A Place With No Name (revampe...

By conceited_nae

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"How do you expect me to live a life that's not worth living?" (Early Dangerous era-HIStory era) Rewritten:... More

Cast -- 2
- Honesty Hour(Before We Continue With The Story) 1.
MJBFA's ❀❀❀
A.N; A lil constructive criticism for my soul ❀.
She's alive (& well I think πŸ˜‰)
new year , new me πŸ’‹ (please read & be informed 🀨)
Publicly Service Announcement (last one before the books ends, I promise)
Entertainment Weekly
Ana's Diary


615 24 47
By conceited_nae

Los Olivos, California

Michael Jackson - May 30th, 1995 
Location: 5225 Figueroa Mountain Rd

"Oh my--Fucccck." Ana moaned loudly as I shoved my face into the crook of her neck. She bounced on top of me steadily with her arms wrapped around my neck. I couldn't help but moan each time she sunk down on me, because every time she did so, she was much wetter than before. 

We've been at it like pure rabbits all morning. In between taking care of MJ, and her prepping for her next project, we would have the most amazing sex we've ever had. We can't get enough of each other.

Seemingly though, Ana has taken the usual role I had in our relationship... if it even was a role. She'd be upfront with me about wanting to have sex, and now I would be the one to refuse. But once she convinced me, I'd give in.

I didn't know what to think of it and I knew better than to say anything about it. Wherever she leads, I'll follow. I'm sure if there was really something wrong she'd tell me. 

It was the wee hours of the morning—five o'clock to be exact—and she decided to wake me up in her own little way. I really thought I was dreaming, but it felt a little too real for it to be one.

I opened my eyes and there she was, laying between my legs with her lips wrapped around my member. Even in the most erotic position her innocent look didn't fail to shine through. In a way it turned me on even more.

The last thing I would ever imagine is her sucking me like a lollipop. Not because it was 'inappropriate' but because before today, she has never  done it. I never had a problem with it—I was more of a giver than a receiver—but seeing her in that nature surprised me.

I watched her in awe until I was very close to my release. Then I grabbed her up and pulled her on top of me... which leads to our current position now.

She eyed me with her clouded hazel eyes, moaning through her gritted teeth. I couldn't help but moan as well. She was so fucking hot right now.

"Oh fuck yes," I groaned biting the skin on top of her breast. "Keep fucking me, baby."

She pushed me down on my back, pinning my hands over my head. I widened my eyes as she continued riding me.

Her face leveled with mine. "I love you," she mewled softly before she pushed her lips onto mine.

We finished together two hours later. It was still the morning hours and MJ was awake and ready for us to give her all of our attention. Ana had a small meeting with Madeline and some others who were helping her with her next clothing line. I had everything canceled to make up for lost time with my family, but I did have to finish the last scene for mine and Janet's music video.

Scream was the latest song on my album to have a video planned and filmed before its release. Janet had been wanting to do an official song with me since our last "collab" on one of her songs from her Control album and finally our schedules allowed us to get our song together.

The track took about two months to write and record. Janet was just as much of a perfectionist as I am. The ideas I had for our song wasn't always a good idea in her eyes, and vice versa. I actually can't count how many small disagreements we had over this track. It was worth it though, because the finishing result was way better than what we could have possibly imagined. I was proud of what we created.

After the song was finalized, it was time to brainstorm the perfect setting for our 'short film'. We thought about what the song itself meant, what it symbolized in our careers, and it wasn't long before we figured it out. Everything happened in a flash. We had the costumes ready, the video setting, and we were ready to record.

Now we're on the last day of filming, and it was bittersweet. I really enjoyed working with my baby sister. I just hope we're not too busy to work together again in the future.

I smiled at MJ as she placed her little hand against her mommy's cheek, giving her a sweet gummy smile. She was too adorable for words. Her four month 'age' was over in a few more days and I was excited.

She was already babbling and wanting to move around. I couldn't believe how advanced she was. Mother says that this would be the time where babies are most curious so we had to keep more than two eyes on her. That'll be hard to do but we'll manage.

Ana giggled and kissed MJ's face. After she did so, she grabbed her bottle full of warm milk and held it up to her lips so she could drink. I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders, prompting me to turn around.

Much to my surprise, Janet was already here with her husband Reneé holding a huge smile on her face. I gave her a warm hug and a kiss to her cheek.

"I wanted to see my wittle niece," she answered before I could even ask. Then she stepped aside with her arms wide reaching for MJ. "Hi my little Muffin!"

"Ah, okay." Ana laughed. "Just take my child away while I'm feeding her."

"Sorry!" Janet smiled.

