Shoe Laces

By acidacidbomb

1.5K 25 5

Zelda and Rocky are best friends, and got sent to a different school for smarter students. How will their awk... More

Shoe Laces
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Six

99 2 0
By acidacidbomb

   I woke up hitting my annoying alarm clock again. It was already Friday, and I couldn't wait until the weekend. Then again, we'd probably have tons of homework to do during it so it was bittersweet. I nudged Scruffy to get up, and he bounded out of my bed and ran out my door to eat breakfast. Why my door was open I had no idea. I wanted to install a cat flap so that Scruffy could come and go as he pleased, but then he'd probably maul all my things so I decided to hold off on that.

   I warily got up and got dressed for a wonderful new day at school. Yeah, wonderful. But today was also the day that I planned to explore the blackboard in art class... I wonder what Drake could've possibly been doing.

   I checked my watch and saw that it was 8:00, and I had a total of five minutes to get to my bus. I ran downstairs, grabbed a piece of toast, stuffed it in my mouth and quickly threw on a jacket and shoes. Grabbing my key just before leaving, I scarfed down the rest of my toast and ran outside to meet Rocky. He was standing in his driveway, completely calm and not hurrying.

   "Dude! Let's go, the bus is gonna be here in," I checked my watch. "THREE minutes!"

   "I'm not taking the bus today," Rocky gave a sly grin.

   "What do you mean, not taking the bus?"

   "Check this out." Rocky took out some keys from his pocket and pressed a button, making the garage door open. Inside was a sleek red car, shiny and new.

   Rocky clicked on another button on his keys and the car gave a beep and the doors clicked open. I stared with my mouth open.

   "But how did you get a car? You're not even 16 yet, it's only January 15th, and I'M not even 16 yet!" I stared at the car. Our birthdays were one day apart, mine coming before.

   "Early birthday present. I already went out and got an early license, because I'm smart. You can get one too, you know," Rocky winked and went over to the car. He slid into the driver's seat and motioned me over. I checked my watch; 8:07. I was already late, and I got nothing to lose so I hopped into the passenger's seat.

   The car was black on the inside, but not leather. The steering wheel looked almost wooden, but when I touched it, it felt smooth, smoother than any wood can possibly be. Rocky put the key in and turned it, revving the engine a bit before rolling off the driveway. This was possibly the best car that I'd ever ridden on; the ride was smooth, the car didn't smell like a new car (the new car smell can really be irritating) and it was pretty fancy. Rocky also seemed extremely happy while driving it, and I guess as long as he was happy it was fine.

   We arrived at school and got multiple stares for Rocky's car. It didn't exactly stand out from the parking lot, as many students that go here were rich, but since everyone practically knew everybody in the school, which was strange considering how big it was, it was probably weird for them to see a random new car. We got out and grabbed out bags from the back, heading towards the school, ready for a day of fun, excitement and homework.

   Before heading to class, I stood outside the art room, camouflaging against the sea of students. Finally, I saw Donatello head over to his locker. I grinned as he put in the combination. When he swung his locker open, the balloons were just itching to come out. He stood there, looking in bewilderment at the balloons, too numb in the skull to move out of the way. Suddenly, the balloons gave in and poured out on Donatello. The paint under the feathers was still wet, and Donatello got paint splattered all over his face, shirt and pants. His black hair was painted orange, green and purple, and since the paint wasn't strong enough to hold the feathers, they all went loose and colourful showers of fake feathers fell onto Donatello. He stood there in surprise as I stealthily sank back into the crowd, unseen.


   The final bell rang and I thanked God that it did. I headed over to the change room to get rid of the sweaty gym clothes and into my paint splattered ones, thanks again to Donatello. I couldn't wait to start sketching in art class because that'd mean that Donatello couldn't spill paint on me anymore. He figured out that I had rigged his locker the day before, thanks to the wonderful security cameras. My payback was no different from any other day; I just got a bunch of paint on me. I sighed and went out to my locker, swung it open and stepped to the side. Sure enough, a bunch of water balloons spilled out and exploded on the floor. I heard Donatello groan from somewhere in the crowd and smiled to myself. Thankfully, nothing in my locker got wet so I put everything in as usual. Except this time, I didn't take anything with me.

   I went over to Rocky and he looked me up and down.

   "Why aren't you wearing your jacket? And where's your backpack?" he questioned.

   "I came over here to say that I'll take the late bus, okay? I need to do something," I smiled at him.

   "You sure? I mean, the bus comes 30 minutes after the regular one, so you'll have to wait a total of 45 minutes..." Rocky said.

   "Yeah, it's okay, you can go home in your fancy car, I got the money I'll just take the late bus." I replied.

   "Okay, if you say so. See ya this weekend then?" Rocky smiled, and I smiled back.

