Onderon- A Luxsoka Fanfic

By Rainbow-Rocker

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Ahsoka Tano and Lux Bonteri have gone their separate ways since their previous adventure on Carlac. She has g... More

Chapter 1: Old Friends
Chapter 2: A Cry For Help
Chapter 3: Homesick
Chapter 5: Decisions
Chapter 6: Arrival
Chapter 7: Jealousy
Chapter 8: Backfire
Chapter 9: Switching
Chapter 10: In-Fighting
Chapter 11: Jewellery
Chapter 12: Ideals
Chapter 13: Celebrations
Chapter 14: Fly Over
Chapter 15: The Rupling Queen
Chapter 16: For Onderon
Chapter 17: Grieving Doubts
Chapter 18: Boredom
Chapter 19: Quarters
Chapter 20: An Old Friend
Chapter 21: Questions, no Answers
Chapter 22: Sibling Trauma
Chapter 23: Remembrance
Chapter 24: A Gift
Chapter 25: Friendship
Chapter 26: Morning After
Chapter 27: Attack
Chapter 28: Crime Investigation
Chapter 29: Witnesses
Chapter 30: Letta Turmond
Chapter 31: Guilty or Innocent?
Chapter 32: On the Run
Chapter 33: Expelled
Chapter 34: Trial and Error
Chapter 35: I'm Sorry Master But I'm Not Coming Back

Chapter 4: Privilege

130 2 0
By Rainbow-Rocker

Steela was worried. She'd known Lux a long time and it wasn't unlike him to be so attached to something that it meant he was disappointed when it didn't work. Still, the Jedi, and subsequently the Togruta he had asked for, were different to the butterflys, bees or badgers. She had never seen him so dejected before but then again, it had been two years since they last saw each other. People were bound to change. However Steela knew people didn't change that much and Lux would come back once he had cooled down. Right now though she and Saw needed to come up with a plan if the Jedi refused to help them still.

Lux was sat on his old bed. After having a stomp around the gardens, he'd worked up the courage to go inside his old home. If he looked past the dust, grime, darkness and lack of furniture then the young Senator could easily see the place he once loved. In many ways it was similar to his manor on Raxus but their remained something about here that felt distinctly different. Onderonian. His bedroom was rather small with a medium-sized bed and a large mirrored wardrobe. The window had once been brightly cleaned and a lovely view of the capital city. Now, it was musty and opaque. "Ahsoka wouldn't leave me." Lux muttered aloud to the empty room. It was the same thought he had been thinking to himself for the past hour or so. It had become something of a comfort to him when his immediate present was consumed with the Jedi's actions.

Standing up, Lux walked over to the window and began to wipe the grime off of it. The startling contrast between the dirt and the recent clean was very surprising and it took his eyes a minute to adjust to the bright light streaming through. The Onderonian capital of Iziz was clearly visible and stood out for miles as the biggest man-made settlement in the heart of the desert. As a pair of curious children Lux and Melissa had often asked their mother why the capital city of their home had been placed in such a remote part of the planet. She'd replied by explaining to them that it meant those who wishes to travel to see the King and the greatest advancements in technology had to first make their way through the natural world where their ancestors had lived and fought to survive. It filled the young Senator with a sense of pride to know that his ancestors thrived in such a harsh environment and managed to end up where they were now.

This thought triggered another fact about his personal ancestors: They hadn't been the ones who suffered in the jungles alongside their fellow fighters, his family had once been royalty. Tirial Ara Bonteri had grown up the daughter of a Jedi to become a beloved Senator before spending the latter half of her life as Queen. It made sense now as Lux realised why his mother had been chosen as a mentor for Padme when she was Queen of Naboo. Her Great-great-great- Great Grandmother-in-law had been Queen as well. Lux's family had rarely had to suffer hardships as the Gerreras' had. Lux could remember that Steela and Saw's ancestors had been at risk of extinction due to a virus that had affected their bloodline. To think that they couldn't be here today was unthinkable to Lux and it reminded him of why Saw felt resentment towards him for having everything he could want without ever having to do much.

