Everyone Has Secrets

By writerIikeme

67.2K 2.1K 331

When the body reveals its secrets, there's no turning back. The good news is, when the truth is out you'll kn... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Outtake: Meeting Derek's Parents

Chapter 47

1.1K 38 7
By writerIikeme

"How would you like me to do your hair, princess?" Meredith asked, gently guiding the hairbrush through Maddie's curl as she sat in her lap on the couch. Cartoons played on the TV, keeping Maddie entertained.

They'd picked up plenty of treats from the shop, and Maddie was currently eating a bowl of popcorn that she'd had plenty of fun watching pop in the microwave. "Hmmm." She looked up at Meredith. "What d'you think?"

"I was thinking I could put your hair into two plaits." Meredith suggested, stealing a handful of popcorn.

"Tasty?" Maddie giggled, grinning wide.

"Very tasty." Meredith laughed.

She parted Maddie's hair, setting the brush down as she started to manipulate her curls into plaits. Maddie stayed still, which Meredith was entirely grateful for. Maddie giggled at the cartoon on the television as Meredith continued to plait each side of her hair.

"Is this your favourite show?" Meredith asked, indicating toward the laughing sponge on the show.

"Yes! Love SpongeBob, me and daddy watch all the time."

"Does Daddy love SpongeBob?" Meredith put hair ties at the end of the plaits, touching a kiss against the back of Maddie's head. "All done."

"Yeah, Daddy always laugh." Maddie giggled, turning to look up at Meredith. "Wanna see!"

"Come on then." Meredith picked her up, setting her on her feet. "We can go and look in the mirror in my bedroom."

Maddie ran ahead down the hallway. "Which one?"

Meredith followed behind her, her breath catching as Maddie approached the door to the nursery. She shook her head.

"Not that one, Princess, the other one." She motioned toward the opposite door that was partially open, leading to her bedroom.

"Oh!" Maddie grinned, completely innocent as she turned, her plaits swinging.

Meredith followed her into the bedroom. Maddie looked around the room, spinning slowly on the spot, taking it in.

"Like your bedroom. You have a big bed like Daddy!" Maddie nodded.

Meredith could see from Maddie's body language she wanted to go and sit on the bed but was holding herself back. Meredith smiled, lifting her up unto the bed and standing her in the centre, facing the mirrored doors of her wardrobe. Meredith kneeled behind her, holding her up so she didn't fall.

"Do you like your hair, princess?" Meredith asked, grinning at her in the reflection.

Maddie's fingers lifted to run over the plaits, a grin spread across her lips. "So pretty."

"I should teach Daddy how to do your hair like this, shouldn't I?"

"I like when you do it." Maddie turned, her arms going around Meredith's neck.

"I like doing it for you, but you know I go away sometimes so I won't be able to do it." Her hand rubbed Maddie's back, kissing the side of her head.

"Why go away?" Maddie asked, climbing into her lap as Meredith sat back on the bed with her.

"I go away for work, I go to lots and lots of different hospitals all over the world to help sick people get better." She tried to explain, holding Maddie close.

"But you always come back?" Maddie looked up at her.

"I will always come back." She smiled at her, hugging her close.

"Good." Maddie giggled, snuggling against her chest. "Always want you to come back. Best friends."

"We are best friends, you're right." Meredith laughed softly, kissing the top of her head. "Did you have a good time today?"

Maddie nodded enthusiastically. "Love your house."

"Daddy should be back soon with dinner."

"Oh! I misseded Daddy lots. But love you still."

"Do you wanna know a secret?" Meredith whispered.

"Daddy said secrets bad." Maddie frowned.

"This is a good secret, and you don't have to keep it a secret." Meredith laughed softly, running her hand carefully over maddie's hair. "I miss Daddy too."

"I think Daddy miss you too. And me! Daddy loves us."

"Yeah." Meredith blinked back a few tears, her voice catching. "He does."


She wasn't sure when they'd fallen asleep on her bed, but the next thing she knew she was waking up to the sound of the buzzer going off for her flat. Maddie was still asleep, curled up against her, none the wiser. She assumed it must be Derek at the door.

She carefully disentangled Maddie from herself, tucking her in the blankets and leaving her to sleep as she went to answer the intercom.


"Hey, it's me." Derek's voice sounded, and she instantly smiled in relief just from hearing it.

"Come up." She told him as she pressed the button.

A few moments later, she could hear the lift arriving on her floor and she opened the front door, leaning against the frame as he approached. He grinned wide at her, take out bag in hand. She crossed her arms across her chest, head tilted as she grinned back.

