Alpha Grayson|✔️

By iamahatlover

634K 14.8K 1.5K

|HAS BEEN REWRITTEN| She was kind. He was heartless. She saw the good in everyone despite her past. He saw... More

1| Broken Heart
2| His Name
3| Trainwreck
4| Demanding
5| Her Prince Charming
6| I have a bad feeling
7| Exhausted
8| Hers
9| Slap From The Past
10| Keep Her Safe
11| Don't Speak
12| My Fault
13| Keep Fighting
14| I Died?
15| Silent Agreement
16| Welcome
17| The Good, The Bad And The Fucked Up Times
18| Promises Are Made To Be Broken
19| Long Time
20| No
21| Come Back
22| Killer
23| Signed, Marie
24| Promise Me
25| Surprise Package
26| Underground
27| Life
28| Rose
29| Happy Place
30| Oh Shit
31| He Really Has
32| New Addition
33| Home
34| It's Official
35| Three Months
36| Somebodys Mom
37| Confused
39| Alana Reid
40| We Made It

38| My Little Bubba

10.3K 256 3
By iamahatlover

Alana's PoV
I danced around the kitchen to a random song on the radio. I threw my arms around as I danced to the beat.

Suddenly, I heard the baby cry. I lowered the volume and waited for a moment hoping he'll just quieten down. Thankfully he did.

I put down the knife I was using before washing my hands and heading upstairs. I walked past the nursery and glanced in before I continued walking.

"What are you doing?," I asked Gray as I entered our room.

"Paperwork," he mumbled as he rubbed his forehead. He threw his pen down and turned to face me. "What are you doing today?"

"I was hoping I could go and mend things with Liam and see my parents graves," I told him.

"I'm glad you want to fix things," he told me. "After all he's your brother and he's family. Family's everything."

Speaking of family, I haven't held Hunter in over an hour and I'm dying to hold him. I bounced out of my room and made my way to the nursery.

I thought about all the obstacles I had to overcome to get to where I am today as I walked towards my sons crib. Everything I went through was worth it. "Don't worry, mommy's coming," I said in a baby voice hoping to comfort him even though he wasn't crying.

My heart dropped in my chest when I saw it was empty. No baby in sight. "Gray!," I screamed loudly like I was getting stabbed over and over again. He ran into the nursery, scanning the area for any danger. "He's gone! Our baby's gone!" His eyebrows furrowed as his eyes softened, realising what happened.

Just as quick as it came, it vanished and he was back with that icy look in his eyes. The one he had when we first met. For a moment, I was afraid of him going back to his old self before dismissing that thought and focusing on my missing newborn son.

Don't worry I'm coming for you, my little bubba.


I sat in his nursery on the floor leaning against the wall. Gray and other high ranking wolves were stood surrounding his crib. They were trying to figure out who took him but there's no scent from the kidnapper which means they masked their scent. When they took Hunter, they probably masked his too. There's no way we can find him without the scent.

It's my fault. I should've checked on him properly when he cried. If I did then he would still be here. He'd be safe. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I thought about him.

What if I never see him again?

It'll be my fault. I'll resent me. Gray will resent me. The whole pack will resent me.

What if they kill him?

I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

I need to stop thinking these things. It's not helping to find him. I held his little blue blanket close to my chest, smelling it. It smells just like him.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out and looked at it. A text message from a blocked number.

Want the baby? Meet me south of the forest. - D

I let out a sob as I showed Gray. He read it with an unreadable expression.

"Get the wolves ready," he growled out. "There's a catch. They wouldn't just take him just to give him back. They're after something else."

"They're after me," I realised as I let out a deep breath. Gray looked at me and gave me a small hug before letting go of me.

I will do whatever it takes to get my son back and that includes risking my own life for his because I guess that's part of motherhood too.

Not knowing where he was, if he was hungry and if he was being looked after okay was making me sick to my stomach.

I need my baby. I will find him even if it's the last thing I do on this earth.

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