all his strength.

"Damn you're annoying" Alpha exclaimed with annoyance and mockery.

He then punched the Titan twice and shoved him away.

Eren got up quickly and launched himself towards Model Nine as he let out a roar.


Unit 26 and 13 were having difficulties in dealing with the new Klaxosaur. Their weapons didn't even scratch the surface of their armor. There was no doubt that only Strelitzia's spear would be capable of hurting the beast, no two ways about it.

It turned its gaze towards the FranXX before it before attempting to crush them with its enormous hand. Unit 26 avoided its attack as fast as they could at their power.

Alpha held the defeated Attack Titan by the throat and lifted him above the ground.

"You really thought that someone like you........could ever beat someone like me? ME?!" Alpha laughed mockingly at the opponent before him and chuckling maniacally.

However, before he could land the finishing blow a very loud sound coming from behind him stopped him.

Strelitzia was fighting multiple waves of Klaxosaurs and ripping them to pieces and exploding them to ashes.

The worm Klaxosaur once again appeared and Delphinium was handling it but it wouldn't be long before it would get the upper hand.

"Oh, would you look at that; I doubt unit 13 will make it out alive. They're far too weak after all" Alpha exclaimed mockingly

At that moment, Eren felt no pain, no remorse, and no rage.

All that he felt.......was the determination to stay alive.

Suddenly a giant spike emerged from the ground and pierced through the elbow of the Model Nine's arm.

As Alpha was confused and trying to process what just happened, Eren wrapped his legs around the shoulder and grabbed the metal arm, and began to pull with all his strength.

He let out an ear-piercing roar before finally ripping the entire arm off. Alpha groaned from the agonizing pain and attempted to punch him with his other arm but Eren blocked his attack with the severed arm by using it as a shield.

However, that did not stop him from sending him flying before crashing down on a pile of destroyed Klaxosaurs.

Eren glared at the one-armed FranXX approaching him while his Titan's eyes

glowed green with rage.

Eren got up, a little dizzy from the throw but managed to get over it after a few seconds.

'This gives me an advantage. Not a big one by no means...but an advantage.'

The Attack Titan stared at the battlefield ahead of him and Model Nine.

'Hiro and Zero Two should reach the others any moment now. I have to keep Alpha busy until that happens. Once it does there'd no reason left for us to fight.'

He hardened with crystal plates his hands and stared at Model Nine as the robotic humanoid was heading toward the Titan with slow and heavy movements.

'Still...to follow such orders without a question...Alpha...you must really have...no free will of your own...a mindless and arrogant slave...that's all you are...'

The Titan roared and charged at the one-armed FranXX.

When he got close enough, he punched Alpha who blocked the hit with his spear however Eren didn't plan to injure him with that hand but with the other.

After seeing that he had no other way to defend himself, Eren swung his other fist and delivered a direct hit across his face.

This time, the damage was done as the blow he received caused the metal to crumble and break while cracks were now visible.

"...Heh...of couse...after all, the armor on the head is always lighter than the body. Otherwise it would be impossible to move..." Alpha perceived with a chuckle

The Attack Titan roared and punched the FranXX once again, knocking him down to the ground.

Alpha went all out and used its superior speed and got a hold of the Titan's arm and lifted him to the air, ready to smash him down to the ground. Eren however with a quick maneuver, wrapped his legs with the arm that held him, and with a brutal move, he brought the FranXX crashing down on the ground.

He then pounded his head down, digging it within the ground.

More cracks appeared and more armor broke apart by every successful hit.

"Okay...now you're getting really irritating." Alpha declared and got out of the hole swiftly and appeared behind his opponent.

He impaled the Titan in the back before throwing him in the air, the height reaching at least 50 meters.

Once he fell down Alpha kicked him which sent him flying and grabbed his leg before pulling him and brutally smashing him on the ground.

He grabbed his spear ready to finish him but Eren kicked him in the leg which caused him to lose balance and fall to his knees. He then delivered a knee to his chest before grabbing him by the collar and pulling him aggressively towards him. Once he was close enough, Eren hardened his forehead and headbutted Alpha in the face.

Dazed but free, Alpha tried to mutter his strength and force himself from falling into unconsciousness.

"Ow, I uh...think I actually felt that..." He muttered a little dizzy "Okay, I'll give you this one, that hurt a little. But no matter what you throw at me......you will always be the inferior one"

Alpha then sliced his face ripping one of the Titan's eyes off and Eren in turn held to his hand and got behind him before pushing him to the ground with his feet.

As Model Nine lay there beneath him, The Attack Titan screamed in rage and delivered a hit with his hardened hands once again to the back of the FranXX, he then pounded him again and again into a pulp.

Alpha grabbed the titan's face and shoved him aside with all the strength he could mutter.

The FranXX got up from the ground. While the blows and hits were many and in many vital points of the body, due to the Elite Unit's advanced armor, not much damage was done aside from the severed arm.

Or so he thought

What Alpha didn't know was that Eren had knowledge of the analogy of a FranXX, its strengths, and weaknesses.

What's more, there was a singular fact that almost granted Eren victory over the leader of the nines.

The wound that Eren inflicted on the backside of the FranXX was not coincidental.

As he stood tall and proud that he was close to a supposed victory in his eyes................. small drops of magma energy were dripping outside of his back.

Glancing to the corners of his eyes, the blonde-haired boy saw the Titan holding a bow with an arrow attached to it. Eren let go of the string and the arrow came flying right at the FranXX head.

"Tch!" Alpha hissed with desperation.

He quickly let go of his spear and grabbed the arrow before it could penetrate the head. Alpha sighed in relief. As he opened his eyes, he met face to face with his enemy who was almost in front of him, using the arrow as a distraction to get close.

