Kissing in Cars (Pierce the V...

By Musical_Paradise

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Vic has had some crazy experiences on tour with the guys. Some good, some bad, some he doesn't like to talk a... More

Kissing in Cars (Pierce the Veil love story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 13

387 10 2
By Musical_Paradise

Katie's POV;

"God, where are they!?" I asked myself over and over again as I stood there in the airport.

The guys come home from tour today. They're flying in by plan from New York. Nicci and I came here at six forty-five to pick them up at seven. Nicci went to the bathroom and kept me on watch for the guys. It's 7:10 and I'm still waiting. Where could they be!?

Ugh, I'm so impatient.

"Hey! The guys get here yet?" Nicci asked as she jogged towards me. I shook my head,

"Not yet. Where could they be!?"

"I really don't know I mean they are taking so long-" we heard Lou say behind us. We both turned around and screamed,

"Lou!" We said, hugging him tight. "Woah, woah, woah! What about us?" Eric, Kyle, and Josh asked as they popped behind us as well. Nicci and I both ran over to the three and hugged them all as well.

"Where are our boys?" Nicci asked with a pout. "We made them get the luggage so you guys would be upset." Kyle laughed. Nicci and I gasped,

"You assholes!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyways, Kate, can I talk to you?" Josh asked. I nodded, letting him take me over by the entrance.

"What's up?" I asked in concern. "What happened with you and Vic? I was talking with Tony and he said Vic won't tell him."

I sighed, "We had a little fight and he wanted to make it up to me. We just went to the beach to have some dinner and then we were talking and...well, he tried to kiss me. I told him no and how I loved Andy but he seemed really determined for us to try it again. We haven't talked since, it concerns me. Did Tony say how he's been doing?" I asked. Josh shook his head,

"I'll call later, I just was wondering. And I'm glad to know you really do love Andy. He's been talking about you all tour." He laughed. I laughed as well,

"That's good to know. So, has-"

"There's my babe." I heard a familiar voice call behind me. I turned around to see Andy putting down a few bags, standing back up and smiling in my direction.

"Andy!" I yelled, running over to him and into his arms. He hugged me tight, pulling me protectively to his chest. The smell of his cologne flooded my scent, making me melt in his arms.

Every girl loves when a guy smells good, trust me.

"I missed you so much." He whispered. I attached our lips together one by one, again and again. My arms slung around his neck and his hands found my waist. "I missed you more." I winked. He shook his head,


"Okay, okay, enough with this lovey dovey shit. It's sickening." Eric fake gagged. I rolled my eyes,

"You'd be the same if Becky was here, Eric." I told him. He put his hands up defense,

"I would, but she's not. Shes in Australia right now, so we don't need to worry about that. Lets just get back to the house before the two of you fuck here and now." Eric laughed. Everyone joined in as well, making Andy and I blush.

Andy took my hand as Nicci and I led the guys to the cars.

It's good to have our boys back.

"Get a room why don't you!?" The guys all asked. I rolled my eyes,

"What about Nicci and David!?"

"They have to too!" Lou chuckled. "Come on, lets go upstairs." Andy said, leading me up to his room.

"So, now that we're back, are coming back to live with us?" Andy asked excitedly. I sighed,

"I don't think so, hun. I'm bound by the police, remember?" I reminded him. He frowned and nodded,


"But I'll try to stop by everyday if that makes it better." I smiled weakly. He nodded, "It does."

"Well, for now, lets make our time worth while, hm?" I asked, sitting on his bed. He smirked,


He came over and sat next to me, picking me up and setting me on his lap. I turned his head to face me and pressed our lips together. We moved in sync, my fingers tangled in his hair as his hands moved up and down my shirt. I moved my legs so I was strattling him, our lips not leaving each other for a second. Andy took my shirt off, planting small kisses on my neck in between. I moaned a bit as he kissed my collarbone. He smiled, kissing my nose softly.

I lifted off Andy's shirt as well, unzipping his pants in the process. He pulled off my shorts too, laying me down under the covers. Our kiss deepened as he laid on top of me.

