Locked Eyes

By rachel_dulay

299K 4.6K 653

{completed} They say opposites attract, the good girl + the bad boy. The grumpy + sunshine. She's intrigued... More

1. Genevieve
2. Sebastian
3. Genevieve
5. Genevieve
6. Genevieve
7. Sebastian
8. Sebastian
9. Genevive
10. Sebastian
11. Genevieve
12. Sebastian
13. Genevieve
14. Sebastian
15. Genevieve
16. Sebastian
17. Sebastain
18. Genevieve
19. Genevieve
20. Sebastian
21. Sebastian
22. Genevieve
23. Sebastian
24. Genevive
25. Sebastian
26. Genevieve
27. Sebastian
28. Sebastian
29. Genevieve
30. Genevieve
31. Sebastian
32. Genevieve
33. Sebastian
34. Sebastian - Epilogue
35. Genevieve - Epilogue

4. Sebastian

10.4K 177 20
By rachel_dulay

Her fucking laugh fills my ears before I could even settle into a chair, "what the fuck are you doing here?" I ask, her eyes flit to me and she smiles. Most people would look disgusted by my tone but not her, she smiles at my common curse word.

"Imogen has a meeting with her advisor and Jaiden texted saying you guys are in the dining hall," She shrugs as I sit down beside her.

"You aren't hungry?" Maverick asks her and she immediately shakes her head making my eyes narrow. I don't know what is up with this girl but she's skinny and shouldn't be missing meals, I don't tell her I know she's skipping meals so instead I pull out a container that Penny repacked, filled with meat and cheese.

"Eat it, Mitchell," I tell her as I pull out my lab report.

"No thank you, Hale," She jokes back and I shake my head before picking up a pop tart package and throw it on top of the container, she fucking smiles again and I can't help but decide if it irritates the fuck out of me or makes me want to smile back. She opens the container and I lean back in my chair. As lunch continues I watch her from the corner of my eye and she does indeed what's inside the container.

I pull out my phone from my pocket only to find a text from Rhett, no context but it was a screenshot. I zoom into the screenshot, I think it's a text convo from Dad and his mother and it didn't look pleasant, I actually cringe at the way Dad treats her.

Rhett- Do you have class later this afternoon?
Me- No I'm done for the day.
Rhett- good, meet me in the gym in an hour.

I don't respond back and just pocket my phone instead. If Rhett texted me and basically said he needs me, it's fucking bad.

"Oh! Hold on, I've got to do some damage control," Genevieve says and abruptly stands up from the table, we all watch her round the table and strut towards another table. I watch her, she's taller than most girls but it works for her. I often saw her in a similar outfit to what she is wearing right now, light wash mom jeans and a cropped leather jacket with Doc Martens.

Her bubbly personality doesn't match with her punk rock outfits she often wears but somehow Genevieve Mitchell rocks it and it's rocking other things inside me.

"Who is she talking to?" Jaiden asks turning his head a bit, I was the only one that could see her since the others had their backs to her.

"Derek, lacrosse captain," I say watching them. She was standing up, rocking back on her feet as she fiddles with her fingers. The two were fucking smiling.

"Bro if looks could kill," Spencer laughs and I flip him off.

"I've got to go, Rhett said to meet him at the gym," I grumble packing my things up.

"Is he good?" Jaiden asks.

I scoff "when are we ever," I sigh, the guys nod their heads at me and I nod back before turning back and exiting. It's getting chillier now that winter is approaching, Penny is going to start fucking counting down to Christmas soon I can feel it. I check my mail and scroll through Twitter as I make the walk from campus to the penthouse.

Penny- this you?
attached image

I open her text and the picture loads, it's a fucking picture of Genevieve and me, the one Spencer took a week ago and put on his story, now the picture has circled the students. I'm not surprised my sister is following some school gossip Instagram account.

Me- yeah.
Me- before you say anything else. Fuck you, Penny.
Penny- LOL

I roll my fucking eyes because I know wherever she is, she definitely burst out laughing. Sorry to that poor professor.

