my heaven: a naruto fantasy:...

By elven_oracle

696 61 7

welcome, to the third book to the "my heaven: a Naruto fantasy" series. *bows* anyways, kabuto has kidnapped... More

chapter 1 kidnapped
chapter 2 annoyingness
chapter 3 dreadful return
chapter 4 fire temple
chapter 5 the bearer of bad news
chapter 7 sasukes point of veiw
chapter 8 my dream
chapter 9 that week.....
chapter 10 torture
chapter 11 control issues and sorrow
chapter 12
chapter 13 the den
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26

chapter 17

21 3 0
By elven_oracle

No ones pov

It had been 3 days since kabuto and elizabeth woke up horrified and nothing had happened between them. This being a good thing they set out to look for information about the mark on their skin.

"Nothing. God fucking damn it!" Elizabeth said slamming a book shut.

"Still have the same temper I see." Kabuto joked.

Kay that's getting hard to type back to me.

I became furious until a wonderous idea struck me, "the library!"

"Yes, this is the library of the town we're at." Kabuto stated.

"Not here dumbass!" I scolded. "At the town we first crossed paths while I was with sasuke. Its massive and just might have the information we're looking for." I said smacking the back of his head.

"I wouldn't mind killing you." Kabuto threatened putting his hand at the back of his head. "That hurt you know."

"The .medical ninja is complaining about a little bump on his head when he survived resengan without many scratches and no bleeding." I said. "This world is ending!"

"Keep quiet you two!!" The librarian scolded at us.

"Sorry, we were leaving anyway." I said to her.

Kabuto and I then left the village we were at and headed in the direction of the village the massive library was at.

"Should take us about 5 days travel." I informed. "Maybe 4 if the weather holds up."

Kabuto laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked him.

"It feels like old times when on a mission for lord oruchimaru. Just found it funny is all." He replied fixing his glasses.

"I guess this would remind ones like us of such occasions." I said to him. "But that's in the past. We need to move fast before this guys manipulates us again."

"Right." Kabuto said in understanding of the situation.

A few hours later we reached remains of a stone house. "Wait!"

"What's wrong?" Kabuto asked.

Over to kabuto now because he has a few thoughts.

"Nothing is wrong. We need to head to the leaf village." Elizabeth said facing kabuto.


"I need to explain the situation to sasuke. And I need to get alvrea. She can help us." Elizabeth moved the bangs covering the right side of her face behind her ear. Revealing remains of a red mark.

"What's this?" Kabuto asked her. He came closer and pointed out the mark. "Did someone hit you?"

"Its nothing kabuto. I tripped a week ago." Elizabeth said turning away. She was lying.

"I know when your lying elizabeth. Who hit you?"

"No one hit me."

"It was sasuke wasn't it." Kabuto said. Not letting her reply he turned her around and held his grip. "He's the one who hit you."

"Just drop it kabuto why should you care?"

Kabuto held up Elizabeth's wrist showing the seal mark, "he hit you because he saw you being manipulated, and you let him. I know you could've blocked it. I know you wouldn't allow anyone to hit you like that." He said sternly. "I know you too well."

"Kabuto, he doesn't know. That's why I need to go to him. To explain what's happened." Elizabeth said.

"Then what? What do you suppose he'll do."

"I don't know. But I do know your coming with me."

"I cannot believe you dragged me here." Kabuto said walking into the village gates. "Last time I was here it was the damn chunine exams."

"Too bad. I'll lead you to my place where sasuke most likely is. If not I alone will head to his house." Elizabeth instructed.

"Elizabeth!!" Cried a vaguely familiar voice. Next thing kabuto saw was a blonde weirdo tackling elizabeth in a giant hug.

"Naruto get off me!" Elizabeth said hauling the boy off her.

Back to me.

Why am I always tackled by this kid? I thought as I held naruto back from attacking kabuto. "What're you doing here!!" The blonde demanded.

"Calm the fuck down naruto. He's with me." I said.

Naruto stepped back. "What?!"

"I'll explain it later for now though we need to get to my place." I told him.

