Gate old world blues

By user444890

356K 5.9K 2K

Disclaimer:I do not own fallout or gate as fallout belongs to betheasda softworks and gate belongs to takumi... More

Alternate timeline
Act of war
slaughter at the hills
clash of two worlds
Revelations part 2
battle of tears
Evil vs Evil
Ignorance and foolishness
Into the wasteland
Horrors of the wasteland
exploring the wasteland
welcome back,Mr president
War of words
slaughter of italica
A new war
War of self destruction
Firebomb of rondel
challenge accepted
Reviews and tensions
Boosting image
Will history repeat itself?
Much needed firepower
Assault on fort Orion
Denying reality
Will MAD be a thing of the past?
World of politics and tensions
The European commonwealth civil war history revealed
Mr house ,unrest across Europe and Russia
Best of both worlds
Hope of a broken world
Clearing the glowing sea
Welcome to Washington DC
Exploring Washington DC
Exploring Washington DC Part 2
Welcome to big mt
Exploring big mt part 1
Exploring big mt part 2
Exploring big mt part 3
exploring big mt finale and welcome to new vegas
Exploring New Vegas part 1
Exploring New Vegas part 2 and a diplomatic incident
Exploring New Vegas part 3, Gomorrah part 1
Exploring New Vegas part 4, Gomorrah part 2
Exploring New Vegas part 5
Exploring New Vegas part 6
Exploring New Vegas part 7
Back to DC and offensive begins
Operation Link up part 1
Operation link up part 2
Operation link up part 3
Operation link up part 4
Operation link up part 5
Operation Link up finale
Game of politics
New inventions
Jealously and competition
Restrictions lossen and all out war begins
Assault on city of tirith
A deal with the devil
Assault on the city of hiron
Slave revolt
Gods must make a compromise
More Allies
Assault on proptor
Sadera great earthquake
Defense of proptor
angels of death
Last city before sadera
Atomic fury
Fallout of sadera part 1
Fallout of sadera part 2
UN summit part 2
Hollywood and games
Hollywood and games part 2
Fake meetings
Plot failed
Interviews part 1
Interviews part 2
interviews part 3 and america get even more upgrades
Trouble in Korea
Hold at all cost part 1

UN summit part 1

3.2K 53 12
By user444890

The war against sadera has ended but many critics says that the force used is unjustified,mainly due to the use of nuclear weaponry,china has called fallout america actions imperlism at it's finest and demand to have access to the special region to treat those who are affected by the 'american imperialism' as china called it.North Korea has accused fallout america of being threatening world peace by launching nukes at non-nuclear countries.Iran has accused of fallout america of human rights violations due to the t-51b power armor causing massive amount of PTSD to insurgents forces-CNN

UN building (gate earth new York)

"Fallout america is commiting genocide on the natives on the special region as it is basically the same scenario when those European colonists kill the native americans and took over the continent.I hereby demand the UN that china be let in into the special region to treat those natives with medical care to show compassion when those imperialist americans did not."china ambassador Zhou Xin lin said

"Hey, first of all the nuclear strike is justified i-"before president Daniel can finish china ambassador interrupted him.

"How dare you justify ordering a nuclear strike at a nation that uses only swords and bows,you nazis, fascist, xenophobia,evil, corrupt, bankrupt america.This abhorred america from a world that just came out of nuclear war should know what it's like to be nuked and guess what they did?they nuked a defenseless nation using only medieval weapons!"Zhou Xin lin china ambassador said

"Don't interrupt the fallout american president when he is speaking ambassador of china."the UN secretary general said

"The United Nation human rights watch has also found fallout america of human rights violations."china ambassador Zhou Xin lin said

"Ambassador of china please stop interrupting when other people are speaking or else I would have to mute your mike."the secretary general said

The china ambassador kept quiet after that.

