LewRice Chronicles

By seaycee_incorporated

34.8K 589 56

We're back up and running! This is a test run and possibly the new one shots book. Sean x Kaycee One Shots... More

Jealousy Game
Mad At You
First Day (pt.1 & 2)
Happy Little Pill
Breaking the Silence
Be Heard
One Man's Trash Is Another Man's Treasure
Search Party
Dreams Do Come True
Bon Appétit
I'm Here
The Runner
Turning Tables
Don't Leave
Help Me
Sneak Peek?
The Summit
The Truth Shall Set You Free
The Summit (2)
Dance For You
Dance For You (2)
Here We Go Again
Spreading the Word
A Broken Promise
Losing Control
Jealousy Game (2)
Jealousy Game (3)
Our Favorite Dance
The Collaboration
The One I Want
Worth The Pain
Worth The Pain (2)
The One I Want (2)
Our Creation
Saving Me
Stress Ball
Saving Me (2)
Never Enough Love
Back-Up Plan
Break the Rules
Live A Little
Saving Me (3)
Cause A Scene
Saving Me (4)
The One I Want (3)
Safe (2)
Damsel in Distress
Damsel in Distress (2)
Flashing Lights
Missing You
Decisions, Decisions
Damsel in Distress (3)
Part of Me
You're Right
Damsel in Distress (4)
Just Wait & See
The One I Want (4)

Secret's Out

521 9 0
By seaycee_incorporated

Kaycee's POV

"Sean, you need rest. let's stop it here, eat then take a nap or something.'' I said, pushing Sean onto the couch in the garage.

We were rehearsing for buildabeast. Will asked Sean to teach a class and he happily said yes. He had asked me to assist the class and without a doubt, I said yes.

We've been rehearsing for about 4 hours nonstop. The choreography was absolutely amazing, Sean had really out done himself this time. the story was bone chilling and I couldn't wait to assist him.

He pulled me down with him, holding my hand, which made me straddle him. I went to get off him, but he tightened his grip around my waist. "Sean, you need to rest." I whined, attempting to wiggle out of his arms. No! don't leave me, kaycee." He begs like a 5 year old.

Giggling at his childlike behavior, I hugged him back. "There, are you happy?"

He nodded and we rocked ourselves to sleep in that same position.


I opened my eyes and was welcomed by the smell of something cooking. I decided to ignore it for now and take a quick shower. Once I entered the shower, I felt my slightly sore muscles relax. After my quick shower, I put on my maroon lewser shirt and my weirdo pants.

I walk out of my room and go downstairs into the kitchen.

When I enter the kitchen, I am submerged in warmth and the delicious scent of a variety of food. sitting at the island, I watch my best friend work his magic. He hadn't noticed me due to his concentration on the task at hand.

I observed him quietly. his eyebrows were slightly furrowed and his mouth into a thin line, clearly focused. How did I get so lucky?

To avoid interrupting Sean, I went on my phone to Instagram to check the events for tomorrow. I mostly see everyone's stories filled with stuff about babe18. scheduled classes, the drive to the area, and etc.

babe18 was tomorrow. We were teaching to a song called Brother by Matt Corby. It was a beautiful song and Sean made a beautiful piece. I couldn't wait to see the other dancers put their twist on it.

As I was scrolling, I saw something quite interesting. I saw a story that Charity made.

'On my way to BABE! Can't wait to reunite with my fav!'

Something about that made me feel uneasy. don't get me wrong, I like charity, she's really nice and an amazing dancer...but I never failed to notice the flirting she did to see whether it was touching him unnecessarily or looking at him in some type of way. But I had nothing to worry about, Sean likes me, I think?


"Dinner is served!" Sean says in a weird accent as he places a plate full of food down. I was so dazed with worry that I didn't notice. "Hey, Kayc you okay?" His eyes filled with concern, putting his hand on the back of my neck.

