Cloud Save

By Joku997

71 3 0

Every year kids are picked from across the globe to participate in what's known as the 'Cloud save' in this c... More

Chapter 1. Pink Devil
Chapter 2. Is that all?
Chapter 3. That's mine
Chapter 4. I'm not his or anyone's
Chapter 5. I love you! Why can't you see that!?
Chapter 6. How it feels to take care of another
Chapter 8. That's mine now
Chapter 9. I can see it! I can see it!
Chapter 10. Reshaping
Chapter 11. Don't trust your eyes
Chapter 12. You always wear it wrong!
Chapter 13. Nature vs Nuture Part 1
Chapter 14. Boo
Chapter 15. Turn me to ash and dust
Chapter 16. Enter Purity
Chapter 17. Comfort for an distant yet close old friend
Chapter 18. the ending of the beginning
Authors note.

Chapter 7. You are the selfish one!

1 1 0
By Joku997

Kia would be showing Aiko around the base camp when a loud roar would be heard from somewhere near by, Kia stiffened at the sound while Aiko just sighed "great now he's here..." the wolf girl muttered while waiting for the inevitable. Kia would look at Aiko for a second before recieving the answer to whatever question had crossed her and the camp's mind as a large grey wolf would land right next to them, it's fur seemed to move along with the wind while the area around it seemed untouched like its weight was nothing more then a simple rock being dropped from a picnic table "Don't try to act impressive and get out of your wolf form Neiko!" Aiko yelled as she grabbed the oversized creature by its snout, it gruffed in reply to the carmel haired girl and the two would have a stare off before Aiko would sigh "don't make me transform mister!" She said in a stern tone. After a few minutes of explaining to Kia that Aiko and her younger brother shared an ability they called Wolf, it let them transform into a wolf and have all of its better physical capabilities while also keeping some of its features in human form, and after seeing the oversized wolf become a small and scrawny boy who was no older then 10 and was surprisingly shorter then Aiko. He stood at a very short 4'8 while his sister sat at a 4'11. Kia sighed as she would start to lead them else where.

Joe would wave by to Mei as he dropped her off "You really are crazy aren't you?" The white haired girl muttered as the pink devil would hover in the air using his flames "Yeah and frankly there's something up with her if she can see my pillar of flames" he explained "no I meant you really are crazy in the head if you think this is any way to win Aiko back over" She furthered "This isn't for Aiko, this is to make sure I can remain the strongest when the time comes" "Joe it isn't questionable if your strong its more questionable on why your putting effort into taking care of the child when you could've killed her which we both know you wouldn't feel bad for" "..." "Please don't just turn out to be a big softie" "......" "Goddammit" She sighed "well you should hurry back to make sure she's fine after all the sedative doesn't last long"

Aiko and Neiko would be running towards a cave inside their wolf forms, Jack and Mack where riding on their backs while Kia did her best to keep up on foot. "His scent is as strong as ever here...but then again....let's just hope I came in time!" Aiko thought as she lept over a fallen burning tree "Is that his handy work?" Mack asked as she tightened her grip on Aiko "No his flames would tear right through trees and reduce them to ash before they could fall." The carmel furred wolf explained before stopping along with Neiko "You smell that Neiko?" She asked "'s him!" Neiko yelled before transforming back to human form and leaping into the air with Jack on his back still "Now!" Jack yelled as he shot off Neiko's back.

Joe would be flying back to his cave as he started to increase speed. He only slowed when he saw Neiko launch into the air "the fuc-" he would then notice Jack launching off his back.

Jack would have his fist pulled back as Joe got closer "This is my 100% of my 100%! Take this Pink Devil! Purple Tundra!" He pulled his fist back further as it gave off a bright purple glow "Pink Devil!" He yelled before sending his fist forward towards Joe sending a wave of powerful air pressure that would stomp out any flames he could produce. Aiko would spin around at high speeds with Mack before throwing her at Joe. Mack would ball up as she travel through the air before opening up and punching Joe in the gut full force as she would absorb any heat he had stockpiled inside of his body "Full Metal Body Heat Absobtion!" Mack thought.

"Joe can hold heat inside of his body if he needs too so we also need a way to get rid of that because if we can't he will still be able to cancel out our abilities if he wants" Neiko explained as he gestured towards his sister for her to continue on "what we are going to do is make him know what it's like to he unable to use his ability so that way we can beat him to a pulp and then kill him! After that we can get Mal back to the base camp, but I want to now explain why Kia is going to be such a main component in this plan."

Kia would launch into the air and towards Joe. As her eyes gave off a powerful glow "Say good night Joe!" Kia yelled as green tendrils came from her arms and seemed to sharpen before heading towards Joe "To put it simply, I allow Aiko to kill him the quickest" Kia thought as her tendrils would wrap around each other and head down to slam down on Joe "This is for Mal!" Kia said as Joe smirked. "Aiko your foolish" he uttered before sending flames to wrap around the tendrils and tighten "your all weak compared to me!" He said before sending his flames at the ground which would drag Kia with them plummeting them to the earth beneath. "No Joe! I am smarter this time!" Aiko yelled as she appeared behind Joe with her arm covered in light "because this time....I'm gonna kill you myself!" She growled. Her fist would effortlessly punch a hole through Joe's stomach.

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