I don't need Magic to kill

By _KingWolfie_

660K 33.1K 19.5K

"he's so weird" "I heard he can't use Chakra" "how did he Graduate?" "poor soul he'll be dead after his first... More

Who needs Magic?
The perfect swords
Days With the Uchiha
so bothersome
Death comes with life
Just a day
New Roomate
The Dangers of a Soldier
A new member joins
New discovery
Team player
First C-Rank
Time at Suna
A Friend in Suna
Therapy Session
Remember to Trust
500 follwer special
Hyuga Adventures
Team 7 and 8
A blast to the past
Blood Shed
A/N Shiro!
A Funeral with 1
Yet another C Rank
Liars are pissing him off
Training and Meeting old friends
The Bridge Battle
Yet another Idiot
Short: Sakura's Mindset
pt 1: Chunin Exams
Pt 2: Chunin Exams
Pt3: Chunin Exams
Memory Lane
Konoha Crush
A Plan made
Leave the Leaf behind
How it Begins
Peace of mind
Defend the Sand
Loss of a Pillar

Problems and Soloutions

6K 366 128
By _KingWolfie_

"Levi! How good to see you. It's been a while you know" Kai said with his usual large grin on his face.

He reached for a cloth and wiped the dirt off his hands before leaning on the counter. His sharp brown eyes quickly analysed Levi and for a very quick second, he saw his old friend in him.

Levi on the other hand looked absolutely horrible. His usual tamed hair was all over the place. He had dark patches under his eyes from the many nights he had not slept. His clothes were wrinkled and his hands held many white lines that had been leftover from his excessive training.

He looked like a mess.

"Woah kid... what happened?" Kaiza asked. He hated seeing Levi like this. It reminded him too much of how His father Kai used to look when he was over stressing about something. Usually, it was to impress his clan head. Boy was Fugaku a dick back then.

"Kaiza... your full name is Kaiza... right? You knew my parents." Levi stated.

Kaiza's eyes widened. He never expected Levi to remember him. He was a young lad when they met after all. Kaiza didn't know whether to feel honoured or sad that Levi was beginning to remember. That family did go through a lot. Too much for it to be a coincidence.

"Yeah... that's right. You remember" Kaiza stated. Now that Kaiza thought about it Levi looked like a heavy weight had been placed on his shoulders. Like there was weight before but now it looked like someone dumped a very heavy load onto the kid. The poor lad looked like he was about to get crushed by his own problems with how sluggish he looked.

Levi looked tired of everything.

"What did you know of my mother and her clan?" Levi asked, he got straight to the point. At the same time, Levi was grabbing some weights that were heavier than the ones he had on now.

"Hmm.. not much. I know that the Ackerman was feared everywhere because they are half tailed beasts. I also know that the great five Nations excluding the land of Lightning and most clans inside of it teamed up to attempt to wipe the Ackerman off the map. In fact the Uzumaki, Uchiha, Senju, Hyuga and Yuki were the leading clans in the attack. Although this is all common knowledge. After the attack, the remaining Ackerman spread out across the nations keeping their heads down. The only ones who were pissed with the result of the battle were Kumogakure as that was the Village that housed the Ackerman clan." Kaiza explained.

Levi rolled his eyes. He knew that you could learn all that from the civilian and the Ninja Library. What he wanted were the techniques the Ackerman clan used. In a way, Levi got his answer.

Konoha doesn't have them. Kumogakure does. The Ackerman clan didn't come from Konoha as he had first believed. It makes more sense as to how his mother knows the Raikage now. She originally came from Kumo.

"...I know this. I mean their techniques or anything on how they trained. Do you know that?" Levi asked in a heavy sigh. He was so tired. He had been unable to rid himself of the countless nightmares that plagued his sleep.

Naruto and Sasuke were beginning to worry. Usually, when they went to sleep there was the chance they could wake up before Levi. Now? They were sure he wasn't even sleeping in the first place. It was getting very concerning. Not because Levi was a pillar that should never crumble. No. But because their brother was suffering and wouldn't let them help. They didn't care that Levi was technically 30 plus. Right now he was 13 and was suffering in more ways than any 13 year old should ever suffer.

Kaiza watched as Levi had his internal monologue. Levi looked so... well, broken. Like all the weight was finally adding up and taking its toll on the poor boy. Yet Levi was just too stubborn to put it down for a while or to ask for help to carry it.