"You know I love you, right?" He asked, pulling away and kissing my neck again and again. I nodded,

"You know I love you, right?" I asked him back. He smiled, "Yes, and that makes me the luckiest man in the world." He whispered.

I rolled my eyes and laughed,

"Suck up."

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Andy asked as the guys piled into his car. I nodded,

"I'm not really the clubbing type. Can't you just stay with me?" I pouted. He winced,

"I can't, I have to babysit these guys, and I promise I won't drink. I'm sorry babe, I'll make it up to you." Andy smiled, planting a kiss on my lips and then forehead. I sighed,

"Alright, have fun. I love you."

"I love you too."

It was about two to three hours since the guys left for the club. I was sitting on the couch watching re-runs of Family Guy while eating some left over Chinese food.

When suddenly, my phone rang. I picked it up to find a picture message from an unknown number. And when I looked at the picture, I immediately regretted my decision to look.

I ran over to the guys house right away. Since my car was being fixed and I didn't have a ride, I simply ran. Not walked, but ran.

I didn't even care that it was pouring rain, I just kept going. I knew of all people to help me, Tony would be the person to go to.

He has helped me through a lot of my problem and it's like he's my personally therapist, as well as me with him.

And when I got to their house, HE answered the door, making him the person I poured my heart out too.

Vic's POV;

I heard a loud knock on the door downstairs.

I told the guys I would get it, heading downstairs and to the door. I was a little confused at first, I mean, who would come to our door at eleven at night in the pouring rain!?

But when I answered the door, I found Katie. Her hair was soaked as well as her clothes and shoes, but tears falling down her face were still visible.

"Katie?" I whispered. She shook her head and fell into my arms, crying her eyes out. I stroked her head and whispered in her ears that she would be fine.

I picked her up and brought her to her room, "Get some dry clothes on and I'll make you some tea, alright?" I told her. She sniffled and nodded. I sighed and walked out of her room and to the kitchen.

I made her some tea and went straight to her room, anxious on what happened to her.

I want to know what happened and that's all I wanted to know. I haven't been there for Katie the last month or so like I've promised her I would be. I need to prove to her that I love her, wether she loves me back or not.

I knocked on her door and opened it slighty, "Can I come in?" I asked. I saw her nod a bit and opened the door. I thanked her and handed her the tea. She smiled slightly and took a sip, sitting on her bed.

She looked so upset and confused and a bit hopeless. It didn't seem like a good time to ask question, so I didn't.

"Well, if you need anything, just tell me okay?" I assured her, walking to the door.

Suddenly, she spoke up,

"He cheated on me."

I stopped, "What?"

"Andy cheated on me. At the club, with some girl. Someone sent me a picture of him with some girl." She whispered, her voice straining and hurt.

I turned around and ran to her side, "When did this happened?" I asked in disbelief.

Andy seemed like he loves Katie too much to ever cheat on her. Why would he ever fucking do that!?

"Almost an hour ago, that's why I came back here." She said. "Can I see it?" I asked, motioning to her phone. She nodded, handing me her phone.

I looked at the picture in disbelief. It was Andy body to body with some skank in a short, tight, light blue dress. They were locked by the hips and lips as well, beers in both their hands.

Anger grew heavily in my body, but I knew I needed to keep it under control. For Katie.

"I just...he told me he wasn't going to drink, that he was just babysitting the guys. He told me that he loved me. He..he-" Katie whimpered, falling into tears. I clutched her tightly to my chest,

"I'm so sorry, Katie." I whispered in her ear, kissing her head.

"It's all my fault." She sniffled. I shook my head, "No it's not, you did nothing. This never should have happened to you." I whispered into her hair as I laid my head down on hers.

"I'm sorry, Vic, for everything." She whimpered. I chuckled, "I'm the one who should be apologizing for my stupid behavior. I've just been so jealous of Andy and it''s stupid."

"Why are you jealous of Andy?" She asked with a laugh. Her smile seemed a bit brighter, which made me smile. She always deserves to smile.