"Yeah, thank you, Sean." I smiled and pinched his cheek. I finally looked at the food he prepared and fell in love with him all over again as I tasted it. He had made chicken breast, mashed potatoes, and a mix of vegetables. Alongside that was a bowl full of pineapples.

I gave him a thankful smile with my mouth full. He sits down across from me with his own plate. "How'd you sleep?" Sean asked before putting food in his mouth.

"I slept great. I should be asking you that, mr. i-never-get-any-sleep-because-i-work-too-hard."

"I slept fine, Kayc. Thanks for your concern." he said, touching my knee and caressing it. I blush at his actions. This was going to be a long night.


My eyes slowly began to open to welcome the rays of the sun. When I opened my eyes fully, I looked over to my side and saw Sean with his shirt off.

I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks as I realized how close we were. His arms were wrapped around me, holding me closer to him.

My eyes widened when realization hit me. Today was BABE. We had to be there at 7:30am.

I reached over to the nightstand to get my phone and checked the time. 7:10am.

I immediately jumped up which startled Sean. "Kayc, what are you doing?" He asked.

I hurried to grab my toothbrush and clothes to wear. "We're late for BABE!" I said hurriedly. Sean's eyes bulge and he begins to rush as well. "Shit."

After quickly getting ready and bumping into each other repeatedly, we made it out the house and into the car at 7:25.

The car ride wasn't long due to Sean living near the place it was being held. We finally got to the event ten minutes late. Sean parked the car and we ran through the entrance.

"Here they are!" Josh said recording us on his phone to go on what I assume was his insta story. I sat next to Bailey and we started to talk while waiting for Will and janelle. Seems like we weren't the only ones running late.

"So what held you guys up?" Julian asked. "Oh, we overslept."

Our friends gave each other suggestive looks and were smirking at each other.


Sean and I looked at each other having an eye conversation. "Interesting." Bailey smirked.

Will and Janelle soon arrived so everyone started to stretch. We all were talking when I heard squealing. I turn around to see where it's coming from. My eyes land on Charity. She was running toward us.

Once she reached our group, she hugged Bailey and i.

"It's been forever! How are you guys?" Charity said excitedly. I smile at her and hug her back. "We're great. Where's Andres? Isn't he with you?" Bailey asked. Charity shook her head. "He wanted to come but he's visiting fam--Sean!"

She shoved me out of the way and ran to him, hugging him tight and almost knocking him over. "Sean, I missed you!" Sean wrapped his arm around her gently and hugged her. It's a friendly hug. It's just a friendly hug.

"Hey Charity. Long time no see.'' Sean smiles. He doesn't smile at me like that.

"Kayc, you okay?" Bailey said quietly so no one would hear us. "Yeah, I'm good." I lied. Bailey, being my best friend, knew I was lying. She grabbed my arm and walked us to the bathroom.

"Okay, spill." Bailey said once we got in.

"There's nothing to spill." I said, already frustrated.

"Oh really? So you don't care about the fact that Charity's been flirting with Sean for how long now? over the internet and in person?" Bailey said, crossing her arms. I shake my head no and Bailey just stares at me.

"Okay, fine! I care that charity is all over Sean. It's okay. Just because I like Sean it doesn't mean he's mine. And if he's into Charity then so be it." I said giving in. Even though I like Sean, if he wanted to be with Charity and that was what made him happy then tough noodles for me. Sean's my best friend, I just want the best for him after all.

"Oh come on! Everyone knows you and Sean like each other. you beat charity by a long shot in sean's head." Bailey said going into the stall to change. "It's okay to tell him how you feel, Kayc. If he doesn't like you back then screw it. At least you got it off your chest."

I sigh and nod but then realize she couldn't see me. "Okay. I'll try not to be jeal-" I get interrupted by my phone ringing. I take it out of my sweater and see that it's Sean. If it's that important he'll call Bailey or something.  I declined the call and put it back in my pocket.