Penny- she's so bubbly and happy and radiates sunshine and you're so.....
Me- me?
Penny- Exactly.
Me- it's a fucking picture Penny, don't read into it. There are a thousand pictures of me on those stupid gossip accounts.
Penny- I know but in this picture, you don't have your normal patronizing look.
Me- Penny don't meddle.
Penny- *sighing emoji*

I roll my eyes and pocket my phone as the doorman opens the door to the penthouse, I thank him and step inside. I greet the receptionist before heading for the elevators, I wondered if Rhett was already home or he was still at work so on the rarity I call out his name once I step in.

"Kitchen!" He yells in an agitated tone. I throw my bag down by the end of the stairs and walk into the kitchen.

"Let's table your hatred for me for a second," He immediately says and I lift a shoulder in agreement opening the fridge. He gives me a rundown about what his parents are fighting about, Rhett's job. Since he took over his grandfather's company when he finished college and I'm in no position to take on the family business, neither is Penny, it falls back to Rhett.

"Dad's a fucking hard head." I groan as we make our upstairs. My half brother needs to release some anger so we're going boxing where we can take our anger out on each other and hit each other in a safe way. That's one of the rare things that bring me joy if I'm being honest.

"No the fucking whole situation is fucked up," he grumbles and moves past me. It is fucked up, I want to snap back at him and yell that him knowing about Penny and I all these years is fucked up but I hold my tongue, he's pissed off and I'd hate to poke the bear.

Two hours later, the two of us were standing in the kitchen still somewhat sweaty from our post-boxing exercise "Dude I said I was sorry," Rhett says but with a fucking smile as he throws me a bag of ice.

"I fucking said I wasn't ready, asshole," I snap putting the ice to my chin. Rhett laughs and I flip him off.

"What the hell happened?" A third voice adds, I turn and see Penny walking in, I guess she just finished her classes for the day.

"Boxing, this fucker clogged me," I point to him. Rhett raises his arms defensively. Penny smiles because it's the rare occasion Rhett and I push aside our differences. Our brother's phone rings and he excuses himself.

"Why did you go boxing?" Penny asks as I lean back on the counter.

"Dad's been blasting his mom because he wants Rhett to take over the company but his mom won't budge."

"Speaking of moms," Penny drawls out opening the pantry, I narrow my eyes at her. "She texted me today, said she's coming down this weekend."

"You know I'll be with grandad so have fun with that,"

"Sebastian," she whines and I shake my head.

"Grandad and I have had this planned for weeks Penny, I can't back down even if it's for mom, not like I actually would though so,"

"Fine," she grumbles stepping back into the kitchen with Girl Scout cookies.

"I'll make dinner the whole weekend,"'I promise.

She scoffs as she takes the cookies, "you better," she says and gives me a small smile. I shake my head at her as she exits the kitchen. I cradle the ice to my jaw as I head up to my room, I left my phone up there. I sweep it off my nightstand and check the group chat, Spencer always has something to say so I'm not shocked I have a shit ton of messages from them.

Maverick- Bash, poker tonight?
Me- I'm in.

I showered and sat down to do homework, I'm a semester behind because of the time I took off when I went to rehab, I was going to take a whole fucking year off but school is a good distraction for me.

Poker night usually consisted at Maverick's house, we'd have beer and pizza, a classic poker night. It's one of the rare things that actually calms us which doesn't make any fucking sense at all but it does to the four of us. Jaiden doesn't play though, he's just here for the company. He has a bad history with gambling and he never plays, he's sober which is good but I often find himself fiddling with a deck of cards, it's comforting for him I suppose.

"I ran into Gen," Jaiden says at random as I deal out the deck.

"How is my door beef girl?" Spencer smiles picking up his cards.

"She was crying," Jaiden says easily. I frown.

"What?" Maverick chuckles, uncomfortably no doubt.

Jaiden shrugs, "I think it may have been school but could be more. I didn't press on it, I just gave her a strip of gum before she kept moving. She was on a mission someplace that's for damn sure."

"Maybe you should text her," Spencer nudges me, I turn to him and narrow my eyes.

Maverick laughs loudly into his beer, "don't meddle into him dude, remember how that went?" He reminds Spencer and he shrugs.