"Because he has something that I don't." I whispered, rubbing her thigh. "What?"

I laughed, "You really don't get it, do you?"

She shook her head, "I seriously don't know I guess I'm retarded or something." She laughed a bit, but was actually serious. I chuckled,

"You're not retarded." I said, inching closer to her. I leaned my forehead on hers,

"He has you."

She looked up at me, "He may not have me much longer." She whispered back. I blushed and leaned in, pressing my lips against hers lightly. She kissed back for a second but pulled away,

"I'm sorry Vic, I really am, but if he does it then it doesn't make it right for me to do it too." She told me. I nodded in understandment,

"I get it, it's fine. Maybe one day I can kiss you again-" I said, grabbing hold of her hand, "and it'll be okay because you'll finally be mine."

She smiled, "It'd like that."

Katie's POV;

"You have to answer him eventually." Mike told me. I sighed, "I know, but not now."

"He'll just come here and try to talk to you in person. That's why we're all here on watch." Jaime laughed. I smiled at the four guys in front of me,

"I know, that's why I'm not going out with the girls today either. Katelynn said she'll stop by with Kellin later though if that's okay...?" I asked. They all nodded,

"That's fine, and I'll call Courtney to come over now because I can." Jaime laughed, ducking out of the basement to call Courtney. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the guy's game of COD Black Opps.

Andy has tried to call me literally at least thirty times in between yesterday tonight and today, about mid day. I've ignored most of his calls, especially last night. I just sent him the picture that was sent to me of him and that girl when he kept asking why I was ignoring his calls. I haven't listened to any of the voicemails or texts he has sent. I want to, but it'll be too painful. I've been cheated on before, I won't go down that path again. Three months and a week of dating and I've already been cheated on. I feel like a high schooler again..

"Hey, wanna come pick up the pizza with me?" Vic asked. I nodded, "Let me just get shoes." I said. He nodded right before I jumped off the couch and went to my room to put on my shoes.

I slipped on my red vans and my PTV sweatshirt, heading to the door. Vic was already there waiting for me when I got there,

"Ready?" He asked. I nodded as he opened the door and I skipped to the car.

Once we both got into the car, we were on our way to Dominos to pick up our pizza.

"So, even though I don't want to bring it up, I was wondering...who even sent you the picture?" Vic asked. I thought for a moment,

"I'm not really sure, I haven't thought about it. I have all the guys numbers...but the number was unknown, so I'm not sure. Maybe like a friend of the girl who saw I was his girlfriend? I don't really care, all I care about is finding out why." I replied. Vic nodded,

"Katie, have you ever considered that he was just drunk and being stupid? I mean, guys can do some pretty stupid things when they're drunk." Vic explained. I nodded,

"Yeah, I'm hoping that's the case. But I just...I don't know. I can't handle all that, all THIS. I may just take a break from all guys for a while, you know?" I asked. He smiled,

"It's probably for the best."

"Thanks Vic, I appreciate all this. The support at least, it's nice." I thanked him with a kiss on the cheek. He blushed,

"No problem, I'll be back, I'll head in and get the pizza." I nodded and sat back in relaxation as Vic headed inside to the pizza parlor.

I smiled as I saw Vic talk to a few people in the parlor, most likely fans. Watching him smile and laugh and interact with the kids gave me a bit of butterflies. It made me remember back when we were getting close. When he took me out on our first date to the beach, how we could both tell that the feelings were mutual. It made me feel a bit if happiness through what just happened. Vic makes me happy, when's he's not playing with my heart at least...

"Alright, Kellin just called saying him and Katleynn are coming over an-you alright?" Vic asked as he got into the car. I blinked a few times and giggled,

"Yeah, I'm fine. Lets just get home."

"Why is Seether so god damn perfect!?" I yelled as I blasted 'Tonight' and screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Because you love them." Vic winked. I pushed him playfully, "Flirt."

"Come on, take a picture with me." He insisted. I gave him a weird look but eventually gave in, sitting next to him on the couch and taking silly pictures with him, the guys, Katelynn, and Courtney.

