Saving You

By Catnip0097

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"Down there. Look-" "What is it?" "I, I think.. It's a body! Someone's in the water!" "Jesus! Call an ambu... More

Warnings and shit
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 9

15 0 0
By Catnip0097

I'm staring down at the glass of water in front of me.

"Y/n, drink."

I look up at the other end of the table and see 4 annoying ass men standing there.

"Fuck off."

Jimin walks over to me and sits down beside me, "You've been crying for hours, you're dehydrated. You need to drink."

I lay back in my seat, "How do I know you people aren't drugging me?"

Yoongi sighs, "Y/n, if we drugged you, Boss would kill us-"

"Just drink it already." Hoseok interrupts him.

"I told you she wasn't going to drink-"

"Shut up Namjoon."

Jimin picks up the glass, "Drink or we'll force it down your throat."

"Fuck off!" I stand up from my seat at the table and walk away. I see some armed men looking at me, "Don't fucking look at me." They look away and quickly walk in the other direction.

I stand at the end of the hallway of the infirmary. I come back here every hour and ask for an update, all I get in response is people pulling me away from the door. So this time instead of asking for an update, I'm going to lay outside the door until I can go in.

I lay down and stare up at the ceiling, "Y/n-"


"You know you can't be here."

I close my eyes, "I'm not disturbing anyone, just sitting here until they're done and I can see him."

He sighs, "You know it's going to be a while until-"

"I know, V. Just go back to what you were doing."

He walks over to me and sits down beside me, "Sit up."

I open my eyes, "I-"

"I'm not telling you to leave. Instead of dragging you out of here like previous times, I'm giving you an offer. You can stay, if you drink this." He shakes the water bottle beside me.

"And if I don't?"

He sighs, "I drag you away myself and lock you in your room."

I sit up slowly and lean against the wall. He hands me the water bottle, I open it and drink it all.

I give him the empty bottle and then we both stare blankly at the door. We hear beeps, and movements from the other side.

I lay my head against his shoulder and close my eyes, "If I wake up and I'm not here or in his arms, I will shoot someone. I know where the guns are so don't test me."

He sighs, "Alright."

I try to sleep but it takes me a couple minutes before I can actually do so.


I slowly open my eyes, "Mother fucker. I told him not to fucking move me." I look around the bedroom. I sat up slightly, "I'm gonna shoot him."

I hear a groan from beside me, "Don't move."

I look towards him and feel my eyes water. I jump at him and hug him.

He groans in pain, "Princess, be careful, I'm still not fully healed yet."

I continue to hug him, tears running down my cheeks, "I don't care."

He chuckles and plays with my hair, "I'm not dead, you don't need to hold me like I'm going to fly away."

I look up at him, "It's funny that you think you'd go to heaven if you died." I smile at him.

He chuckles and pulls me closer to him, he kisses my forehead, "That's fine, already have you here."

When he pulls away, I look him directly in the eyes. My eyes are still watery. I change my expression to annoyed, he seems to get confused by this. I punched his arm, "Asshole! You scared the shit out of me!"

He holds his arm, his face contorted in slight pain.

"Don't fucking do that anymore."

He rubs his arm gently, "Do what?"

I cross my arms over my chest, "Think you're indestructible. Namjoon told me about how you get hurt like this once every couple months. What the fuck is wrong with you!? You have to avoid death, not run at it!"

His expression softens, "I don't do that."

I scoff, "Yeah well why is this the second near death experience I've witnessed in less than a month?"

He smiles at me, "You worried about me?"

I let out a frustrated groan and get off of the bed, "Don't fucking change the subject!" His smile drops. I sigh, "Promise me you will avoid getting hurt to the best of your ability. Even if everyone's out to get you, I really don't feel like going to a funeral for a man I was forced to love."

He stares at me with a blank face. Not answering me.

I feel tears run down my cheeks, "Promise me."

He sighs, "With my line of work, I can't promise you that-"

I scoff, "Fuck you." I turn around and start to walk for the door.

"Stop!" His voice makes me freeze in my steps, my hand on the door knob, "Come back here." I don't move, "Now!" I flinch slightly, more tears running down my cheeks, but I still don't move.

I hear movement from behind me, I try to ignore it even though I have a voice telling me to go and keep him in bed. Footsteps walk over to me slowly but firmly. I still don't budge, feeling slight fear.

