By sa_qee

30.8K 645 129

{Completed} ✅ Do Y/N, a kind girl who is working for Choi Mujin, her parent left her and her twin brother sin... More



2.3K 66 6
By sa_qee

Next day at night:

We got our cars and men ready. The boss got out and entered the car. We all got inside and start driving toward the north port.

We arrive at the port and get in boats. I stood next to the boss and taeju and we start heading toward the north port. We spread the men everywhere on the ship and then got inside the ship and went down where they do the drugs. We watch how they do the drugs.

"now, we won't be short on our supply" taeju said walking to the boss.

"seems Mr. Bae was smart" the boss said taking a small bottle looking at it.

"Yamamoto's goods are ready" the boss said putting the bottle down.

"Choi Mujin, put your hands up!" someone shouted.

I turned and saw a guy aiming his gun on us. Then I noticed the police logo on his jacket.

"sir, it's the police" I whisper.

"put your gun down!" taeju said.

"NO, STOP!" the police guy said.

"Choi Mujin, you are under arrest for manufacture of illegal drugs" he said but the boss ignored him and walked.

"don't, Jung taeju!" he shouted.

We heard a gunshot that made the electricity went down. We pulled the boss down protecting him.

taeju pushed the drugs on the fire making a big fire happened.

I pulled the boss in front of me making him walk faster. The boss falls a bottle making more fire.

I looked at the other they were all in fire, but I noticed Jiwoo was there looking at the boss. Taeju pushed us out of the place.

As soon as we were out a loud explosion happened. I walked but a glass got in my right leg. I groan and fall.

"are you okay?" taeju said and was about to come to me.

"go, I'll catch up with you, go now" I shouted at him. he nodded and ran with the boss.

I sat up and bought my leg closer to me. I saw the glass and it was deep inside. I took a deep breath and took it out. I screamed in pain. I breathed heavily.

I ripped my jacket sleeve and wrapped it around the wound. I stood up and limped following the way that taeju and the boss went from. I got out of a door and jumped in the water. I start swimming toward the port although my leg hurts but I kept swimming.

I arrived. I saw an old man.

"sir, please help me" I called him.

he rushed to me and helped me out of the water.

"here, take my jacket, or else you will get cold" he said giving me his jacket and put the hat on my head.

"come with me to my boat" he said pulling me with him.

I got me inside his boat, and he gave me a towel and some clothes.

"your leg looks pretty bad, were you in that explosion?" he asked me. I looked at him and nodded.

"okay, change your clothes, I'll bring my wife, she's a nurse, she can help you" he said.

"sir, what if the police came?" I asked him.

"don't worry, my house is close from here, I won't be late, I promise, and for keeping you safe, here this is the key for the room, close the door until I come" he said and giving me the key and walked away. I went and locked the door.

I took the clothes and change into them, it was a green shirt and a black sport pants. I sat on bed and waited for the old man to come.

I heard a knock. I took my knife and limped to the door. I looked throw the window and saw it was the old man with his wife. I hide my knife and unlock the door for them.

"come sit down dear" the woman said helping my lay on the bed.

"where is your wound?" she asked.

"my right leg" I said to her. She pulled the pant up.

"okay dear, I'll clean it for you then stitch it, it's a deep wound so you need to bear with me, okay?" I nodded.

she started cleaning the wound and it stings.

"okay, take this honey and put it in your mouth" she said giving me a piece of clothes. I took it and put it in my mouth.

"honey, you need to hold her, she cannot move" she said to the old man.

He hold me from my shoulders. I bite on the cloth as I screamed in pain and my face became red. I pass out from the pain.

Next day

I woke up at the sound of the birds. I sat up rubbing my eyes and then remembered what happened yesterday. I looked at my wound it was clean and covered. I sigh and stand up.

I saw a woman slipper and wore it then I limped to the door. I opened it and met with a strong bright light. I covered my eye until it adjust to the light then limped out of the room.

"haha, good morning, you are awake" I heard the old man said. He got on the boat and walked to me.

"are you alright? Does your wound hurt you?" he said looking at me.

"no, my leg is good" I said smiling to him.

"to make sure it's okay, let my wife check it" he said helping me out off the boat.

We walked to the old man's home where it was at in front the beach. We got inside.

"honey, she's awake" the old man shouted. I looked around the house, it was a comfortable and warm house.

"sit there" the old man said pointing at a sofa. I walked to the sofa and sat on it.

"good morning sweaty" the old man's wife came.

"good morning" I said smiling.

"here, I made this for you" she said handing me a mug of tea.

"thank you" I said taking a sip from it.

"so, honey, what's your name" she asked.

"mina, my name is mina" I said.

"mina, what a pretty name of yours" she said smiling.

"thanks" I said.

"so, do you work or something?" she asked. "

I'd rather not to talk about that subject" I said looking at him.

"okay, not a problem, I won't get in something not my business" she said.

