spotted red{On hold right now...

By alandra_01

1K 74 17

Alexiah has been homeschooled her entire life and when her parents decide to send her to public school she me... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five.
chapter six
chapter seven
Chapter eight.
chapter nine
chapter 9 part two
chapter ten
chapter twelve
chapter therteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen

chapter eleven

44 6 2
By alandra_01

Alexiah's POV

The wind had picked up and decided to wip my hair around. Good thing Dylan had me by the hand leading me to his truck. He stopped and when I looked up we were at his black truck. He opened the door for me and I climed in. The truck smelled like fresh air and cinnamon. Just like Dylan. He quickly walked around to the other side and climed in. He started the truck with some effort and put it in drive. I buckled up, he didn't.

"Aren't you going to buckle up?" He looked at his side door. He mumbled something and smiled. He grabbed the seat belt and clicked it in place.

"I usually don't. Though now that you mention it. It is against the law to not have a seat belt on. Thank you." He stopped speeking for a moment. Then he cleared his throught and looked at the stearing weel as we stopped to wait for the traffic.

"Alexiah, can I ask you a question?" I knew what he was going to ask.

"Sure." My voice seemed so quiet but he heared it.

"Do you have Dyslexia like Mr. Hugo said?"

"Yeah. I've had it sense I was little." I still had a quiet voice but louder this time.

"So how come you read all those books when reading is awfuly hard for you?" I smiled.

"Just because a doctor and a couple of test say you have a problem doesn't mean it has to rule your life. I find ways around my Dyslexia. I listen to books as I follow them in the book itself. My mother would give me oral tests and for a while I would put and 'L' on my left hand and a 'R' on my right hand in pen."

"But you never told the school that you had a problem with your reading?"

"I didn't think I needed to." He turned left down a road.

"You're going to have to. We take written tests and if you can't read the questions then taking the test is pointless."

"Not pointless, just diffacult." I smiled and he laughed as he pulled onto my road.

"Talk to Mrs. Grace tomorrow. She can help you. Trust me. If you need help then take it. She will not baby you. She'll push you and make sure you can do your best. And she'll talk to your other teachers for you." He pulled into the drive way and my moms black escort was sittig in the driveway. I smiled.

"You want to meet my mom?" He put the truck in park and drummed his thumbs on the weel. Then he sighed and cut the engine.

"Why not. I'll probly meet her sooner or later." He opened the door and tried to get out, but his seet belt held him in. I chuckled as I unbuckled mine and reached over to unbuckle his. His hand landed on mine and pressed down all to late to reolize that my fingers were there. After the belt clicked and came undone he quickly moved his hands away and gently grabbed my hand.

"Are you alright?" I chuckled and looked up.

Dylans POV

"Are you alright?" I inspected her fingers and felt bad. I pressed really hard on her fingers thinking it was the seet belt clip, only to find out that ith was her fingers. I looked up and her face was inches from mine. I suppressed the urge to kiss her but it bit at my lips as I looked into her eyes. I let her hand go and she leaned back opening her door.

Twice. Thats two times that I could of kissed her but chose not to. If this was last year she would of been on her back with my hand up her shirt, but somethings happened. I don't want that. I want her happy. That would be a first in a long time that I wanted to make someone happy. Why her? Why now? Have I changed? My thoughts were interubted by her opening the door and calling for her mother.

"Hey mom, I'm home!" I smiled.

"Lexi, I'm in the living room. Don't forget to take your shoes off. I just swept when I got home!" A sweet voice not far off from Alexiahs voice called from the middle of the house. I walked in and the entry way was all white tial flooring and a rug for wipping your feet off. She bent down and took her shoes off and i bent down and untied my boots and tugged them off. She set her backpack on the bench that sat against the white wall.

"Hey mom, theres someone here I want you to meet!" She yelled again. I laughed.

We walked down the hall and turned to an open space. To the left was a table and six chairs set up around it. A kitchen with a small island in the center of it and if you looked to the right there was an area that was covered with dark carpeting and a black couch that looked almost new. A love seat against the far wall and a lazzy boy chair that was green. I smiled at the chair, because it was the only thing that was out of place. If you looked to the right side of the living space you could see a huge flat screan T.v taking up most of the wall. Under the T.v sat a shelf with three sections. One for an old VHS player, and a Blue ray player on top of it, another for DVD's and Vlue rays, and the last section for VHS's. And standing next to the black couch was a woman that looked almost like Alexiah. Her hair was shorter and her eyes were brown but her weight, height and figure screemed she was Alexiahs mother.

"Hey mom. This is Dylan Jackson. He gave me a ride home yesterday and today. Dylan this is my mom." Her mother walked over to us and had a fake smile on her face. I could tell she was sizing me up. Trying to figure out what was wrong with me. I stretched out my hand for her to shake it She gently grabbed it and shook it lightly.

"It's nice to meet you Dylan."

"Likewise ma'am." I held my tongue and smiled. I wanted to complement her but I didn't know how to. she was beautiful just like her daughter but that probably wasn't the right thing to say right now.

"So your the Dylan that Lexi talkex about last night. Its nice to put a name and face together."

"Yup thats me. And it is great to meet you Mrs. Wood. Your daughter is turning out to be a wonderful friend." She chuckled.

"That Lexi for you. She could befriend a thorn bush." Alexiah laughed.

"I almost did one time. Though the bush wasn't very friendly back." I smiled. Alexiahs mother turned to face her.

"Do you have homework dear?"

"Yes. Some reading and history."

"If its alright with you ma'am I was wondering if I could help her with her homework. We have the same homework anyway. We could work on it together." Alexiah smiled and looked at me.

"That would be great. I'll go get my back pack. I'll be right back." She scurried off down the hall to her back pack.

"Dylan, can I ask you a question?"

"Yes ma'am." If it was anyone else I would of said 'you just did' but I restrained myself.

"What do you want from my daughter?" I forrowed my brow.

"What do you mean?"

"What are you expecting from my daughter?"

"A friendship, ma'am."

"And can you assure me that is all you'll want from her?" I wanted to call Alexiah my girlfriend so bad and say that she's mine, but...

"Ma'am I can promise you that I will not hurt your daughter. Hurting her is the last thing I would want to do."

"Then I guess thats all I can ask of you?" Alexiah entered the room with her backpack half open and her hand digging for something. She looked up and looked between her mother and I.

"Is everything okay in here?" she said as she walked over to the table and pulled out a chair.

"Yup. Just getting to know each other better." I smiled and walked over to her and pulled out a chair and sat down.


Hey everyone. Snow day today! Actually have time to type. Yay. Okay so how is it so far? Please comment and share this story with others. I love you guys please keep reading and if you guys ever need me to read anything of yours don't hesitate to tell me.

Love you all! :)

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