"Gah! Fine." Naruto growled. He crossed his arms and we three walked to my house to see sasuke talking to my mom, zethira, and alvrea.

"Sasuke do not attack him!" I told him sternly as we entered the living room. "I can explain everything."

Sasuke looked so angry I thought he might just storm out but held his temper.

"First off, mom, zethira, alvrea, this is kabuto. Kabuto that's zethira, my mother dawn, and alvrea." I pointed to everyone. They all waved.

"Sup." Zethira said angrily.

"Greetings." Alvrea said to kabuto politely.

"Um, hi." My mom said shocked.

"Sasuke, I need to speak with you and kabuto alone." I said to them. The three of us walked over to the kitchen, joined by alvrea.

"What's he doing here." Sasuke asked angrily.

"Look sasuke the reason kabuto and I were making out that day was because we both were being manipulated." Kabuto and I showed our matching marks. "We don't know anything yet but that's what caused our actions. We weren't controlling ourselves and couldn't do anything to stop it."

I expected sasuke to calm down but he did the exact opposite. He came up to kabuto and pushed him almost knocking the medical ninja over. Kabuto and sasuke were about to slit each others throats if I hadn't stopped them.

"Stop it both of you!" I snapped as I came between them, my palms at their chests to stop them from lunging at each other. "Act your age!"

"He hit you and your taking his side?" Kabuto asked me questioningly.

"Your the one who fucking kissed her in the first place!" Sasuke snapped.

"I was being manipulated by someone completely different from me!" Kabuto retorted showing the mark on his hand. "I wouldn't make out with elizabeth if I had a blade to my throat!"

Yeah you would, you'd just take something to forget it afterwards. I corrected.

"What about at the hidden sand when you kidnapped her? I could easily kill you for that!" Sasuke shouted.

"I've gotten the information I wanted. That was a one time thing!" Kabuto said to him.

"What's all the comotion about?" My mom asked walking in.

"Time you knew I guess." I sighed. Naruto and zethira came running up behind her. "Zethira could you go explain what happened between us three to my mom. A bit busy myself at the moment."

"Sure." Zethira said nodding. She backed away with mom. A look of concern on her face.

"Naruto stay with us if I need back up. Alvrea you too." I said to them.

"Yes elizabeth." Alvrea said.

"Right." Naruto said.

Kabuto then turned and came and embedded a kunai into sasukes arm. Alvrea was quicker than me and with a frightening growl threw kabuto into a wall and pinned him to the floor. Naruto and I held sasuke as he screeched in anger and pain.

"You idiot what the hell were you thinking!!" I yelled as I tried treating sasukes wound. "Hold still sasuke I need to stop the bleeding!"

Sasuke struggled as I messily pulled out the kunai. I threw it to a wall and began healing his wound, leaving a large scratch but stopping the bleeding.

"Sasuke you need to calm down!" Naruto tried as even he had struggle holding him.

"I'm going to kill you." Sasuke said angrily.

"Sasuke!" I screamed sternly as I kicked him in the face. "God damn it pull your self together!"

"What'd you do that for?" Naruto asked scared.

"He was being an asshole so I kicked some sense into him." I said to him as sasuke turned calm again. "Naruto go bring him to another room."

"Right." Naruto said as he got sasuke to the spare room we called zethiras.

"What the fuck kabuto!" I said hauling him to the wall and holding a kunai to his neck. "I get you don't like him for hitting me but you can't just go and stab him!"

"I was being manipulated again! I could tell because though I wanted to I wouldn't have stabbed sasuke!" Kabuto said. "I know better than to get myself killed for such a stupid act!"

Alvrea snarled, I had just realized how scary she could be. "Your a fool to do such a thing kabuto!" She growled.

"I was being manipulated!" He said again as zethira and mom ran in, I was utterly stunned to see tsunade was with them.

"L..lady tsunade!!" I stammered. I pulled away from kabuto "what're you doing here?"

"Zethira came as quick as she could and told me something went wrong." She explained. "I'd like to know why you've brought him into the village."

