A Hop and A Skip: The Man Aga...

由 HappyFics97

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Its a fine day when Hop discivers the champion's real indentity! WTF! Then the gym challenge is cancel and a... 更多

Chapter 1: Something's up with Leon!
Chapter 2: Leon's epicest battle!
Chapter 3: Hop and Tom get good!
Chapter 4: An ambush happens! Scary
Chapter 5: A new Dynamax??!???
Chapter 6: Skip goes on a hiest!
Chapter 7: Someone almost dies?!
Chapter 8: Skip does another epic battle!
Chapter 9: War is happening and also sex!
Chapter 10: Suspicious stuffs going on?!
Chapter 10.5: So this is still Chaoter 10 but I split it cause its too long lol
Chapter 11: Skip is eternal!
Chapter 12: Skip goes to the Isle of Armor! And a train fight happens!
Chapter 13: Skip meets the master!
Chapter 14: Justice on the Isle of Armor! Part 1!
Chapter 15: Justice on the Isle of Armor! Part 2!
Chapter 16: Skip relaxes a bit
Chapter 17: More suspicious stuff?! OMG
Chapter 18: A Hop and a Skip...and a Leap?!

Chapter 19: Finding Raihan!

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由 HappyFics97

The peeps on the heli gasped and everyone was shock that the screaming jacket guy knew about Raihan cause there were no TVs in the tundra so nobody would know about him there!

"Hold on!" said Skip doing a front flip out of the heli just cause he could. "Riddle me this, red jacket chum! The Internet here is so bad I can't play my Candy Crush so how would you know about Raihan!".

The jacket guy was shock at the question and went "...Easy! Let me explain things!"

The jacket guy took them all in his house which was a tiny house with kitchen and a bed and table and there were also a Christmas tree in the corner! He then cleared his throat and Skip kindly gave him a water to drink and he drank it.

"Okay!" he yelled. "So I saw a dude one day and he had a kiddie dragon hoodie so I know is him!"

"That makes sense!" went Milo. "But then how do you know where the blimey lad is now!" he asked, getting an eggnog with a mistletoe from the frige and drinking it with Irish creams.

"Oh" the jacket guy ohed. "About that thing! When I met the dude he was asking me for direction to...dun dun dun, the ice temple! And then I guess no one saw him since lol I hope hes having fun there but I can take you guy there in case something happened!l"

"Sweet" Tom muttered, reloading his bomb bullets and still bummed about causing the avalanche but a sip of eggnog from Milo perked him back up and he smiled.

Leap looked down at himself and realised he was naked as he had just been born and went "Lol I have no cloths! Who has spare ones?".

So the jacket guy reached into his closet with red jackets that are all the same and he gave one to Leap to change outside and when he come back he was wearing it and used his gold powers to make glittery gold glasses to wear so people can tell beween him and Skip since he's a clone.

"Alright, NOW we can do this!" Leap roared and boomed his way out of the houseand everyone else followed!

Meanwhile, outside!

In the fields there was a farner tending to some crops. And then he died! Bede shut off his Heartmax band as he went to and looked at what the dude was growing before he did.

"Hmm..." Bede hmmed, "What in the dammery is this! I cant find those special carrots like in the books!".

Sudanly, he felt someone near and he turned to see...the mystery man in white! He scared Bede so Bede was about to Heartmax him too. But then the mystery guy took out some mystery seeds from his mystery place!

Bede clamed down and didn't and he asked "And who in the name of the sods are you!!".

The mystery guy said "These are the seeds to the carrots you want! But you need to do something for it that involve a lot of death and evil!"

The mystery guy put out a mystery hand for a shake, and Bede thought for a bit then shook it and went "My oh my, I love a little bit of death in my life!" .

He got the mystery seeds and the mystery guy started to whisper with mystery to him what he needs to do! Sounds like something very mysterious is about to happen I think!

Back in the village, the jacket guy started to lead everyone to the temple! It was a very snowy out so everyone had to wear safety goggles and umbrellas and snow shovels to get all the snow out of their way and a compass to know where they were going as there were no Internet so GPSes didn't work.

Skip was enjoying a nice hot soup on the way there and polar bears got int he way to steal it but he punched them all in the face until they ran back to their bear mommies! They went into a cave where a bunch of bats were scratching and he was annoyed so he boomed the walls until the ceiling crahsed on all the bats and they walked on the fallen ceiling, free of bats.

Then Hop saw a small white green figure with a big head peeking at him from the bush and Hop went "OMG is that the Tooth Fairy?! HEY HOW COME YOU FORGOT TO PAYME FOR MY LAST TOOTH".

