Choose One

By LesbianKpop

657 48 0

Dami is a prince who lives in a castle. Her father wanted a boy but had two girls instead. The king hated the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Final Chapter

Chapter 5

87 7 0
By LesbianKpop

We arrived at this restaurant and it was beautiful. We couldn't sit inside the regular restaurant because others will notice us so we was brought to back. We all got our own table and order our drinks first. Siyeon and Sua stayed at our table for a bit.

Dami:How long have you two been together?

Gahyeon:A year actually.

Handong:Crazy right? She's just so beautiful I couldn't hold back.

Sua:They made out in front of me.

Siyeon(stares at Sua):Your honestly the most beautiful woman I ever met. (Looks down and sees she's hard but whispers) Damn it.

Sua:Why thank you Prince Siyeon. Your quite handsome yourself.

Gahyeon:So Dami you haven't found a wife yet?

Dami:No. The king only brings men for us.

Jiu:Well your not there anymore.

Dami:Where did you come from?

Jiu:I like surprising people. Yoohyeon and I will be a different table. After all this is our restaurant.

Yoohyeon:Ne! So enjoy. (Walks away)

Once the food arrived Siyeon and Sua went to a different table. As soon as they left we started to eat. I felt two pair of hands on my thighs which made me more confused. Handong and Gahyeon was holding hands but placed there hands on my print. I slightly jumped but immediately blushed. I felt there hands go down in my sweatpants which made me look at both of them.

Handong:You never had a girlfriend?

Dami:No princess we was forced to date men so I never really had a girlfriend.

Gahyeon:How about two girlfriends at once?

Handong:Double the fun right?

Dami:Double the fun? What is the meaning of this?

Gahyeon:How about we have a little fun? Should we take turns baby?

Handong:Ouuu double the trouble deal. You can go first since your the youngest.

Dami:Ladies please help me on what's going on.

Gahyeon:Just relax okay? Might want to leave the food alone.

I put my drink down and back away from my food a little. I looked down and Handong placed her lips against mine. I kisses her back and felt my member being pulled out from my boxers. I looked down and saw Gahyeon gently putting myself into her mouth. I gently leaned my geas back slightly feeling aroused from Gahyeon movement. Handong started to kiss my neck then they both switched places. Handong started to jerk me off and Gahyeon started to kiss me ams suck my on neck. I felt myself about to release and I did. I released myself into Handong mouth and Gahyeon mouth. I took a deep breath and looked at both of the girls. They leaned in and started to kiss me. I kissed them back wrapping my arms around them. They both let out a soft moan and I put my member away. I looked over at Siyeon who was looking at me smirking. Sua gently placed her hand on Siyeon face and made her look at her. Siyeon was staying at Sua while biting her bottom lip. They kissed and Sua faced turned red. I looked back at the girls and placed my hands on their necks and started to kiss them again.

Handong:As much as I'm enjoying this Prince, we must leave at once before father checks up in our room.

Dami:Aww cant you to stay a little longer?

Gahyeon:We would love to but you know you have a date with Handong tomorrow then with me the next day.

Dami:Can't you tag along?

Handong:She has duties tomorrow then when she's on the date with you I'll be in duty.

Dami:This is highly unfair.

Gahyeon:Yes it is but you how the rules go. You can only marry one person.

Dami:I won't able to choose.

Handong:We know thats why we are doing one on one dates so you can choose.

Dami:This doesn't make any sense because you two are together.

Gahyeon:Exactly which means if you choose one you'll still have both of us. We will have to sneak around though.

Dami:Well keys get you back.

Sua(Looks at Dami):Don't worry. It will be okay.

Siyeon:We will see you tomorrow okay?

Sua:I guess you forget Prince Lee. We stay in the same castle. So I'll see you tonight hm?

Siyeon:O-of course. (Holds stomach)

Dami:Brother are you well?

Siyeon:N-no my stomach hurts so bad its like something is kicking me.

Dami:Are you pregnant again? You kept disappearing in the middle of night. Is it him again?!?

Siyeon(Looks at Dami):Let's go.

Dami(pushes Siyeon):Answer me!

Siyeon:Alright yes its him okay? I don't know if I am pregnant Dami but I'm doing this so he doesn't hurt you. I let him do this to me so he will never touch you. Do you understand now?! If I stop he will come for you and I don't want that. (Holds stomach) I'm going to the medic back at the castle. (Leaves)

Dami:I'll see you ladies tomorrow. Sua I'll see you in the medic room (runs after Siyeon)






Siyeon was in the Medic room for awhile. I started to get more worried. My mother Lee Queen was with me holding my hand. The doctor came out and looked at me and mother.

Doctor:Prince. Queen. She's alright but she was pregnant again by the same man. We removed the baby but the baby is still alive and healthy. What would y-

Dami:Keep it.

Doctor:This is strange Prince Dami. They baby came out like a normal pregnancy like she's been pregnant for 9 months but its only been 3 weeks. Don't you find that little strange? She still have abusive marks. Would you like to see her son?

Queen:Please. I want too see her as well.

Doctor:Of course.

We walked inside to see Siyeon and her son fast asleep. My mother kissed both of there heads in mine. She went and held Siyeon hand and I held the other feeling guilty.

Dami:Can i be alone please?

Queen:Of course I'll be right outside the door.

Doctor:Of course (leaves with the queen)

Dami(looks at Siyeon):This is my fault the reason your going through this pain. Don't worry. I'll make him pay and make him feel your pain. This time I'm watching you. He will suffer Siyeon. I'll make sure of that.

I let go of my brother hand and kissed his head and his son head. I walked out and walked passed my mother and the doctor with my fist.

Dami(Stares at Mr.Park):I challenge you into a duel. Until death.

Park King:We have a deal. Until death. (Draws sword)

Dami(pulls out his brother sword):You will die.

Park King:Like you can defeat me.

Dami:Theres things that you dont know. (Smirks)

Park King:Whats that?

Dami(stares at him):Your already dead. (Puts sword back)

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