"Did I wake you up?" He asked, frowning as he got closer and smoothing over her hair.

"Yes, but if you hadn't, you'd still be waiting downstairs." She laughed softly, standing up straight and slightly on her toes to kiss him. "Maddie is still sleeping, though. She's in my bed."

"I should probably go and wake her up." He mused as she shut the door behind him. His set the bag on the table in the hall before turning to wrap his arms around her, pulling her close. "Or maybe it can wait a few minutes while I say hello."

Her lips caught beneath her teeth as he pulled her closer, her arms reaching around his neck. She parted her lips with a soft release of breath. A smirk graced his lips before he pressed them to hers. Her arms snaked around his neck, pulling herself up against him.

"God, I missed you." He groaned, his hands slipping beneath her top.

"I missed you too." She sighed, intensifying the kiss. "If only we were alone right now."

"Maddie can always go to her Granny's tomorrow." He suggested, his thumbs brushing the underwire of her bra. "That will give us plenty of alone time." His voice was a murmur as his lips moved to her throat.

"Yes." She moaned ever so slightly. A shiver ran down her spine as his hands drifted downwards, slightly pushing at the waist and of her yoga pants. She whimpered slightly. She had missed him too much. "Derek..."

"I know, baby, I know." He hissed between his teeth, touching his forehead to hers. "I want you so bad."

"She could wake up any second." Meredith sighed. Her tongue darted out, wetting her dry lips.

"Behave with that tongue, then." He groaned, pulling her even closer.

She could feel how hard he was under his trousers, making it all the more frustrating to have to behave. She slid one hand down his front, palming the front of his trousers gently, quirking an eyebrow in mischief.

He growled softly, nipping at her earlobe. "Meredith Grey."

"Have you been saving yourself for me?" She breathed; her lips close to his ear. Her fingers started to unfasten his trousers.

"You know damn well I have." His hands drifted to her ass with a gentle grip. "Just like I know you've been saving yourself."

"Orgasms aren't as fun without you." She smirked, slipping her hand into his boxers. Her fingers lightly stroked his length, gathering the moistness of his pre-cum.

"Not even you can make you cum as hard, and as pleasurable, as I can."

"I hate to admit how true that is." Her lips touched the stubble on his jawline as her fingers wrapped around him, a grunt escaping him at her grip. "Wouldn't you love my lips around you right now?"

"Tomorrow." His voice was strong with a promise, gripping her ass again. "I love these yoga pants; you should wear them more often."

"So that's what got you so turned on the second you saw me?" She asked, her wrist movements slow up and down, her hand twisting around his length.

"It's one of the things." He groaned, pressing his lips to her neck with a gentle nip of her skin.

She gasped, her fingers tightening for a second. "You should feel how wet I am for you."

"I can smell your arousal from here." He growled, slipping a hand into the front of her pants. His fingers pressed against her swollen clit, making her gasp. "All for me."

He turned them so that her back was against the wall, but her hand kept its grip on his dick. His thumb pressed against her clit as he pushed a finger inside her with obvious intent. His free hand moved to her mouth, and she gasped against his skin.

"We both know you're too loud." He smirked, replacing his hand with his mouth. He thrusted a second finger inside her, rubbing her clit with his thumb.

It had been too long without his touch. That was definitely a downside to being away. Only he could touch her in exactly the right places. Her hand started to move in time with the thirsts of his fingers, their tongues tangled in passionate kisses and groaning into one another's mouth.

Her walls clenched around him, and he tugged on her bottom lip, his thumb moving more firmly against her clit. He curled his fingers right against her g-spot as she quickly became undone, pressing her lips against his to muffle her moans. Her hand faltered on his length as she got lost in her pleasure.

His hand slipped out of her pants, and she watched with widened eyes as he slipped his fingers into his mouth with a soft groan. As soon as he pulled his hand away, her lips were crashing on his, desperate to taste herself.

It wasn't enough. It was never enough. If anything, she was even more turned on now. Her breaths were heavy, her hips pressing against his as they kissed. "Kitchen." Her voice escaped in a breathless gasp.

Her legs still a little shaky, she grabbed his hand and led him into the kitchen, closing the door behind him. "I need you, please." She was close to getting on her knees and begging, but he was clearly just as wound up as she was.

"Your wish is my command." He murmured, lifting her up on to the side, pulling her pants down. They dropped around her ankles, and she kicked them off.

He undid his trousers, and soon her legs were wrapped around him. She could feel his length, hard against her warm centre. This was going to be hard and quick, but it was better than nothing. She knew he would have her come undone again, there was no doubt about that.