Alpha swinged his arm to punch the Titan but Eren crouched down while running, avoiding the blow.

Finding an opening, Eren hardened his fist and delivered a powerful blow to the latter's stomach.

The attack launched the FranXX in the air and sent it crashing down on the center of a wave of Klaxosaurs.

"Shit..." Apha muttered in terror

With all the Klaxosaurs rushing towards him, Model Nine took a combat stance ready to fight.

Meanwhile, Eren was looking at him.

'Looks like he'll be busy for a while...I think it will be better if I joined my squad. I have a feeling this BETA Klaxosaur is not gonna go down easily...'

Eren turned his gaze away before heading out in search of his squad.



Gazing upon the collosal monster, the pilots gasped in shock to the reveal as a powerful aura started surrounding the creature.

"No way! It's a humanoid?!" Argentea exclaimed lightly, shock and terror in her voice.

"How are we...supposed to beat that..?" Chlorotyphum stated in conflict and worry.

Inside of Plantation 13's Command Room, Hachi was slightly sweating and looking at the screens in front of him in shock.

'That Worm-like Klaxosaur must be a gutemberg class as well...' The Commander thought to himself in terror. He then made a conclusion

'I've never heard of two Klaxosaurs that big attacking in unison...'

'Even for Squads 13 and 26...that is just
...too much...'

While both squads were still trying to process all that was happening before them, a loud crashing sound was heard behind Unit 13.

"H-Huh? W-What's that?!" Argentea asked in confusion and shock after turning around to look at the impact zone of the explosion

However, there was one thing the parasites did not notice...the explosion did not happen anywhere in the battlefield......but on the center of a pack of Conrad-Class Klaxosaurs...

The Klaxosaurs were quickly getting annhilated and brutally destroyed one by one as a powerful and unstopable force was making its way through them without stopping for once. The Klaxosaurs did not stand a chance again...that...

"What is going on? Are...are the Klaxosaurs.......exploding..?" Delphineum asked in confusion

"No!" The Blue FranXX's stamen screamed, looking terrified by a sudden discovery.

A discovery which would be uncovered very very soon.

From within the smoke and dust of the fallen Klaxosaurs...a blurry figure appeared. With a long spear as a weapon and a now visible smile on its face, anyone from even 1 mile away could realize who that certain individual was...

At that terrible moment, Ichigo's mind circled around a single thought with a single individual in her mind.


Processing it over and over, she was certain.......that her friend.....was good as dead...

Strelitzia suddenly stopped her massacre after glancing at someone below her. She looked at him with a neutral look on her face as she descended further and further, slowly reaching the ground with her eyes on him.

"Is that..." Hiro muttered in shock

Zero Two took a moment to respond as she was looking at the titan with a satisfied look on her face while a smirk was carved on it.

"Yeah...looks like he made it huh?" She stated with an excited tone

After they landed, they came face to face with the titan.

Smoke began to emit from the back of its neck and its user emerged from within the nape.

"Eren...hehe, no time no see huh?" Strelirzia asked jokingly

"What's the...situation...?" Eren asked, ignoring the latter's question

"Cold as always huh? You know, a smile wouldn't kill you" Zero Two stated with a smile and closed eyes

"The situation" Eren furtherly persisted

Zero Two sighed playfully "Right, Conrad-Classes are wiped out. Only that piece of tin over there remains" She pointed at the Humanoid Target Beta with her spear

"I see...well...even if I was in full power, I doubt my attacks would hurt it at all. So...we'll be counting on you to take it down" Eren stated while being in a thinking position and looking at the FranXX

"Don't worry. We got this. Right, Darling?" Zero Two assured Eren confidently

"Y-Yeah..." Hiro muttered weakly

"Hiro...not sounding so good..." Eren marked with an emotionless face

Hiro did not after that. A short silence surrounded the 3.

"So how bad is he?" The Brunette asked

"We'll see." Zero Two responded coldly without even looking at Eren and instead gazing upon the Beta

"Is that so...?" Eren muttered emotionlessly with half-closed eyes as he too turned his gaze towards BETA

Suddenly a loud sound was heard behind them.

"Huh?" Hiro gasped in shock

Once they turned around, they saw at the distance multiple Conrad-Classes rushing towards them at high speed. With a naked eye, it would be safe to assume those were at least two dozens or more.

"All Conrad-Classes wiped out?" Eren questioned sarcastically the pink-haired girl

"Looks like I miscalculated huh?" Strelitzia stated lazily while being carefree

"Yeah...looks like it..." Eren said annoyingly

"Oh well...time to get back to work." Zero Two stated as she got in a combat stance, ready to launch her attack

"I got your back...you got mine..." Eren marked before entering his Titan once again

"Ready Darling?" Zero Two asked Hiro

"Of course...Let's go Zero Two!" Hiro exclaimed with a determined look despite his condition.

The pink-haired girl grew a grin on her face as she and her "friends" got ready for the next battle. Baring her fangs with anticipation and excitement.

At the same time

Model Nine finally managed to destroy the last Conrad-Class with which it had to fight after being thrown in that pit by the Attack Titan.

Inside the FranXX, its Pistil, Alpha was grinning after seeing Eren and Strelitzia rushing together against the hordes if the Klaxosaurs.

"Going all out huh? I see. So be it." The blonde marked with a playful and arrogant tone

He stood up, holding his weapon with his hand while looking at the two abnormals with a sadistic smile on his face.

"Hehe, let us see then...Code-016...and Eren Jaeger...how long you're gonna make it with a body like that..."


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