The Heartbroken Nerd

By squishedcat

12.6K 428 56

*Previously called 'Player Falling For A Nerd.' (: * Having a twin sister is something amazing. But that's th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 10

492 20 0
By squishedcat

Chapter 10.

I sneezed repeatedly without stopping for a second. Oh gosh! I'm sick thanks to laying in the woods yesterday. My nose is so itchy, I can't stand it! It's 3 in the afternoon so, Tyler's probably gonna be here in a few minutes for tutoring. I ordered him to come to my house. I'm lying on my bed, the covers covering me, the pillows by my side and I was wearing a hoodie and sweatpants. The doorbell rang. My room door was open so it was loud enough for him to hear if I shouted.

"COME IN!" I shouted.

The sound of the door opening and closing can be heard from up here, he's in. Okay, let's get ready. I sat up from my bed and in came Tyler wearing a thick jacket and a black beanie and, honestly, he looks cute it that. I gave him a weak smile and he return a normal smile. 

"Take off your jacket and stuff then hang it behind the door." I said to him.

He did as I said. He was wearing a grey baseball shirt underneath his jacket. I don't know why but, I find guys attractive when they wear baseball shirts. He ran a hand through his hair and walk toward my bed, sitting on it. 

"Are you sure you wanna tutor me?" He asked with his voice full of concern.

"Yea, now, shut up and take out your book." I scolded him.

He chuckled and took out his textbook from his bag. I tied my hair up into a messy pony tail and sniff. I hate having a cold but I don't get to leave my house so, yay! Wait, where's Rebecca?

"Where's Rebecca?" I coughed.

"She went out with her friends." He said casually.

He wasn't worried about what his girlfriend did. It looks like he didn't bothered about what that slut did. Is he sick? I raise my hand up to his forehead and touch it. He look at me with a confused expression on his face. Nope, he wasn't sick at all. 

"Are you sick, Tyler?" I drop my hands to his textbook.

He chuckled and raise his hands up to my forehead.

"You're hot." He said.

"I know." I brag and flip my pony tail like a bitch.

His hand were still on my forehead. He raise up his other hand and hit his hand that was on my head. It didn't hurt that bad. I stuck out my tongue at him and he did the same. Oh shit. I sneezed and cover my mouth from letting the bacteria fly out. I put down my hands and look up at Tyler, who was staring at me.

"What?" I asked him.

He blinked and blushed. Looking down, he flip through his textbook.

"Nothing," He cleared his throat. "Let's get started." He suggested.

"Okay." I agreed.


"Get it?" I asked him.

"Yea. Thanks." He wrote the answer down on his book. 

The door downstairs opened and closed. Oh, Rebecca's back. Well, looks like our time's over. I clapped my hands together.

"Looks like Rebecca's back and out time's over." I said to Tyler.

I heard running up the stairs and in a few seconds, Rebecca was in front of my room. She smile broadly when she saw Tyler and he did the same.

"Hey, Tyliee!" She squealed.

"Hey, Rebecca." He waved at her. 

Tyliee? Are you serious? That's so stupid. Why? Oh gosh. I mentally face palmed myslef.

"Skylar, are you done yet? Me and Tyler have to go somewhere." She told me rudely.

I shrug my shoulders and that seems so answer her question.

"Okay! Let's go, Tyler." She jogged towards Tyler and drag Tyler out of my room.

The door shut. His stuff was still here. I got up from my bed and clean his stuff. I took the his textbook, pencil case, note book and put it into his bag neatly. He had rubbish all over my room from doing maths, I pick them up and threw it into the rubbish bin. I zip up his bag and left it beside my bed. They're gonna be back very late. 

At night.

My parents are already home but Tyler and Rebecca haven't come back since this afternoon when they left the house. It was 11.00p.m. and I needed to sleep. I've been sneezing the whole day and believe it or not, it was annoying as hell. I was down stairs, in the living room, sitting on the couch, watching Spongebob. What? It's nice even though it corrupts my mind. I yawned loudly, so loud that that I bet Kyle can hear me from next door.

No point of waiting for Tyler. Ah, he can come up and take his bag by himself right? Yep. I switch off the television and stood up. I sneezed once and groan. I hate sneezing. I walk towards our brown stairs and walk up. Gosh! It's so tiring to walk up. Curse those poeple who created staircases. Finally, I reach the top of my stairs. I sighed when I reached the top. Great, one mission done, two more to go. 

I walk towards my room which was at the end of the hallway. It wasn't facing the hallway, it was facing the room opposite me which was Rebecca's room and she wasn't in it, like always. It's better she wasn't home or else I'd have to suffer from listening her talking to her friends at 1 in the morning. The room beside me and sister's were my mom and dad's room and they were in it. Their room was facing the hallway and it was a master bedroom. Rebecca and I got the smallest room in the house.

Okay, two mission done, one more to go. I open my room door and it revealed my navy blue room. My bed was facing the door and on the left was my bathroom and cupboard while on my right  was my studytable. On top right hand side of my room was my window where the birds chirp everymorning. My room was facing our neighbor while Rebecca's was facing the road so she can see her friends arrive. My bed was in the middle of the room and on the left side of my bed was my drawer.

Last mission. I'm ready. I swim through a pool of sharks. Damn, were they fast. I panted and shivered as I hike up the hill. There were monkeys everywhere. I had to kill one with my bare hands because it was launching at me. My legs were covered with mosquito bites. It was so itchy! I finally reach the top of the hill and damn was it cold. I jog towards a warm cottage and I went in it lay down on the floor a.k.a my bed. Okay, that journey to my bed was tiring as hell. I pull up my covers and snuggle up. I closed my eyes falling into a deep slumber.


My room door creaked open. I open my eyes slightly, not moving my head or anything, just staying still. Someone walk towards my bed and towards Tyler's bag that was beside my bed. The figure bent down, making his features clear enough to see who it is. Tyler. He look down at his bag and smiled. He slung his bag over his shoulder and kissed my forehead.

"Thanks." He whispered and walk towards the door, taking his jacket and walk out of the room.

Okay, I just swim through a pool of sharks, hike up a hill, jogged through a snowy place and into a cottage and Tyler just kissed my head. There's so much things happening.

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