By M-B312

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RWBY × Watch_Dogs Special thanks to my good mate: @W3_4R3_D3D53C. For helping me through the entire process o... More

003 - The Beacon
004 - Scabbard Pt. I
005 - Enter, Stage Left
006 - Scabbard Pt. II
007 - Exit, Stage Right
008 - Nightmares and Daydreams
009 - Across Worlds
011 - Change of Pace

010 - Reunion

62 0 0
By M-B312

Logan never typed so fast. While escorting Seth somewhere, he was typing on his Scroll through the medium of his DNI and helmet’s visual interface. He made a myriad of mistakes, but he didn’t care. To whom?

The Headmaster.

>oZ. Meet your office. Bing Mark, Colt, and Wrench.

He never made so many mistakes, but this was important and he didn’t have the time to fix them. He took Seth to the top of Beacon Tower, to Ozpin’s office. Entering the office, Logan ripped his helmet off, throwing it at the wall. It shattered into small, triangular pieces, which flew into Logan’s being as if they were being assimilated. This was the first time Seth saw Logan’s face unobscured.

Logan was a decent-looking guy. He had the complexion of a nineteen-year-old, with silver hair and silver eyes. One distinct feature was a large scar across his face on his right, as if he literally dodged a bullet once. Said scar also split his lips.

It was almost similar to Seth’s own facial scar.

He combed through his hair, sighing. He then arched backwards, only to slump forward. Red and blue recreations seemed to fly out of him, and disappear. He went back to his iconic colour palette, being black and grey.

His right arm returned to its augmented state, and he put on his neck warmer, which doubled as a mask.

He turned to Seth. “Tell me everything.”

“So, I take it you heard about the explosion?” Seth began, continuing after Logan nodded.

“Well, I woke up in the Emerald Forest with a lot of wounds, not to mention temporary tinnitus. I was scared — I had gear, but I didn’t know where I was. I was surrounded by Beowolves, and I was almost dead — before someone saved me. I passed out from my wounds, introduced myself, he introduced himself… yada yada yada.”

The five: Ozpin, Wrench, Marcus, Colton, and Glynda entered silently; Seth not taking notice.

“My wounds were getting bad, so he brought me to a Bullhead heading here so I could get medical help. Time passed, I healed, and now I’m enrolled here with my own team and everythin’.”

“What was your saviour’s name?” Logan asked.

“Calls himself Cryptid. Had this bond with a Grimm he called Scout, a small little thing that’s fast and quiet.” Seth replied.

Logan’s eyes widened. “Cryptids exist here?”

Ozpin coughed, bringing attention to himself, making Seth and Logan look over at them. “It seems you found who you were looking for—”

Wrench forcefully shoved past the others, tackling Seth in a hug, not wanting to let go. He wasn’t aware of how hard he was hugging his little brother until he heard the gasps for air. Wrench eased up, before smacking Seth on the back of his head.

“Do you have any fucking idea how worried I was?! How worried WE were? WE THOUGHT YOU DIED!!!” Reggie was screaming his lungs out, his “eyebrows” arched downwards in an angry expression.

Seth didn’t even seem like trying to stop Wrench from scolding him.

“Seth. Next time you visit such a beautiful place, at least send us a postcard!” Marcus joked nervously, trying to defuse such a tense atmosphere.

Nobody listened.

Seth looked around, seeing Colt. His eyes switched to exclamation points before slanting to question marks. “Yeah, I get it, Bro. Logan already tore me a new one. But who’s that? He looks familiar…” he pointed at Colton.

Colton gave Seth a loose, two-fingered salute. “Agent Colton Wolfe, MI6. Call me Colt.”

Seth narrowed his eyes. “No, I know you as something else… Rhys?”

Colton chuckled. “That works too. Good to see ya again, bruv.”

Wrench shook his brother to get his attention. “We’re going home. Right now. Logan, open a portal.” He demanded.

“No.” Logan sharply responded.

Excuse me?”

“You guys cut the heads off of the other snakes, sure. All that’s left now is Dušan. If he’s here, we can still help Earth. Your Earth. Not only that, but we can lock Rempart up before he can fuck Reggie over, or pull another shitty move on Seth.” Logan explained.

Everyone, barring Ozpin and Glynda, were too busy thinking of locking Dušan — and Rempart — up to register everything else Logan had said.

“Alright… guess we’re staying.”


Sitara, Josh, and Ray had found the perfect place to set up a base. Between the Industrial and Agricultural districts of the city of Vale, they had found a decent portion of land sticking out of the water. They could do it. They could recreate the legendary Chicago Bunker.

They, essentially, mapped out the area and sent Logan the data, as well as their plan for it.

>We have an idea for this place. If we can acquire it, we could rebuild The Bunker.

He responded quickly.

>not now in meeting scolding seth. will look into it l8r

Well, at least something was going according to plan.

Sitara was relieved at Logan’s message. It meant that they found Seth, and that he was okay. Well, he was okay for right now. Sitara wasn’t sure how long that was going to last considering who his brother was. Suddenly, she got another text.

>send coords. coming to meet.

Sitara happily complied.


Logan started walking towards the lift when he looked back.

“Sorry to leave so soon, everyone, but this Remnant’s branching out uncomfortably so. Alternate Grimm, new enemies, and more people? It’s a surprise the dimension is still able to stand, since veering too far off the path would lead to a collapse of reality as these people know it.” He said.