"Thank you secretary general before I was so rudely interrupted what is up with red chinese communist always being so rude infact before the sino american war on my earth, china communist officials talk in the same way as this gate earth china ambassador but in a more rude tone,I guess being a commie has the same character across the universe or should I say multiverse?"president Daniel said

"Please answer the question."the UN secretary general said

"Of course, first of all the Saderan empire has made a deal with a very powerful being called hardy which gave extreme power to the imperial army to the point we have no choice to but use nuclear weaponry as that is their weakness,I will now invite my general William Wales to speak."president Daniel said

"Thank you Mr president for giving me a chance to speak at the UN, first of all my president is correct about the increase of the imperial army by hardy as I will know show you footage of the Saderan army before and after hardy."general William Wales said

Soon Jackson, Randall Clark, James, Andrew brought a large tv screen to the meeting and begin to play the types of enemy troops encountered during the course of the war.

The screen soon displayed the burned knights which seemed to immune to 5.56 and 7.62 rounds and only high powered weapons can take them down such as the 50cal,laser weaponry, guass rifle and other heavy powered weapons.

The UN is shocked at this development as the Saderan empire went from not being able to handle 5.56 and 7.62 rounds to basically become immune to it in some of it's troops.The viewers who saw this express their reaction in the comments section below.

Comments section
"OMG,how can the empire catch up so fast?"
"Still it does not justify a nuke."
"Looks like demon knights."

"Next I want to show you the flame dragons that is under saderan control, Jackson please roll the clip."general William Wales said

Jackson rolled the tapes,it shows mutiple flame dragons flying in the sky breathing fire down on the jsdf and fallout American troops down below killing many but in end it was killed by liberty prime shoving a mark 28 nuclear warhead down the dragon throat.

Many express their reaction down in the comments section below

Comments section
"My heart goes to those died in the campaign for freedom."
"This is reminds me of the movie the hobbit where the dragon smaug attacked the lonely mountain in the movie."
A reply wrote"but those dwarves don't have liberty prime on their side we do."
"Can someone take a screenshot of when liberty prime killed the flame dragon?as I want it to be my computer wallpaper something about a robot spouting anti-communist propaganda killing an evil dragon is something I want as my wallpaper."
A reply wrote"Here you go"
Another reply wrote"thank you!"

"Now I would want show you is something terrifying the demons of terror, Jackson please."general William Wales said

Jackson then played the clip showing the demons of terror riding on the backs of the flame dragons reclaim the port of proptor before getting killed by plasma anti tank weapons

Comments section
"Looks like a balrog"
A reply wrote"yea it seems so as it has wings of fire, a giant flaming sword and a whip of fire."
"Demons of terror with the appearance of a balrog riding on a flame dragon to battle sounds like a fantasy movie come to life."
"Sci Fi weapons vs fantasy demons is exactly a movie I want to watch, shooting a anti tank plasma weapons at a 'balrog' is something I want."

"Now I want to show you the special enemies,mog the captain of the demons of terror,Tigre the first dragon of falmart and the father flame dragon.Lastly their deaths by the hands of our forces."general William Wales said

Jackson then played the clip showing these enemies starting with Tigre the first dragon of falmart it has the appearance of a giant worm and breathes fire next the clip shows colonel Johnson killing it with a conjured up plasma sword by stabbing the plasma sword right up the dragon belly before extending it.

Next it shows mog captain of the demons of terror and it's battle with captain Jackson and it's death when Jackson plunged the plasma spear into mog chest.

Lastly it shows Jackson battle with the father flame dragon and the death of the flame dragon by Jackson hands.

The comments section is filled with excitement and praise for the 2 soldiers that slayed dragons around the size of a small mountain.

Comments section
"Damm the fight is metal!"
"Is that a new power armor?it can fly while the previous model cannot."
"Wearing a power armor that can fly at the speed of a jet while conjuring up a plasma sword and spear to kill monster in the realm of fantasy? Warner bros please make a movie about this!"
"Damm I don't know which battle is more metal!
A reply wrote"how about all of them?"
"I can feel the democracy coming out of my screen."
"Looks like sadera got some 'freedom and democracy'."

