
By Cronnover

927 19 2

When the mixoline is destroyed it mixes with a nixel and with the explosion it mixes the world of the mixels... More

the mix world
The new world
the forest weird-forget
the golden desert icy
the calorific crystallized mount
dark forest creepy citadel (🎃 special)
dark forest creepy citadel (🎃 special) part 3
Arkus fire
The final battle
Christmas special (final Chapter)
post credit
post credit 2
post credits 3

Dark forest creepy (🎃 special)part 2

33 2 0
By Cronnover

October 30, 2017 8:00 pm

they had all come to the world of the dead to try to help them get rid of a ghost but when they reached the halfway point seeing the whole place

Blip: well we arrived, we saw and now let's go

Beep: Blip, don't be cowards as soon as we arrive and you are terrified

Dom-Dom: I agree with my partner, let's go

Booger: those who are in favor of leaving raise their hands * (Blip raises his hand and Ton-Ton raises his leg) * and those who are in favor of continuing * (all raise their hand except Blip and Dom-Dom) * good let's keep going

They all followed while Flippy had arrived on a train and walked until he reached the city where Combine fighters were heading and drone arrives

drone (Kaos): Well, well, well, if it's the useless Flippy * (Flippy gets angry) * since you failed me in the last mission, I'm going to send you two of your friends from your world * (a portal appears) * and the winners of joining the army are * (the raccoon twins) * the shifty and lifty the raccoon twins, do what I say and I will reward you.

The drone leaves and Flippy and the raccoons walk towards the city of dar forest creepy to stop the combine fighters.

while with combine-fighter they had reached the entrance of a city but the door would not have

Ty: are you sure Beep what is the place?

Beep: of course ... maybe ... I have no idea, the ghost bastard gave the direction instructions on an easter egg and seeing them is more difficult that way

Stealth elf: who the heck would make a map in an easter egg?

Booger: the important thing is that you have to find where that city is

a ghost appears in front of them

ghost: I can help you

Booger: thank you, we are lost, do you know if this is the dark forest creepy city?

Ghost: of course it is, but the door is sealed, no one can enter or leave since the ghost invaded us, now he walks through the city waiting to absorb the souls that his henchmen kidnap

Skya: and how do we open it?

Ghost: with the three haunted pieces that are in the three mansions

Blip: said three

Ghost: that's right, look here I have a map

everyone looks at the map and sees where the haunted mansions are

Booger: ok let's divide into 3 teams I'll go with Ty and Eruptor, Scrud with Jet-vac, Ton-Ton and Revvit, Stealth elf you with Skya and Blip

Blip: but if horror movies rule number 1 is never separate

Booger: because you think you will go with teams

all teams leave except Blip

Blip: but ... hell

Blip leaves with his team

while Booger's team went to the first mansion that was in the ruins of a castle and as they entered they saw rubble and rag puppets hanging from the ceilings

Eruptor: I wish Beep would be here to guide us

Booger: I know but he has to stay at the door to figure out how to put the pieces because I doubt that he only brings them

Ty: but without him we would also miss this place if it's scary

Eruptor: and let's not forget that the ghost's minions are out there and we can run into them

Booger: okay enough was enough just stay together this place will be like a maze so eruptor take me by the hand * (they hold Booger's hand) * now Ty take me by the hand

Ty: I thought I was holding your hand

Eruptor: and I still haven't grabbed your hand

they were scared that they ran until they reached the backyard of the mansion that was even more terrifying

Booger: and to think that a castle was worse than his garden

storm arrives

while with the skya team he walked along a path in a swamp

Blip: who the hell would live or put a mansion in a swamp?

Stealth elf: who knows, but what matters is that the piece is here ... * (I'll open the door) * ... so we'll look for it even if it brings us one ... * (opens the door and sees that there was no ceiling no walls just a long way) * ... eternity.

Blip: well it's going to be a very long eternity

everyone walked in search of the piece but someone was watching them

while with the Scrud team they were walking trying to look for the mansion in the forest

Jet-vac: accept it Ton-Ton we got lost

Ton-Ton: of course not, we follow the instructions on the map including they left us the map look, it goes through the scary trees * (they see the scary trees) *, it goes through the sinister pumpkin field * (they see the pumpkin field Halloween) * and finally passes through the scarecrow with Shakira's position * (see the scarecrow) *.