"by the way, my name is Kim taeyon, but since I'm married, they call me Jung taeyon" she said.

"nice to know you ma'am" I said.

"yesterday, a girl with a short hair came here, and she asked if we saw you or not, but when I saw the police logo on her clothes, I said no to her" she said. I sigh in relieve.

"thank you so much ma'am, I really appreciated for not telling anyone" I said bowing to her.

"it's okay honey, but why are the police looking for you?" she asked.

"it's kind of a long story" I said looking down.

"you want to talk about it?" she asked. I shook my head no. she nodded.

"okay then, let me check on your wound" she said bringing the table closer to me and made me put it on it.

She pulled up the pants. She stand up and went away. I waited for her.

She came back with a plaster and an ointment. She removed the plaster revealing the stitched wound. She opened the ointment and put on it on the wound she then put the new plaster on.

"you should not put a lot of pressure on your leg" she said and sat on the sofa.

"thank you, I really appreciated your help" I said bowing to her. I put the mug down.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I need to go, I guess my work partners are worried about me" I said standing up.

"but you're not healed yet" she said in a worry tone.

"it's okay, in my work we have a doctor, I'll make him check on me" I said smiling to her.

"okay as you wish, how about I let my husband drive you there?" she offered to me.

"no, it's okay, but I need a hat, a jacket and a face mask if you have, I don't want the police to catch me on my way" I said to her.

"okay, just give me one second, I'll bring them to you" she said and went inside one of the rooms.

A few minutes later, she came out with them and give it to me.

"thank you ma'am" I said as I start wearing them.

"here is your clothes that you were wearing them yesterday, I cleaned them, and I designed the jacket since the arm sleeve was ripped" she said giving me a bag. I took it from her and bowed.

"thank you ma'am, I'll visit you later when I'm fully healed" I said to her. She nodded.

I got out of the house. I start walking to the main road. I turned and waved for here. I stopped a car and got inside it.

"sir, can you stop me at the BOW restaurant?" I asked him.

"yeah sure, I'm heading there anyways" he said as he start driving.

After 30 minutes, "young lady, we arrived" the driver said.

"thank you sir" I said. I got up and went to him.

"here sir, this is some money for the transport" I said giving him money. He took it. I bowed and walked away.

I stood in front of the hotel after 15 minutes limping.

"Y/N, you are finally back" the guards said walking to me. I smiled to them.

"Thanks for worrying, is the boss inside?" I asked looking at one of the two.

"Yes, he's inside his office" they said. I nodded.

"Okay guys I'll catch up with you later, I'll go to the boss now" I said patting their shoulders. They nodded and opened the door for me.

I limped inside the hotel to the boss's office. I knock the door.

"come in" I heard the boss said. I opened the door and entered the office. I saw the boss looking through paper.

"it's nice to see you safe, sir" I said bowing to him. he dropped the papers from his hand and looked up.

"Y/N?" he asked. I nodded. he stood up and walked to me.

"I know I should've called sir but..." I said afraid from him coming closer to me, but I was cut off by him pulling me into a hug. I was surprised at his action.

"you stupid idiot, don't you know how worried we were for not finding you?" he said in a worried tone.

I didn't know what to do or what to say. I was shocked, it was the first time the boss do something like this. He pulled away.

"are you okay? Did you get hurt?" he asked.

"my leg is wounded but there is a family who took care of me" I said looking at him.

"did they tell the police?" he asked.

"no, I have told him not to tell anyone" I said. He nodded and helped me sit on the couch.

"I guess the cover needs to change since I walked all the way from the BOW restaurant to here" I said. He nodded and called the doctor.

A few minutes later, the doctor came in and recovering my wound.

"your wound has been stitched in a good way, so there won't be anything serious, you need to rest for three days then I'll come again and remove the stitches, use this ointment after four hours from putting it until that day" the doctor said looking at me and gave an ointment. I nodded.

"thank you doctor" I said to him.

he nodded and walked away. the door opened and taeju walked in as the doctor walked out of the office. I smiled at his appearance. He walked to the boss not noticing me.

"sir, she's nowhere to be find" he said with a bit worried tone. The boss smiled.

"she's right there" the boss said looking at me. I smiled.

Taeju turned around and our eyes met. He stood still trying to process that I'm here. I stood up as he start walking toward me in a hurry. He pulled me into him hugging me tightly. I chuckled and hugged him back.

"yah, don't you know how much you made me worry about you?" he said in revealing tone.

"sorry for making you worry" I said as I broke the hug looking at him. he kept staring at me for a while.

"stop that you two" the boss said cutting the moment. I chuckled looking at him.

"so, what happened while I was away? did you talk to Jiwoo about how the police found us?" I asked walking to the boss with taeju. He nodded.

"yes, they took their phones that's why she couldn't tell us and there was cameras all around the hotel, outside, in the penthouse, they were watching us" he said looking at me.

"you got it off right?" I asked. He nodded. I sigh in relief.