He remembers clearly because he was busy throwing up alongside Penny after what happened. After that awful night.

"I was shocked when I saw Gen crying, the girl is usually smiling like the world is always full of sun," Jaiden comments.

I pick up my cards after placing the others in the middle of the table. Jaiden's fucking right, the sun is always sunny in her head and honestly the world gets a little sunnier whenever she's around, even fucking mine and I still can't decide if I like that feeling.

"Why didn't you ask her what's wrong?" Spencer asks Jaiden.

Jaiden scoffs and chuckles, "because I'm not a man to deal with emotions. I gave her gum in hopes it would make her feel better!" He exclaims.

"How does that make someone feel fucking better?" I ask.

"Because it had like inspirational quotes inside it," Jaiden shrugs.

"I fucking hate those," I grumble to him and Jaiden winks at me.

"Gum with inspirational quotes? You really are a grinch huh?" Jaiden asks.

"Don't call me that," I snap at him and he laughs.

"We can't call you Grinch but Gen can?" Spencer asks me, raising his eyebrows at me. I scowl at him and he backs down.

I don't need them hounding down on me about Genevieve, she's a fucking sunflower and I'm the dying roots never seeing the day of light because that's just me and that's just her, I don't need a fucking cheat sheet for that to be said.


"I think it's been a long while since I've seen you so excited," Grandad chuckles as he buzzes us through a set of double doors. I roll my eyes at my grandfather.

"I'm not excited."

He laughs belly-deep and all, my lips this time do tilt upwards. There were certain people who can make me smile and grandad is one of them.

"It's just different getting to see it in person than in pictures," I shrug as we go through another set of double doors. The number of double doors we've been through I could probably make up to close as much dad makes yearly.

"You are going to love it, has all the best gadgets too," he winks back at me and I smile this time. The only reason I decided to do the materials science and engineering program at UPenn is because of grandad, I visited him once while he worked for the Army and I thought it was the best thing in the world, I actually still do. I lean getting to be an engineer for the fucking army is insane.

The army research laboratory is in Maryland so I took the drain down for the day, both of my grandparents live down here and I can't wait to move down here when I'm done school, even though it hurts a bit to leave Penny.

Dad is still on edge about me taking a engineering program rather than a business one and I know it's kicking him in the ass because neither, Penny and I want anything to do with his company, which sounds like a him problem if I'm being honest. I have however taken a business class here and there but I won't tell dad that.

Grandad and I spend the day touring his old workplace, I get to meet some engineers and learn about the work environment. It honestly gets me more hyped about working here after school.

"There's my best grandson," Grandma jokes as we step through the front door, an apron around her like always. I give her a genuine smile as she smothers me in kisses and a tight hug.

"I'm your only," I roll my eyes at her as she ushers both of us into the kitchen and places apple cider in our hands.

She waves her hand and I shake my head, both grandparents hound me about how school is going, Penny and even Rhett. They were completely gobsmacked at the revelation of Rhett but yet they treat him as family nonetheless, which I know Rhett secretly loves because his grandparents have passed away before we knew he was our half-brother.

"Penny Lane mentioned something about a new friend?" Grandma questions furrowing her eyebrows a bit. "She said you two are friends."

I scoff loudly "we aren't friends, she's more like Spencer's friend."

My grandparents exchange a knowing look and I roll my eyes, "how is your sister? Is she settling in alright?" Grandad asks.

"She's doing okay, it's different but I think she's doing okay. Rhett and I have been vocal about her telling us so hopefully, it'll stay that way," I shrug. We certainly do not need a repeat of what happened last time, not on my watch.

I spend a few more hours at my grandparents before taking the train back, it's dark out and I could feel it beginning to rain now so I pulled my hood up and decided to cut through Grove City Memorial Park. I was met with silence which is expected because who would be outside on a cold November day.

What I didn't expect was to find someone standing in the middle of the grass, with an umbrella staring at the sky, I was going to ignore the person until I spotted blonde hair and familiar Doc Martens.

"Genevieve?" I call out fucking hoping it's her cause if it isn't that's fucking weird.