Ahsoka had also never been in a position of great wealth and comfort. She'd grown up at the Jedi Temple who believed in combat training, spiritual connection, feeling the Force and foregoing material pleasures. Lux had seen Ahsoka's quarters and knew that they were a far cry from the accommodations he'd grown up in. Lux felt slightly ashamed but pleased to recognise that he'd taken these pleasing and expensive things for granted and up until his sister died had never known what it was like to have to feel angry and lost. To feel as though you would have to fight for what you deserve. His father had of course known that as he had been a soldier on the frontlines. His mother hadn't grown up descended from royalty or the child of a Senator or another well-paid profession. His maternal grandmother had been a simple seamstress while his grandfather had been a chef. She'd risen into a popular job with a lot of money but knew what it was like not to have everything you desired. Now, Lux felt as though his single-minded, narrow viewpoint was causing karma on him as Lux Bonteri fought in the jungles to survive and free Onderon.

Lux took a moment to reflect and be thankful for all the things he had gained in his childhood through privilege and vowed to avenge all he had lost. Onderon would be free and everything those who came before him fought for would be remembered and celebrated. Now though, Lux had a battle to fight and he couldn't fight it hidden in his old home. So he left but took a detour as he promised not to return to the rebels until he had a decent plan to help.


Ahsoka was sat in her starship looking up at the sky. She'd been sat there for at least three hours after she'd stormed away from the Jedi Masters. Ahsoka had been considering just taking off and going to Onderon but reason had overcome that as she realised that her presence would be a burden and hinder not help the cause the rebels were fighting for. Her monstrals picked up on the sound of footsteps approaching and turned her head to see Captain Rex of the 501st coming towards her. Ahsoka smiled at the sight of her dear friend, Rex had been with her through the highs and many, many lows of the war. The clones were loyal soldiers who did their job splendidly. The Republic couldn't have asked for better soldiers, nor her, a better friend. "Hey Rex, you okay?" He came to her shop and looked down at her with a gentle smile on his face.

"I'm okay kid, I was coming to ask you the same question. General Skywalker informed me of what happened with the Jedi Masters. He's worried about you. But, that can't have been nice. Do you want to talk about it?" This was why Ahsoka always pitied the Separatists for their fighters being mindless droids, Rex and the other clones were clever, caring and compassionate. They had it in them to be funny, sad, angry, happy, fearful, confident and anything else you could imagine. She could always talk to Rex though, he wasn't a Jedi so she didn't feel that pressure to constantly be respectful although she did always respect the clones. He wasn't a Senator so couldn't put a political spin on things and wasn't immune to the effects of the war. He was a soldier and her best friend.

Still, Ahsoka didn't know if she could talk about it because she wasn't sure if she truly understood her emotions. Yet she was willing to try. "I just feel so helpless. Whenever Lux had asked me for something I've responded immediately and helped him solve it. This is the biggest favour he has ever asked of me and I'm stuck here while him and his friends suffer. It's not right! I want to free the people on Onderon and every other planet trapped under a rule they don't want to be. However politics, supplies, finances, alliances and rulers trump the needs of the people. It should be the other way around." Ahsoka huffed and kicked the control panel of the ship.

Rex was empathetic towards her for he knew what that frustration felt like. He constantly felt helpless in a stalemate battle when the prospect of losing came ever closer. When he saw his brothers get shot down in seconds after risking their lives day after day, sometimes in war it's hard to be the one who survives. "Do you think of you don't go and help him, he'll die? Everybody dies, Commander, everyday. It's inevitable. We should enjoy what we can of life though; not spend our limited time worrying about what could happen. In battle, not one of us thinks what might happen or what we wish was happening, we focus on the here and now and do our best to get the best possible scenario. I'm sure that is what your friend and his fellow fighters are doing." Ahsoka turned to Rex with a smile and quickly enveloped her dear friend.

"Thank you Rex, I needed to hear that. I'm being silly worrying about one person when there are many others out there facing worse. Focus on the here and now. I can do that." She climbed out the ship and followed Rex back to the barracks.

Rex smiled at her. "That's the spirit! Remember though Commander, you are allowed to feel emotionally attached to things, it natural. Us clones were bred in  a lab but we still care and love. I think you're allowed to be worried for your friend." Ahsoka knew that Rex was also right in saying that but the strong Jedi follower in her told her that that was a dangerous game to play. Still, she was grateful to have someone like Rex looking out for her. Everybody needed someone like that.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I did. It was on time and my next update will be on Thursday. I do apologise if these notes are rather boring and similar but I haven't got much writing news to share. Ciao.

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