   "Sure, have fun on your ride home," I said, giving Rocky a hug. I turned around to walk towards the art room, waving bye to Rocky and he waved back.

   I peeked my head into the art room and saw that no one was there. I walked towards the blackboard and carefully placed my hands on the underside and hoisted it up. It lifted easily. Underneath, there was a passageway a little ways above the ground. I held the blackboard with my left hand and placed my right on the bottom of the tunnel and lifted myself into it. I turned around and quietly placed the blackboard down.

   It was dim in the tunnel, a faint orange light at the end. There was carpet on the ground, which I really didn't expect at all. I kept crawling and looked up to see that the passage gradually got larger, so I slowly started to stand up and walk normally. The tunnel expanded into a giant room. I stared at it and gasped a little at how exquisite this place was. Carpets, sofas and a fireplace to top it all off. The fire was the only thing lighting the giant room, and the flame was slowly dying, which made the room darker. I walked around the room and went to examine the walls. I noticed some names carved into it, and I traced my finger across them. Some were scratched out, others weren't. The last name on the list that was scratched out was Ethan Opet. He was in my math class, but he suddenly stopped coming...

   I heard a noise behind me and whirled around. Nothing seemed to be changed, so I hesitantly faced back towards the list. The last name that wasn't scratched out looked a lot like mine... but I couldn't see because the fire was almost completely gone now. A cold wind blew behind me and I shivered as the last of the light vanished. I felt someone else in the room with me, but decided to think nothing of it because I was probably just paranoid.

   Out of nowhere, an arm grabbed me harshly around the waist, knocking the air out of me. A hand slapped on top of my mouth. I mumbled in protest, but whoever it was had a strong grip and wouldn't let go. Both my arms were stuck in the hold of the mystery person, and my legs were stiff from fear. I struggled against the stranger's grip but I couldn't get out, he was just too strong. It was as if he wasn't human at all...

   I opened my mouth and gave the hand a giant bite. I flinched as my teeth started throbbing from pain, and the hand seemed unfazed by my bite. I swore but my voice was muffled against his hand. I was being dragged back, back to some unknown place. I heard a door open and I was kicked into a pitch black room. The stranger let go of me and I got up, but quickly fell back down. My stomach hurt like hell from the grip. I crawled towards whatever direction I was facing and bumped into a pair of legs. I quickly scrambled backwards but got caught on another person's legs. I tried to look around the room but it didn't do any good because it was dark.

   "Hit it." I heard someone say.

   "H-Hit what?" I mumbled, my voice shaken. Because of the person, my lips weren't moving right and my teeth still hurt, so my voice came out unlike my own.

   Suddenly, I felt a great force on my head and collapsed into darkness.


   "Ah... where am I?" I rubbed my head, feeling a little bump starting to form. Who'd just whack me on the head like that?

   I stood up and fell back down. I looked around, my eyes adjusting to the sudden brightness. I felt a pair of hands on my waist and froze, but this person had a light touch. I looked down and saw the familiar hands of Rocky. I sighed and fell back, smiling as I heard a surprised groan from Rocky. I looked up at him as he leaned over me.

   "I went back to the school because you weren't at home after like, two hours, so I was wondering if you were okay and found you in the middle of the parking lot. Mind explaining what happened?" Rocky chuckled lightly.

   I closed my eyes and tried to remember something, anything, but couldn't.

   "I.. I don't remember. All I remember is getting hit in the head.. hard." I moaned, rubbing my head again.

   "Oh. Well are you okay? Want me to take you home, because you don't seem well enough to take the bus alone," Rocky said.

   I nodded and he helped me up. I fell onto him when I stood up, my legs still not cooperating. Rocky laughed at my jelly legs as I clung to him, trying not to fall. Soon I could walk good again so I let go and made my way to his car.

   I sighed as I sat down in the leather seat and remembered that I'd forgotten my stuff in my locker.

   "Rocky, I think I forgot my homework and stuff in the school..." I said.

   "Don't worry, I got your combination from the office and got it for you," he motioned his head towards the back seat and I saw my jacket and bag.

   "Thanks Rocky, you're awesome," I smiled as we drove off the parking lot and headed home.

   Once I reached my doorstep, Rocky opened the door for me and I thanked him. I have Rocky a hug and waved goodbye as I walked in my door and up the stairs, closing the front foor behind me.

   I reached my bed and collapsed after a very tiring and rather confusing day. Scruffy leapt up into my bed and happily fell asleep.


   Not much to say FOR THE WOLF! Or for the win :D

   I think I know how the rest of this story'll go (yeah I hadn't actually planned out the entire thing yet XD) SOOO it might be around... I dunno, 25 parts? Maybe less, depends how it goes. Maybe more, hell I don't know XD I'm terrible at estimating.

   ANYWAYS I hope you enjoyed reading this part :D

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