The jacket guy saw the green thing too and it made him all possessed and stuff you DLC guys know what's up and if you don't, go look it up it's really funny!

The green thing spoke through him "I'm not a gosh darn blooding tooth fairy! I'm the king of this blasted tundra! I see you guys where looking for the temple so I followed you here, duh!".

"Hah, you're quite short and cute too for a king!" Kanu smirked as he tried to pinch the king's chheks but got slapped away.

"Whats your name, little chum?" Skip politely asked as he was a respectful person and always respected his presidents and kings, even the little ones.

"I am...CAYLREX!" the possessed jacket guy boomed.

D.Mon was all smoked out as he was smoking again and went "My man, can you sleep on him for me tonight so I can know what that soft pillow head feels like? I've got a headache from listening to your pals babble about crap all day and that squishy plushy head of his...ahhhhhhhhhh!".

"Wha- no, my inner chum, I must respect the king!" Skip thought back and sighed "Okay maybe I'll consider since I'm curious too lmao!". Daemon chucked and popped some fancy grapes in his mouth and started to wait patiently for that time.

"So" Calyrex continued, "You're here to rescue this friend of yours right? I think he's called...Raihan?".

"Yes! How do you know about hi too?!" Skip asked, exasperated.

"I saw a guy in a kiddie dragon hoodie go up this path too and so I know, that's him!" calyrex expalned.

"How observant!" he said.

As all that was haopen, Leap got on the floor and got out his machin cause he was a hacker dude. He picked up a weird signal nearby so that's why. He wipped his glasses and typed some stuff on Codemonkey and founded a signal of a mystery dude going around doing things. But all his typing and hacking was noisy and woke up the jacket guy from Caylrex!

"Ahhh! Oh mama...the pills are really doing things to me today lol!" he mumbled and Calyrex sighed Scottishly and pointed with his stick arms to the temple as the jacket guy forgot what he was doing and they continued.

Meanwhile, when this was going on and they left, someone jumped from a nearby palm tree, and that someone was Bede! He was in a body suit like the Zero Suit from Samus but black to be sneaky. And then, he went to where the others weee and took Hop! Hop was all scarred and worried at first but then he saw his boyfriend's face and his bad feelings stopped.

"Muffin boy!" Bede said happy and they hugged because they have no seen each other for a few days!

"But what are yo udoing my love?" Hop asked. Bede waved around the seeds he got and said "I've finnaly gotten you your Christmas gift!"

Hop went "WOW!" because that was the seeds that he had read about in a book about them when the LoL servers were down.

"However" Bede sighed. "I've got them by promising a mystery white dude that I would have to stop these guys from going up because he has some mystery stuff to do there"

"Sounds very mystery-like to me!" Hop yelped.

"Yeah I wonder what he's up t-OH SHITES!" Bede screamed as one of the seeds dropped from his hands and onto the soil and grew into a carrot!

They heard a bunch of rumbling and sound and a snow pile on a tree branch smacked them as a giant ice horse ran up to them like in the games lol! The snow hid them and Hop ate the carrot for the scent to go away so the horse left.

"Sigh!" they both sighed and went back to wondering what to do. Then they wondered up an idea!

Hop went back to Skip and put his knee on the ground and was all "OWWWWWW I THINK IM GONNA DEAD HELP"

But Skip just used potion on him and lolled "I got you my chum! Lol".

"Dam!" Hop cused and he ran out of ideas after that.

"AHA!" went Bede, doing an evil grin evilly with his hands in an evil position.

"I have a brillant paln!". And he told Hop it and he was all "OMGGGGGGGG" because it was that good!

In a few moments, our main dudes have almost reached the summit! When suddenly...Hop looked down and got some massage on his phone!

"OMG!" Hop squeaked like a mouse trying to say ONG. "I just got a Kik that says a DUDE is challenging Skip for the title of most awesome dude in the world!"

Skip's neck turned like an owl and it cracked with anger as he went "A dude said WHAT?" and then he was rushing like a crazy rusher back to the village where all the villagers were going all Wow and Omg at a flashy white hair dude performing in front of them by pulling crocodiles out of hats with an English suit and cape who was really Bede but they couldn't tell because he was wearing an old timy mask to cover himself!

The flashy dud eflipped his cape like a superhero except he was an EVIL superhero and he lmaoed "Come and have a gender over here, Skipperson! Your title for most awesome bloke in the world shell be challenged by me...BEETS THE BOUNTIFUL!"


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