Magic Madness™️

By multiambitiongeek

2.4K 140 210

⚠️2ND DRAFT, MOSTLY UNEDITED⚠️ "'Alex, would you do the honors of reading the back of the game so that the vi... More

Chapter One: Prologue (The Beginning)
Chapter Two: First Impressions
Chapter Three: Fight or Flight
Chapter Four: Stuck.
Chapter Five: And So It Begins
Chapter Six: Friends Fight, Too
Chapter Seven: Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind
Chapter Eight: You Have To Start Somewhere
Chapter Nine: Focus
Chapter Ten: Flower Power
Chapter Eleven: "Relationship Problems"
Chapter Twelve: Penny Lane
Chapter Thirteen: Losing Sight
Chapter Fourteen: Curly Hair and Clouds
Chapter Fifteen: Knowing
Chapter Sixteen: Checkpoint Did Not Save. Start Again?
Chapter Seventeen: Taverns and Bards (There Is a Tavern in the Town)
Chapter Eighteen: Queen
Chapter Nineteen: Apple Blossoms
Chapter Twenty One: Mock
Chapter Twety Two: Family Reunion
Chapter Twenty Three: Wander
Chapter Twenty Four: Float
Chapter Twenty Five: The Adira
Chapter Twenty Six: Bubbles
Chapter Twenty Seven: The Hunt
Chapter Twenty Eight: Questions
Chapter Twenty Nine: Energy

Chapter Twenty: Stone

43 3 0
By multiambitiongeek

Word Count: 2,649

"We've passed this tree before. I feel like we've passed it before. Have we passed it before?" Alejandro asked, dehydrated and a little dizzy. He had set Elijah down a few hours ago and they searched for their group together, but it proved to be much harder than they thought, when all of the trees looked the same. The weather was beginning to feel like Autumn did back on Earth, and the wind that blew in their faces chapped their lips, dried their throats, and left them dehydrated after they ran out of water.
"I don't freaking know. They're all trees, they all look so similar," Elijah shrugged.
"No, but I swear we've seen this exact tree!" Alex pressed. Exhausted, Elijah flicked his hand in the tree's direction. All of the leaves fell off of it.
+50 EXP
"There. Now we'll know if we pass it again," he said, eyes drooping, head pounding.
"Ugh. We're never gonna find them," Alex said doubtfully, glaring at the sunset like it had personally offended him, "I'm gonna just...I need some sleep."
In video games, the sun going down meant it was very late, and after being woken up so early and having such a long day, both boys were very much ready to go to sleep just about anywhere that had enough space for the two of them.
Elijah stomped, and some ground next to the trail flattened and smoothed out.
+50 EXP
"Huh. I didn't think that would actually work," Elijah said, but he didn't sound all that impressed. He just sat down in the cleared space, took his backpack off, and curled up with his eyes closed.
"You know, I miss my bed a lot. Also, I miss having a roof. And no bugs biting me every two seconds," Alex said mournfully, laying down beside Elijah, "Like don't get me wrong. I love seeing the actual stars, but I like the glow-in-the-dark ones on my ceiling just as much."
Just then, a clap of thunder rattled the trees and it began to downpour.
+900 EXP

Alex's eyes went from mostly closed to wide open as the white text appeared above him. He shook Elijah, who groaned.
"What do you want? I'm tired, it's raining, I just laid down-" he snapped.
"I did that!" Alex exclaimed.
"Yeah, okay," Elijah closed his eyes again. He waved his arm above him, the leaves in the tree doubling and keeping the two of them dry.
"It started raining and like half a second later I got experience points. Like nine hundred. 'Cause I did that. I'm making it storm," Alex smiled, and then frowned, "Oh. But like don't powers reflect personality? So like is being able to make it rain a good thing? I hope it's a good thing. Or is it more about emotions than personality?"
"Oh my god," Elijah shot upright, "Powers reflect personality."
"Um...yeah," Alex nodded slowly.
"How did I not-! I mean I feel like I made the connection, but I guess I never thought about it that way. I'm so stupid," Elijah thought aloud, "It's no wonder I can turn invisible."
"Oh, Elijah, that's not what-.....I'm sorry," Alex said quietly, the rain pounding on the ground.
"And it's no wonder you have super strength. I bet that's why I have plant powers too, huh? Because I'm fragile and useless, just like flowers," Elijah continued bitterly.
"It could also mean that you're pretty and you smell nice," Alex teased, wiggling his eyebrows. Elijah blushed and smacked his arm.
"Shut up," he shook his head.
"No but seriously, I'm sure it means something really cool," Alex assured.
"Yeah, let's hope so. I'm sure being able to cause storms means something cool too, and I didn't mean to dismiss you when I got upset. It's really awesome that you can do that. You're a really powerful guy," Elijah smiled tiredly with a hint of sad.
"Thanks. I'll let you sleep in peace now," Alejandro grinned, laying back down. The sound of rain around them was actually very comforting, and the way Elijah doubled the leaves in the tree above them kept them both almost completely dry.

