Freddy X Bonnie X Foxy: The R...

由 Unknownbunnny

5.9K 71 19

(If you do not like this kind of ship, do not spread hate please. Just leave and act like you've never seen i... 更多

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 8

237 2 2
由 Unknownbunnny

Roxanne's POV:

We got up on the roof and Mira told us to quiet down. "The other group is in the old stage room. Roxanne should know where to go." Golden said, "If you stick to rooftops and alleyways, no one should see you." "Alright, thanks golden," I said to him down the hatch. "No problem." He said before leaving. I looked around the rooftop and over the roof to see the park and all I could count was bodies. So many people. Just gone in a snap. There weren't many gunshots anymore or people walking around so maybe they left. Hopefully. "I ain't seeing anyone anymore," I said, giving everyone my thoughts. "Maybe those fuckers left." Monty wished. "If they did, some of them decided to stay. Like the one down there." Kai said looking toward the hatch at the body, "Mira. You know your job, don't let anyone other than us get in this building. And if they try, get everyone together and get weapons. Don't hesitate to kill them. Got it?" "Yea." She replied. "Ok, good." Then a machete was thrown up through the hatch and it landed next to it. "Just in case you need it! It's Foxy's machete." Golden said. Bonnie walked over and grabbed it. "Alright, let's do this." He said. "Be safe guys," Mira said. We all nodded. "If we go towards that direction, we should make it pretty close to the old stage." I told everyone, pointing over towards the road. "We'll hop down after and use any sort of cover to make it through the roads. Absolutely no one can get spotted. Keep up too, cause if you fall behind, we ain't coming back for you. Ok?" Kai announced. We nodded again and started making our way over to the edge of the roof. Some of the buildings were connected and some were way out near the open. Then the rest of the park was just rollercoasters. Huge rollercoasters. "Over there." Monty said pointing towards a building, "That's the old stage." The building was a ways from ours but we should be ok. Kai examined the area and saw a ladder to climb down from our building. "Stick close. No one fall behind ok? Stay quiet no matter what." Kai ordered, whispering. He made his way to the ladder and slowly made his way down it. I followed next and then Bonnie. We made it down and then climbed off the side of the building. It wasn't that high up so we all made it down fine. "Stay close. And flashlights off. We don't need them right now. Our night vision should kick in." Kai ordered with a whisper. He slowly crouched by the corner of the building and peeked his head around. "Seems clear. Let's go." He said. He got up and slowly started walking. We all followed quietly and quickly behind him. I was next to Bonnie, somewhat behind them. "I'm sorry about Freddy. I know it must've sucked seeing him like that." I whispered to him. "It's ok. I checked on him and he was ok. And I... Might have given him a little kiss too. Just to boostup his confidence. " He said making me quietly gasp. "Really?" I asked surprised. "Yea. I just-" "Hey, can you two shut the fuck up?" Hayden whispered at us. I rolled my eyes and Bonnie did the same. "Sorry crabass." I whispered back. Then out of nowhere, we heard a loud scream. We all froze. "The fuck was that?" Hayden asked. We stayed in place before we heard the scream again. "Get behind something." Kai ordered quickly. We ran out into the road and Bonnie and I hid behind a food stand and couched down. The others disappeared somewhere. The scream was heard again and Bonnie peeked his head up to see what it was. I did the same too. We didn't see anything at first before one of the doors to a building near us busted open. A girl ran out bleeding like crazy and a knife in her back. She was screaming bloody murder for help, begging for someone. Then a man with a hatchet came out and walked over towards her. He had a black mask on and his hatchet was covered in blood. We were somewhat far away from the scene that if we wanted to do anything to help, we would've been spotted. He was about to take another swing at her until someone else bolted out of the same building at ran up to the man, stabbing him in the back. The man shouted in pain and stumbled. The kid that stabbed him ripped the knife out of his back and tried to stab him again. The man swung the hatchet back and sliced the kid's chest making him stumble back. The man swung his hatchet again and the kid dogged it. The masked man punched the kid and ripped the knife out of himself making the kid trip over the other body of the girl and fall to the ground. Bonnie next to me ran out from our cover and ran towards the fight. "Bonnie?!" I whisper shouted to him as he ran towards the killer. The mask man's back was turned to Bonnie so Bonnie luckily got a strong blow to the neck with Foxy's machete. The kid on the ground then kicked him directly in the shin, making him fall and his neck snap. He was dead. Bonnie was horrified about what he just did. I came out of my corner and slowly made my way towards them. The kid on the ground looked at the corpse of the girl and sighed. "She bleeds out. Fuck..." He said. Bonnie lent him his hand and he grabbed it and Bonnie pulled him up. "Thanks for the help." He thanked Bonnie. He looked down at the girl