She handed her the bottle before standing next to me at the counter. I smiled and wrapped my arm around her waist, sitting on the stool next to her. Madeline, who was there making tea, sat three mugs on the counter for us to drink.

"Extra lemon and ginger for you, Michael. I know you like to actually sing during your videos."

I laughed. "Short film," I corrected. "And thanks."

She shrugged and turned back towards the stove to continue her duties. Ana leaned against me taking baby sips of her tea.

"We have an appointment later on," she mentioned, sending pleasant shivers down my spine with her hands.

"An appointment?" I frowned. "I'm not sick."

She giggled. "Not with that kinda doctor, silly. Dr. Harrington."

"Oh. Well okay. At what time?"

"Maybe an hour after the video shoot? I don't know. She says we can walk in at any time, though." I nodded.

"Okay. We'll go right after then." I gave her a soft kiss.

She pulled away, raising her eyebrows in confusion. "Wait, you're not fighting me on this?"

"No" I laughed. "Not anymore." I pulled her close, mumbling. "If I'm trying to keep you, I have to do whatever you want to do. No debates about it."

"Hmmmm, lots and lots of ass kissing... 2.0?" She smiled against my lips. "I like the sound of that."


"Stop fucking with me, make me wanna scream."

I stood beside Ana and Karen with MJ in my arms watching Janet do her parts of the film. So far it was going just as good as I intended. We would be scheduled to be finished in another three hours. Then after the shoot, we were going straight to Dr. Harrington's office for our session. More like... my session.

The focus during the last few sessions were on me. We talked about my upbringing, how I was raised, Joseph's silly way of parenting, and even my relationships. I don't think I will ever be comfortable talking about those topics but I know that I have to in order to solve this... problem. I just want to be better for Ana.. for us.

This was my first time bringing MJ to work with me, and I was loving it so far. As soon as we headed inside everyone instantly gravitated towards her, wanting to hold her and everything under the Sun. I did not allow them to of course, not while we had some work to do, and also not until we handed out the NDA's. We've been doing so well with keeping our child out of the spotlight and I wasn't going to mess it up now.

She actually loved seeing her daddy in action, and she almost never cried the entire time we were here. She'd either be in Ana, Karen, or Bill's arms, or she would be crawling on the plush carpet away from the setup. Right now though, she was resting soundly against my chest. I wasn't exaggerating when I said that she was a deep sleeper. The loud music didn't wake her up once.

Janet started making gestures into the camera with nothing but a serious look on her face. She was killing it, just like I thought she would. As humble as I am, I couldn't deny that she was the most talented Jackson sibling.... next to myself of course. People always say that I am the legend, when it's really my baby sister. She was made for this.

Ana stood on her toes to whisper in my ear. "I can lay her down if she's getting too heavy for you."

"It's okay." I smiled. "I'll put her down when it's my turn next."

"You sure?"

"Positive." I leaned down to kiss her cheek. "I love you."

"You fucking better." she slowly grinned. "I wonder how you and Jan learned to dance so good. She's killin' it."

"Try watching James Brown for hours on end and I'm sure you'd be dancing just like us in no time."

We continued watching Janet do her thing until it was my turn. I finished my set in no time, but then it was time for both of us to do our duo parts. Time had flown by quick as we worked and worked and worked... until it was time to leave.

I laughed at Janet as she struggled to fit into her fur coat and moved a curl away from my face. For some reason it was cold as hell in here now, despite it being hot outside and we were just bundling up. Karen and Bill offered to take MJ home to Madeline instead of her coming with us and we couldn't be more grateful.

"Gosh, who made this little ass coat? I'm starting to think this was apart of one of your crazy pranks, Applehead."

"Maybe it was." I smirked. Ana joined us and immediately gave Janet a warm hug.

"You did better than Michael, Jan" I frowned. "I'm impressed and in awe, but I shouldn't be because you always kill it," she smiled.

"See, at least somebody knows I'm better than you brother."

"In your wildest dreams, Dunk. But you really were amazing and I appreciate you for doing this with me." I kissed her cheek. "And Ana, you didn't have to say all of that."

Ana laughed and wrapped her arms around my waist. "I'm not sorry."

Janet laughed as well. "I'll see you two soon, clowns. I'd like to celebrate this beautiful masterpiece with my brother before we release this."

"Of course. Swing by her aunt's house next weekend!" I called to her as she walked away.

Shortly after, Ana and I were escorted out and into one of our cars. She sat in the driver's seat while I sat in the passengers. Since Bill was headed to the house, Wayne was behind us in his truck, along with two of Ana's security.

