In Silence (Book 2) || Loki X...

By KatLovesFictionalMen

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This the the second book of the series. If you haven't read the first one....what are you still doing here?!?! More

Chapter 1: Who are you?
Chapter 2: Where are you going?
Chapter 3: I am back
Chapter 4: Memories and Visions
Chapter 5: The mission
Chapter 6: Sokovia
Chapter 7: Back in action
Chapter 8: Make a choice
Chapter 9: S.H.I.E.L.D
Chapter 10: The final part of the plan
Chapter 11: The new base
Chapter 13: Plan puppy
Chapter 14: And then you had a plan
Chapter 15: The new plan
Chapter 16: It's time
Chapter 17: And then the spell started
Chapter 18: An unexpected meetup
Chapter 19: A sudden turn of events
Chapter 20: Just you and me
Chapter 21: Back to the world of the living
Chapter 22: Please, wake up
Chapter 23: Almost
Chapter 24: Better than okay
Chapter 25: Keep them safe
Chapter 26: An interesting phone call
Chapter 27: I'm coming
Chapter 28: Because I changed
Chapter 29: The final exam
Chapter 30: We need to talk
Chapter 31: The end of and era
Chapter 32: A big decision
Chapter 33: This is not a goodbye
Author's Note

Chapter 12: Date night

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By KatLovesFictionalMen

Thank you so much guys for being understanding of the recent situation. I really didn't want to delete the book a re-publish it so I tried everything I could to fix the problem. Thankfully I managed to put everything back into place and now I AM BACK. And to thank you for being so patient I will reward you with not only one or two but THREE chapters!! I am so excited for you to read the rest of my story and hear what you think about it. Thank you again so much. I love you 3000💕💕



uddenly, while you and Loki were talking the twins stood up and Wanda walked slowly towards you. She had a look on her face that made it impossible for you to read her and you didn't know if you should be scared of her or not. Once she was a few feet away from you she stopped, stared at you for a couple of seconds and then with a quite move she pulled you into a tight hug.

"I never got the chance to thank you for what you did for my brother." She said as she pulled away.

"I just did what I had to do." You smiled at her.

"My sister is right. You did more than that. Thank you y/n." Pietro took a few steps forward and smiled at you.

"I told you, no one dies on my watch kid."

"Hey, we are the same age." Pietro said offended and Wanda chuckled.

"Really? Aren't you guys fifteen or something?"

"We are twenty." Wanda laughed.

You all then sat around and ended up talking for hours. As it turned out Pietro and Wanda had lost their parents on a very young age. Then, when they got older, they let Hydra experiment on them and soon they got their powers. Of course at the moment they thought they were changing the world.

You also learned that they had gotten their powers from the mind stone, the same gem that Vision had on his head. It was really weird how connected you felt to that thing. Maybe it was some sort of sign? Or maybe you were just being crazy.

"So what's your story y/n?" Pietro suddenly asked you.

"Well you already know most of it. As for the rest it's...quite complicated." You laughed awkwardly.

"I think we should go now." Loki said. "I am going to make you some of that tea to help contain Frey and we should really get to work." He stood up and so did you.

You agreed with Loki and followed him to the kitchen. Once your tea was ready you both headed to the library where, as it seemed you were about to spent the rest of your week.

When more than one week had passed since you had defeated Ultron and had moved to your new home, not many things had changed. You were all living together again like before only with some extra additions; Wanda and Pietro were now official members of the team and so was Vision who really needed to learn to knock on the door before entering a room. 

As for Bruce you later learned that he had been missing since the day the misdin had ended. Nat and Fury had been looking for him for weeks but no one had seen or heard from him. At the same time Steve and Nat had started the training of the so-called "new Avengers". That was a team consisted by the newest members of the team; Wanda, Pietro, Vision, War Machine and Falcon, who you really din't know that well but seemed to be quite nice.

Meanwhile you and Loki had managed to make very little to zero progress. You stayed inside that library for so long, reading every book there was. Loki had to travel to Asgard twice to fetch you new books which of course ended up saying the same things over and over again. After a while you could feel that your time was running out. No matter how much magic you used to keep her in, or how much of that hideous tea you drunk, Frey had started to wake up.

Having to face her again was obviously inevitable but you tried to delay it as much as possible. Of course you still had a little time left but you really didn't know exactly how much. You didn't want to let any negative thoughts get inside your head but slowly you had started to loose hope.

Loki on the other hand was determined to find an answer. He barely got any sleep anymore and every time one of his calculations turned out to be a dead end he would get furious.

You had really started to worry about him a lot and you were not the only one. Everyone on the team was now worried about Loki. He was so focused on saving you that he had completely forgotten about himself. You all feared that if you didn't act up soon the situation was going to get out of hand. The day that you discovered that Loki spent twenty four hours inside that library you decided that that was it. You needed to intervene.

The next day you got into the library and basically drugged Loki out of there. You then led him to the living room where all your family was. You sat him down on an armchair and besides all of his protests you made him listen to what you had to say.

"Okay now listen Reindeer Games, this has gone too far. You need to get out of that library and get some fresh air." Tony started.

"Mind you own business Stark." Loki said with a dark tone. "What is this?" He then turned to you.