Bailey exits the stall and we head back to our spot. While we were walking, I let wander. Was I really no competition to Charity to Sean? Charity is way prettier, extremely talented, and super sweet. Why wouldn't he want her? The thought of them being together made me nauseous.

Once we reached our group, Sean and Charity were still talking and- why is Sean blushing?!

To distract myself I stretched with my back to them and chatted with the others, facing Bailey. "Where'd you guys disappear off to? You were gone for a little while." Josh asked.

"The bathroom. Bailey wanted to change." I said, bending backwards. While I was bending, I saw Charity touching Sean unnecessarily again. But why was he letting her? I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

"Kayc, are you good? You've been bent like that for a while." Taylor asks, crouching down to where my head was. "Yep."

I get up from my position and start to stretch my legs. "Hey guys." I hear a voice say and sit next to me. I turn and see Sean. I ignored his greeting and continued to stretch. "Nice of you to join us, Lew." Josh said sarcastically. This is why I love Josh.

Sean chuckles at his snarky comment. "hey, kayc. I called you." He said with a little smile on his face.

"I know."

"You didn't pick up." He said confused. I sent Bailey a look and she sent the same one back. "I didn't want to interrupt your session with Charity." I said numbly. While I was stretching, I felt Sean's eyes on me.

He literally hadn't spoken to me since we got here. He was enjoying charity's company and I was going to respect that...by not paying attention to him. It sounds petty, I know, but sometimes pettiness is key.


Sean's POV

Why was she acting like this? She never declines my calls and if she does, she texts me. Sure, I hadn't spoken to her since we got here but we've gone days without talking. What is so bad now?

I was about to walk over to talk to her, but was stopped in my tracks by Charity. "Hey Sean, do you wanna help me stretch?" Charity said, biting her lip. Um, what?

"Can't. I gotta go rehearse with Kaycee." I said apologetically. "Oh okay." She smiled and disappeared. I stopped in front of her. She was searching for something in her bag. I cleared my throat to get her attention.

She looked up at me and then went right back to searching in her bag. "Kayc, did I do something?" I asked, concerned. No response. She lets out a sigh and continues to search through her bag.

"Okay. Do you want to practice the choreo?" I asked. No response. "Kayc," I slightly shook her arm then grabbed her hands so she couldn't distract herself.

"What, sean?" She groaned. I was surprised by her tone, but shrugged it off. Maybe she really needs that thing she's looking for. "Let's practice the choreo."

She snatched her hands out of my gentle grip and walked away. I grabbed her hand again. "Sean, will you stop?" Stop what? "What are you going off about, Kaycee?" I stepped closer to her and put my hand on her waist. "Talk to me." I said softly. We stood there for a little while looking into each other's eyes. I saw nothing in them, the natural light in her eyes wasn't there. Her expression was blank.

She moves my hands off her and goes to a spacious area. "Are we practicing or not?" She said sassily. If I'm being honest, it was kind of hot.

I walk over and we start the dance. Why was she being so distant? Usually when we rehearse she's playful and all giggly after we got it right, but this was different.

"Happy now?" Kaycee said. Without even waiting for my response she walked off. What is going on with you, angel?


Kaycee and I kept our distance when learning and dancing choreo. Fortunately, we weren't called to dance together as a duet, only groups.

"Sean, you ready?" Will asked, his hand on my shoulder. "You bet." I smiled excitedly. I couldn't wait to see what the other dancers would bring to my choreo.

I readied my edited version of the song on Will's computer. Once I was done putting on the mic, I got kaycee so that we could start.

"Coming to the stage, Sean Lew!" The man announced. The room erupted into cheers as I came up on the stage. The cheers got impossibly louder when they saw Kaycee following.

"Hi guys. I'm Sean Lew." They clapped in acknowledgement. "So today, I will be teaching a vulnerable piece...don't freak out, but I need everyone to find a partner." I announced with a small smile on my face.

Everyone found themselves a partner and I started teaching. "So you're gonna do doom-ka skiddy doom calling out your name oh-oh boom boom boom."