"That's going on Instagram." Katleynn laughed as we looked through our pictures.

Everybody seemed to be having a good time. I mean, Katleynn and Kellin were on a time limit because of a babysitter for Copeland but besides that, we all didn't have a care in the world. Until suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Actually, no, let me rephrase that. There was a person knocking on the door like there was a murder chasing them and they needed to get inside of a locked house.

Yeah, that fits.

I froze once I heard the knock, tensing up a bit as well. We all just sat there in silence, knowing who was at the door.

I whimpered a bit to myself, knowing for a fact that it was Andy. I could practically smell his cologne from where I was, I just missed him so much.

"You girls bring Katie to her room. I'll get th-"

"I'll get it." I interrupted Tony. "But Kate-"

"No, I'll do it. I have to face him eventually, right?" I said weakly. Everyone just stared back at me as I nodded and walked to the door. I jumped a bit as I felt someone hug me from behind,

"I've got your back." Vic whispered in my ear as he let go and stood back a little. I gave him a small smile before taking a deep breath and opening the door.

Andy stood at the door looking tense and anxious. He had on a black sweatshirt because of the slight breeze outside, along with his usual tshirt, jeans, and vans. His hair was messy and in a dark red beanie on top. He looked too cute...

He turned to me with wide eyes, "Katie.." He whispered. I just looked at him and back at everyone else. I nodded and took hold of the door handle, taking a step outside on the front step and closing the door behind me.

It's just Andy and I now.

"Katie, I just want you to know that I swear I didn't mean it. I was drunk and I swear to god I would never-"

"I know." I interrupted. We just stood there for a second before Andy let out a sigh of relief,

"Thank God! I thought you wouldn't believe me and we would have to break up and I don-"

"Andy, I'm breaking up with you." I said interrupted him again. This time he just stood there, tears forming in his eyes as he looked down at me.


At this point, I was almost hysterical crying but without like the crying noises and ichy face and all that crap. I just had tears falling all over my face, my heart aching like heart attack.

"I think that we should take a break. I was talking with Vic and he agrees with me when I say that I need some time to straighten my own life out before I get into another relationship. Maybe this was suppose to happen...I think it's for the best."

"B-But it wasn't suppose to happen! It was a-a mistake I swear and it'll never happen again!" Andy argued back. I shook my head,

"But it was-"

"But it wasn't." He whispered, grabbing my chin and lifting it up for me to look him in the eyes. I shook my head slightly,

"You lied. Don't deny it because you know you did. You promised me you wouldn't drink. You told me you were just babysitting the guys while they went out. I trusted you and you were practically fucking another girl, Andy. You know about my past, especially with cheating. I'm done. I'm sorry..." I gritted.

He just look at me with a sad expression, tears flowing down his cheeks the same pace as mine.

"Alright..but I just want you to know that I will always love you, and when you're ready, I'll be here waiting for you." He whispered, planting one last kiss on my lips. I sniffled,

"Goodbye Andy." I said, opening the door and closing it behind me, leaving Andy waiting for me out front. I took a deep breath and looked around to only find Vic on the couch watching t.v.

"Where did everyone go?" I asked. He exerted his full attention to me, practically flying off the couch which made me chuckle,

"Uh, they left for more food out back. How'd it go?" He asked, stroking my arm. I began to feel tears form in my eyes once again,

"We broke up." I piped, clutching to Vic's chest as he held me close. "I'm sorry, Kate."

"It's fine, it's for the best anyways." I said with a frown and a sniffle. "Hey-" Vic said, lifting my chin up to look at him, "don't frown anywhere near me. I don't like it when pretty girls frown." He smirked.

I blushed, "Flirt."

"Hey, I flirt because I care. Now, lets play some video games while everyone is out getting food!" Vic cheered, leading me to the couch and handing me a controller.

As I put in some Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Vic spoke up,

" know I love you, right?" He asked me. I froze for a second but nodded. He smiled, leaned over to me and pressed his lips softly to mine for a quick second,

"Because I love you." He whispered as he pulled away. I smiled,

"I know Vic..I love you too."

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