The Sister (Harry Potter/Geor...

By StylesImagines444

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Angelica Lily Riddle is the secret Daughter of Lily Potter and Tom Riddle (Voldemort). She was sent to Azkaba... More



26 1 0
By StylesImagines444

The Sister Part LI

Angel's Point Of View:

One Month Later:

Angel's Outfit Below:

I hand Fred the box full of Skiving Snack Boxes after he hands me the accounts for the month.

The sound of rushed footsteps bang down the stairs to the flat before a dishevelled George appears.

"Why didn't you wake me?"

He asks, running his hand through his hair as he tries to find the mailing list for the day.

"Hey, relax. The mailing list is done for today. It's already on it's way. I figured you could use the extra sleep after the night we had."

I smirk and George chuckles before wrapping his arms around me with a grin.

"You didn't need the extra sleep."

He points out and I shrug, trying to look nonchalant.

"Being a Wolf and a Goddess will do that to you. Now, I need to get started on these accounts before you get arrested for tax fraud. But, I'm visiting James soon. I'm sure Fred and Angelina can handle things if you wanna come?"

I ask and George nods, leaning down to kiss me.


He says and with a smile, I make my way into the office to start on the accounts.

So much has happened over the last month. Firstly, the rehab has been temporarily shut down due to the massive crime scene.

Secondly, instead of moving in with the Malfoy's, my Dad is staying with Annette.

I did place a protection spell on him, and, her house as I said I would. He seems really happy.

Thirdly, George and I decided that we will be getting married in five months time. It gives us enough time to plan everything.

Lastly, Luna and Nevile got married in Scotland with just his parents and her Father.

Life is getting more insane and calmer at the same time.

⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡

Baby James seemed very content in my arms as he suckled on his dummy while playing with his fingers in amazement.

"How's your Dad doing?"

Ginny asks, halting the conversation between Harry and George.

"Yeah, he seems really happy living with Annette. It makes me happy to see that. Although, he wants a job, but, who's gonna hire him?"

I ask sadly and Harry frowns, moving to take a seat on the other side of me.

"Actually, Hermione might. All she talked about was how good he was with calming the more angrier patients. Speak to her."

He explains and I nod with a smile. Turning to George, I hand him James for his cuddles.

"So, five months? Have you gotten much done?"

Ginny asks and I shrug with a small smile on my face.

"I've asked Luna to make my dress. I'm thinking that the reception can be at the store. I need to speak with your parents about having the ceremony at The Burrow."

I say, immediately catching Ginny and Harry's attention.

"The Burrow? That's a nice move."

Harry says and I smile and clear my throat, eyeing Harry.

"Do you think that you could officiate? I understand completely if you don't want to."

I say and his eyes widen as he glances at Ginny then George.

"Really? Me?"

He asks in disbelief and I nod, frowning at him.

"I'd love to."

He says and I nod with a smile before turning to Ginny.

"Would you be one of my Maid Of Honours?"

I ask her and her face rises to her chest and she sends me a huge smile.

"Of course I will."

She says and I nod with a smile, making a mental note to speak with Hermione.

"Who's gonna walk you down the aisle?"

She asks and I freeze. I know who I want, but, I don't want any backlash. I feel George touch my knee and I turn to look at him.

"Ask him. Screw what everyone else thinks. This is our day. If they can't accept that, then they can stay away."

He tells me and I smile at him and lean forward to kiss him.

James begins to fuss and Ginny stands and takes him from George with a smile before leaving the room to feed him.

"If I were to ask my Father to walk me down the aisle, how would you feel about that?"

I ask Harry and he sighs, taking my hands in his before sending me a smile.

"I've heard not one negative comment from Hermione or anyone else since he came back. He's changed. It would be weird not to have him there."

He says and I smile wide and wrap my arms around his neck in a hug.

"Thank you."

I whisper into his ear and he nods against my shoulder.

⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡

I had stopped by Hermione's office while George went back to the store.

I had asked her to be my other Maid Of Honour. She happily agreed.

Next, I went to visit Delphini at Bill and Fleur's house, where I asked her to be a Bridesmaid. She was taken aback, but, happily accepted.

I also asked Fleur to be a Bridesmaid. She agreed after a few seconds of shock.

Lastly, I stopped at Luna and Nevile's house, where I asked her to be a Bridesmaid, too. She gracefully accepted.

When I arrived back at the store, Angelina was just leaving.

I asked her to be my last Bridesmaid. She was rather taken aback, but, she agreed with a hug before leaving.

Apparently, George had already asked Fred to be his Best Man.

I will ask my Father to walk me down the aisle... Just not yet.

⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡

One Month Later:

Angel's Point Of View:

Angel's Outfit Below:

The following month went past in a blur, nothing interesting happening.

Well, I did change my hair. I got a fringe and the bottom dyed orange in honor of George.

He hated his hair colour for so long that I thought I would do something to show him that he doesn't need to hate any part of himself.

Baby James is growing more and more everyday.

Victorie is learning new things too, which makes her parents happy.

Delphini moved out of Bill and Fluer's house. She loves her independence.

My Dad is doing so well with Annette. I never thought I'd ever see the day that my Dad got into a relationship.

Currently, myself, George, Fred, Angelina, Harry, Ginny, baby James, Ron, Hermione, Bill, Fleur, Victorie, Delphini, Luna, Nevile, my Dad and Annette were at The Burrow for a late engagement party for George and I.

Yes, that's right. My Dad is here too, by invitation from Molly, Arthur and Harry. It surprised me too.

He even made everyone laugh. Ginny didn't trust him around James yet, which I understand.

Baby steps.

But, he and Victorie were happily playing peak-a-boo.

I know... The former Lord Voldemort playing friendly games with a child.

Suddenly, the door slams open as Rafiele stumbles in carrying a bloody Landon, a few pack members enter after him.

The smile is wiped from my mouth as I shoot up and rush to attend to my Omega.

"What happened?!"

I exclaim and Rafiele sends me a look before he answers.

"Vampires. They attacked the Pack House. We lost two more members. The venom killed one and began to turn another before he died. Landon got scraped."

He explains as Bill and Delphini enter my line of sight.

"Get him on the table. I may be able to stop the venom spreading."

I say. Ginny and Fleur take the children from the room as Hermione uses her wand to clear the table.

Rafiele and Bill lay Landon down as he begins to thrash around, the venom fighting his Werewolf side.

"Hold him down! I need to stop him from shifting. Delphi? Hand me that letter opener. Raf? I need one of the syringes."

I say and within seconds, I had both items in my hand.

Using the letter opener, I pierce a small hole into my wrist and aim it over the syringe.

Once it had been filled, I drop the letter opener and hover the syringe over Landon's neck before thrusting it downwards, into his neck.

His yellow eyes fade back to brown and his fangs disappear.

I sigh in relief when he falls unconscious. The Wolves loosen their grips on him.

"I've done all I can for him. If the venom overpowers my blood in his system, he'll die. What the hell were Vampires doing there in the first place?!"

I demand and Raf sighs as Hermione and Harry approach us.

"They stormed the place. Demanded to see 'The Hybrid'. When we didn't deliver, they attacked."

He says and Hermione speaks up before anybody else could.

"Hybrid? What Hybrid?"

She asks and Raf, Bill and Delphini exchange glances before I speak up.


⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡

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