and sighed. She looked lifeless. "Shit... She definitely bleed out." He said as Bonnie turned his attention towards the corpse. "I'm so sorry." "Don't apologize. I didn't even know the chick. But it still hurts to see it." The kid said. He looked over at me walking over towards them. "It's good to see that most people are still alive." He said as Kai and Hayden appeared next to me too. The kid had a somewhat dark green fur color with some scars on his face and he was wearing a red leather jacket with ripped jeans. "I'm sorry about her." Kai said. "She was dead anyways. A bolt to the back and a hatchet slice to the side. She would've bleed out anyways. Even if I tried anything. The fucker with the crossbow shot her awhile ago and I couldn't find any meds to help her. So we kept the bolt in until she tried ripping it out. Making her scream and this fucker show up." The kid said. He looked up at Bonnie and recognized his outfit. "Your from the band?" He asked. "Yep..." Bonnie replied. "Is Mira safe?" He asked suddenly. "Yea. Do you know her or something?" Kai asked confused. "She's my sister. I came here to watch her play before this shit happened." The kid said. "Your Springtrap?" Bonnie asked. "Yea. Do you know where she is? Is she safe?" "Yes. But we need to find our other group first. Then we'll take you to her." Bonnie said. "As long as she's safe." Springtrap said, "Then I guess I'm with you." He said, bending down and ripping the knife out of the man's arm and taking his hatchet. "Good, cause I want to get out of the open. I don't want anyone else seeing us." Kai said turning around and beginning to walk. We followed quickly and kept our heads low as we continued our walk to the stage. The body count of people lying dead on the ground grew as we got closer to the stage. I remembered something. "Hey. They said they would have people by the back door to open it when we get there." I whispered to everyone. "They better be." Hayden said. A little while later, we made it to the main stage. We could slightly see the bodies of people lifeless below our feet. "We're almost there. Just don't think about anything else." Kai ordered. We slowly made our way over there passing so many bodies and tripping over them. We made it to the front stage and then slowly made our way over towards the back. "This is it right?" Kai asked me with a whisper. "Yea." I answered as we made it up to the door bur the door looked like someone kicked it down or something. The door was wide open and nobody could be seen. "Shit!" I whispered. "Shit. Someone's probably in there. We have to go in." Monty said. "Well dumbass, we can just barge in there and scream for their names. What if a killer's in there." Hayden argued. "Then we go in from the roof." Springtrap said. He looked at what seemed to be a ladder up towards the roof but was broken. Only half of it was left hanging. "How do you expect to get up there genus?" Hayden argued. Springtrap took a step back and then ran up, jumped to the wall, kicked off boosting himself up and grabbing the handle of the ladder. He pulled himself up all the way and started climbing. "Boost up whoever the lightest is. We'll scout out from above. There should be an entrance up here." He said climbing all the way up. "Roxanne, you should go." Monty said. I just nodded and he made his way over towards the wall and got in position to boost me up. "Ready?" He asked. "Ready." I answered, backing up and getting ready to run up. I did so and ran toward him, jumped in his hands, and he threw me up. I caught the handle and started to make my way up. "You three, go in slow and carefully. If there is a backstage, we'll head over there and see if anyone's in the building." Springtrap told them as I climbed up to him. "Just be careful as well." Kai said to us. "Alright. C'mon, let's go." Springtrap said to me. I nodded and he started walking. There was a door into the building that looked unlocked and Springtrap went over towards it. He crouched by it and pulled the handle down and back. It was unlocked. "We can go through here and head backstage. There should be a top-bit thing that we can go on top of and hide. Got it?" He announced the plan. "Yea got it." I said. He pulled the door open and we walked inside. It was pitch black. Springtrap then turned on what seemed to be a flashlight but was so dimmed that it shined like a glowstick. "Flashlights like this are good if you want to see but you don't want to illuminate too much light for others to see." He described it to me. He slowly started making his way down the stairs and I followed. We went down at least two sets of stairs before crossing a door. He aimed his flashlight at it to see what it was and the name on it said backstage. Springtrap turned off his light. "Be careful going back here, the beams will be loud if we step too heavy. So go slowly and quietly." He whispered. He then opened the door and I saw the beam in front of us. He slowly walked up onto it and slowly started moving forward. I followed suit. The stage curtains were open and we could see someone with a flashlight near the seats. I peeked over the edge to look at him. There was a man with what seemed to be a flashlight and a gun in his hands. The flashlight was so bright that it almost illuminated the entire room. "They got a gun. And that doesn't look like it would be any of my group." I whispered to Springtrap. He looked over and