Soy El Mismo {Prince Royce Fa...

By starstrukksoul

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*Sequel to Incondicional More

Soy El Mismo {Prince Royce Fan Fiction}
Chapter 2- The Girl Who Worries
Chapter 3- I'm Not Ready
Chapter 4- Nothing Could Come Between You and Me
Chapter 5- Not Her Too
Chapter 6- Complications
Chapter 7- Jumping to Conclusions
Chapter 8- Public Affair
Chapter 9- Guilt
Chapter 10- El Se Me Va
Chapter 11- Family Matters
Chapter 12- Hoy Se Bebe, Mañana Se Sufre
Chapter 13- Vine a Decirte Adios
Chapter 14- Those Summer Nights Seem Long Ago
Chapter 15- Better Off
Chapter 16- Secret Santa
Chapter 17- Christmas Eve
Chapter 18- Ava 2.0
Chapter 19- See You Tonight
Chapter 20- The Date
Chapter 21- Tears and Accusations
Chapter 22- Pride
Chapter 23- Moving On?
Chapter 24- Starting Anew
Chapter 25- I Miss You
Chapter 27- Royal Screw-Up
Chapter 28- 'I Love You' Part 2...
Chapter 29- The Accident
Chapter 30- Just the Boys
Chapter 31- The Truth
Chapter 32- Soy El Corbade
Chapter 33- Where Things Stand
Chapter 34- Taking Action
Chapter 35- I'm Sorry
Chapter 36- Vanilla
Chapter 37- Truce
Chapter 38- La Boda
Chapter 39- Fear and Failure
Chapter 40- Make Up Your Minds

Chapter 26- Meet and Greet

531 30 55
By starstrukksoul


"So, this Rachel character... She's not gonna rip my head off on the spot, is she?", asked Mateo.

"Not unless you give her a reason to.", I told him, only half joking. Rachel was not a force to be reckoned with.

"You sure you wanna go through all this, Ava? I mean , I introducing me to your family and friends and all? You think everyone will be alright with me?" I hadn't seen him his nervous since he had asked me out.

"I mean, if you're ready. You have nothing worry about though."

"You're sure?"

"I'm positive, Mateo. If someone doesn't like you, they're crazy."

He smiled, but it was an uncertain one. "I just want you to be happy. You can't be happy unless the people around you are. I don't want you to be with me if your family hates me or something."

"Like I said you have nothing to worry about." That wasthe truth, they all hated Geoffrey at the moment. In their eyes, Mateo was probably going to be a saint.

"I love how you're just so sure of everything. Makes me feel a little better.", said Mateo, giving me a quick kiss on the forehead after we got out the car. I was actually a pretty indecisive person, but he seemed to be a lot less nervous, so I didn't protest.

We waited near the gate that Rachel told me shed be at and before I knew it I was attacked with the the biggest hug I had received in ages.

"Ava! Ohmygod I have soooo much to tell you, like--" Rachel paused. "Who is this?"

"Oh, um, hey. I'm Mateo.", he told her, putting a hand out for her to shake.

She slowly took his hand and shook it. "Mateo?" She said it as if she was trying to remember who he was.

"My boyfriend.", I said, stepping in. It was already getting awkward enough.

"Ah... boyfriend...", said Rachel. "Well, Mateo, I'm Rachel, Ava's best friend. And this is Ethan, my boyfriend."

Mateo shook Ethan's hand. "Nice to meet you guys." He flashed that little charming smile and Rachel eyed the both of us suspiciously.

"Um, I don't want to be rude but I have to use the little girls room. Ava could you come with me? I'd hate to leave you two alone. You know us girls...we can't go to the bathroom alone.", she quickly laughed and brushed past the two of them, dragging me along with her.

"Who the hell is that?" questioned Rachel once we found the airport bathrooms.

" boyfriend, Rachel. I thought we went through this already."

"What the fuck happened to Geoffrey??"

"Can we not right now?", I asked. I was sick of thinking about him at this point.

"Why did you tell me about this Mateo guy then?'

"Because I know you'd get like this.", I told her.

She sighed. "I'm not here to complain, Ava. If he makes you happy then so be it. I'll fuck Geoffrey up another day, but today is a happy day, so I'll contain myself."

I missed her crazy self. "Thanks. I appreciate it.", I said semi sarcastically.

"Anytime, Ava." She was quiet for a moment. "So is he like some sort of sex god? 'Cause he looks like one."

"Rachel, oh my God. I am not going to discuss my sex life with you."

"It's okay. You don't need to. You're blushing."

"Shut up, oh my god."

She laughed. "Alright, in that case, we'll get back to the guys. I'm sure Mr. Grey would like to see you now."

*Prince Royce POV*

Lisandra and I were out for the day. It was the first time since I met her a few weeks ago that we had been out in public. I still didn't really consider her my girlfriend yet. She was no Ava, but she was nice company.

I actually didn't feel like going anywhere, I was still pretty depressed and slightly hung over from yesterday, but Lissandra insisted that we go out as a late birthday present. I didn't protest. I couldn't have her thinking there was anything wrong with me, or wrong with her.

We were just about to head back to my place when we heard two screams in the parking lot of the restaurant we had just left.


"Its Royce, oh my god."

I turned to see two fans running up to me excitedly. I felt like I had met them both before, but it was always nice seeing fans again.

"Here gimme a minute.", I told Lissandra as I went over to greet them.

"Oh my god, it's really you.," one of them squealed. "Can we get a selfie?"

"Yeah, of course."

They both squealed again as one of them pulled put a phone. I posed for a picture with them and they both gave me huge hugs. The smile on their faces were priceless.

"I'm Sam and this is Jenny.", said one girl.

"Well its nice seeing you two.", I told them. I wasn't lying. My fans were the only thing I had left.

"Is Ava with you? We'd love to meet her too. She's amazing.", she said. Jenny nodded in agreement.

Ouch. My heart sunk. ""

"Did you...oh my god...awww."

Sam frowned. "They were so cute.", she said quietly.

"Yeah, well, my fans don't exactly influence people", I said curtly. I immediately regretted snapping at her. I didn't mean those two in particular...I just meant the one who always hated on Ava. It was clear they were nice girls.

The one girl, Jenny, glared at me. "I don't remember you being such a jerk last time I met you. Come on, Sam. Let's go." She turned to leave with Sam following behind her.

Shit. What was wrong with me? Now my mistakes were rubbing off on the fans.

"What was all that about?", asked Lissandra, walking back towards me. She seemed a . "Who's Ava?"

"Just some--"

I felt a hand connect with my face and heard a loud slapping sound followed by pain.

"And that was for your attitude. I don't care if you're Prince Royce or not, that's no way to treat your fans." It was Jenny again. She was obviously one of the feistier fans. Within seconds she was gone again and I stood there stupidly, with my face still stinging. "Lucky I'm in a good mood today or I would've punched him in the throat!", I heard her vent to Sam as they stormed off.

"Oh my god, babe. Are you okay?" Lissandra rushed to me. "Aw, its red."

"It was just a slap.", I said, rubbing the side of my face. I deserved it. Not just for my attitude but for all around being me.

"Are you alright?", she asked again.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Don't worry." I mean, I wasn't fine, at least not internally but she didn't need to know.

"Here let's go home, I have no idea what gotten into people nowadays.", said Lissandra.

"Yeah...", I echoed. "Let's go home."

I had no idea what had gotten into me nowadays.


well Geoff maybe your brain got knocked in the right place (: good work jenny lmao. Sorry the chapter was so short but believe it or not it took me five days lmao.

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Love y'all ❤

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