"so, what's the next step?" I asked.

"for now, you will rest" he said to me.

"and if you want you can go watch the others in the gym with taeju" he said. I nodded.

"you can leave now" the boss said. We walked out the office and got inside the car.

"so, where have you been?" taeju asked as he start driving to the gym.

"well, I got to the port and there was a family who helped me out" I said looking at him.

"the old man who helped me his wife was a nurse, so she helped me with the wound and the doctor checked on it when I came back" I said looking at the window.

"it's good to see you safe" he said as he hold my hand. I smiled looking at him.

we arrived at the gym. We got inside and went upstairs watching the others practicing. I sigh remembering my brother practicing here.

"what is it?" taeju said looking at me.

"nothing" I said smiling to him. we kept watching them for hours.

At night

I sat on a chair as my leg ached from standing. I pulled up my pant and looked at the wound.

"taeju, can you bring some plaster from the first aid" I asked him. he nodded and walked away.

a minute later, he came back with it.

"here, let me do it for you" he said taking the ointment from me. He removed the plaster and start putting the ointment.

"done" he said after putting on the new plaster. He gave the ointment.

"thank you" I said taking it from him.

suddenly, we heard a door crash and the others screaming. I looked down and saw the others fighting men who came in. me and taeju went down.

"Mr. Jung, I'm home" we heard someone shouted. We looked at the doorway.

He came back.

my brother Gang Jae came back.

I stood there looking at him.

he's changed. His hair was blond, and a lot of tattoos filled his face, neck, and hand.

"kill them all" he said walking inside. We start fighting them.

"STOP!" Gang Jae shouted. I looked at him and he was holding one of the members and pointing his weapon on his neck.

"it's been so long, taeju, sis, I thought I should say hi" he said smiling and looking at both of us then killed the man by cutting his neck.

"you asshole, do you really think-" I said as I tried to walk to him, but he cut me off.

"hey! Don't be mean, sis" he said hitting another man with his weapon.

"aren't you glad that I'm home" he said holding other man.

"STOP!" taeju shouted as he pushed the man he was holding away. Gang Jae's man hit taeju making him fall.

I turned and was about to go toward taeju but one of Gang Jae's man hold's me back. he walked toward taeju.

"kill me if you want, that's how you look, I won't do it, so calm down" Gang Jae said as he kneeled in front of taeju.

"your face, leg, arm, choose which one, I'll hit" he said.

"yah, Gang Jae, stop it, it isn't you" I said trying to get out of his men grip.

"shut the fuck up" he said looking at me then back to taeju. He pulled him closer to him.

"it's typical! I couldn't choose" he said as he pushed his head. He hold his weapon as his men pulled up his arm. He cut his hand.

"NO!" I screamed as I heard taeju screaming in pain. He pulled away and stood up.

"you're coming with me, sister" Gang Jae said as he put his weapon on my face wiping the blood away.

"take her" Gang Jae said.

"NO! LET GO OF ME!" I shouted trying to get away from the guy's grip, but he carried me on his shoulder.

They threw me inside the car as there was two men sitting next to me and the third one was at the driver seat waiting for Gang Jae.

The car was silent, and the only thing was heard is my loud breath. The passenger door opened, and Gang Jae entered. He looked at me with a smile.

"you're going to have a nice trip with us, sis" he said and sit correctly.

"LETS GO!" he shouted, and the driver start driving.

The driver stopped at a club. The two men got outside as one of them pulled me outside. I looked at the club and it was big.

"welcome home, Y/N" Gang Jae said looking at me with a smirk.

The men pushed me to walk getting inside the club. They pushed me inside a room and locked the door behind them.

I limped toward the door and start knocking at it.

"yah, get me out of here" I shouted.

I felt blood coming from my leg. I sat on the bed and pulled up my pants. I saw all the plaster are in blood. I stood up and start looking throw the room if there was any plaster but there wasn't any.

I walked to the bathroom and opened a cabinet; I saw a lot of medicines. I start looking in every shelf and I found a small box of plaster. I smiled looking at it.

I opened the water tap and brought a tissue and wet it. I sat on the floor and removed the blooded plaster and start cleaning the blood around the wound.

I stood up and brought scissors, a needle, and a thread from the cabinet. I sat down. I tried to put the thread in the needle, but hands were shaking.

'calm down Y/N, calm down' I said to myself.

I inhaled a long breath and exhaled it. I put the thread inside the needle. I put them next to me. I took the scissors and start to cut the stitches and pulling them out. I took the needle. I saw a towel. I took it and put in my mouth.

I took a deep breath then start to stitch my leg. I put the needle inside my skin which make me bite on the towel in pain.

I took a deep breath and continue to stitch the wound. I took the scissor and cut the final stitch. I throw them away and took out the towel. I breathed heavily. I took the plaster box and got one. I opened it and put it on my wound.

I stood up and limped to the bed. The last thing I remember before passing away was falling on the bed.


Words: 3324

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