Scrud: we've already been through this bird scare 5 times

Ton-Ton: you were the one who did not ask

Revvit: you have a good point

Scrud: but I don't understand * (grabs the map and walks) * the instructions are correct because ... * (falls into a hidden hole) * AAAAHHHH !!!.

Jet-vac: I can see the instructions * (Revvit gives you the instructions sheet and Jet-Vac removes a stain that is on the note) * oh and look for the eye that is between the trees that are next to the bird scare .

Revvit: hah so unexpected

Scrud gets up but he is silent on top of Revvit then Jet-vac and lastly Dom-Dom

Scrud: auw if it hurt me

Ton-Ton: sorry friend

Scrud: don't worry you have to continue

They all continued until they reached the bottom of the cave until they took him to a spooky amusement park

Ton-Ton: and if we return

They all follow and Ton-Ton does not move but a thunderclap comes and follows them

when they arrived at the amusement park they saw that it was rather a park of fear there were dark rusty games and lights that made a reference to the amusement park of It

Ton-Ton: reminds me of the movie that Blip and I saw in the infirmary

Jet-vac: and which one did you see?

Ton-Ton: It

Revvit: but it's not scary

Ton-Ton: for us it is scary

Revvit: look, there's a show right now

Scrud: let's go see maybe we'll find the piece

When they arrived at the circus tent the show had started but then the raccoons and Flippy appear wanting to steal the map but some clown appeared that did not see his face but they did some good tricks that he had the team and made a pile that brought him closer to Scrud but then the raccoons tried to steal the map from Revvit and when they took it they pulled it but it also pulled it off lifty's left arm and blew the arm off by the force that Revvit did when pulling the map that the arm fell into a projector turning it on revealing the light that the clowns were nixels combined with zombies and the zombie tried to bite Scrud but cut off his head but more zombies arrived and it was then that Scrud said this

Scrud: I can

Revvi: I follow you


The whole team flees and Ton-Ton destroys a beam destroying the entire circus tent but it was not enough the zombies left and moved away as fast as possible from the zombies

while with Booger's team he walked through the garden trying to look for the piece

Booger: this garden looks like a forest

Eruptor: why do you say it?

Booger points to the garden and sees that it was a huge garden the size of a city

Eruptor: oh you're right

Booger: you see

Ty: hey we have to concentrate or we will never stop that ... * (he walks until he runs into some cobwebs) * ... poof * (spits out a cobweb from his mouth) *.

Booger: You're fine.

Ty: of course I do

Eruptor: what kind of cobwebs are ... * (someone shoots cobweb at him) * THOSE !?

Eruptor is forcibly carried, tied and hung by glowkies mixels mixed with Shockarachnids

Ty: it can't be worse

Booger: you shouldn't have said

they hear a girl's laugh behind them and when thunder hits they see that they were budus dolls mix with scraptools 

Booger: at least the others shouldn't have a bad time

while with the Stealth Elf team they walked but something stopped them

Stealth elf: a door but there is no knob or lever but on the other side, Skya you can send Blip to the other side to open us

Skya was not responding

Stealth elf: Skya? Hey, if I ... AAHH! (Sees Skya love for some seaweed and takes them to the bottom of the swamp).

Stealth elf: come on Blip you have to save her


Stealth elf sees Blip floating but grabs him and saves him but the reason why it was because of a skylands ghost mixed with a wystatic mixels that teleported to another place bringing more like attacking them with fireballs and scaring them until they cornered them and their only way out was a hole that led to the drain

Stealth elf: Blip, can you swim?

Blip: of course, why?

Stealth elf and Blip jump into the stream and the drainage river led them to a creepy cave

Stealth elf: keep going

Stealth elf and Blip kept walking but on their way a root catches Blip just like Stealth elf trapping and loving them but someone cuts the roots and rebels being phosphee

Phosphee: they need help

Blip: phosphee brother where were you?

Phosphee: it's a long story I'll tell you in a while but we have to continue

Stealth Elf: she's right

everyone walked

Blip: and that's when I met ... * (someone fell in front of them) *.

all: AAAAHHHH !!!

the person who fell in front of them was Skya with swamp algae

To be continue

These are the mix monsters that appeared

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