My favorite Idol || Hyunjin

By alaxmoonz

6.6K 122 18

Felix noticed his two best friends drifting apart, Y/N and Hyunjin. They both didn't want to admit the truth... More

Mall Gifts
Love Letters
Front Row Seats
A New Bed
One Livestream
Late Car Rides
The Media
Sofas and Coffee Tables
Studio Floors
Cafe Lives
Painting Lessons
A Shoulder To Sleep On
Are You Sure?
Car Naps
Makeup Lives
Forgotten Memories
Hyunjin's Beautiful Gem
Rainy Nights
Australian Sunsets
Glittering Light
Silk and Champagne

Pool Days

123 3 0
By alaxmoonz

Hyunjin wraps his arms around Y/N. "You're so pretty," he compliments.

"Stop being such a flirt," Y/N giggles and ducks her head under the water.

The group splashed around in the pool while throwing a pool toy around. "She's been acting weird for a few weeks, do you know if anything happened?" Lee Know whispers to Han.

"All we did was argue so how would I know?" Han retorts. It was true, if he talked to Y/N, something would come up again.

The rest of the group comes up to Lee Know and Han. They begin to tell the two about the plan they had to get Y/N and Hyunjin to do something other than flirt.

Y/N grabs onto Hyunjin's back and leaves her legs to float in the water. She presses her lips to his cheek, "you're it!"

"What?" Hyunjin asks as he turns around to see the group facing him.

Felix had a smug grin on his face. "You're it," Felix repeats for Y/N as she backs away.

Hyunjin flails around trying to catch another member. He manages to tap Chan's leg as Chan tried to get away. "You're it now!"

The group spent hours in the pool playing tag. This was their off-day.

Y/N leans back in the pool chair. The sun beamed down on her above. She watches as the group was getting along on the tennis court across from the pool. Each of them diving to save a ball from hitting the ground.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Y/N asks as she heard footsteps approaching from behind.

The only person who wasn't by the court, including Y/N, was Chan. "It is," Chan replies and seats himself beside her.

"Is there something you need?" Y/N looks in Chan's direction.

Chan adjusts his posture and sits straight. "Yes, actually, there is," Chan continues, "I wanted to thank you for everything. I know you and Hyunjin are happy together now and I know it was hard to take the break. Thank you for being understanding before, he really needed to focus on work, it means a lot to all of us."

Y/N shifts in her seat. She didn't like remembering about what happened a few months ago. It was too harsh on her mindset. Chan but the thought into more ease. "I'd do anything to make Hyunjin happier," Y/N sighs, "even if it meant my health had to decline."

Chan sat forward, "what do you mean?"

"I think you know what I mean, getting death threats for 'hurting Hyunjin'," Y/N answers.

Death threats became more frequent as the break between Y/N and Hyunjin continued. Y/N grew scared of going out, scared to sleep without her phone ready.

"They sent death threats?" Chan exaggerates.

Y/N nods her head and looks back at the tennis court. "Thank you, for bringing me here," Y/N changes the subject.

A vacation away from Korea was what Y/N needed most. She was back at her home, Australia.

"Hyunjin and Felix said you were from Australia," Chan continues, "we all decided it would be nice to bring you with us."

"Yeah, Hyunjin said you all wanted me to come here with you all," Y/N replies.

The group on the tennis court began to prop their rackets against the fence. The ball was placed back in the bag along with the other tennis balls. "Looks like our time is up," Y/N grunts as she begins to stand up.

Hyunjin skips over to Y/N and places a kiss on her lips. "My team won," he boasts.

"Oh come on, you guys won by one point!" Lee Know yells.

Y/N smiles as Hyunjin and Lee Know bicker about who won the points. Chan walks up to Y/N. "Again, thank you," he whispers before cutting off the bickering.

"So what did Chan talk about?" Hyunjin asks as he walked alongside Y/N.

Y/N swings hers and Hyunjin's hands that were pressed together as they walked. "He just thanked me for doing what you needed during our break," Y/N manages a smile.

"You look like you're going to cry," Hyunjin stops and places a hand on Y/N's cheek, "what else did you talk about?"

Hyunjin was always the type to comfort Y/N but still ask his questions. With his hand on her cheek, it wasn't as bad as it could be.

"I told Chan about the death threats I received," Y/N looks away.

Y/N never told Hyunjin about what had caused her mental health to decline so rapidly. She never wanted to tell Hyunjin, she was afraid of what he might say or how he could react to them.

"Y/N," Hyunjin turns his head and looks into Y/N's eyes, his features turned soft and sad, "why didn't you tell me?"

"It's all in the past," Y/N replies and brushes Hyunjin's hand off. She continued her walking even if Hyunjin didn't follow.

Footsteps slowly started behind Y/N. Hyunjin was worried of the death threats, if they continued or if they stopped. Hyunjin decided it would be best to get to the house before asking any further questions.


Y/N steps out of the bathroom to see Hyunjin gone from the room. "Hyunjin?" Y/N calls out.

There was no reply from the abandoned room. Y/N makes her way to the bed as she continued patting her wet hair dry.

Sounds came from the living room and kitchen area as Y/N scrolled through her phone. Hyunjin was probably talking to everyone else.

"I just don't know what to say, she shouldn't stay here alone all day," Y/N could make out Hyunjin's voice as he spoke.

"Well, you have everything you need, right?" Chan's voice asks.

Y/N walks up to the bedroom door and props it open with her foot. "Hey, Hyunjin," Y/N says with a smile.

"We'll talk about it later," Chan mumbles to Hyunjin before leaving the living room.

Y/N and Hyunjin's bedroom over looked the living room with an open hallway to the other dorms. Their room was on the second floor while the living room was on the first and main floor.

Hyunjin looks up at Y/N, "I'll be up in a minute, beautiful."

Y/N watches as Hyunjin chases after Chan. She figured she would have to stay here while the group went out and did things, but the 'everything' made her curious.

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