Alejandro awoke with the sunrise. The rain had stopped, he was still completely dry, and all of their stuff was still with them. Penny was sleeping on top of Eli's bag.
"Eli. Wake up," Alex shook Eli's shoulder gently.
"What time is it?" Elijah grumbled.
"How many times do I have to remind you that we don't have clocks? I don't know the time, but the sun is coming up and we really have to catch up with the others," Alex replied, standing up and brushing himself off.
"Must you always wake up at sunrise?" Eli complained, sitting up and stretching.
"When we're lost in a world we don't know? Yes," Alex said, holding a hand out for Elijah to take.
"But you still do it anyway. In any world, you wake up too early," Eli whined.
Met with silence, Eli rolled his eyes, took his hand, and stood up.

It was difficult to walk, boots sticking in the mud with every step. As hard as Elijah tried to somehow alter the mud and make it easier to walk in, he had no idea how. Eventually, they made it out of the area that had been storming, and they got to grassy patches again.
Alex stopped as soon as he stepped onto the grass, grabbing Eli's wrist and holding a finger to his lips in a 'shhh' gesture. Elijah mirrored the gesture, nodding. Then Alex straightened up, smiled, and let go of Eli.
"They're here! I just heard talking and a bunch of footsteps. Come on," Alex announced, and continued onward at a slightly faster pace.

"Well I don't see anyone," Elijah said after the next ten minutes of walking.
"Me neither. But I know I heard someone," Alex insisted, squinting hard in attempts to see through the trees.
"Oh look, a mushroom circle. Maybe a bunch of fairies will come out when I step in it because every plant means something important," Elijah said in a mocking voice, dramatically stepping into the ring.
"I hear them again! Elijah, get out of the stupid mushroom circle, we need to-" Alex turned around to seek out the noises he had heard, and found himself face-to-chest with a very tall man dressed in all white.
"Are you two lost?" The man asked in a low, almost monotone voice.
"Oh, uh, no-" Elijah shrugged.
"Yes! Yes, we are," Alex interrupted, nodding eagerly, "We lost our friends. We're here looking for them."
"Well then you're in luck. You two look like you've seen better days, do you need a place to rest your heads before you continue your quest?" The man asked with a gentle smile.
"Um, give us a second please," Elijah returned the smile, grabbing Alejandro by the arm and dragging him away. Judging by the pointy ears, Elijah was fairly sure this man was an elf and therefore had super hearing, so he took Alex a fair distance away (it always annoyed him when people said they needed a word in private and then only walked a foot away). Even then, he pushed Alex's shoulder down so he could whisper in his ear.
"Dude, I don't trust him," he whispered as quietly as he could.
"Okay but this kind of thing always happens in video games! We go-"
"Shhhh!" Elijah hushed: Alex was so bad at whispering. Alex nodded, crouching down even more.
"We go with him, reach a checkpoint, get all of our stats back up, and then keep looking for the others," Alex said, quieter this time. Eli looked at him hesitantly, his conflict written all over his face.
"I just don't know. He just came out of nowhere?" Elijah asked, glancing at the elf man who was now greeting other elf people that had arrived.
"I mean yeah, he did, but this is a video game! That's how characters work!" Alex tried to convince him, now whispering louder again. Elijah groaned, dragging his hand down his face.
"Fine," he sighed. They walked back to the elf people together.

"We will go with you," Elijah agreed reluctantly.
"I see. This way," the man nodded, turning swiftly on his heel and walking into a part of the forest that had no trail. It would be very easy to get lost again.
"So..." Elijah began after a few minutes, "How should you?"
"Oh, of course! How rude of me. I'm Mentrias, the fae king," the man introduced himself, though he didn't stop or turn around from where he walked in front of them. Alejandro made a face, but waved a dismissive hand when Elijah raised a questioning eyebrow. 'It's nothing,' he had mouthed.

They arrived at a palace Eli and Alex had only seen in fantasy movies. White stone, lots of archways, columns, and statues, and intricate designs on every surface. It was grand and tall, slim towers branching off of every big building. It was built against a cliff, going all the way from the top all the way to the bottom, where pristine stairways lead to a gazebo over the koi pond lake. Every tower had the cone roofing that's seen on most fairy tale castles, and many of them had windows lined with soft lights with blue tints.
"So this is the fae palace?" Elijah asked, just to be sure.
"Yes, this is where we live," Mentrias answered.
" 'We'? Do all of you live here?" Alex tilted his head.
"Yes. There's very few of us left, so we all have a place in the palace. There's even guest rooms, where you're welcome to stay as long as you need," Mentrias explained.
"Cool," Alex marveled, taking in the sight of the castle.