Honestly, Kaiza had never felt like more of a failure than he did right then. Kai had named him Levi's godparent, and Kaiza did what he could by helping Levi with his weapons whenever he needed them with no hesitation. Sadly there was only so much he could do with the Hokage and Danzo breathing down his neck. He wasn't powerful and a group of Anbu would kill him easily. So he had to help subtly.

"I couldn't tell you anything about them... but your mother left some things in my possession. I can't read them... but maybe you can" Kaiza said. He had a reason for not handing this to Levi sooner. He needed to be sure that Levi could handle himself. Many Ninja will be after the boy from this point onward, it will no doubt be a long, windy and dangerous road. He could only hope these scrolls would help.

Heading to the back of the store Kaiza came back with a box that was sealed. He handed the box to Levi and gave him a smile.

"I wish you luck on your journey for knowledge Levi," Kaiza said.

Levi looked at the box before looking back at Kaiza. He gave the man a curt nod before walking out of the store.

Kaiza could only hope for the best.

"Ahh... Kai, Akemi. Your son is going through a lot. He's very strong, but I wonder how much weight he can carry before he learns that he alone cannot carry them all... *sigh* your boy is just as difficult as the pair of you" Kaiza said.

He looked over at a photo he kept under his desk. Kaiza himself stood to the left with a large grin on his face and his headband slightly tilted to the right. In the middle was Akemi who was staring at the camera with a gentle smile. On the right was Kai, the classic Uchiha smirk resting on his face. Behind the group rolling his eyes was Shikaku who was half-heartedly covering his yawn.

Levi was sitting in his room glaring at the box. He hadn't tried to open it yet and he wasn't sure if he wanted to. The last set of memories he had unlocked had made Levi give the Hokage a deadly glare every time he was in his sights.

Taking a deep sigh he opened the box. Inside was a bunch of scrolls.

Technique: Quickstep

Description: Much like the body flicker this technique allows the user to move at a much faster pace for a sudden burst of speed. The difference is that this technique does not teleport the user. Instead, they move at an incredible speed that can be difficult to be seen by the naked eye. This allows for more damage to be done to multiple opponents without having to teleport multiple times.

Rank: A

Creator: Akemi Ackerman

Technique: Summoning Jutsu

Description: This allows the user to summon the animal they are contracted with. If there is no contract the user will be transported to the summoning animal best suited to them.

Rank: A

Creator: Unknown

There were a few more but those two were the ones that caught Levi's attention. A summoning? That would explain all those snakes that had attacked him in the Forest of Death. So he could basically get his own. That would be helpful should he face off against other summoning animals again, but it's not needed.

Levi had handled the Summonings well enough on his own. He'll give that one some time. He doesn't need them right now but if he ever does he'll know where to go.

The quickstep however was something that would be very useful. If used against unsuspecting enemies it could also give him the advantage in a battle that he has been looking for. Levi is after all a close-range fighter, so getting up close quickly will no doubt be helpful.

Levi pulled out a locket that had been hidden under his shirt. Opening it revealed his parents. On the left was his father and on the right was his mother. Both pictures had been cut from the originals that he had found in the floorboards. Now that he had all his memories back he felt a lot more at peace with himself.

"Thank you" he whispered to the pictures. Something his old self would have rather died than do. But he wasn't his old self... not anymore.

This Levi isn't just the captain in the scout regiment. Nor is he a little boy in this new world that had lost his parents to those he thought he could trust.


He was both and at the exact same time he was neither. It was very confusing, having two completely different identities clash against each other but there was one thing that both sides agreed with... Konoha was the enemy.

A knock on the door brought Levi out of his thoughts. Closing the Locket he placed it back safely under his shirt before going to open the door revealing Hinata.

"Hyuga," Levi stated.

"H-hello Levi... I umm, c-can we t-t-talk?" She asked. Her head down and her eyes covered by her bangs.

Levi didn't know why... but a dark shiver went down his spine as he looked at the young Hyuga. He didn't realise that his anger was slowly rising and he didn't even understand why.

He stepped to the side and Let Hinata inside. She sat on the sofa and looked up at him. It was only then that his blood froze solid... Hinata had two large bruises. One of her left eye and one on her right cheek.

"Oi... Hyuga what happened?" He asked quietly. His cold eyes seemed to only get colder the longer he stared.

"I.. I didn't k-know where e-else to go... I... I d-didn't know w-what t-to do," Hinata stuttered, tears slowly fell from her eyes although her left one was slightly closed.

Levi's glare managed to grow colder.

"I'll ask again... Hinata Who did this," His tone was as monotone as could be. His hand had clenched so tightly that Hinata could see his knuckles turn white.

"My-my Father" Hinata whispered, almost scared to call him that.

