Queen's Embrace||KIM TAEHYUNG...

By swee-ty

151K 8.9K 2.2K

Started : 17th February 2022. Ended: 1st January 2024. 100k reads: 29th February 2024 Kang Y/N - Female lead... More

|Twenty One|
|Twenty Two|
|Twenty three|
|Twenty four|
|Twenty Five|
|Twenty Six|
|Twenty seven|
|Twenty Eight|
|Twenty Nine|
|Thirty One|
|Thirty Two|
|Thirty Three|
|Thirty Four|
|Thirty Five|
Author - Snow
|Thirty Six|
|Thirty Seven|
|Thirty Eight|
|Thirty Nine|
|Forty One|
10k Reads!
|Forty Two|
|Forty Three|
|Forty Four|
|Forty Five|
|Forty Six|
|Forty Seven|
|Forty Eight|
|Forty Nine|
|Fifty One|
|Fifty Two|
|Fifty Three|
|Fifty Five|
|Fifty Six|
|Fifty Seven|
|Fifty Eight|
|Fifty Nine|
|Sixty One|
|Sixty Two|
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|Sixty Four|
|Sixty Five|
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|Sixty Seven|
|Sixty Eight|
|Sixty Nine|
|Seventy One|
|Seventy Two|
|Seventy Three|
|Seventy Four|
|Seventy Five|
|Seventy Six|
|Seventy Seven|
|Seventy Eight|
|Seventy Nine|
|Eighty One|
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|Eighty Three|
|Eighty Four|
|Eighty Five|
|Eighty Six|
|Eighty Seven|
|Eighty Eight|
|Eighty Nine|
|Ninety One|
|Ninety Two|
|Ninety Three|
|Ninety Four|
|Ninety Five|
|Ninety Six|
|Ninety Seven|
|Ninety Eight|- FINAL


2.7K 150 89
By swee-ty

Word count: 1171


I just wanted to get the scene out of my mind but I don't know how.

That's when my secretary entered and he is my friend too.

Eunwoo: Ms. Kang, why are you so disturbed today?
Y/N: Nothing. Its just some stupid scenes are playing in my mind.
Eunwoo: Keep that aside and listen to me carefully.
Y/N: Go ahead.
Eunwoo: We got an offer from KTH marbles. They wanted us to collaborate with them. So what's your decision?
Y/N: Umm..KTH marbles. It's a good company though. I will accept their offer.
Eunwoo: Ok then, I will mail them about that and today you have only 2 meetings till 11.30am.
Y/N: That's good! You may leave.

He bowed and left.

Kang Royals - No. 1 Clothing company in Korea.
KTH marbles - No. 2 Clothing Company in Korea.

I continued to do my work forgetting the scene.
That's when I noticed something.
Snowflake chain.
I quickly removed it and kept it in my purse because it's indicates the mafia queen which is me and no one except the mafia world know how I look.

In normal world I am just Kang Y/N, a successful business woman but in mafia world I am Snow Queen.

This is the first time we are collaborating with KTH marbles. I don't even know how the Ceo looks like.

I hope he/she is not some flirt/bi*ch.
I shrugged of my thoughts and continued to do my work.
When I was about to search about the Ceo of KTH marbles, a call disturbed me.

I looked at the caller id and found it is from Lisa.

Y/N: Hello?
Lisa: Y/Nahhhh. (shouted)

I placed my phone away from my ear to prevent me from going deaf.

Lisa: Are you free now?

I placed my phone near my ear and answered it.

Y/N: Ya, today I have only 2 meetings and it will come to an end at 11.30 am. Why?
Lisa: We are planning to go for shopping. So we decided to ask your availability. Are you coming with us?
Y/N: Hmm? I will try.
Jennie: BE READY AT 12pm. (shouted and hung up)

I sighed and went to the meeting room.

Time skip~ At 11.45 pm

I sat on my chair exhaustively.
I noticed the time, it is 11.45 now. It took longer than we expected.
Then I remembered that I have to go with them for shopping.

I groaned in annoyance and took my purse before going to my house while leaving the company to Eunwoo for rest of the hours.
I believe him.

At my mansiom

I changed to a pretty dress.

I checked myself for a last time before going downstairs.
I opened my bag to see whether my gun is present or not.

And it's there.
I and waited for them to arrive.
Soon they arrived and we went to my mall.

At mall

When we entered all the guards bowed to me for which I replied them with a glare as they are bowing to me infront of everyone who doesn't even know me as Mafia Queen.

Jackson: Yo! You girls can go shopping by yourself then why are you bothering us?
Chanyeol: I agree.
Jisso: We took you two with us because... (looking at Rose)
Rose: Who will carry our shopping bags ?
Jennie: Obviously you two.
Lisa: That's why we called you two with us. (laughing)

I slightly chuckled upon seeing those two having an annoyed face.

We went to different stores and bought the necessary things we wanted.
We payed the bill and turned around to leave that's when my eyes stuck on a person.

It's him.
The one who is still running in my mind.

My thoughts got interepted by gun firing sounds.
I quickly wore my mask and so did others.
We took our guns from our bags and I signaled my guards to take the people out safely.
Eventhough I am a Mafia, I will never ever harm innocents.
We started to shoot our enemies by separating from eachother.

When I am shooting, I saw that man hiding behind a pillar and trying to call someone.
But one of my enemy's men  saw me seeing that man and started to fire his bullets towards that man.
I noticed it and killed him by shooting him right on his head.
I went to that man and took his hand.
He flinched.

Y/N: What the hell are you doing here? Why didn't you go out before?
Man: I was about to go but I left my phone in the changing room so I came back here to take it.
Y/N: Don't come back here again. Now come with me, I will send you out.

I took his hand and started running towards the exit.
I saw one of my enemy's men pointing his gun towards us.
He was about to pull the trigger of his gun but I was quick enough to shoot him till he his dead.
I felt the hold in my hand with that man tightened.

We went out and I left him in the entrance.
When I was about to go in,

Y/N: Go safely.
Man: (nodded) Be carefull !

He ran to his car and I ran to my friends thinking about his small advice to me.
No one has ever said that to me other than my friends and parents.

When I entered, I noticed that all our enemy's men are dead now.
They came to me.

Y/N: All of you are fine right?
Irene: We are but what about you?
Y/N: I am alright. Come let's leave.

They nodded and went to out car.

But I stopped and turned around.
I threw my card at one of the men who are dead.
I looked around to find a cctv and found one.
I looked at it and smirked before leaving.

Time skip

I dropped myself on my bed and closed my eyes due to tiredness.
But my eyes shot opened when I saw that man.

I shrugged off my thoughts and again closed my eyes to be welcomed by the same sight.
I sat straightly and gulped.

Y/N: Why am I attracted towards him so much that I am seeing him whenever I close my eyes?

I saw him 2 times in 24 hours.
I heard that if we see a person 3 times in 24 hours without planning then they are our destiny.
I remember that I saw him for the first time around 9:30, I guess.
So if I see him for the third time before 9:30 then he is my destiny.

I don't believe on these, but let's see what happens.

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Be the reason for your own happiness.
Have a nice day.

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