The Taste Of Lust (Jungkook F...

By liahlmtn

178K 5.9K 202

you: i-is there something that you have to tell me? Jungkook: yes, I want you, right now. warning: This story... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 17

3.8K 143 5
By liahlmtn

weeks later.

days have been passing by so quickly, and i'm not liking it that much anymore, school is getting way more stressful, the topics are getting hader, and i have to adjust more since more projects and assignments are due each day after it's being given.

my work is nothing like school, well for my part time job for Mrs J, there's no really much work to do for her, she's fine and very considerate, and the man that i accidentally saw in the bedroom, i rarely see him, and i'm fine now, not really remembering him that much anymore

and for my other job, my boss told me to stay in for a few more hours, more like +3 since the shop is now open for 24/7 and the store is getting more popular, the shop owner also pays me more, and it does help me a lot with my studies and money finances.


today is the weekends and now, i can finally have fun with my own.

i'm in living room right now with my siblings, my brother is in the dining table, he's busy using my laptop because he needs it for his college use, while my sister is with me in the living room right now, she's currently playing with her dolls.

and i'm plopped in the couch while scrolling down through my social medias, and then all of a sudden, my ultimate bestfriend, Rose texted me.

Rose: Hi Y/n, it's been a long time since we last talked! how are you?

her name is Rose, and she's been my ultimate bestfriend since we were in elementary, she was always in this bad girl attitude since elementary, but she was always nice to me, and she always gives me food whenever it's lunch time and i wouldn't have food for lunch.

she is the rich girl in school, but too bad i had to move out of the elementary school we used to go to since the tuition fees were rising up and my brother couldn't afford the fees anymore.

Me: hello Rose! i'm doing good but i have too many assignments to pass in school chz, how about you?

Rose: LMAO school smh, it's aching my head for some reason.

Rose: well i'm doing great too, i've been missing you for a long time!

Me: same! and i was shocked bc you texted me all of a sudden haha.

Rose: haha, and by the way, are you free tonight?

Me: yes i am, where?

Rose: wanna join with me to the club?

i took a deep breathe after reading her texts, i have never been into a club before, it's probably bc i'm a minor and i'm not even supposed to go in there, but i guess i'm allowed now?

my brother will probably not allow me yet bc i'm a girl, and if he does allow me then he has to come with me.

and yeah i totally forgot to add this to the info, she's a party girl, she loves going to parties to have fun with friends, and since she's inviting me to one, i'll just say yes.

Me: yes i am! tell me the full details!

im probably taking so much risks by now, but who cares, we are teens, we live once, and we have to try!



right now i'm in the entrance place of the bar, and i'm waiting for Rose to come and see me here, she said that she's just here.

i chose this red strap short mini dress that i saw from my cabinet, i rarely wear this dress and i feel so amazing and independent with it, but of course, i brought a jacket with me, it's cold out here.

???: Y/n, is that you?

i slowly turned my head to my back and i realized that it was Rose, i scanned her body down to bottom, and she looks super pretty today with her short black dress with her matching white jacket, my lips turned into a very big smile and she did the same thing, we chuckled.

she opened her arms for me to hug her, and i ran upto her

Y/n: yes Rose, it's me!

Rose: i missed you!

Y/n: i missed you too!!

after the quick warm hug, we let go of each other then we began to walk together to the bar, the bar was filled with people partying, some were dancing on the edge, and some are even kissing? wtf


"so, how's school?" she asked while we took a seat infront of the bartender's table.

i forgot to tell that she's just a year older than me, so she's like my big sister.

"school is great, nothing much has been happening lately, how about yours? i miss  south academy" i asked her while i placed my bag on the table.

I used to go to South Academy when i was young, that school is one of the most popular schools, and probably one of the most expensive schools in Seoul, but i didn't stay there longer bc of the rising tuitions, so i had leave.

"well nothing much has changed, and i don't really focus into school anymore" she replied then tells the bartender what drink we would like to take

"awhh i understand, but we still have a future to work hard for" i replied while crossing my legs together

"let's think of that later, but now let's take a shot" she said while holding 2 full cups of whiskey on her hands, i swallowed my saliva as i took the glass.

the smell is so strong, and it's going all around the room, this is my first time to taste Whiskey.

"Cheers!" she said with her loud and soft voice, and we took a shot


30 minutes later.

Author's POV

minutes are passing by and Y/n and Rose are starting to have fun while drinking, Y/n is beginning to have loads of fun to drink Whiskey as if she's already used to it.

"Wah Y/n! be careful, you're drinking so much!" Rose laughed like a devil.

"i'm probably n-needing m-more" Y/n laughed back with a burb.