He places his hand on my shoulder, "Princess."

I start to cry harder, feeling weak and pathetic, "Don't fucking call me that. I'm not your fucking princess."

"You are-"

I turn to face him, "No, I'm not. Because if I'm a princess then that makes you a prince, and princes don't abandon their princesses. They stay by their side even when they become a king."

He stares at me blankly, "I-"

"Don't." I gently move him away and leave the room. I shut the door and stood there for a second. I hear through the door an angry groan and then something breaking.

I stand there for a few seconds, my hand over my mouth, contemplating on going into the room or not.

I hear something fall and then a groan, "Fucking hell." I open the door and go inside, "Jungkook?"

I hear a groan, "G-Get Jin." I follow his voice and find him beside the bed, laying on his back, his hand over his stomach where visible blood is shown. I hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do, "Y/n, please, get Jin."

I nod continuously and then run out of the room. I'm on my way to the infirmary when I see Jin talking with Namjoon, "Jin!"

He looks over at me, "What's wrong?"

I stand in front of him, slightly out of breath, "H-He's bleeding."

He sighs, "Is he still in his room?" I nod, he rushes to the infirmary and comes back seconds later with a little box, "Let's go." We both run back up the stairs and go straight to the room.

I point to the bed and Jin rushes over there, "I told you, you need to stay on bed rest for the next 2 weeks. You can't do any major movements." I follow after him and stand behind them.

Jin lifts up his shirt and takes the bandage off, the cut reopened. Jin quickly wipes it up and then keeps pressure on it. I don't make eye contact with him, still annoyed with him.

He groans in slight discomfort, "Y/n." I don't look at him or respond, "Look at me."

Jin starts to stitch up the wound, making him groan in pain. I closed my eyes trying to hold back tears that were forming. I look at him for a second and sigh in frustration. I crouch down beside him and lay his head on my lap, I run my fingers through his hair trying to comfort him.

After some time, Jin finishes stitching up the cut, "Don't leave your bed unless I say so." He rebandages up the cut.

I wipe the tears away from my eyes and then look down at him. He's staring up at me with a saddened expression. I roll my eyes, "Don't look at me like that. I'm still pissed off at you."

Jin puts his things back in the box, "We need to get him back in bed. Then you two can freely argue. Just make sure he doesn't leave the bed this time."

Jin and I stand up. I grab his upper body, "Maybe you can strap him down to the bed."

Jin lifts his legs, "That's probably a good idea." He laughs.

We picked him up, "N-No one's tying me down to the bed." We pull him back onto the bed. His face scrunches in discomfort, "Couldn't be more gentle?"

Jin puts his hands up, "That was all her." He grabs the box, "I'm leaving now. Good luck."


"Oh no, I'm rooting for her. You just sit there and agree. That's the easiest way out of most of these things." He leaves with a final wave, shutting the door on his way out.

I stand there with my hands on my hips. He slowly looks over at me, "Prin-"

"I think I was clear about what you have to do if you want to call me that."

He adjusts his position on the bed, "Come on, you know I can't promise that-"

"Then you can't call me Princess." I turn around and head towards the bathroom.

"Y/n, come on, don't leave me here alone-" I shut the door, blocking him out.

I hear muffled sounds on the other side of the door, I ignore it and go to the bathtub. I rinse it out quickly and then start to run the bath. I added some soap and some bath salts.

I sigh and go to the cupboard for a towel for after, "Of course there aren't any fucking towels." I close the cupboard and leave the bathroom. I notice Jungkook's no longer on the bed.

I look at the ground beside the bed and see him lying there frozen in place.

We keep eye contact for a few seconds, "Asshole." I turn back into the bathroom and stop the water. I walk back out into the room, "Stay put." He nods.

I leave the room and see Jimin walking out of his room. I smile, "Got any ropes?"

He raises a brow at me, "Yes, why?"

"To test a theory."

He leaves and comes back a few minutes later with some rope. I take it and go back into the room, he follows me. I walk over to Jungkook.

Jimin raises a brow at me, "What was that theory?"

I sigh, "To see if he'd stay put if I tied him down to the bed."

His eyes widen once he sees the rope in my hand, "You are not tying me down to the fucking bed."

I place the rope on the bed and walk over to him, "Get his legs."

Jimin walks over and picks up his legs, I pick up his upper body. He tries to squirm out of our hold, but we put him on the bed before he can do anything. He groans in discomfort and I grab the ropes. I tie it down on the side of the bed frame and then grab his wrist.