saw the man. "If we can get him over here, we can jump down on him and take his gun. It isn't too far of a jump so we should be fine." He said. "Alright." "Now to figure out a way to get him over here." I looked around and saw the flashlight in Springtraps pocket. I pickpocketed it and then threw it over the edge, slamming on the ground. The man's attention turned over to it and the light almost shinned at us but shinned at the flashlight I dropped. "That worked I guess." He whispered. The man slowly made his way over towards the flashlight and aimed around looking for whoever dropped it. Springtrap made his way over towards the railing and hopped over, still hanging on. I did the same. We were right over where the flashlight was dropped so as the man came over we could make the jump on him. "As soon as he's below one of us. Make the jump. Land on him." He whispered to me. I nodded and we waited. The man slowly got closer and closer to where we are and as he got up to the dropped flashlight, I jumped. Landing directly on the man. After I landed on him, we both fell and he dropped his gun and flashlight. I couldn't see. When my vision finally came back, I saw Springtrap jump on him. The man collapsed and a knife was stuck deep in his head. Springtrap ripped it out and panted. Same as I. He got up and walked over towards me and lent me a hand. "Good shit, that went better than expected." He said pulling me to my feet. He bend down and grabbed the flashlight and aimed it at the now dead masked man. "Hey! We got 'em! We're good!" Springtrap shouted to the others. "Krista! Glam!" I shouted too. We waited a moment before seeing two figures appear from behind the curtains. Springtrap aimed the light at them. It was Krista and Chica. I jumped when I saw them two and I immediately ran over towards them and hugged them both. "Holy shit you guys are ok." I said in relief. I pulled away and looked at them. "Thank god your fine too." Krista said back. Chica moved from the hug and then started shouting for Chichi. The others walked in with a flashlight and turned to us. "Where's Glam?" Monty immediately asked. "Here!" Glam shouted. We aimed the flashlight around the corner to see Glam and Chichi, But Glam was limping. The closer they got, the more we could see. Glams leg had a bullet hole straight through it. "Holy shit! What happened!" Monty panicked immediately running up to Glam. "I'm fine don't worry." Glam said trying to calm him down, "He kicked down the door and I tried to hit him with a plank and he missed trying to shoot Krista but shot my leg. I'm ok though." Glam explained. "Your not. You need to get that thing checked. It could've fractured something." Chichi said. "Then we get him back to our little base. We'll figure out what to do then." We all nodded and I turned over to Bonnie who bent down and grabbed something. It was the man's gun. He held it in both of his hands before checking the mag. "Five bullets." He said catching everyone's attention. He bent back down at the body and grabbed a small bag off him and opened it, "And three more mags." "What gun is it?" Kai asked as he aimed the flashlight at it. "I don't know. Foxy might know." He said. "Then we make our way back." Kai announced. "Well, we gotta be careful. Now there's a lot of us out in the open. Anyone could see us." Springtrap said. "He's got a point. If we want to get back safe and sound, then we gotta move fast." Kai announced. He then looked over at Glam. "Can you walk?" He asked. "Yea. I should be fine." Glam responded. We all looked back at the body and Bonnie sighed. "Thats four." He said. "Four what?" Krista asked. "Four people we killed. Mira and I were getting attacked and Foxy killed one, saving me. Then one was hiding out and attacked Freddy. Luckly, Foxy got there in time and killed him. Then we killed a guy out side to save Springtrap and now... Him." Bonnie explained. "Who would've thought. That this is what we would've had to go through today." Monty said. "We're defending ourselfs. Nothing we do matters rightnow. No matter what anyone says. We're alive." Kai added. "Its just... still hard to look at." I said. "We have to deal with it for now. To stay alive." Hayden said. We all stayed staring at the body. "Lets go." Bonnie said. He turned around and made his way towards the back door. And everyone followed. I was close behind them. We almost made it to the back door until Glam tripped and fell. Well, almost fell. Monty caught him and pulled him up. "Wrap your arm around me and I'll help you. Ok?" He said. "No I'm fine. I just tripped." He said getting up and trying to stand on his own. His leg twitched and as he tried to take another step, he almost fell again. Monty helped him up again and wrapped his arm around him. "Dont try and act like your tough boy." Monty joked. Glam nervously giggled and they started walking. I could tell that Glam was blushing really hard. Then I felt something grab my hand. I looked to my left and saw Krista. "I'm happy to see your safe. Thanks for coming back." She said making me blush madly. "Of course. I would never forget you." I said, "I care about you and everyone here. I would never leave you." She remained silent but remained holding my hand. "Everyone ready?" Kai asked as we got next to the door. We all nodded. "Lets move out. Everyone stick close and watch our surroundings."


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