You've Changed | Wangxian |

By inevitably_broken

272K 12.8K 1.3K

"What happened to you?"... "Why are you so cold?"... "Who hurt you?"... Wei Ying is missing, the sunshot camp... More

Intro / Character Introduction
Chapter 1 - The Sunshot Campaign pt1
Chapter 2 - The Sunshot Campaign pt2
Chapter 3 - Attack on Qishan
Chapter 4 - Attack on Qishan pt2
Chapter 5 - Wen Chao
Chapter 6 - Escaping Qishan.
Chapter 7 - The Battle
Chapter 8 - Shidi
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 - Mourning
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - Yiling
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 - Wei Ying
Chapter 15 - Wei Ying pt2
Chapter 16 - Suffering
Chapter 17 - Nightmares
Chapter 18 - Facing Reality
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 - The beginning of the End
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Not an update! - A question for readers
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43 - Meeting A-yuan
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49 + Epilogue

Chapter 45

3.1K 184 31
By inevitably_broken

3rd Person POV

Wei Ying's destination was a desolate and uninhabited mountain in Yiling, far enough away from society that the risk of an outsider finding him or getting injured was at a minimum. As he walked, he whispered incantations under his breath, reassurances to hold back the flood that threatened to wash him away. He would never see his baby grow up. Never witness his first night hunt, never be there to tease him over his future crushes and partners, never be able to protect him from the world. Yet, he did not hesitate in his actions. For greater good. 

Reaching his destination, he rested to build up his energy. It could take a couple of days for the Stygian Tiger Seal to be completely neutralised and so he needed to be in his best condition. After it had been dealt with, Wei Ying would activate a couple of his premade talismans full of dark energy that would hopefully carry him back to the Burial Mounds. The route was not far, so chances of success were reasonably high. 

As the sun rose on the final morning, Wei Ying set to work. Instantly, he was thrust into a hellish reality of torturous pain. He felt like his insides were ripping out, his brain pounded in confusion, his eyes felt like someone had drilled a hole through them and blinding, burning, white hot coals seemed to be burning him. He was nauseous, and tired, and weakened. It was - if possible - worse than the sensation of having his core ripped out. But alas, after three solid days of excruciating disorientation it was done. The Stygian Tiger Seal was no more. 

He would have taken a deep sigh of relief but the splitting pain and resistance he was met with whilst trying to breathe made it unbearable and sent him cringing. He desperately felt around without the aid of his sight or most of his hearing. Damn it was hard. He finally managed to stand while leaning on a large stick and felt around for the talismans in his pocket.

Got it. 


The hollow noise reverberated around his skull. He was violently thrown off of his feet. Hot blood bubbled up in his throat. An arrow. Buried deep inside his upper abdomen was an arrow. He felt around the wound trying to stop the weak flow of blood cascading over his robes. The talisman activated. He felt himself be pulled away as the talisman carried him home.


Fear and resolve hung in the air at the Burial Mounds. They had been waiting for Wei Ying's return since he left. Even A-Yuan could sense the tension and quietened his previously boisterous actions. Finally, Wen Ning reported that he felt the talisman's energy drawing nearer and the crowd gathered jubilantly. He hadn't died in the process.

But as Wei Ying's body came into focus, the joy was replaced by screams. The Yiling Laozu had returned bathed in his own blood, a well crafted arrow buried deep in his abdomen. His head lolled, blank eyes staring and face contorted into a grimace.

Wen Qing beat Lan Zhan to the body. 

"He's alive!" She cried. "Quickly carry him to his room so I can treat him."

The desperation was clear in her voice and Lan Zhan immediately held the limp body of his husband to his chest and followed her. Tears obscured his view as he gazed upon his husbands still face. He ran his hands over each of those memorised features - a familiar path they had taken many times. He pushed the bloodied strands of hair away from his face and begged for his husband to come back. 

Wen Qing quickly sanitised and sutured the wound, drawing out the arrow and carefully wrapping the boy in gauze. It was all she could do. But instead of improving, Wei Ying still deteriorated. His heart rate slowed even more, his breathing became shallow, his limbs cold. Spiritual energy couldn't combat the issues fast enough. 

This shouldn't be happening, he should have improved. Unless... A harsh sobbing cry ripped from deep within her throat. She knew in her heart that it was too late. The poison from the arrowhead had long since entered Wei Ying's bloodstream and began the painful shutdown of his organs.

"NO. No, no, no, no, no! Wei Ying you can't! You can't leave us like this!" She cried, her stoic and harsh facade replaced in the final moments. 

Lan Zhan could't process anything. His brain was operating several seconds behind. He tightly held Wei Ying till the last, knowing he would never get a chance to say goodbye. 

Wei Ying's lungs shut down, and then his heart, his brain perhaps long gone. There was nothing they could to as Wei Ying slipped away.

The Yiling Laozu had died. The greater cultivational world had won. His husband, his sole company in this life, had gone on without him.

Lan Zhan cried.

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