Forever & Always 3

By lustingrose

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They lived. They loved. They laughed. But all good things must come to an end, right? she left without him, n... More



89 5 14
By lustingrose

FLASHFORWARD: after the accident 

JJ had woke up in a hospital bed, the strong smell of bleach and disinfectant clouding thoughts. The bright blinding eyes giving him a headache the scratchy hospital bedsheets rubbed against his skin. He was wearing a blue hospital gown. The heart rate machine next to him beeped alerting him that he was in fact alive and breathing.

"Mr Olatunji, you've been out for a while." A nurse appeared beside him, a flashy smile on her lips, if she wasn't working here, JJ was sure she could have a job as a model. 

"How long?" JJ turned to face the window that was closed.

"A day and a half," She said moving to draw the curtains, "You're daughter came to visit you this morning," 

"Is she alright?" 

Everything that had happened the last time he was awake came back to him, he, Hadiyeh, Jannah and Nas were in a car crash, the last thing he can remember is Jannah's voice screaming for her mother.

"Yes, she's fine," The woman says, "A few cuts of glass, but she's fine, the least damage in the crash was done to her." 

"What about Hads, is she fine?" JJ sat up wincing at the pain that shot through his back.

"Mrs Hadiyeh Ezra, is in stable condition, she was taken into surgery as soon as the ambulance got there, but unfortunately during the surgery, she fell unconscious, we're hoping she'll wake up soon."


JJ had finished seeing stars in his eyes, yet, he felt liberated, the feeling of euphoria ran through his body, he didn't have a care in the world, everything around him was hazy, even Hadiyeh's voice was echoed in his head. His climax was so stimulating that he was still in his subspace. 

"JJ, you okay?" Hadiyeh whispered softly, untying his hands and massaging them lightly, to get the blood flowing again. He nodded his head clouded with nothing but admiration for Hadiyeh.

"Do you think you can get up?" She whispered.

He shook his head, he doubted he could move after that. 

"Sleep with me, Hads," He murmured quietly. She nodded knowing he was too vulnerable right now to say 'no' so instead she lay next to him as his body curled into hers, wanting to feel the warmth that radiated off of her. 

"I love you," She whispered pressing a soft kiss to JJ's cheek as he snored quietly already asleep, his climax draining him from all of the energy.

The next morning Hadiyeh had woke up earlier than JJ who was still asleep. She admired him for a minute. Maybe she shouldn't have gone that far especially for their first time, but at the time JJ hadn't seemed opposed to it. 

"Morning, Hads," He smiled seeing his wife already awake drawing hearts onto his back.

"Hey, sleepy bear." She chuckled, happy that he was finally awake, "You good?"

"Gucci." He smirked in reply.

"How did you find last night?"

He thought for a minute, trying to articulate his thoughts about what had happened last night. 

"It was nice," He murmured, kissing her neck. The way her mane of dark curly hair spread across the pillow was beautiful, the sun in her eyes made them shine like copper. He raised his eyebrow in query "Round two?"

"No way." She chuckled kissing his temple, "We might still be in bed, but the world still moves."


JJ's tour began with the Leeds and Reading festival, the boys were going to the Leeds and Reading festival, Hadiyeh and JJ however had gone via his tour bus, wanting to treasure every moment together as the boys would all be going with their friends.



"I'm sorry."

"For what?" 

"This, Hads, what if this whole thing flops, what if I don't make it, what if I've done all of this for nothing. What if I turn out a failure? What if -"

Hadiyeh kisses him, he often went through insecure, anxious episodes.

"Was that just to shut me up?" He turns to her, his brows raised in playful query.

"No, just to remind you that the answer to all of your questions is the fact that you put your love and effort into that, you created something with love and passion, I know for a fact that your fans know how to appreciate something you put your time and work into." She spoke softly, pressing a light kiss to his temple

"Thank you." He nodded taking a deep breath, she always knew what to say to ease the waves of anxiety and worry in his mind.

During the Reading and Leeds festival, Hadiyeh and the girls watched from above the stage as JJ took all of the boys onto the stage. He had begged for Hadiyeh to make an appearance after all she was part of the sidemen. She had refused, knowing that the fans would focus more on her and JJ rather than his music. 

"That was lit!" The boys cried out as they came back, that was by far the maddest thing that they had done together, the adrenaline that pumped through their body was exhilaratingly exciting.

"See, told you, they'll love you!" Hadiyeh gave JJ a pointed look as he came crashing into her, his arms wrapped around her, lifting her up from her waist as she laughed. 

"I love you." He murmured, inhaling her smell, it was refreshing to him, out on the festival floor everyone smelt like sweat, alcohol and cheap perfume. She however always held a scent of comfort. Soap and channel with a pinch of vanilla and cinnamon.

"I love you more," She chuckled kissing his cheek. 

"Aw!" Their friends gathered around them cooed at the sight. They truly were what someone would consider the definition of love. 

That night they partied in JJ's tour bus, everyone cheering and having fun, but something was unsettled in Hadiyeh's head, she was going to miss JJ when he was on tour, but she knew that she couldn't hold him back from living his best life. This tour was what he needed to go from a youtube rapper to a mainstream celebrity, this would elevate his career like mad and she didn't nor wanted to hold him back from this opportunity.

"Hads, a minute." Simon saw Hadiyeh standing in the corner of the bus on her phone, he had wanted to catch her by herself for while now to talk to her, but she was always so busy that she was impossible to reach.

Hadiyeh raised her head to find the source of the voice calling for her attention, her eyes locked with Simon who was subtly making his way towards her. Hadiyeh nodded and pointed at the staircase that lead upstairs, she couldn't be bothered to yell over the music. Simon nodded and followed her. 

"So Minter, what's on your mind?" She sat down on JJ's bed as Simon sat on the swivel chair beside the desk.

Simon put his hand in his pocket pulling out a velvet box.

"Oh, Minter you shouldn't have!" Hadiyeh rolled her eyes, playfully.

"Haha." His words were laced with sarcasm, "Only JJ would be stupid enough to marry you, and you're the only one stupid enough to say yes to him."

"On a real note though, you planning on getting married?" Hadiyeh arched an eyebrow at him, gosh hadn't they come a long way.

"Well, I'm hoping, just wanted to ask you first," He said handing the box over to Hadiyeh who opened it awing at the ring in the velvet box, it was beautiful, something she knew Talia would wear every day until she died.

"So..." He trailed off, hoping to receive Hadiyeh's opinion and blessing, after all, Hadiyeh and Talia were closer than sisters.

"Simon Edward Minter, you absolute dick!" She cheered getting off of the bed, pulling Simon into a hug. She was so proud of his and Talia's relationship and she was the cause of it.

"I try." He laughed hugging her back. He was never a fan of hugs, but Hadiyeh was an exception to everyone.

Written: 15/10/2021

published: 18/10/2021

(A/N: also plz vote, yall be ghost reading me *pouts* )

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