The class followed Kaycee and I's movements. "Alright, everyone take 5 then we'll film, yeah?" I go to my bag and drink some water. "You're doing great Sean." Charity said. I smiled at her in thanks. "...Although, I'm having trouble on this one part, with the footwork." She said, looking down, as if she were ashamed.

"It's no problem. I'll help." I showed her the footwork step by step. We tried full speed, then she tripped and fell into me, almost falling. My hands went to her waist in instinct to stop her from falling.

"Hey shamu, everyo-oh, you're busy." Kaycee said, her voice breaking. "Kayc," I said softly, walking towards her. She jumps off the stage. "This is what you wanted right?" She said bitterly and shook her head. I could tell she was on the verge of tears.

She ran out of the room as fast as her feet could carry her. After her, Bailey and Jade followed. "Kaycee, wait." I jumped down from the stage and followed them.

I burst through the doors and into the carpeted hallway. "Kaycee!" I shouted. I took turn after turn trying to find her. I finally spotted her after shouting her name repeatedly. She was being hugged by Jade and Bailey.

You could tell she was crying. She was slumped against the wall. I rushed to them. They started to walk past me until I grabbed Kaycee's hand. She snatched her hand away and glared at me. "Kaycee, please let me explain." I begged.

"Explain what?" Kaycee yelled. Jade and Bailey slowly backed away and went to the room where the event was being held.


"Don't 'Kaycee' me in a soft voice! God, Sean, you're so messed up. You have the nerve to ask me to be your partner when you let her be all over you?" Kaycee said unbelievably.

"What are you talking about?" I asked as I was genuinely confused. Kaycee walked toward me, her hands were shaking, her face red, eyes dull and filled with anger.

"Don't you dare play dumb. You know that we're more than friends and you throw all of that away and succumb to her touching and flirting?! I thought you were better than that." Kaycee said.

"Can you please calm down?" I asked, grabbing her hands to calm her. I rubbed her knuckles and put my forehead on hers.

"You think I like Charity?" I asked barely over a whisper, blinking hard in frustration. She nodded. "Kayc, this is the least sense you've made in your life." She took her forehead off of mine and looked me in the eye confused.

"I only want you, Kaycee. I have feelings for you, not her! You make me happy, not her. Charity is my friend, but everyone knows that we're more than that. I only have this connection with you, no one else. So why in the world would you think I want anyone but you?" I said, my voice slightly raising with every word.

"Then why didn't you push her away? Admit it Sean, you liked it. You were okay with it because you knew it would make me jealous." She said, not believing me. I was silent. I didn't know what to say. "Answer me!" She yelled. I noticeably flinched at her tone. She walked off, which made her slip through my fingers.

I walked into the room a couple minutes after her. The room was silent. I received weird looks. There were concerning, sympathetic, and straight shocked looks, but why?

I looked down and that's when I realized. I left my mic on.

I got on the stage where Kaycee was standing. Her gaze was forward. Her eyes in a daze.

"Awkward." Will said with his own mic. "Who's ready to film?" The class slowly clapped and laughed a little at Will's attempt to lighten the mood.

Kaycee got off the stage and walked to the center, meaning she was ready. I met her in the center and we started to dance.

As we started, I saw in her eyes that she was hurt. We still managed to be professional though. But somehow, in the midst of it all, we got lost. The class disappeared. It was only her and I dancing out our emotions to each other. The tension in the air was thick, almost suffocating.

As we were finishing the dance, my body filled with happiness. The class erupted into cheers as we ended the choreo. letting my body and heart take over, I turned off the mic and pulled Kaycee close to me.

"Sean, what are you-" I kissed her. I held her face in my hands stroking her cheek with my thumb as I kissed her. She melted into the kiss and kissed back.

The whole class jumped up in excitement.

I pulled away shortly after remembering where we were. Will and Janelle ran up and hugged us.

Well, I guess the secret's out.


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