My Obsessive Sugar Daddy

By angelkya222

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Jungkook, a college boxer wound up having interest in a young girl and will do anything for her.... . . . i d... More

Chapter 1-Graduation
Chapter 2-Normal days
Chapter 3-Dancing with a hot Stranger
Update 1
Chapter 4-His name is Jungkook
Chapter 5-Maddie's Drunk
Chapter 6-Hickeys
Chapter 8-Busted windows
Chapter 9-Lodge
Update 2
Chapter 10-Jealousy
Chapter 11-Sugar baby?
Chapter 12-Date Night
Chapter 13-My Savior
Chapter 14-Boxing Match
Chapter 15-Quarrel
Chapter 16-Death
Chapter 17-Sharon
Chapter 18-I love you

Chapter 7-Our secret

414 5 0
By angelkya222

I go to the kitchen and i start to make breakfast for everyone i decide to make french toast so i start making it...


Y/n:In here

I grab the ingredients and i see jungkook with his hoddie on he walks in and leans on the counter while watching me cook.

Y/n:Are you just gonna stare at me?

He walks up behind me and puts his hands inside my robe to start rubbing my butt...

Jungkook:You know your so pretty right?

I start blushing at his words while smiling...

Y/n:I know


He starts kissing the side of my face while i move him closer and lean the back of my body onto his front,feeling the coldess between us replacing it with comfort and warmness.His hands rest on my thigh as i continue cooking while we rock back and forth,when i finished cooking i set up the table when i finished i looked over at jungkook who was on the phone...

Y/n:Are you gonna come eat?


Y/n:The food is gonna get cold


He still stands in his spot and i walk over to him and grab his phone...

Y/n:Are you gonna eat yes or no?


I was about to walk away when he pulls me back


Y/n:Why should i give it back?

Jungkook:Because i said so

Y/n:Not  good enough of a answer

She smiles and i pick her up and put her on the counter 

Jungkook:Wrong answer phone?

I shake my head with a smile on my face and he pulls my face closer 



He smashes our lips together and put the phone on my lap and i lean into the kiss but he pulls away and grabs the phone and i pout...

Jungkook:Your so cute

He stands between my legs and rub my thighs and i rest my hands on his arms...

Jungkook:I gotta go back to my dorms i got practice in like 1 and a half hour

Y/n:I got work

Jungkook:Ill drop you off today

Y/n:You dont have to

Jungkook:I know i want to tho

He lifts me off the counter as we hear maddie and bailer and i walk in and jungkook walks in acting like he been on his phone.

Maddie:Hey bestieeee 


We sit down and we all start eating

Maddie:You got work right?


Maddie:Your ok walking are do you want me to drop you off

I saw jungkook was about to say something when i interrupted 

Y/n:Im fine walking

Maddie:If you say so

Bailer:Jungkook imma be staying here tell coach im not coming


After everyone finished eating we clean our dishes and i go upstairs to change...


I walk out the room after brushing my teeth and washing my face and when i walk out i feel someone smack my butt...

Jungkook:Who are you looking this good for


I smile and peck his lips

Jungkook:You always look good to me

Y/n:Imma walk a couple blocks down and you can pick me up


We walk downstairs and i give maddie a hug and say bye to them and we walk out the house and i lock the door behind me with the key that maddie gave me when she first had her house.I start walking and after a while i see jungkook pull up get out and open the passenger seat for me.


Jungkook:Anything for you sugar

I get in and he closes the door then gets in and start driving to my job while i listen to music,i feel his hand rest on my thigh and i leave it there getting butterflies in my stomach from that small touch.

Soon we get to my job and i was about to get out the car when i feel him pull me back and wrap his hand around my neck and he starts kissing me.

Jungkook:You almost forgot my kiss

He says as he pulls away slowly and i admire his face before pecking his lips and getting out the car making sure i have my phone...

Y/n:Ill see you later

I say as i lean on the car through his rolled down window

Jungkook:Bye text me when you get home safe ok?

Y/n:Ok bye

Jungkook pov*

She gives me one more kiss before i was her hips sway into her work place,i admire her face one last time before pulling off to go to my college...When i get there i change and i head to the  boxing gym where coach must be waiting for me,when i get there i see everyone already practicing.

Coach:Your late and wheres bailer

Jungkook:Bailers not coming


Jungkook:Family emergency

Coach:Why are you late

Jungkook:Because i am

I walk away and start practicing as i plug in my headphones listening to music not caring if i get in trouble.When practice was finish coach dismissed everyone but me...

Coach:You need to get it together jungkook first you getting disqualified from matches from almost beating people to death and now coming in late one more thing and im sorry but imma have to drop you

Jungkook:Is that it?


I walk out really thinkng about coaches words even though i might seem like i dont care i really do because boxing is my life my parents used to tell me how when i was little i would always want to go to the gym with my dad and he would teach me stands etc. and my mom would watch.Boxing is the only thing that i have left of my parents everything else burnt in the house fire with them and they've always wanted me to go pro since a little boy.Im so close and i cant fuck it right now with my stupid anger issues,i need to control them but the only person who makes me calm is her Y/N.....


Alright kookies thats the end of this chapter hope yall enjoyed three chapters in one day i am on the roll this is gonna be the last post today and i might not post soon because of school but ill still try to write byeeeeee i love yallllll so muchhhhh

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