The Uchiha Legacy

Av ArikatoandMeikashi

250 0 0

Sasenami Uchiha Jr, the son of Sasenami Uchiha who was a member of the Akatsuki and saved the world with Nora... Mer

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18

Part 3

18 0 0
Av ArikatoandMeikashi

Kakashi: alright alright try and take the bell from me

Sasenami Jr: alright...but I already have it...head hunter jutsu

*shadow clone pulls Kakashi underground*

Kakashi: *disappears and is on top of a tree holding the bells* nice try but you gotta try harder than that

Sasenami Jr: maybe i will *throws kunai covered with lightning style chakra at Kakashi and some of them has paper bomb* lets make this flashy

Kakashi: *dodges most of them and stands there waiting for him to strike*

Sasenami Jr: *a lightning clone appears behind Kakashi after the kunai with lightning chakra pass and the clone reaches for the bell*

Kakashi: ohhh that's a nifty trick *dodges out of the way*

Sasenami Jr: lightning finger pistol jutsu *an intense concentrated beam of lightning goes towards Kakashi's bell*

Kakashi: lightning absorption jutsu *moves his hand to the lightning and absorb it*

Sasenami Jr: FIRE STYLE: GREAT FIREBALL JUTSU *a humongous fireball goes towards Kakashi*

Kakashi: "uh ohh"

Sasenami Jr: hehe now *a shadow clone that was transformed into a rock appears behind Kakashi* ONE THOUSAND YEARS OF DEATH *tries to do 1000 years of death on Kakashi*

Kakashi: pfft you would really use my own technique against me *moves to the side and kicks junior in the face*

Sasenami Jr: wonder why you were the 6th Hokage

???: wonder how you were able to beat those upperclassmen who got held back Junior

Sasenami Jr: hm? Who are you?

???: the names Yuko...I saw you come into school earlier...I was the fourth person hanging out with those kids with the dirty mouth...I came to apologize for what they said and wish become your friend

Sasenami Jr: well that's a first...ok I accept your apology...and we can be friends

Yuko: great *smiles*

Sasenami Jr: Hey Lord it ok for us to take a break?

Kakashi: *is no where is sight and 1000 years of deaths Junior* sure I don't see why not

Sasenami Jr: Gaaah *gets sent flying* dammit Kakashiiii

Kakashi: alright now have fun that's enough training for today

Sasenami Jr: Lord 6th...don't forget next week, i'll pass that graduation test and become a genin so get ready to be blown away

Kakashi: I'm more than ready

Sasenami Jr: how 7 do on the bell test when they first did it?

Kakashi: horribly even they struggled against me

Sasenami Jr: did I do somewhat better than them?

Kakashi: *in head* do I tell him yes to boost his confidence or do I just be honest *out loud* yes you did some what better

Sasenami Jr: you're lying aren't you...

Kakashi: nope

Sasenami Jr: ok if you say so...well I'll see you tomorrow

Kakashi: alright then

Sasenami Jr: so...Yuko was it? How did you know I was here?

Yuko: just my intuition

Sasenami Jr: intuition huh...

Yuko: soooo what do you like to do for fun uhm Junior I guess that's what they call you

Sasenami Jr: yeah they call me actual name is Sasenami Jr....of course as you know I'm the son of the greatest person...Sasenami Uchiha...and for fun...I don't know...I don't really go out to do anything for fun...I mostly do whatever the hell I want and train...visit my dad's grave...what do you like to do for fun? Bully people with your group?

Yuko: n-no I mainly get pressured into doing thati don't like it but I don't want to get bullied you know

Sasenami Jr: heh I see, well what's your chakra nature? I have style, lightning, earth, water, and wind...from both of my parents...I just didn't get my mom's jutsu but certain chakra nature's create that jutsu

Yuko: well I have water...that's about it and I like doing a lot of things for fun like games and all that

Sasenami Jr: nice, want to go out for some ramen? Teuchi makes the best in the world

Yuko: YEAH SURE *smile*

Sasenami Jr: alright...follow me...I know a short cut *climbs up a near by tree*

Yuko: uhm okay *follows behind him up the tree*

*Sasenami Jr. and Yuko cut through some trees and runs on the rooftops of some houses and arrive at Ichiraku*

Sasenami Jr: alright...what would you like?

Yuko: just the hokage special that's what I normally get

Sasenami Jr: alright Teuchi-

Teuchi: already on it

Sasenami Jr: alright and give me the newbie...can't wait to try that new ramen you added to your menu again

Teuchi: took me a while to come up with it

Sasenami Jr: Mr. Teuchi is the best, don't you think so Yuko?

Yuko: yeah he is his noodles are the best

Sasenami Jr: now I understand why Lord 7th loves to come here alot...well when he was that he's Hokage he's really busy and plus he has a wife like Hinata...I had some of her tastes great

Teuchi: here's you're ramen *places bowls of ramen in front of them*

Sasenami Jr: *passes Yuko chopsticks* now let's chow down

Yuko: *blushes a bit but looks down at her food* y-yeah LETS CHOW DOWN *starts to eat the ramen*

Sasenami Jr: *checks pockets* oh shoot I forgot my wallet...hey um...Yuko I hate to ask you this you have any money to pay for this food

Yuko: yeah I should have some money *opens her wallet and it's empty* dammit looks like we have to do the dishes to make up for the food

Sasenami Jr: *sigh* aw man what a drag

Teuchi: it’s on the house

Sasenami Jr: are you sure that’s fine Mr Teuchi?