"Now I want to show you the cracks which appeared around sadera and based on reports from the natives that those cracks can only be sealed by unleashing the power of the sun on the city and those cracks appears to be spawning untold amount of dark creatures which gives us no choice but to nuke it but before we nuked it we evacuated slaves and those who want no part in the war"general William Wales said

Jackson then played the clip of the apostles saying the only way to seal those cracks in sadera to prevent any more monster from coming out of the ground is to unleash the power of the sun.Next the clip shows special forces evacuating slaves and civilians that want to have no part in the war.lastly the clip then shows the cracks across the Sadera that is constantly spawning huge amount of dark creatures.

The reaction in the comments section seemed to be supporting fallout america of her usage of nuclear weaponry.

Comments section
"Nuke those things man!"
A reply wrote"they did nuke those things"
"Now I know why they nuke it."
"At least those that have no part in the war is safetly evacuated."
"Go america!"
"I find it amusing,the gate opens to Japan to which have been nuked,the gate then opens to fallout america which just came out of a nuclear war and lastly sadera which the 2 gates connected to is nuked as well."
A reply wrote"oh shoot I don't know about this connection does it mean the gates open to nations that has been nuked?"
"Taste nuclear fire saderans!"

After seeing the report the Chinese ambassador fell silent.

"Now you know why we need to use the nukes, it hurt our hearts to use those weapons again,now I will now hand my time back to the president"general William Wales said

"Thank you general,china I hope this addresses your worries of us committing genocide infact we did not we saved the a world from demonic hell."President Daniel said

"I am the ambassador of Iran,I am here to say that the t-51b power armor that you give to the other america is using it for evil as they are causing PTSD to isis fighters I get it they are terrorist but must you really traumatized them so much,I would like to ban power armor in war as my people find power armor is a cowardly weapon."Iran ambassador said

"What do you mean?"president Daniel said

"Well,let me show you."Iran ambassador said

The Iranian ambassador then showed an interview with an isis fighter after his combat with the t-51b power armor user.

Interview log

Interviewer"can you tell me what happened?

Isis fighter"it was a sunny day in Iraq when suddenly a user in the t-51b power armor come rushing through the city. We fired small arms fire at the power armor but bullets just bounced off,next-

The isis fighter can been seen trembling in fear unable to control himself as he took a pill to calm himself.

Interviewer"it's alright if you can't continue."

Isis fighter"no,I want this out,I want the t-51b power armor to be banned in war as I think power armor is against the Geneva convention you can't just take a minigun into a house and fire it! It's not fair! My brothers who worship god dutifully fell to those power armor demons like flies thousands you know thousands of my friends are killed by those western devilish power armor."

Interviewer"what can you tell us about the fight."

Isis fighter"what fight?there is no fight! american soldiers in their cowardly power armor wielding miniguns tore through our ranks like nothing this scare us so much to the point that we name the t-51b power armor as the 'devil' we used IEDS on them but have no effect as when those soldiers in the t-51b power armor triggers an IED it explodes but the user is completely fine,our most deadly weapon is rendered in effective.Most of my fighters just surrendered upon seeing the t-51b power armor troops with their miniguns during the next few battles our spirit in god has been shattered,we can't even sleep now without having nightmares of those devilish power armor killing us in the most gruesome way."

Interview log ends

"You see,you have traumatized someone so badly that they can't even sleep without having nightmares of your nightmarish t-51b power armor killing them!"Iran ambassador shouted

"Well, Power armor is not against the Geneva convention, besides ain't isis fighter don't follow the Geneva convention at all."President Daniel said.

"How can you said that with such a calm face!Your power armor is used by american soldiers that just destroy isis fighters with ease causing PTSD to isis fighters,do you know those isis fighters have family they need to feed?Now you have traumatized them so much to the point that they can't even sleep who is going to feed their families now?"Iran ambassador said

"Are you serious?you are giving sympathy to isis fighters who beheads people for breaking some laws.Speaking of the family they need to feed they can apply for other jobs that don't involve killing innocent people and taking away their stuff."president Daniel said

Comments section
"Fallout america please give more power armor to america."
"Don't listen to Iran fallout america!"
"No sympathy for isis fighters!"
"Power armor is a good thing as it gives terrorist fighters PTSD"
"Giving PTSD to terrorist in the most american way."
"Thank you fallout america for giving america more sci Fi weapons."
"Lol,isis fighters crying about the Geneva convention."

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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