He pulls it away, "Don't you fucking dare!"

I glared at him, "Don't test me Jungkook." He stares at me with a blank face, his brows slightly raised.

I grab his wrist again, "Tie his other wrist." I throw some rope to Jimin.

He catches it, "I-I don't think I should-"

"Jimin, just fucking do it." He goes onto the other side of the bed and ties the end of the rope to the bed frame. He grabs his other wrist.

Jungkook tries to pull out of our hold, and I almost lose it for a second but I fight against him. I get up on the bed and put my leg against his arm, stopping his movements.

"Y/n, please. I don't like to be tied up."

I tie his wrist, "Should have thought about that before deciding to get up again. My fucking bath water is going to be cold now because of you." I pick up the rope and look at him, "Do I have to tie down your ankles too?"

He shakes his head, "Please, untie me."

I got up off the bed, Jimin finished tying his other wrist down. I put the rope on the dresser, "When I know you're not going to try and get up from the bed, I'll untie you."

"Please, I won't get up."

I look over at Jimin, "Thank you. You can go now." He nods and takes one last look at Jungkook before leaving, shutting the door on his way out.

Jungkook looks at me with pleading eyes, "Y/n, please."

I try to ignore him to the best of my ability, internally feeling extremely guilty but it's for his own good, "I'm going to take a bath, when I come back you better not have moved from that spot. Because if you do, and I swear to god, I will tie you down head to toe so you can't even move a mussel. Do you understand me?"

He nodded, his wrists stopped fighting against the ropes.

I sigh, "I'll be back in a half hour. Sleep." I go back into the bathroom, "If there's an emergency, yell." I close the door, leaving it slightly open just in case something happens.

I strip and then walk over to the bath. I look at the counter, "Fucking towel." I turn back towards the room and walk over to the dresser.

"Y/n?" I take a towel out of the bottom drawer and turn to face him, "You're naked."

I give him a confused look, "And?"

He gulps, "And... it's kind of making me horny."

I roll my eyes and go back to the bathroom, "I've already told you, we aren't fucking." I close the door again, not completely.

I place the towel on the counter, "When can we then!?"

I sigh, "When I get tired of fucking myself!" I yell back.

I hear an upset sigh, "How long would that take!?"

I slowly go into the water, "Been doing it for years, could probably last a few more!"

"But what about me!?"

I lay back in the tub, "I mean if you really need to, you can always get a mistress! That would just end in me ignoring you for the rest of your life though!"

"A mistress isn't fun if you have a wife who can make you feel twice as good!"

I close my eyes and relax, "Well then wait!"

We both go silent for a little while. He breaks it, "Do you want kids!?"

"Maybe!" I play with some of the bubbles.

"So then we have less than 20 years for that right!?"

I sigh, "You know I can still have kids without needing for you to fuck me!"

"Yeah but that's the fun way!"

I chuckle to myself lightly, "Yeah, but it's even more fun torturing you with this!"

"Well now if you want to fuck, I'll say no!"

I yawn, "We both know that's a lie!"

He doesn't respond for a few seconds, "I-I can hold back if I want!"

"You do realize if you weren't tied down to the bed you would be trying to get into the bath with me!" He doesn't respond, "Yeah! I know why you were getting up off the bed before! Now sleep, I want to relax a bit without you yelling!"

"I wasn't going to the bathroom!"

"Sure you weren't!"

"I wasn't!"

I sigh, "Then where were you going!?"

He goes quiet, "To get water!"

"There's water beside you on the side table! If you're going to lie, you should at least be smart about it!"

"I'm smart!"

I smile to myself, "I know you are Kookie! You're a really smart boy!"

"I'm not a boy! I'm a man! I'm older than you!"

I sigh, "Alright Baby! Just take your nap! Mama wants to relax!"

"I'm not a baby!"

I chuckle to myself, "Okay Kookie! If you say so!"

"I did say so! So-So I'm not a baby!"

I stay quiet for the next of my bath, hearing his occasional complaints or whines.


I wrap the towel around my waist, hearing the water draining from the tub. I leave the bathroom and go to the closet taking out some panties and one of his shirts.

I drop the towel and get dressed. I look over at the bed, unsure why he isn't making a comment about me being naked like earlier. I see him on the bed, his eyes shut, quiet snores coming out of his partially opened mouth.