Teuchi:’s my shop so I chose who gets left off the hook and who doesn’t

Sasenami Jr: well thanks Teuchi *starts eating the ramen*

Teuchi: no guys kinda remind me of Sasenami and Konan when they were here on a date

Sasenami Jr: Wait no no no no no it’s not like that Mr Teuchi

Yuko: w-what I'm sorry to say but no *in head* shit how does he know that I'm a girl

Sasenami Jr: yeah besides Mr Teuchi...I’m pretty sure that’s a guy *swings arm when saying that and touches Yuko’s chest by accident* boing? My hand...bounced off like...boing

Yuko: *turns bright red and stands up smacking Junior in the face* P-pervert you can't just grab a girl like that

Sasenami Jr: *hits the ground* w- w- wait you’re a girl?! No wonder why Teuchi mentioned my mom and dad dating and saying we look like them *stands up* S- sorry Yuko...that was careless of me

Yuko: yes I'm a girl but still you can't just do that I mean how could miss something like that *pulls off her jacket revealing her upper body* see I'm a girl but I like to dress like a guy

Sasenami Jr: S- sorry...well no matter because we’re friends right

Sasenami Jr: I won't I won't wasn't even my intention...hey want to train with me and Lord 6th?

Yuko: whatever *sits back down and eat her noodles*

Sasenami Jr: next week is the see who will become you think you have every thing down and will pass?

Yuko: yup I do think I got it

Sasenami Jr: you got any dreams or wishes for the future?

Yuko: well not yet

Sasenami Jr: I cousins, Jashin and Catrina both want to become hokage...I don't want to be hokage...I want to follow my own path...become the strongest shinobi in the village that's not hokage...I'm glad you became my friend...with friends I'll be able to get stronger...kinda like my father who's best friend was his older brother've heard of Noragaki Uchiha right?

Yuko: ohhh him yeah I've heard that after that god came down he took it on alone

Sasenami Jr: *looks down* ...i- uh...I have to go, thanks for the ramen Teuchi...and...bye Yuko I'll see you tomorrow *runs off*

Teuchi: hm...poor kid

Yuko: what happened was it something I said?

Teuchi: I'll be honest...yes...when you said Noragaki fought the Otsutsuki alone...the whole fight Nora was fighting with his brother Sasenami...Sasenami sacrificed his life for the village and to protect his brother who he believed he's stronger and can shape a better future than himself...but don't let it bother you...Junior will bounce back after some time...just like his father

Yuko: ohhh okay well I'll get going bye bye now

Teuchi: bye, stop by again when you're hungry and I'll treat you to some more ramen

Yuko: ohh okay thanks and by *bows her head and walk off*

*at the Uchiha home*

Sasenami Jr: Uncle Nora I’m back, are you here?

Noragaki: hmm yeah whats up junior

Sasenami Jr: oh um...nothing much...I just wanted to see if you were here...actually I want to talk...I meet this girl, her name's Yuko...we hung our and stuff...when i asked if she knew about you she said that yes and it was you fighting alone on the field against Oroshiki...I don't know why I'm just so frustrated right now and I ran off...*sigh* sorry...I just wanted to vent to someone

Noragaki: you're fine son nothing to worry about okay there's no need to be frustrated

Sasenami Jr: ok...*sits at the table* what's for dinner? I'll help

Noragaki: Junior we already had dinner I was waiting for you to come and sit and eat but you never came back from training with Kakashi

Sasenami Jr: oh *looks at the time* yeesh I'm bad...what did you make?

Noragaki: I had made your favorite ramen

Sasenami Jr: *stomach growls* alright...let's chow down...I didn't eat my usual fill at Ichiraku because I left early

Noragaki: alright well your foods in the refrigerator so just warm it up okay

Sasenami Jr: alright *heats it up and eats it* mmm tastes great even though it was reheated...what did you do today Uncle Nora?

Noragaki: nothing much today just old work

Sasenami Jr: I heard from some where that you are now in charge of all the Anbu in the leaf...that's cool! Did Jashin decide to retire?

Noragaki: yup I am and yes he did I guess he got too old for his job

Sasenami Jr: heh, old fart...Jashin once told me dad saved his life during the fight with stone shinobi..the fight that he lost everything except you and his sensei...What was dad's face like when he was worried about you? Did it look goofy? *laughs a little*

Noragaki: *laughs with him* yeah he looked a little goofy

*at Jashins location*

Jashin: ACHOO...*snort* did I catch cold?

*back at the Uchiha house hold*

Sasenami Jr: I sure bet *laughs some more* man...for a great person the village rejects him and his kindness...well...I'll bring a good name out of our family tree branch...the name Sasenami will be the greatest name known to man *smiles*

Noragaki: I believe in you Junior and I know that you can do that

Sasenami Jr: yeah

*a week of class had passed for Sasenami Jr. and Yuko and they have passed their final test and are now sparring to see who's the best*

Sasenami Jr: you ready Yuko?

Yuko: yeah I am


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