His lips found hers again, both of them groaning at the friction between them. His arms wrapped around her waist, lifting her slightly as he pushed his throbbing length inside her. Her head tilted back against she cupboard, a soft moan emitting from her parted lips.

"Fuck me, fuck me." She muttered; her breaths heavy as she met the desire in his darkened eyes.

"Yes, fuck yes." He grunted, his thrusts beginning fast.

"Shit." Her hands gripped his shoulders, biting into the fabric of his shirt.

"Quiet, baby." He muttered through gritted teeth, his dick thrusting deeper inside her, pushing against the gripping of her walls.

She tightened her legs around him, holding him deeper as he moved fast. She bit down on her lip hard against the sounds that threatened to escape her. A week without him inside her was far, far too long. There had to be some way around it.

He curled his finger into her hair, lips attacking her neck as he moved faster and harder. She could feel her release getting closer with each thrust, and she didn't trust herself not to scream when it happened.

He seemed to have the same idea, his lips finding hers again. "Hold on, baby, let me come with you."

"Please. I'm so close." She murmured between muffled moans and passionate kisses.

His movements sped up, his dick throbbing inside her and she knew all the warning signs that he was close. As soon as she felt his warm liquid release inside her, she was crashing with him, releasing with a moan against his lips, their bodies melted in each other as he held her up against him.

"Shit, so good." He muttered, still riding out his orgasm, the last of his cum squirting inside her.

"Fuck." Her voice came out as a hoarse whisper as she relaxed back against the cupboard. He leant forward, his head on her shoulder as he took deep breaths with a low chuckle.

"That was risky." He breathed, turning his head to kiss her neck.

"You like it risky." She smirked, breathing heavily. She tangled her fingers into his hair, playing with the soft strands. "I really missed you."

"I'm taking my time with you tomorrow." He murmured as his lips travelled to her jaw. "Commit every inch of you to memory."

"Please." She surprised herself when she whimpered softly, tightening her fingers in his hair.

"Shh, baby." He pressed a kiss to her lips. "Let's get cleaned up."

"Fine." She sighed dramatically as he lifted her off the kitchen side.

He pulled up his trousers as she found her yoga pants, pulling them on. With perfect timing, both their heads lifted as they heard Maddie calling for Meredith.

"I've got it." Meredith grinned softly, pulling her hair up into a ponytail. "You sort dinner onto plates, we can eat in the living room."

"Probably for the best." He chuckled, shaking his head.

She went through to the bedroom, where Maddie sat up in bed, looking around in confusion until she spotted Meredith in the doorway. She grinned wide, kneeling up on the mattress and holding her arms out to her.

"Mer'dith! Where you go?" Maddie pouted.

"I woke up before you and went to do a few jobs." She explained briefly, lifting Maddie on to her hip, kissing the side of her head. "It seems we have a visitor?"

"Who?" Maddie frowned, yawning as she lay her head on Meredith's shoulder.

"Let's go and see." Meredith rubbed her back as she walked through into the kitchen where Derek was plating up the dinner that he'd brought with him.

"There's my princess." He grinned, looking up at them as they walked in.

"Daddy!" Maddie gasped, leaning forward in Meredith's arms toward him.

"Come here, baby girl." He said softly, lifting her up. "You're getting too big."

"Nuh-uh, I'm baby girl." She giggled, snuggling against his chest.

Meredith took over plating up the food, smiling to herself at their interaction. It warmed her, seeing them like this, knowing that Maddie had Derek to give her all the love Laura had refused to give. She finished up the food, picking up Derek's plate and Maddie's plate first to take through to the living room.

"Come on, let's go eat." She led the way through to the living room, hearing Maddie talking quietly with Derek behind her.

She set the plates on the coffee table before going back into the kitchen for her own plate. She couldn't keep the smile off her face. Nights like this had her looking forward to their future together, hopefully as a family. She had honestly thought some time ago she would live the rest of her life on her own, but to have them in her life was a blessing bigger than she ever thought she deserved.

Heading back to them, plate in hand, her smile widened to see Maddie sat on the floor with her plate whilst dictating to Derek what she wanted on the tv. She had her father wrapped around her little finger, and it was the most adorable thing to see.

Meredith sat down beside him, picking up his plate for him, ready to give him once he had sorted the TV out. She leaned over, kissing his cheek. She loved both of them, and she loved that she seemed to fit into their lives perfectly.


Hi!! This is your official warning that I have two chapters left to post, and then this (part of the) story will be completed! I do have a sequel in the making, which will be called Confide In Me. I don't know when I will start posting it exactly, but it is in the works, and I'd like to have more of written before I start posting. Thanks for sticking around!

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