I smile and grab some pajama pants for him. I walk over to the bed and gently untie his wrists, I notice the light redness to them. I get onto the bed softly and lift him up slightly, I rest his chest against mine. I pull his shirt off and then lay him back down. I undo his jeans and lift his waist slightly to pull them off. I take his clothing and put them in the laundry pile. I grab the pajama pants and slide them onto him.

I rest him back gently, his head resting on the pillow. I pull the blankets up and lay down beside him. I stare at his side profile. He groans slightly and flips his head to face me.

I frown slightly when I see dried up tears on his cheeks. I gently rub them away with my thumbs and kiss his forehead gently.

I pull his wrists towards me and look at the redness. I sigh and go into the side table. I pull out a small bottle of ointment and put some onto my finger. I gently rubbed it over his wrists, "That's cold."

I look up at him. His eyes are partially open and he's smiling at me, "You were up the entire time weren't you?"

He chuckles, "No, I was sleeping. Until you started stripping me."

I sigh and continue applying the ointment, "Why did you cry?"

"I didn't."

I looked up at him, "I saw the tears Kook, I know you cried."

He looks at me with a straight face, "I don't like being tied up."

I finish applying it and close the tube, "What happened?"


I put the bottle on the side table, "What happened that made you scared of being tied up?"

He looks at his wrists, "When I was younger, I lived with my aunt. When I'd do anything that annoyed her, she would tie me up and keep me in my room for hours. I- I didn't do anything wrong... I remember one day, I had left school later and when I came home, she had friends over. I didn't know she was having company, so when they left, she tied me up and left me in my closet till morning." He wiped the tear that started to stream down his cheek.

I stared at him for a bit before standing up from the bed and going to the bathroom. I grabbed some bandage and went into the cupboard to grab something off the top shelf I kept hidden away.

I walked over to the shower and took the curtain that hung there. I wrapped it around my neck like a cape and went over to the door frame. I stood there, my hands on my hips.

He looks at me with raised brows, "What are you-"

"Fear not! I am here!" I spin in a circle and then jump onto the bed, "I have come to make everything disappear!" I made my voice slightly deeper to sound more heroic.

He chuckles and looks at me with a smile, "How?"

I pull out the bandage, "With this fine piece of cloth, I shall heal you!" I put my hand out for his wrists.

He sits up a bit more and hands me his wrists. I wrap the bandage around them. When I was done he still stared at me with a big smile, "Thank you, very much. My hero." He chuckles.

I gasp, "Wait!" He raises a brow at me, "But what is this?" I pull out the small box I had taken from the top shelf.

He stares at it with confusion, "What is that?"

I look like I'm thinking. I put my finger and smile when I 'find out' what it is, "Aha! I have got it!" I open up the box and show it to him, "It's something that'll always keep you strong!"

He looks down at the necklace in the box, "A necklace?"

I gasp, "What? It's not just a necklace." I take it out of the box and move closer to him, "Here, you have to put it on for it to work."

He leans forward slightly and I put it on him. The little pendent of a girl and a smaller purple heart, rest around his neck.

He looks at it and then at me, "I don't feel any different."

I smile and lean forward, "Are you sure?" I close my eyes and pull him into a kiss.

He smiles against it and kisses back.

We pull away after a few seconds, our foreheads resting against one another, "W-Was that it?"

I chuckle and put my hand over the necklace, "I'm the girl, you are you, and the heart means I'll always be with you. Keep the necklace close and I'll always protect you."

He glares at me playfully, "Aren't I supposed to be the one protecting you?"

I smile and pull away from him. I pull the necklace out from under my shirt and show it to him, "Don't worry. You'll always be with me too." He smiles at the pendant of a boy and a purple heart.

He pulls me into his arms and we lay back against the bed. He groans slightly with a light chuckle, "Okay, that was a bad idea. Fuck."

I sit up off his chest and look at him with worry, "You okay? Should I get Jin?"

He shakes his head, "I'm fine. Jin's probably already in bed, it's late. Let's just go to sleep."

I nod and lay down beside him, pulling the blanket over us. I lay my head against his upper chest and wrap my arm across his chest.

He leans to the side and shuts off the lamp beside him, rendering the both of us in complete darkness.

He kisses my head, "Goodnight."

I smile and close my eyes, "Goodnight."

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