She turns back and sighs once she sees me, "what the fuck are you doing?" I ask walking forward.

"Just contemplating life," she shrugs and turns back around to face the pond with a fountain.

"What the fuck?" I ask her and she sighs.

"I just quit my job at this stupid diner I worked at," she says. I frown.

"Isn't that a good thing? If you quit?" I ask and she laughs, it suddenly warms my cold heart.

"No, I quit because I dropped a smoothie on someone's head for being an asshole," she laughs at the memory and I raise my brows. "He deserved it."

"How so?" I ask, her grip adjusts on her umbrella as the wind blows past us.

"He tried to smack my ass and then when I confronted him about it, he and his buddies laughed so I dumped it smoothie on him. Simple and easy," she shrugs. She isn't looking at me because thank god I actually smile.

I sober up "so did you quit or get fired?" I ask.

"I quit before I could get fired. The highlight of my week," she shrugs.

"Sounds like your week just got better."

She finally turns to me and smiles softly, brushing back her long hair, "yeah, it did."

We stare at each other, she still doesn't seem intimidated by my staring but yet every time I decided I should look away, I fucking can't.

"Your fucking shivering." I frown, "come on, I'll walk you home."

"You? Offering to walk me home?" Her jaw drops and I roll my eyes.

"Cindy, you just had some guy to touch your ass, and now you're going to walk home alone in the dark? And I'm going to allow that? Yeah, that's where your fucking wrong," I scoff, she smiles. Seems like that's a normal for us.

"Fine, only because I feel like your cuss me out in front of the ducks," she says and begins to walk away from me. I shake my head and stride up to her. "So what are you doing in the park? Not like you have to worry, your a big scary male."

"Decided to cut through the park, I just came from the train station."

"Train station?? Uhhh, heading on a midnight train anywhere?" She chuckles at her lame joke associated with the iconic 80's song.

"No." I sigh, "I was in Maryland for the day, my grandparents live there."

"Cool, Penny didn't go?" She asks glancing at me underneath a light post, I shake my head. "My grandparents live here, well not here, on a winery just outside the city."

Surprisingly I don't find talking to her annoying which is fucking rare, I get annoyed with Spencer whenever I see him about to open his mouth and I've known him since we were kids. He knows I love him like a brother though.

"Thanks for walking me home, even though I know you hated every second of it Grinch," she smiles as we stop at her apartment.

I shake my head at her, "I didn't hate every second of it."

She dramatically gasps and puts a hand to her heart, "I feel touched."

I flip her my finger and she laughs, "thank you though, who knows I could've ended up on the news tomorrow morning say I was dead."

"Jesus Christ Genevieve," I groan.

"I'm kidding, not on the thank you, that's genuine." She smiles before turning towards the door. I watch her as she presses on the elevator button, she looks back and gives me a soft smile and wave before heading inside the elevator.

As I crossed the road, my phone buzzed and I quickly pull it out, "Penny?" I ask my sister over the rain, hopefully, it wasn't loud.

"Are you back in Pennsylvania?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'm heading home now," I reply, checking my watch.

"Can you maybe pick up some Chinese?" She asks in a sweet tone, I know she's hiding back a smile. I shake my head.

"Sure, is Rhett home?" I ask her and she hums.

"He's watching a hockey game while I'm doing homework."

"Fine, I'll pick some food up on the way home. You two are fucking lucky the restaurant is right by our place," I grumble before hanging up. The wait for our normal order would be half an hour so I waited on my phone before heading home.

"I come baring fucking gifts," I say as I exit the elevator, my siblings turn from the couch and towards the elevator. Our living room is open and you can right into it from the elevator, which is actually a terrible layout if we didn't have good security downstairs.

"I love you," My sister says rushing over, kissing my cheek and taking a bag from my hands.

"I thought you got off the train earlier?" Rhett asks as we follow Penny to the kitchen.

"I took a shortcut through the park and bumped into someone," I shrug, Rhett raises his brows.

"Who did you bump into?" Penny asks me.

"No one," I narrow my eyes at her, she blinks and then shrugs before returning to the food. The best thing about my sister, she doesn't meddle.

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