Do I Know You?

By xXHeriotzaXx

11K 574 607

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" Killua said. Gon blinked in confusion. "Yes? it's me? Gon? your best friend?" Kil... More



974 59 42
By xXHeriotzaXx

Killua quietly peeked into the alley, then his eyes sparkled a little as he saw what the thudding was. Someone was gagged and beating their hand against the stone wall. That's definitely suspicious. He grabbed a rock, then chucked high on the alley wall. There was a clatter, and the gagged woman froze. Suddenly, he heard a voice from behind him. "whacha doin?" He jumped slightly, then glanced over his shoulder.

Does he have...guns on his body? He blinked. "Nothing much, just monitoring suspicious activity" The man tilted his head slightly, and he glanced back into the alley-BANG. Killua ducked under a bullet as a gun fired, adrenaline pumping through his veins. "MMMH!" The gagged woman screamed. The man stiffened and quickly came up behind him to look into the alley. Killua saw that there was a man with a wolflike face with the gun, so he darted around at random. "Kid move! Get outta here!" The masked man shouted, raising his arms. Killua rolled under another bullet, then scooped up the woman and tossed her over at the masked man who told him to run. "Catch!" He did just that, and as the man with the gun tried to figure out who to aim at Killua managed to get near enough to smack the gun out of his hands. "Gah! Damn you brat!"

The wolf man tried to slash a claw across his face but he dodged easily and then flipped him over his shoulder. "Definitely suspicious, kidnapping and armed assault" Killua said, pinning him to the ground with a foot on the back of his head and his hands behind his back. "Hey kid, what're you doing apprehending criminals?" He glanced over his shoulder to see that the woman was gone and the masked man was a few feet from him. "Oh, I was bored." There was a slightly confused silence so Killua decided to elaborate. "School is so easy I finish all my work within the first 10 minutes of class and draw the rest of the time. All I do all day is draw, it's boring so my dad said to go outside and do an extracurricular activity of some sort"

"Interesting, can you give me your name?" he blinked. "Killua" The man sighed. "Full name please" Killua rubbed the back of his head, the man grabbed the criminal and he sighed. "Well you see, I have amnesia. I can't remember my last name, but I pretty much got adopted by the Kirishima's so..." The man made an ooh noise. "How old are you?" what's with all these personal questions? "Hold up. Who are you? No way I'm just gonna tell a stranger all my personal information" He said, frowning slightly. The man chuckled. "The name's Gunhead, I'm a pro hero kid" Oh. "Ah, I remember that name. well, I'm 14. Is there a reason for this interrogation?"

Gunhead sighed. "Was about to ask if you were signed up for a hero school, the way you handled that was impressive" He chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. "Well I knew his quirk roughly so the only thing I had to worry about was that gun. I had to get the woman out of the way first or else he might've shot her, or at the very least aimed that gun at her for blackmail" The pro hero let out a whistle. "You seem to know your stuff. Tell me, what's your quirk?" To that, Killua sighed. "Well...honestly I'm not sure. I think it's some sort of enhancement type ability though, it's honestly hard to tell for sure" he hummed. "I could take you to a quirk specialist, they should be able to analyze your quirk for you" Killua grinned. "Sounds great"

They chatted a little as they walked somewhere, honestly Gunhead was a very laid back hero. He was also kind was hard to explain. The closest word he could think of to describe it was childish, which didn't fit at all. He also gave Killua a few tips for hand to hand combat, Killua filed that information away in his brain for later. Today was eventful, I like the chaos. Maybe I'll do that again, it was really fun- "We're here"

Killua was sitting in a room, a room made for children 4 and under. They took an X-ray of his foot for some reason, then a sample of his blood. He and Gunhead were chatting again, mostly about martial arts. Gunhead knew a lot about that, he taught it or something apparently. The doctor came in, halting conversation. Killua crossed his legs beneath him, then set his hands in the gap his legs made. "Alright! Got the results?" he said, and his face fell into an almost instinctive feline position. Gunhead glanced at him and laughed. "That face is adorable" He snickered a little, then drummed his fingers on the floor he was sitting on.

"hate to break it to ya kid, but your quirkless" Both he and Gunhead were silent for a few moments. His fingers stilled. That's...that can't be right. Killua glanced up with a slight frown. "Sir I'm...I'm fairly certain I have one" He slipped one of his yoyos out of his pockets and tossed it in the air. "This thing weighs 50 KGs, I carry two on me at all times. It should be...impossible for me not to have a quirk" The doctor's eyebrows raised, and he held up the X-ray. "Your pinky toe has two joints in it, that means your quirkless. Plus, when we examined your blood we found no trace of a quirk there at all" Killua blinked a few times. "I..." he glanced at Gunhead, who said nothing. Alright then. Killua stood up with a shrug. "Eh, whatever. Who needs a quirk when your natural strength is off the charts anyways" The doctor sighed. "You can't be a hero without a quirk kid"

He blinked, then crossed his arms as he looked the doctor up and down. "Why the hell not?" it made no sense, why did the lack of a quirk make the hero life off limits? "In order to get into U.A you need a quirk, same rule with every other hero school around here" He said with a slight sigh. "Sorry kid, it aint gonna happen" Gunhead was about to speak when Killua did. "Tell me, what happens in a situation when a pro hero's quirk is ineffective against a villain?" The doctor blinked. "They don't get engaged" He sighed. "What if their already engaged? Would they just turn tail and run away?" He frowned slightly. "No" He snapped hi fingers. "Exactly. If Midnight was fighting someone with a gas mask, would she win that fight?" The doctor rolled his eyes. "Of course she would" Killua laughed. "In that scenario, she might as well be quirkless. She can't use her quirk can she?" The doctor looked taken aback for a few moments. He placed his hands behind his head with a smile. "Now tell me, why can't someone who has no quirk become a hero?"

There was dead silence in the room for a moment, the two nurses who had come in were blinking in shock near the door. "there's a test to get into U.A right? If I pass it, where's the problem?" He said, in a matter-of-fact-tone. The doctor was about to open his mouth but he continued before he could speak. "What're you gonna say, I'd get critically injured in the exams? Well, Midnight's quirk does nothing against robots does it? How'd she pass then?" Midnight was a good example of a lot of things, he found that out pretty quickly. Killua turned, resting a hand on the doorframe just before he walked out. "School's boring, the only subject I have below a 99% in is History, and that's because I'm not from Japan. At least a hero school will be more challenging" Then he closed the door behind him, and made his way back home.

1351 words

To be continued...

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