Levi went silent for a very long time. He didn't want to really he didn't. His next choice could cause a lot of trouble especially since they were planning to rob the Hokage soon. One side of him was telling him to let her stay with him and the boys. The other side was telling him to go kick the absolute shit out of the Hyuga Leader.

Both choices seemed like something he would rather avoid, and yet deep down he knew he was going to have to choose.

If he chose to let Hinata stay, Naruto would have to share a room with Sasuke. Neither of the boys would appreciate that. However, Hinata would have a Safe Haven. Somewhere to escape to.

On the other hand, if he kicked some sense into the Hyuga Patriarch Hinata would be with her family. She might even get the respect, love and peace that she no doubt wants.

Levi knew what he had to do. Heh, so much for training.

Levi stood in front of the Hyuga compound. He had left Hinata at his place. Banging on the door Levi held a deep glare on his face as he waited for an answer. For a clan who can 'see everything,' they sure can't see how ridiculous they are being. Really? Abusing a 13-year-old child? For what reason? Discipline? No Hinata was as kind and as respectful as can be. What else was there?

The door opened and revealed the person Levi had come to see. Hiashi Hyuga.



The two stared each other down. Levi was too tired for this. He was not in the right mindset. Truth be told he was about 20 seconds away from just stabbing the guy in the chest and moving on with his day.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Hiashi started.

"Hinata" Levi responded.

Hiashi froze for a quick second. His face morphed into more of a scowl and his eyes seemingly grew colder.

"What of my Oldest?" He asked. Although Levi could see the man clenching his fist.

"She has two bruises on her. Do you know how?" Levi asked. He wasn't going to even try to beat around the Bush he was in no mood to play games. He wanted answers and he wanted them now.

"Can a Father not discipline his child?" Hiashi asked.

Oh hell no. There was no way Levi would let the deranged old fool manipulate this conversation into making Levi look like the irrational one.

Levi just stared at the man. He didn't have time for this.

"What was the discipline for?" He asked.

"She refuses to fight her sister and She refuses to take up responsibility as the clan heir. So I had shown her what comes with denying her duties and refusing my orders" Hiashi explained.

"Your generation are all the same. You seem to have deluded yourselves into believing that power and control can solve everything. What you all seem to have forgotten is that trust is also very crucial. Without trust, there will be no Loyalty. Without Loyalty how can you assure that your powerhouses won't turn their backs on you? Your Generation already has one foot in the grave and those older than you have two. When your Generation dies and we take over do you truly believe we will continue to do things in the ways of old. If so, you are as foolish as you are blind" Levi stated.

"You dare mock the eyes of the Hyuga!?" Hiashi yelled.

"You have just proved my point! Despite everything I had just told you, all you focused on was the insult! Your eyes may see a lot of things Hyuga... but apparently, they cannot see your social standing. As you are now you are no Father. You're just another sad old man clinging onto what little power he has left because deep down... you know I am right." Levi stated. His harsh glare fixated on the man before him. Hiashi looked outraged, his face slightly red from both anger and embarrassment.

He had been scolded by a child. The Hyuga Patriarch had been scolded by a 13-year-old child. If that didn't make him angry he didn't know what else would.

"And what would a child know of Social standings?" Hiashi stated. He was trying to tip this conversation back into his favour.

"More than the so-called Leader of the Hyuga clan apparently. Tch. I hope the next time we meet it's not about me having to scold an old man on how to treat his daughter." Levi finished. He walked off leaving Hiashi to think on his words.

No doubt the man was boiling in anger but that really wasn't Levi's problem. He was just too tired to care anymore. The plan was to beat the shit out of him but Levi likes it this way better. After all, no one likes being treated like a child.

Heading back to his apartment Levi rubbed his temples. He was sick of Hiruzen and his generation. All of them were just a massive pain in his ass. Or most of them at least. He hasn't exactly met any of the elders that he had come to like or trust.

Levi opened the door to his apartment and really wasn't surprised by what he saw.

"I'LL KICK HIS ASS BELIEVE IT!!!" Naruto boomed. His eyes were slightly red.

"N-n-no! Wait.. umm L-Levi is h-handling it" Hinata said. She was very worried about what would happen should Naruto attack her clan.

"Hn," Sasuke muttered. He was sitting in his usual position. His hands held together and his head resting on them. His eyes however were blood red and spinning slowly.

"Right! You can kill him after I do!" Naruto yelled.

"Oi. Shut up" Levi muttered. He walked in and immediately went to make a cup of tea.

Naruto, Hinata and Sasuke all ran to Levi.