Every member of the Bay Area DedSec, except Seth, looked at Logan funny.

“I have to go scout out the land. So, I’ll see what I can dig up. Au Revoir!”

He went down in the machine. While waiting, he pulled out his Scroll and opened Spotify. He queued a song that a friend of his suggested to him, and waited for the doors.

He paused the song, and the spirits re-entered his body. They spoke to him. His body transformed back into Trifecta as his helmet returned. The eyes went blue, with the third eye being grey. Logan was the listener, while someone else spoke.

You have hostiles waiting for you. Two squads, and a trio.”

The colours switched, and Logan was back in control.  “Are they the ones who we encountered in the mess hall? The ones with Seth?”

Affirmative. Unconfirmed motives; the trio seems to be pissed that you pulled their team leader aside. I advise speaking with heavy caution.”

“Ten-Four, Ace. Splendid work.”

The doors of the lift opened, Logan walking out with his hands in the air. Leading them all was Cari Bloodrose. “Heard your little chat with Seth. We’re not exactly content with bullies.”

“You misunderstand. I’m his superior.” Logan tried to reason. She looked around. “I don’t buy that for a second. Who are you?”

He smirked. Too easy. “The name’s Business. Nunya Business.” He burst past them with unmatched speed, as he left the school. The eleven ran after him.

They chased him out to the landing platform. He didn’t show any signs of stopping; Damian had a weapon manifest in his hands. He took aim, and held his breath in order to focus.

A large BANG rang out across the outside. The target was the back of Logan’s kneecap, however, nobody anticipated how fast Logan’s reactions were.

He was either really fast, or he could slow time for everyone but him, as the round vanished before it made contact with him.

He kept running.

In actuality, he turned around for a split-second and activated Silent Rose’s shield form. This protected him, and due to his training, he was able to recover his orientation and speed. He shut it off as quickly as was possible when it was no longer useful at the moment.

When he reached the edge, he spontaneously stopped. He turned towards everyone. “Your dedication is impressive. If you want your leader, head to the top of Beacon Tower. I have to go now. Later!”

He stepped backwards, to his near-certain demise. He opened a portal that allowed him to step foot into the City Centre.

Nobody saw him enter, keeping him as mysterious as a ghost. He walked towards the coordinates Sitara gave him.


Cari looked over the edge. Son of a bitch got away. Whoever he was, she was gonna kill him when he showed his face — or rather, his mask — again.

“Cari?” Damian spoke. “He’s probably more trouble than it’s worth. None of us are exactly happy with Seth being dragged off, nor shoved against a locker, but what Logan said is right. We don’t know much about Seth, but…”

Logan, huh? So that’s his name.

“I refuse to put up with someone hurting my teammate. The way they talked, it was as if they knew one another. When I see him, mark my words — I’m gonna fucking murder him.” Cari growled, her ears pinned to her head.

Blake stepped up. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. When I look at him, I get a strange sense of familiarity — like I’ve seen him, or at the very least heard of him before.”

The rest of Team RWBY agreed. Even JNPR felt like something was off.

Blight walked up to Cari. “Whatever it was, he didn’t hurt Seth. Besides, he told us where our leader is. He’s in Ozpin’s office.”

“For once, the dense one’s right.” Damian said.

Cari was confused. She looked at Damian, tilting her head. “Beacon Tower holds Ozpin’s office, according to schematics. It also leads to the cross-continental transmit system, as well as… something else. Something indiscernible.” Damian explained.

“Best to leave it alone. Nobody present knows what’s inside, and it doesn’t even matter. Let’s just go get our leader back.”

Cari, Blight, and Damian walked to the lift and got in. They went upwards, to the office of the Headmaster. North tried to fix his hair, while Pistol holstered his namesake after taking it out and seeing if it was loaded. Cari stared at the doors with a static expression on her face.

It was a scowl.

The doors to the lift opened, and not only were Seth and the Headmaster there, but the Headmistress and three others were present. Blight spoke first. “Hey, Seth, did you know that guy?”

“What guy?” Seth replied, confused. His LEDs turned to question marks, but he didn’t seem so down and depressed like he had been feeling before.

“White and Gold outfit. Seems like you two have some sort of history. You mind spilling it?” Cari asked.

Seth shrugged, his eyes going back to “X’s.” “It’s nothin’, really. Don’t worry about it.”

Cari looked at her teammates. They weren’t buying it, either. She figured she’ll bring it up later. “Right… so, uh, who are these three?”

Seth was about to speak before the taller masked one intervened. He had been standing right by Seth’s side, and wore a mask — and an outfit similar to Seth. Although, his mask and outfit were covered in spikes.

I’m his older brother, Wrench,” he pointed to himself, then the dark-skinned male at his side. “His name’s Marcus, and he can easily beat you down if you even think about hurting Seth.”

Marcus took out his thunderball and swung it around, giving them a wink. He seemed like a charming guy, although Wrench’s statement didn’t go unheard.

“And Mr. Fancy over there is Colton. Or Colt.” Wrench finished, gesturing to the male in the bespoke suit who stood off by himself, standing firmly like a soldier.

“... Riiiight. Enough small talk, Seth. We know you’re not telling us everything, so just who the hell are you really?” Cari demanded.

Marcus stepped up, standing next to Seth and Wrench. Colton was confused.

We’re DedSec, and we’re here to help your world out of its ongoing pickle.”

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