The life of Night Smit

By Night_Smit

32 1 0

It's a story of how the two parents of Night Smit met. Celeste Smit and Zenith Hendrikson. Their story will c... More

character intro
chapter 1: How they met

chapter 2

6 0 0
By Night_Smit

A/N Hi! I haven't come up with a name for this yet cause I'm horrible at naming things, and this is basically just something for me to do to come up with a story line so yea, I publish it to see if I ever get readers they would basically be a second opinion, but if I never get readers that's fine by me. I'll just keep it up for a while probably till I remove it. Hope you will enjoy this chapter tho.

Narrator , movement, 


*Narrators POV*
After the rather strange day they had yesterday they were happy to find out it was finally the weekend and they could sleep in for a few days.

Since they could sleep in. Celeste was more than happy to do so.

So, how did you sleep sunshine? Midnight asked.

Oh, I slept fine.. We finally don't have to deal with school which is fun. but.. it could have been better y'know? Maybe a nice break would be nicer than just one day off to do homework. she rolled her eyes.

I know. But Celeste. What do you think we could do about it? Complain to the study board? as if they would take us seriously.. We might aswell just a day off while we can. Midnight said. She was right tho, the study board never took students seriously, its a true shame.

Yea you're right, buuuutttttt in the mean time, do you wanna go get boba? 

Oh sure! That sounds amazing. I already showered so you can go right now and I'll go get dressed so you can get dressed after and we can go out to that new place? 

Alright! I'll go shower and get dressed. Seeya soon again Midnight!

You're saying that like I'm going to die waiting for you.

We may never knoooOoowW~. Celeste did the ghost hand thing as she slowly backed out of the room into the bathroom shower.

Midnight did end up feeling like she was dying waiting for her friend as she took a little longer than she expected. But the show must go on so they went to the boba shop and enjoyed their boba each respectfully. Midnight saw her little crush Shade walk in with Zenith, Celeste didn't pay any attention to them and Midnight just gave Shade a few glances but didn't want to leave her friend. 

Y'know, you can just go to your lover boy right? I see how both of you look at eachother, just come back to me when he leaves please, I don't wanna go home alone.

Of course! I will always come back to you! But thank you so much Celeste! Midnight exclaimed

Yea yea, now go to him before I feel single.

Midnight walked over to Shade and Zenith and started to talk with Shade. Zenith walked over to Celeste.

Hey Shorty.

What ya need giant?

Well, since both our friends left us, why not just hang out together?

Oh? The giant finally wants to step down from his thrown?

Well for you I would do anything.. He murmered

What was that? She cocked her head to the side confused


Ooookkkaaaaayyyyyy ????

They stayed talking together for a long while after this. Even when their friends joined them they still kept talking, so their friends just formed a new couple formed with eachother. They said their goodbyes when the cafe was closing. It was a delight seeing the two frenemies be so nice to eachother and it felt like they fell inlove?

Can I take you on a date sometime Celeste?

O-oh sure Zenith! Her tail started to wag a little bit out of happiness


That's it. That's all for this. I will be going on to their married life before kids cause I am terrible at finding out how to write a love story on my own. hope you enjoyed non the less tho! and yes this is where their love story started.

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