We started to drive on our way to Dr. Harrington's office, which wasn't far from where we were surprisingly.


Los Angeles, California

Annalisa Green -- May 30th, 1995

After catching up with Dr. Harrington we got straight into the reason why we were here. She had already talked to Michael individually for an hour and now it was my turn.

I know we were advised by her to not be so secretive around each other, but I didn't want to tell Michael how affected I really am about what happened with Semaij and Damien the other day. He was so busy with his album, and still prepping for this long awaited court date with Brooke and I — I just didn't want him worrying about me so much.

It was so amazing how the tables could turn so quick. Now I'm acting like him, and he's acting like me. Who would've thought.

I linked my fingers together with my forearms resting on my knees as I told her what happened during our meeting and how I felt when she disrespected me. I couldn't even control the anger arising in me again, just days after that happened. But I was just as sad because she was my friend. My best friend.

I really couldn't understand how, why, and where did we go wrong. I thought I was being a great friend—shit, I thought she was a great friend! How could she even do that to me... to Angel?

Dr. Harrington let out a sigh as I finished speaking. "I'm just really hurt and I feel like .... everything right now."

"And you have every right to feel that way, Ana. That's what I want you to understand before I begin my therapy speech." She gave me a comforting smile. In a way, it calmed me down just a little bit.

"You are strong, resilient, very smart, very beautiful, ambitious, God willing, and amazingly... great, despite what you may feel about yourself. And I'm sure that everyone around you knows that just as much as I do. Semaij is just a person who isn't content with herself. Sadly, there's no self love inside of her and since she doesn't have it, she seeks for it elsewhere. That day, she was so angry and jealous that she wanted to try and tear you down. And it sucks because she was your best friend. She knew more about you than any other person" I nodded. "you trusted her with any and everything, and I'm sure if you two were still friends, you'd probably trust her to rob a bank with you." I laughed, sniffling.

She snickered as well. "But I said all of that to say, as sad and angry that you are with her ill behavior towards you, you cannot dwell on that. There will always be certain situations in your life where you will have to choose what to give attention to, and how to react to it. And when it comes down to it, how you react and what you pay attention to will be what matters in the end. There will absolutely be no way to improve yourself some more, if you're going to keep thinking about her. You may not do so today, but in due time you're gonna have to forgive and let go." She stopped her recorder temporarily and leaned towards me. "In my words: Fuck her. Karma is on its way to give her a special gift. It's never okay for a woman to speak ill of another woman, especially when we've been through so damn much. You get me?"

"Yes ma'am." I smiled through my tears. She was right.... if course she was right.

We finished up the rest of our time which honestly consisted of her scolding me about my secretive behavior towards Michael. Basically she expressed that she did not spend several months whipping our asses back into shape just for us to fall backwards. And she was right about that. I took my full responsibility on that.

After a cup of warm tea and giggles, it was time for us to leave. She wanted to see us the week after Michael's court date, which was in a few days actually, so we could do our group session this time. We gave her a last hug before we headed out..

Michael held my thigh as I drove out of the private parking lot. The radio was on, playing a few of the newly released songs from this year. As I slowed down the car to a stop light, Michael started to speak.

"Are you okay baby?"

"Of course, why?" I gave him a reassuring smile.

"I don't know.... you just seem a bit quieter lately. I just wanna be sure that I don't ignore you this time," he gently lifted my free hand to kiss it. "You'd tell me if there was something wrong, right?"

"Michael, I'm fine, I promise. Everything is okay and I swear that if there was something wrong, you would be the first to know. Honestly I'm worrying about you," I started driving again.

"It's about that stupid court case, isn't it?" I nodded. "Baby, I'll be fine. I have the best legal team in the world and Brooke has proved time and time again that her accusations were lies. We have our evidence, we'll be okay."

"I know, but I don't want it to be a repeat of what happened the last time. Remember...?" I frowned, glancing at him.

"Mhmm. I'm not gonna relapse. I'm completely clean baby, I promise."

I slowed down again to a another red light. "Pinky promise." I held up my pinky finger.

He giggled and hooked his finger onto mine, leaning over his seat. "Pinky promise."

We both kissed our hands before kissing each other. Pulling away a split second later, I grabbed his face, rubbing the slight stubbles on his chin.

"I love you."

"And I love you." He grinned.


We entered the main house an hour and a half later, already hearing MJ crying and yelling. I was confused because I've never heard her as loud as she was now.

The confusion left and anger slowly filled my body, as I began marching through the house in the direction of her screams. I was ready to tell off whomever was with her because there was absolutely no reason why she should be crying.