Y/n's vision is starting to get more blurry each time she takes a shot, and her stomach is starting to rumble like crazy, this is the effect of alcohol to a person who's just starting at her first time.


"R-rose i t-think i need to go t-to the restroom" she was tapping Rose's shoulder with her squinty eyes, we could tell that she's getting high with all of that whiskey she's been drinking.

"okay go, i'm probably needing more" she replied with a laugh, Y/n chuckled and she went off from her seat.


Unknown Person's POV

i'm in the bar with my friends, and we love getting high here, loads of girls are coming to our direction, and i kinda want this girl beside me.

but she's not the one i want.

i started to look around, trying to find the best girl i can possibly find, but no one is better than her, i looked down to the floor while holding tightly onto the glass that i have.

"hey Kook, we're supposed to be having fun here! what's with the frown?" my bestfriend asked while pouring more wine in to my cup"

"im not in the mood, Chim" i said after i drank the whole cup of wine in a blink of an eye

"if you say so, i'm going to the girls" he left with a smirk, and now i'm alone here.

my eyes looks so squinty today, i could barely open them anymore, but not until my eyes catched this pretty girl who passed by on the side.

i've made my decision, i'll follow her.


Y/n's POV.

i couldn't find the restroom signage anymore, i kept moving my head to the sides but i couldn't see it, the more i move my head, the more my headache gets worse.

i coudn't even walk properly anymore, my eyesight is getting blurrier, and i couldn't focus that much anymore, i began to walk to the side, all the way to the wall.

i'm gonna use this wall as my guide to the restroom.


Author's POV.

as Y/n began to walk more to the restroom, and at the same time she couldn't continue, her headache is getting worse, and she could barely see properly.

as she stopped her way and looked down to the floor while squinting her eyes, she tries to chill her head down, a man came closer to her.

"excuse me, i think you're having trouble to go somewhere, may i help you?"

Y/n slowly began to open her eyes and tried to look at the man who just spoke to her, but she couldn't see him that much.

but his physical appearance was familliar to her, the man is wearing a black leather jacket, and skinny jeans, and he smelled so strong, more of cigarettes and vape, his face was also blurry to her vision, but she could familiarize him a bit.

 so she just mumbled her words, but enough for him to hear.

"i'm g-going to t-the restroom" she said before she gulped her saliva

"sure, i'll help you" he replied with a smile, but at the back of that is a huge smirk, she thanked him.

he places his hands on her waist, and he made her wrap her other arm to his shoulder, and he helps her go to the restroom.


(Warning: this part is only for 18+, if you are 18 below, please don't read this, read at your own risk)

after Y/n uses the restroom, she went out of the toilet stall but something happened, someone forcefully went in the stall she is in.

"e-excuse me-" she was cut off right away when he places a hand on her strawberry lips.

"s-shhh" he digged his whole head on the crook of her neck.

"w-who are you" she asked while her eyes were squinting, she could even barely open them clearly.

"Jungkook, baby" he whispered with a smirk.

he didn't wait Y/n to respond back, and he began to smash his lips against hers without her consent, the kiss was beginning to be rough, Y/n didn't even know who was the person who helped her get all the way here, but she starts to kiss him back.

"mhm i like that" he mumbled in between the kisses and Y/n starts to wrap her arms around his neck, he wraps his arms around her waist, while feeling every bit of the kiss that Y/n was giving.

it was a mix of passionate and a rough kiss, he starts to deepen the kiss as his hands started to explore all around her body.

while Y/n was very unself-conscious of herself, she will probably not remember anything the next day, he was just enjoying the time he currently has with Y/n.

his hands were moving all around her sexy, figured, and curved body, he starts to push her more to the wall with his muscular body as the heat starts to get intense, and pinning her hands on the bathroom stall wall.

"mhm" Y/n mumbles in between the kisses, Jungkook smirked as his hands went to her ass, cupping them so tightly, she moaned.

"aaa-aah Y/n, w-where are you?" a loud voice asked for Y/n's existence.

Jungkook stopped for a moment as soon as he heard someone calling for Y/n, Y/n slowly backs herself to the back and he gave her some space.

"R-rosee, i'm here" she said with a laugh, she sounds too crazy right now, blame the alcohol for that.

"well then, i'll see you some time, Princess" Jungkook said with a smirk, while Y/n looks completely blacked out.

he opens the door and escaped in the bathroom stall like nothing happened, Y/n wandered all over the place and therefore she realizes that she's still in there, she begins to leave the stall.


"Y/n! y-you're j-just here, i've been looking for youuuu"

Rose wrapped her arms around Y/n who was super drunk and cant even speak properly.

"let's go hoooommeee" she said as her bodyguards began to help Y/n and her to go to the car.

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