Forces of darkness

By Creativewritingmom94

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Love Freedom Power Adventure Thriller What could possibly be more Devine than having freedom or love? How ab... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19

Chapter 18

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By Creativewritingmom94

Blake and David both look at me. I was so confused. Mom stopped me from dying only to be killed because she saw me die. And it killed her. It was never my curse with Mom. It was her vision. Madison was here now because Mom knew I needed guidance. Last night I asked for help crying and mom sent her here to me. To help me.

"How do I tap into the seer power?" I asked. David shot a look at me and back to Madison.

"Well if I know one thing mom done right, she focused on someone she loves most, you," she said. I smiled knowing she loved me that much.

"I mean she loved both of us but you were her first daughter and the one she raised so she risked everything for you, start there, what do you love most," she asked. My mind wandered. But I didn't have anyone but Dad. And he was stuck in this form so he wouldn't do it.

"I mean, I'm not completely sure but I care deeply for David and Blake, they've been there for me for two months," I said. She looks at Blake who looks at her in embarrassment. Did he like her? He was supposed to care for me.

"Okay well, start there, but not yet, make sure the person who you try this with cares for you too, we can start in a couple of days. Right now I need food and a bed," she said. Blake straightened up.

"I will fix you something, and then I can show you to my room if you want to lay down for a bit," he said. David looked at me and I did him. She nods.

He escorts her into the kitchen. David grabs my arms, looking at Dad and pointing at the kitchen. He nods and David drags me upstairs. He takes me to his room. He shuts the door and turns some music down low. And then turns to me. I didn't know what was hotter the music or him. It was like he was trying to drown anything out.

"She is a wolf, she can hear so the music helps, now, it's unusual for your dad to act okay with anyone, so sister or not, we need to keep an eye on her, we don't know what she's up to," he said. I nod sitting on the bed.

"I can't believe my mom wouldn't tell me about her, or my powers," I said. He sits down beside me grabbing my hand.

"I think she was trying to keep you from this life, but it found you anyway, sister or not you always have me if you want to talk," he said. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck to hug him. He tightened his arms.

"Marissa, I know we never talked about last night, I'm just happy I told you the truth but, where do we go from here," he asked. I drop my arms. And I look at him.

"Well, you kissed me, I think that tells us something right?" I asked. He grabs my hand again.

"Yeah it does," he said before closing the gap between us. He kisses me tenderly. And this time more passionate. His hands touch my face and sparks begin flying. This felt like the first time we kissed but more intense. It wasn't until Dad whimpered that we realized we were too wrapped up in each other. We pulled away fairly quickly.

"Well, I guess he didn't like that too much, I can't blame him, I wouldn't want my daughter making out with a man with me around," David laughed. Dad snarls and walks away.

"We should go check Blake and Madison to make sure she hasn't killed him, or worse," David said. I was confused about what could be worse than death but I'm sure some things could be worse.

We walked into the kitchen where Blake was laughing with Madison. He seemed to be enjoying her company and she was new. She seemed nice enough but we didn't know her well enough to judge her good or bad. David looked at me as I looked at him and he cleared his throat. Madison and Blake looked at us.

"I was getting ready to show her to my room so she can rest, are you two okay," Blake said. David nods.

"Peachy, what about you brother, "David asks returning the question.

"I'm fine, are you sure you're okay?" Blake asks again.

"We're fine," I said grabbing David's arm and dragging him upstairs.

Once we were safe in his room, I locked the door and moved near the bed. I sat him down and I sat down too. Blake being this happy around a stranger was very odd. And we both knew how he felt about me. It was crazy to think he had taken an interest in someone new when we didn't know her.

"Maybe we should just keep an eye on them for now, just make sure she's not putting him under a trance or hypnosis, I mean it's possible," I said. He nods.

"It's not a shock if she is, Blake wouldn't trust someone new unless he knew of them first, he trusted you because we knew you kind of," he said. I raised an eyebrow.

"We're watching you from afar. Making sure you didn't get hurt," he said. I grin.

"I know what you meant, but still if she IS my sister then I should at least try to get to know her better, maybe look out for her too," I said. He sighs. And places his hands in mine.

"Just promise me you'll be careful," he said. I nod.

"I promise, I will tread lightly around her," I told him. He grinned and placed a kiss on the back of each hand.

"Good, because if she is evil, and lying I will kill her myself, and I don't want you getting too close and being heartbroken," he said. It made me smile knowing he didn't want me to be hurt, and that's what kept me going. Both of them cared so much. A knock at the door took my attention. Madison walks in.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything I just wanted to talk to my sister for a moment," she said. David looked at me and I nodded. He got up and walked out the door. I knew he would be listening though.

"Look I'm sorry for not coming sooner and for not telling you earlier, but Dad told me when I was little that I couldn't until the time was exact and I didn't know what that meant until some idiot was talking about you in your apartment, a few weeks ago," she said. I was confused.

"What do you mean, who?"

"Some guy I came by to see you, silently, and heard him on the phone saying you left and something about a wolf you took which I knew was dad and then he said the plan was working and then I had to run because he heard me," she said. I looked down at the floor.

"Did he say his name?"

"Devin, or Dylan maybe," she said. Trying to remember.

"Donavan," I said. She snaps her fingers.

"That's it, yeah he was acting very strange for a human, although he did smell kind of, old," she said. I looked at her.

"How old," I asked. She shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know maybe a few years when someone dies they have a smell if they come back they can mask it but if I had to guess he's about ten years dead," she said.

"You don't think he's," I stopped myself. She looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Holy- I should've known, that would only make sense if he was-"

"A vampire."

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