I then explained why I brought kabuto to the village and about the manipulation mark. Tsunade examained our marks and looked stunned as well as confused.

"I've seen this very same mark only one other time." The hokage said. "I don't remember what it was but I do know its bad news for those who bare it."

"What happens?!" I asked urgently.

"In the case I saw the barer died but she wasn't a ninja and was weak. The case could be very different for you two." She replied.

"Or very much the same." I said for her. "How long might we have?"

"I'm not sure. But when the areas around these marks begin to turn blue or green your in danger." Tsunade said. "It means a deadly poison has gone into your system even I couldn't find an antidote for."

"How long might we have while it spreads?" I asked in a serious and not worried tone.

"A month if your lucky. Right now I'd say you've got about 3 before it starts." Tsunade said.

"Then we can't waste a second. Kabuto, alvrea and I must leave immediately." I said to her. "I have a feeling the rider might have something to do with this. And he will not be easy to find."

"I've sent two undercover anbu squads to look for anyone with the description you've given me. If anything comes up I'll send sasuke out immediately." Tsunade informed. I nodded.

"I'll explain this to my mom and zethira." I said to the hokage. Tsunade nodded and left. "Kabuto you go outside and alvrea, make sure he doesn't do anything suspicious."

"Yes elizabeth." Alvreas deep and solemn tone said. After I knew they left zethira and my mom walked into the kitchen.

"Where is that sasuke?! I'm going to murder him!" My mom said angrily.

"Don't. Mom I deserved but that isn't even the leased of my worries." I said in a sad and serious tone and voice.

"I know that look." Zethira said so my mom would stay quiet.

"Mom, zethira, this mark." I showed them the seal mark on my arm, "has a deadly poison that might effect my bloodstream in a few months. And according to lady tsunade it has no cure."

"What are you saying?" Mom said as zethira backed away in tears.

"Mom, I'm most likely going to die in about 4 months." I told her as a few of my own tears left my eyes. I looked away as not to show my sorrow. Mom said nothing as she was begining to become filled with pain, sadness, and worry for me. I walked away to zethiras room to see sasuke sitting beside naruto.

"I'll leave you two alone." Naruto said.

"Thank you naruto." I said to him as he walked past me. I went up to sasuke and sat beside him. "Sasuke........."

"What?" He asked.

"Sasuke, lady tsunade.........said that this mark, has a poison in it that.......that when it hits my bloodstream and spreads. I'll most likely be dead within a month. And have only about 3 months till it might begin to spread." I explained sobbing between some words.

Sasuke jerked his head up at the news, I didn't look at him. Tears ran down my face as I felt his arm wrap around me. I stood up silently and walked to the wall at the opposite side of the room. "Sasuke I'm so sorry........for everything......." I said as I leaned against the wall while more tears poured from my eyes.

Sasuke walked up to me, wrapping his arms around me he held me close and tight. "I'm the one who should be sorry. You deserve more than me. You always did." He whispered into my ear.

"Sasuke that isn't true. I love you, and I wouldn't trade you for anything that might be better. Sasuke I couldn't live without you." I said to him. My tears ran down my cheeks onto sasukes back, I wasn't sure how but I knew sasuke was crying as well. He wasn't one who cried easily, but he had just found out his lover was most likely going to die. Soon. No one in any world would be able to blame him.

"I'm sorry, I need to leave now." I said to sasuke. "I need to go with kabuto and alvrea to find this rider, alvrea will make sure kabuto and I don't do anything."

"I'm not leaving you. I'm going with you."

"Sasuke I wish you could but you can't. 3 is easier and faster travel as well as easier to handle. Besides it would pain me too much." I broke the embrace and took a step back. "And if this person knows I'm with you then he might try to manipulate me to kill you. I couldn't do that."

Sasuke looked surprised, then he pulled me close and our lips met and we kissed passionately, I ran my fingers through his hair as he ran his through mine. Soon I dropped my hands and pulled away. My arm sliding off from sasukes grasp as I headed for the back door. Good bye sasuke...

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