"Okay, who the fuck is it and why is my baby crying?" I stood in the doorway of the living room area, now glaring at.. "Damien?"

He stood there holding MJ while trying his best to calm her down. Since she's never seen him before, I know she's alarmed and only wanting someone familiar to hold her.

So before he could react to Michael and I standing there, I went ahead and carefully took her out of his arms to comfort her. What broke my heart was feeling her tears on my shoulder. I hated hearing her cry, even if it was because she wanted a toy or something. It always made me want to cry.

While I did my motherly duties, Michael dealt with Damien.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was hopin' to talk to Ana for a minute," he replied nervously scratching his head. "I wanted to apologize."

MJ was calm by now and making cooing sounds against my face. I kissed her head to let her know that she was fine. She looked a bit sleepy and it was time for her nap anyway.

Madeline passed by which gave me a chance to flag her down. "Can you watch her for a second? I need to talk to Damien." I mumbled.

"Sure, of course." She took MJ out of my arms. "Might wanna grab Michael though... he's looking like he's about to punch that man in the mouth."

She walked away shortly down the hall while baby talking to MJ. I took a short deep breath, turned around, and stepped forward.

"Look, no disrespect Michael—I fuck witcha' a lot but, I will knock you the fuck out. You don't even know the full story."

"The full story?" Michael scoffed. "You groomed and had sex with a teenager... what's long about it?"

"Okay, okay, baby" I gently pushed at Michael's chest. The tension was too high. "Please, let me talk to him."

"He's about to be escorted out. There's no need to talk."

As if on que, Bill and Wayne rounded the corner with serious expressions on their faces. Michael crossed his arms with not a care in the world. I sighed heavily.

"Michael," I gritted. "I said I got it."

"You heard her, beat it," Damien smirked.

Michael looked as if he was about to pounce on him any second, but thought better of it. I was standing right between them. To get to him, he had to get through me, and I'd be damned if I got punched in the middle of a crossfire. He needed to calm down.

I looked at Bill and Wayne. "Can you two take Michael down the hall? He just wants to talk to me, that's all."

I was hoping they'd listen to me. But Michael being Michael, wanted to be childish.

"If you listen to her, I'll fire you. Put his ass out.... now."

"Are you serious?" I frowned. "Bill, take him."

"No, are you serious? He literally has no reason to be here right now!" He rolled his eyes. I narrowed my eyes at Bill, basically yelling at him with them for him to take this man down the hall. He was being immature. I didn't have time for that. "He should have thought about apologizing months ago! Or if he learned his age limit, we wouldn't be in this situation."

"Alright, Joker. Let's go cool down." Bill finally put a pep in his step, grabbing Michael's arm to tug him in the other direction. Before he could even think about snatching away, Wayne was right there next to them... grabbing his arm in the next second.

"Really Bill?" He groaned.

"I actually can't even believe him," I said aloud. "We just came from therapy, and you're already fucking up!"

Michael tried hard to snatch away. He was doing so much twisting and turning that Wayne had enough and picked him up over his shoulder. Although this wasn't a funny situation, I couldn't help but laugh. I really, really couldn't believe this.

He kept chattering as he was being carried away, which prompted me to turn around and face Damien, who was looking just as amused but didn't want to show it.

"This is my life now," I comically stated, spreading my arms out as if to say 'it is what it is'. "I apologize on his behalf. You know Rashida and Kidada are like sisters to him."

He nodded, frowning. "I get it."

I lead him towards the lounging area in our backyard so we wouldn't have any interruptions. I'm sure he had much more to say than an apology.

We sat a good distance away from each other on the couch. It was silent—us both just taking in our surroundings and nature's currents. It was sunny but the sun was just about to go down, giving that it was six in the evening. There was a small breeze that felt nice against my skin. It almost put a smile to my face, despite. I just loved outdoors.

Finally after maybe, ten minutes in silence, I felt Damien shift beside me. His head hung low over his knees and a sigh left his lips. Now the aura was somber and just a bit serious.

"I really do want to apologize, Ana."

"For what exactly? For what happened at your house, with Rashida, with Angel, with Semaij, or are you just simply sorry because you were caught?"

He frowned. "Ana..."

"No, let's break it down. Because honestly, I'm more confused and disappointed than angry with you." I sat on my leg while turning towards him. "You were with Angel one day. You both declared a relationship and although we joked about not believing you two, you guys seemed to be in love." He ran his hand down his face. "Y'all continued being together, moved in and everything... but Rashida was somehow in the mix of this..?? Now I knew she had a crush on you, but why the fuck would you do it? Was Angel not enough for you? What sparked your interest in a 16 year old child?"