"Wait Levi what happened!?" Naruto asked.

"I-is my f-f-father mad?" Hinata asked.

"Can I kill him?" Sasuke asked.

"What did I just say, brats?" Levi asked.

Everyone went silent while Levi finished making his tea.

"I spoke to your father. I don't understand his mindset and frankly, I don't care to. So I've decided on something. You can stay the night but tomorrow you should confront him. Tell him your feelings and exactly how you feel about your position. Be confident when you speak or else he won't listen. What I've said today should give him a big hint" Levi stated.

"EHHH!? What!? He hit her! I say we go kick the crap outta him!" Naruto yelled.

"Surely you hit him?" Sasuke asked.

Levi let out a deep and heavy sigh.

"This is something Hinata must do on her own. I've helped her enough by giving her father more than enough hints but she will never improve if she doesn't stand up for herself" Levi explained.


"Enough! We each have something that we must face on our own. This is Hinata's." Levi said cutting off Sasuke.

The room went silent. They wanted so badly to teach Hiashi a lesson. Sure Hinata wasn't that close to them but that doesn't mean they'll stand by to abuse. Naruto had been abused enough, and Sasuke had been tortured enough. Neither was willing to just let this go.

"T-thank you L-Levi," Hinata said with a bow.

Levi placed his hand on her head. He looked at her with a blank face before releasing yet another sigh.

"Think nothing of it brat. Now get up, you can stay in Sasuke's room" Levi said.

"What? Why my room? Why not Naruto's?" Sasuke perked up.

"Naruto's room is always a mess. I refuse to let a guest stay in a room like that. Besides you barely sleep in your room" Levi stated.

This was something that surprised Sasuke. He didn't think Levi had noticed as he never said anything about it. More often than not Sasuke would sleep in the living room. Sometimes he wouldn't be back from training till morning so he usually wasn't in his room.

A few days had passed since the Hyuga incident. Honestly, Levi was impressed. He had seen Hinata around and she looked a lot happier than before. He was secretly proud of her for standing up for herself.

He had also spotted Sakura in the training grounds a lot more. Again he was slightly proud of her for taking the initiative. Maybe she had finally realised that she can't always be the damsel in distress.

Levi himself had been improving on using the quickstep. It was very helpful and a very well developed Jutsu. You can see it was based on the Body Flicker but oddly enough Levi liked the Quickstep a lot more. Maybe because it was created by his mother. Who knows.

The end of the second month was fast approaching and Levi wanted something powerful to go into battle with. If everything went as planned he would need something very strong.

Sasuke would have his Chidori, Naruto was working on getting Summonings. Levi knew he would need something too.

He held a piece of Chakra paper in his hands. Strange to think that only 7 months ago was Levi promising to stay away from all Hocus pocus shit with a 10-mile vicinity. Now look at him, and yet there was a part of him that was happy he got out of that mindset.

This world isn't a world of Titans, it's a world of Ninjas. And as Orochimaru had so kindly put it. He may know a lot about Titans but he is only scratching the surface when it comes to Ninjas. Had Levi stayed in that mindset he had a feeling it would be more than just Shiro and Shisui who would have gained a ticket to the afterlife.

Letting his Chakra flow the Chakra paper sliced itself in half. One half wrinkled into a ball while the other half turned to ash. He wasn't surprised. The Uchiha are known for their Fire Nature as is the Ackerman known for their wind. Levi just assumed the lightning came from Hageshi.

"You assumed correctly," Hageshi stated.

Well If Kakashi can manifest lightning into a ball, and he had no doubt that Naruto would probably do the same with his Chakra nature. Levi saw no reason why he could not do it with his own Chakra nature.

Now Levi and Sasuke had a bet going on about what Naruto's chakra nature was. Levi guessed Wind while Sasuke guessed Water. Oddly enough Sakura had joined the bet and she went for Earth because (in her words) he's as stubborn as a mountain.

So if Levi were to do this he would probably go for fire. That way if all three were to combine their attacks it would only prove to make it more powerful and not cancel each other out.

He would work on that later, for now, he had to prepare a plan for Sasuke. They agreed that he would be the one to steal from the Hokage's office. Naruto managed to get a map of the place and Levi planned the rest.

This had to go perfectly. This just had to.


Oh, dear. Hinata had some family troubles and Levi had to put another bitch in their place.

Honestly, this was a little filler before shit hits the fan.

The next chapter is going to be very interesting I swear. I'll probably have to split it into two chapters.

Hmm... we'll see.

Hope you enjoyed!

Ja ne!

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