"Brother please don't take it out on her. We are all worried about you." Thor stepped up.

"Loki believe it or not we care for your well-being." Steve continued.

"It is almost certain that if you continue like that you will end up damaging your health." Vision added.

"No one of you knows what you are talking about. I am trying to help y/n, and it seems as if I am the only one who is doing so."

"Loki we all know that you are the only one who can help me, now that both Frigga and Bruce are not around. But I am afraid this was too much pressure for you. You have neglected yourself completely."

Loki looked around with a desperate look on his face. He knew that what you were saying was true but he just couldn't bring himself to stop his research. He knew that the clock was ticking and that if a solution was not to be found things would get ugly.

"Look we don't have to stop our research. We just need to take a break." You smiled at him.

"Yes, just go out and have some fun tonight." Tony suggested.

"You guys seriously need it." Pietro added.

Loki finally agreed, probably so he wouldn't have to hear everyone's voices anymore. Once he went to his room to get ready Tony decided to lock the library for the next twenty four hours. He also put his new A.I, F.R.I.D.A.Y. to monitor the place, making sure that none of you was going to teleport in.

You thanked the team for their help and went straight to your room. You immediately got into the bathroom for a quick shower. You were so unbelievably excited for your night out. You really hadn't gone on a real date for more than three years. All this time in London dating just didn't feel right, and now you knew why.

Once you were done with your shower you got out and opened your closet. You were not really surprised to find a bunch of new clothes and shoes inside of it. Obviously Nat and Pepper had been doing some shopping. You first dried your hair using a little bit of magic and then went on to deciding what you were going to wear.

The choice was really not that simple; you had to find something nice but not too formal, and also something hot but not too much though. It had really started to feel like your first date ever at that point. Loki deserved a night out and so did you, so you had to make it as perfect as possible. And then you thought that if things got completely wrong, you may never have another date with him again.

You closed your eyes and took a few deep breaths as you felt a tangling feeling on your neck. This was not the time to think like that. This was the time to get ready and go out on a date with the man you loved.

You finally landed on a cute golden yellow, midi wrap dress that went down to your knees. The dress was quite simple but made you look gorgeous; it was tight on top while the skirt was loose and very light. You decided to finish the look with the silver necklace that Odin had given you and some nice silver heels. As for the hair, you found that straightening them would be the best choice, Loki had complimented you many times when you did so.

Once you were done with your make-up as well, you took your purse and got out into the living room where everyone was waiting. All of their faces lit up the moment that they saw you all dressed up. The truth was that from the day that you had arrived you had barely gotten any care of your self as well. You always walked around in the loosest and most comfortable clothes that you had while your hair was always in a messy bun. The team had probably started to worry about you as well.

"Now that's gorgeous." Nat smiled and came up to you to fix some details.

"Nat it's fine." You laughed.

"I know, but why not make it perfect?"

"She already is perfect." Tony looked at you with a proud look on his face.

"Okay that's enough people." You said.

"Though, they are right." You heard Loki's voice coming from behind.

You turned around, only to see the most beautiful man in the nine realms standing in front of you, starring at you with his gorgeous forest green eyes. He was wearing an all-black tight suit that looked excellent on him. He had also decided to put his hair in a small bun, which you adored.

"You look amazing my dear." Loki got closer and kissed your hand.

"Okay why don't you two get a room." Nat teased you and and blushed a little.

"No, they don't have time for that now." Tony interrupted you. "Happy is down waiting for them. You two lovebirds have reservation to the best restaurant in New York."

"Happy? Oh, no I am going nowhere with a car. I haven't been outside in more than a week, I am definitely walking." You said.

"Kid it's half an hour to the centre of the city on foot. You'll never make it on time." Tony objected.

"Then call them and tell them that we will go an hour late."

"More like two."

"I am sure you'll figure it out. You are a genius after all." You laughed and took Loki's hand, leading him outside.

Once you were finally outside of the building you could already feel relaxed. It was like the moment you stepped outside the front door a huge weight had been lifted off your shoulders. You kept holding Loki's hand while you were walking and he didn't seem to mind at all.

You both continued walking without saying any words. Between you and him it had always been like that; silence spoke better than words some times and it was enough. This was definitely the most safe you had felt in so many years. It was exactly like that beautiful dream you had two weeks ago, and only then had you realised that it was Loki the one you dreamed of.

You were now walking in the middle of an empty road, heading to the city. The new base Tony had chosen was just a little outside the city but you didn't mind at all. Only the fact that you were spending some peaceful moments with the man you loved was enough to you.

"I missed you so much." Loki suddenly broke the silence.

"I missed you too Loki." You smiled. "I know it seems ridiculous, given the fact that I didn't even know you existed but I really did miss you. During these three years I always felt like something was missing. That's why I never cared for any other man. I knew my prince was somewhere out there." You suddenly stopped and looked into Loki's eyes with a sweet smile on your face.

You then slowly let go of his hand and placed yours behind his head. You pulled him closer while he gently put his hand on your waist and looked deep into your eyes. Your lips touched and you experienced his sweet kiss again. The moment was so beautiful and you wanted to last for ever but sadly you soon had to go on with your walk.

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