Miss Royalty // BTS AU

By its_jasminx

1.4K 77 2

"Princess, may I have this dance?..." - A normal college girl who dreams of finding a prince to sweep her off... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Four PT 2
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Eight PT 2
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Two PT 2

Chapter Thirty-One

20 2 0
By its_jasminx

1 Day Left Until The Ball

Ruby is having an afternoon tea outside in the castle's garden. She is having a peaceful time, the air smelled like freshly bloomed flowers, and the sun beamed over the kingdom. Chip flies over to Ruby, holding a white sealed envelope. "Princess, this letter is addressed for you," she says as she hands Ruby the envelope.

"Really? Who is it from?' She asked. "Doesn't say, maybe their name will appear in the letter." Ruby opens the sealed envelope with a butter knife and takes out the folded letter. "Dear Ruby-" she begins to read aloud. "I would like to take you on a date to a fun amusement park in Paso Doble Park, please wait for me at the carousel. From your secret admirer...?" "Could be anyone," Chip says with a shrug.

"Ooh, let's go find out who it is!" Chip excitedly claps. Ruby agrees and they both walk out of the garden and out the main gates of the palace. "Who do you think is your secret admirer?" Chip asked. "Could be any of the princes for all I know," Ruby said. After a short distance walk, they finally get there with many people who are also enjoying the fun rides and playing games.

"They said to wait for them at the-" "the carousel is right there!" Ruby points out to see the large flashy and sparkling ride, horses slowly spun around with people filled with joy. "I bet your secret admirer could be Prince Jimin," Chip snorts. "Could be, or Prince Hoseok or Prince Seokjin," Ruby shrugs. "Or could be me," Ruby hears a familiar voice from her right side.

Sure enough, it was none of the princes Ruby could think of, as a matter of fact, the familiar voice belonged to none other than Prince Yoongi. Ruby is shocked and confused, demanding Chip to pinch her if this was a dream. Ruby excitedly screams and runs to him as she embraces him, tightly. "I cannot believe you're back! But how?" She asks, her arms still wrapped around him, but keeps eye contact with him.

"When I arrived back to my kingdom, I had to confront my parents that the World Competition is always held every year, but for the Annual Royal Ball, it's held only once. I had to convince my parents that I should return back, just to see you. Thank heavens, they agreed and allowed me to return just last night, Also, I had to apologize to Princess Jasmin for my sudden excused absence. She forgave me and said she'll be here for tomorrow's ball." He explains.

"I'm very much happy that you're able to be part of the lineup," Ruby squeals. "Of course, couldn't miss it for the world!" Prince Yoongi chuckles. "Now that you're both reunited right here, why don't you two go on a date?" Chip suggests. "I don't see why not," Prince Yoongi agrees.

They both began to walk around, amused by the civilians who are having fun, playing games, and enjoying the rides. Ruby sees a large rollercoaster, smirking at the idea of riding it with the prince. "Why don't we try this one!" She shouts over the screaming from the civilians. Prince Yoongi looks up, the large ride.

It wasn't any type of rollercoaster-like in Ruby's world, the ride doesn't seem too scary at all. The ride may be large, but it only consists of seven-wheeled carts on a sealed railroad track that was securely locked to the tracks. The rollercoaster is built with hard cement and bricks instead of wood.

"W-Why not," he mumbles as he's dragged by Ruby. As they got in, Prince Yoongi couldn't hold his fear and soon, the ride starts. Throughout their ride, Ruby didn't find the rollercoaster that scary, but it was an enjoyable ride. For prince Yoongi, he screamed for his life which she finds him hilarious.

After the ride, Prince Yoongi was still shaking so Ruby had to calm him down. "The ride wasn't' that bad," Ruby comforts the prince. "I-I had fun, no worries," he chuckles at his cowardliness.

As they walk around some more, Prince Yoongi spots a fun boat ride. A path filled with water, like a flowing river, goes around in a large circle. "I think it's my turn to pick," Prince Yoongi said as he grabs her hand and pulls her to the boat rides. Prince Yoongi gets on the boat as he helps Ruby get in and they both sat down.

The boatman, who was standing, began to row the boat. "I heard there was a dance competition two days ago, who was your partner?" Prince Yoongi asks. "Funny you ask, it was Prince Taehyung." "What?! The Prince Taehyung? The Prince who always reads books and wears thin-framed glasses?" Ruby nods, snorts at Prince Yoongi's funny description of Prince Taehyung.

"I'm sorry, it's just that, I never expected Prince Taehyung to ask a princess to dance with him. I often see him reject every princess that asks him to dance." Prince Yoongi is right, not all of the princesses except for Ruby had the chance to dance with Prince Taehyung. They continued to talk about their own moments that happened while the boat ride lasted.

Afterward, they went to go eat lunch at a nearby food booth. Prince Yoongi and Ruby found an empty dining table close by. "Princess Ruby! Hey! Prince Yoongi is back!" Prince Hoseok happily shouts as he and Prince Namjoon walked over to them. "I see you both are on a date," Prince Yoongi jokes. "Hahaha, very funny," Prince Hoseok sarcastically says, annoyingly rolling his eyes.

"I knew I heard Prince Yoongi would be back for tomorrow's ball," Prince Seokjin beams as he also approaches them along with Prince Taehyung and Prince Jimin. "My dear, Princess Ruby, you're getting more beautiful every time I see you," Prince Jimin compliments. "It's amazing to see all of us reunite like this," Ruby giggles, enjoying her corndog.

"I just want to say that tomorrow will be the ball and we all cannot force Princess Ruby to choose. Let her do it on her own. No hard feelings, correct?" Prince Taehyung asked. "Of course not, we're all friends after all. Let's support the prince, Princess Ruby chooses," Prince Namjoon smiles. "I'm so happy that you all aren't fighting. This isn't no competition after all," Ruby says as all the princes nod in agreement.

But, the princes shared a harsh glare at one another, secretly. Indeed, it felt like a competition for the princes. "We must try the games here," Prince Namjoon said, breaking the awkward tension as he drags Prince Hoseok with him. "Right, let's not fight," Prince Seokjin mumbles as he walks away along with Prince Taehyung and Prince Jimin.

They finish up their lunch and Prince Yoongi decided to take Ruby to the Ferris wheel. As they walked, Ruby began to speak. "Prince Yoongi, I just wanted to tell you that you're not the only prince I have feelings for." "I figured." Ruby is worried that the princes might start a huge problem among their kingdoms.

"But just like we all promised, we will support that lucky prince you choose. I promise you, I will stay like a true man, not a coward that weeps!" Ruby laughs at his funny statement. "It's okay to cry when you need to. Both genders have the right to have the same emotions," she said. Prince Yoongi couldn't help but fall harder for Ruby.

"Princess Ruby, in any case, you don't pick me, I hope to continue this friendship of ours till infinity." "In that case, we will." She smiles. And so, it's almost dawn and their perfect Ferris wheel ride ended their date, with a great wide view of the kingdom. From high up in the Ferris wheel, the town looks like a pretty handcrafted template of the. kingdom. The castle looks wonderful, it was like Ruby could reach the top. It was like a fairytale land from a storybook.

"Look, Prince Yoongi! The people down there look so small." "Yes, they do," Prince Yoongi chuckles at Ruby's child-like excitement. The sun began to set and Ruby could only think about was that tomorrow would be her last day and soon arrive back to her own world.

She wondered how will the kingdom react when they discover their secret...

To Be Continued...


1,404 Words

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