The inside of the castle was exactly how Alex and Eli expected it to look. Everything echoed around the smooth stone floors, walls, and ceilings. The building was peaceful; they only passed a few other fae, who each offered small smiles and nods of acknowledgement. Everything was quiet. Safe. The chiffon curtains on most of the windows were waving in the slight breeze, creating an overall quite enchanting atmosphere. After a few minutes of walking through long halls (which all had gorgeous views from the windows), they came to a large door. Mentrias smoothed his hand over it in a certain way, and it opened.
The dining hall was stunning. Torches with blue fire floated just next to the walls. Long quartz tables were set with plates, engraved glasses and goblets, and way too many types of silverware. Two chairs were pulled out.
"You two must be starving. We've seen many a weary traveler before, they're rarely ever properly nourished. This game doesn't leave many bonus power ups, boosts, food- anything for its players to keep speed. We'll be happy to offer you food, drink, and rest as long as you're here," Mentrias said, ushering Elijah and Alejandro to their chairs. Alex sat down right away. Eli gave the room another once-over and then sat down cautiously.
"We'll bring you boys some food in a moment. I will take my leave to find you two some rooms for tonight," Mentrias dismissed himself, leaving the room.

When the food was served, Alex scarfed it down immediately. Eli poked his food with his fork first.
"Um...I don't wanna ask because this was super nice of you guys...but is this kosher?" Eli asked, staring down at the...was it steak?
"Kosher?" the fae server asked. Elijah sighed. If they didn't know what kosher was, the food probably wasn't kosher.
"Nevermind. Thanks," Eli smiled awkwardly, deciding he'd just stick with the side salad he was also given.
They ate in complete silence for the first few minutes before the soft song of a pan flute drifted in through the high windows. Mentrias' face steeled. He shared a glance with the servants and guards, who then left the room. The pan flute stopped not but a minute later.
"So where are you boys from?" Mentrias asked, sitting down at the throne-like chair at the end of the table. He slid a small bowl of sugar water onto the table. Penny perched on the edge of it and sipped.
" did we get to this place specifically or like where are we from on earth?" Alex replied, not fully finished chewing.
"Well, technically we're from California. America. We don't know how we got here specifically. We goofed off and got lost and then you showed up," Elijah said, half-mumbling.
"I see. Well I'm glad you've finally found a place you can rest safely. I'm sure all those nights spent just off the road can be stressful," Mentrias said gracefully.
Alex drank some of the wine-looking juice from his goblet.

"What's wrong? You've been super broody since we got here. Did you see something suspicious or...?" Alex asked as soon as Mentrias had left them at their rooms. They stood outside the two doors. Eli looked around for anyone that might be listening or coming their way.
"I just don't like it here. Something is wrong. Something about this place is Like, it's pretty, but I don't know. It feels like they're keeping secrets," Elijah whispered.
"Dude. I know you have like...anxiety, and stuff, but I think you're worrying too much. They gave us food and shelter, they showed us around the palace specifically so we can't get hurt or lost, they seem really nice, they haven't done anything that seems suspicious- well...except maybe the flute thing. That was weird. But you know what I'm trying to say, right?" Alex said, putting a hand on Eli's shoulder so he might finally make eye contact.
"No, I- That's not it. I mean, yes, that is it, but- Ugh! I can't explain it in a way that anyone could understand. Just nevermind," Eli grumbled, pushing Alex's hand off of him and turning around. He opened the door to his room.
"Goodnight," he said bitterly, and closed the door behind him.
"Goodnight," Alex replied, even after the door had been closed.

The room was pristine white. The floors, walls, and ceiling were shiny and polished. It was pretty, but it didn't feel comfortable at all. The window didn't have glass and therefore couldn't close, so the room was a bit cold. And the blanket didn't help, because it was made of silk, so it was super thin. And though an odd complaint, the bed was too big. There were too many pillows (which was saying a lot: Eli had four pillows on his bed at home).
Penny flew up to the windowsill and Elijah tried to get comfortable in the almost too-soft bed.

Needless to say, Elijah couldn't sleep. Every little sound seemed so loud in the practically empty room. Every time he heard footsteps outside his door, he got paranoid. He felt as if he was waiting for an inevitable disaster to happen.
After at least three hours of trying desperately to get some sleep, Eli kicked his covers off and tip-toed next door. He opened and closed the door to Alex's room as quietly as he could manage.
Alex flailed, waking up with a start.
"Holy crap dude! How long have you been standing there?" Alex asked, rubbing his eyes. Eli hesitated.
"I can't sleep," Eli whispered.
"Okay. And?"
"Well, I- I mean I don't want it to be weird or anything, like I don't want this to be a thing, or...anything, but-"
Alex sighed and lifted his blanket, "Just get in."
Eli shuffled over to the bed and crawled under the covers. They stayed on opposite sides of the bed.

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