"Angel was more than enough for me—"

"You say that, but did what you did. I don't understand," I interrupted.


"There should be no 'buts', that's the problem."

"Ana," he groaned. "Just let me talk please? You say you willin to listen, but you out here grilling the fuck outta me right now! Trust me, I heard enough of that from Miss Jolene, I know I fucked up."

I crossed my arms. "Hmph... continue."

"Thank you." He slowly rolled his eyes. "I love Angel. I still do after all I've done... but, I stupidly fell in love with Rashida. I felt that I could talk to her about things that i couldn't say to Angel. And I know I knew better than to even take it that far with her but you really can't help who you fall in love with. When Angel told me she was pregnant, I dropped all contract with her. It hurt me but I wanted nothing more than to be a family with Angel. The day she miscarried was the day I invited Rashida over to break things off officially. I couldn't keep hurting Angel and everyone around me. As soon as I saw Rashida's face... her tears... I couldn't do it." My face fell. "One thing led to another and—I'm just so stupid. I admit that. And I regret how everything happened. I really do."

I slightly shook my head. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I opened my mouth to speak, but was interrupted by him.

"The week you went on tour with Tommy Hilfiger was the very last time I saw Rashida. She broke it off with me so she could apologize to you and Angel. Trust me, she felt just as bad for fucking you two over than I did. I encouraged her to go and wished her the best, and I haven't spoken to her since. Quincy basically threatened me." He scoffed. "Anyway, maybe a week after that, Semaij reached out to me to talk about you."

"And what the fuck did she say?" I frowned.

"She was sad." I scoffed.

I rolled my eyes. "Bullshit. Don't make me feel bad for sending her ass home."

"I'm not!" Damien shook his head. "She really was sad. She told me about the argument and how she was wrong for even accusing you of inviting Rashida out. She was angry and in the moment, and felt she was doing the right thing..
for Angel at least."

"That's hard to believe,... given the fact that Semaij hated Angel since we were kids," I waved that off. That'll be one thing I won't believe.

"I guess we talked and had a few drinks after that. Most of it was about Angel, and half of it was about you. One thing led to another I guess... and we.."

"Had sex," I finished, shaking my head. "Foul."

"Trust me, i know," he covered his face. "The next day, I kicked her out and told her that we can never do that again."

"You two ended up doing it again though, right? Because you two are scandalous and clearly not good friends." I crossed my arms.

".... No, we did not. And I can promise you that. The day you and Angel came over, she was there strictly on business. She wanted me to help her go over some lines for a movie she's auditioning in" I nodded. "Her saying that ignorant shit was her being what she is I guess."

"And what is she?"

"An ignorant, weird bird," he replied.

I let out a fake gasp. "And you only realize that now? Shocking news America!"


"I'm gonna be honest, Rabbit, your reasonings for your mistakes sounds a little fucked. I don't know if I can ever believe or jusitfy your actions based off of all of that, but one thing I know you are, is sorry. I can see it in your eyes. And I know you've been dealt your cards and you played them accordingly. Despite how we all may feel about the situatuon, we all love you and I want you to know that. But, you also gotta understand that Angel is my best friend. She's still hurt about it regardless of if she moved on or not, and I know it's only because she loved you a lot. Which means if, and I highly doubt she'd want this, you two talked this out, and she somehow... forgave you for all of this, you need to make sure she won't regret it. You also have to be in everyone else's good graces."

"I know, I know," he nodded. "Even if she doesn't forgive me, I still want her aware of how sorry I am."

We stood up, feeling this conversation come to an end. "Okay then. I won't lie, I do want to scratch your eyes out right now for even putting everyone in a position to where we'll have to choose who's side to be on. We were all doing good together!"

"I know, I'm sorry babygirl. I really am."

"And I'm gonna try to forgive you. It's not easy, but it's the only way I'll evolve." He nodded shoving his hands into his pockets. "And I guess I'll give you a hug so you'll know I'm serious."

I jokingly held out my arms, slowly smiling. He broke out into a laugh and hugged me tightly.

"I'm so, so sorry Ana. I am."

"I know." I closed my eyes. "I know."


I come in peace & barring gifts!

It's very very late and I struggled long enough to get this chapter out. A lot has happened since the last time I updated and honestly, when has nothing ever happened in my life??? Bitch I'm over it at this point!

But I really really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Almost 5k words sweetly typed up for you with time, patience, and temper tantrums but we outchea. Yk wtf go baby. 🤗❤

I love you guys very very much & I hope you've all been well. Happy holidays to you and your family, from wittle ol me. ❤

Until next time my loves! 🤗

- Nae 💋

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