Fairy Tail Eeveelution


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Elena is a Pokémon trainer who wants something better in life. Being the champion of the Kalos region was fun... Еще

Chapter 1: A Mysterious Arrival
Chapter 2: Magnolia
Chapter 3: Fateful Introduction
Chapter 4: The Test
Chapter 5: Teaching
Chapter 6: The World of Pokémon
Chapter 7: Settling In
Chapter 8: Fire vs. Water
Chapter 9: Legendaries
Chapter 11: Going on a Job
Chapter 12: A Big Reward
Chapter 13: Ice vs. Fire
Chapter 14: Confessions
Chapter 15: Trouble
Chapter 16: Infiltration
Special Chapter: The Beauty Contest!
Chapter 17: Worries
Chapter 18: The Kidnapping
Chapter 19: A Message
Chapter 20: To Kalos
Chapter 21: The Boy with a Pikachu
Chapter 22: Visitors
Chapter 23: Powers
Chapter 24: Magnolia Again
Chapter 25: Reunion
Chapter 26: Four Teams
Chapter 27: Sabertooth
Chapter 28: More Worries
Chapter 29: The Adamant Orb
Chapter 30: The Capital
Chapter 31: Dialga
Chapter 32: A Familiar Face
Chapter 33: Celebi
Chapter 34: The Black Wizard
Chapter 35: Law
Chapter 36: Goodbyes
Chapter 37: Fairy Sphere
Chapter 38: Arceus
Chapter 39: The Battle
Chapter 40: Fairy Wings
Special Chapter: Tenrou Party!
Chapter 41: Champion's Battle
Chapter 42: Dragon Power
Chapter 43: The Champion
Chapter 44: Send Off
Chapter 45: New Beginning

Chapter 10: The Magic Council

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Along with me, Master Makarov, and my team, Lucy, Natsu, and Wendy decided to come along with us. Nobody else could come because it would have been way too big of a group, which was fine with me. Lucy sat next to me on the train while Natsu sat across from me. But he was in constant pain from having major motion sickness. I thought he was going to puke all over my boots he looked so sick.

"Be careful, Natsu!" I scolded. "I just got these yesterday!" I tried to hide my feet under the seat. Eevee gave him a sympathetic look on my lap.

"I'm sorry..." He forced. "I can't help it..."

I sighed in annoyance. "It sure doesn't look like it. Do you want some help?"

"How?" Wendy asked. "I have tried my healing magic for awhile, and he became immune to it."

I pulled out Leafeon's pokéball. "Well, this is a little less than magic. It's Leafeon's special remedy of herbs. I use it to make healing potions for all my Pokémon." I enlarged the ball, and aimed it at the floor. "Leafeon, come out." The ball popped open in my hand, and the blue energy exploded into the light yellow, brown and green grass type Eeveelution.

"Leafeon," he said with a smile.

"Wow!" Lucy said. "It still baffles me how they appear from that tiny little ball."

"That's what I was thinking for a long time myself. But it seems to keep them comfortable. I never hear them complain about it." I grinned at her, then turned to Leafeon. "Leafeon, we need some special herbs to make a remedy for Natsu's motion sickness. Can you produce some from your Magical Leaf?"

He nodded, and closed his eyes. The curly leaf on his forehead started to glow with a green light as he hummed his name. He then opened his eyes with a small yell as a few glowing herbs appeared and floated down to the wooden floor. His leafy tail swished from side to side in triumph.

I smiled. "Thank you, Leafeon!" I stepped over to him to pick up the herbs while everyone watched silently. "Now, to take the remedy out of the leaves." This time I sent out Vaporeon and Flareon, and they both helped me with their water and fire. The water was put into a bowl for tea, and Flareon shot a small Flamethrower from his mouth to boil the water from under the bowl. I had my fireproof gloves on, of course.

"Okay! It's ready. Lucy, can you hand me the herbs, please?" She gently put the leaves in my hand, and I dropped them into the water. It quickly changed color from clear to green in about ten seconds, and it didn't take much longer for the tea to get as much as it needed. "There! It's finished. Here, Natsu. This will help the pain."

He hesitated at first, clenching his teeth. He could barely speak, sweating like a storm in his attempt to say no. "Come on," I said in sympathy. "You'll feel like yourself again! Leafeon's Magical Leaf is just as much healing as it is deadly."

I felt Lucy give me a look at that comment, but I ignored it. Eventually, Natsu took the bowl from my hands, and he gently sipped it into his mouth. Immediately I could tell that he felt the warmth help his sickness. He then went on to drink the whole thing, leaves and all.

"Ah!" He let out an exasperated sigh, and laid back in the chair with his arms and legs spread out. "That hit the spot!"

"Feel better?" I asked.

"Yeah!" He said with a smile. "That stuff really works!"

"I told you!" I giggled.

"Wow! He looks even better than what my Troia spell could do."

I nodded. "Leafeon's Magical Leaf has the ability to cure any disease that I've asked him to. Of course, that may not be every sickness out there, but so far it seems to have worked." I turned back to Natsu. "I'm glad you feel better."

"Me too! This is great!" He then leaned over in his seat, his face a few inches from mine. I had to flinch backwards he was so close. "You have to give me some more on the way back."

I blushed from his distance, and put up my hands in defense with a sweat drop. "Uh...of course! Leafeon has plenty to offer you."

"All right!" He laughed out loud while falling back into his seat, and Papa finally shut him up.

"Natsu! Be quiet already!" Natsu pouted, and stared out the window as he slouched in his chair. "Elena," he said. "Are you ready to show the council what you can do?"

I gave him a look of confidence. "Of course I am!" I fist pumped. "They won't know what hit them! I already know who's going to be showing them her moves."

"Who?" Wendy asked.

"Please tell me it's Flareon!" Natsu said.

I shook my head. "Sorry, Natsu. I thought for a long time last night, and I picked the best one that represented Fairy Tail."

"Is it who I think it is?" Lucy said in excitement.

"Yep! It's Sylveon!" Lucy and Wendy squealed while Natsu slumped in his chair with a groan. "The fairy type!"

"You should have picked Flareon..." Natsu grunted.

"You know, fire is not the solution to everything!" Lucy countered. "If anything, it destroys whatever it touches!"

"Does not!" He leaned forward in fury. "It has good qualities too!"

"Yes it does," I said while holding up my pointer finger. "Think of it this way. Would you rather have a blizzard freezing your ass off, or have a warm fire and a blanket on? No offense to Glaceon, of course."

"Yeah, good point." Lucy laid her chin on her hand in a pout. "I just wish that your ego wasn't so annoying sometimes, Natsu."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I wouldn't worry about it." Wendy said. "Let's just focus on how Elena is going to do in order to stay in this world."

"Well, I think she's got it no problem!" Lucy gave me a thumbs up. "Especially with Sylveon!"

"You're just saying that because she's your favorite one!" Natsu argued.

Me and Eevee sighed in annoyance. If this was going to be a regular thing in the guild between these two, then it's going to take some getting used to.

"Would you two shut up!" Master Makarov scolded. Natsu and Lucy went stiff in fear. The train came to a complete stop at the station. "We're here. Let's go show them what you're capable of."


I sat in the seat of the lobby of the magic council's building. I was really confident at first, but now that I was right behind the doors of the leaders of magic, a huge weight came crashing down on me. My friends beside me noticed, and Lucy was rubbing my back to try and comfort me. Eevee also hid her face in my shirt and cried softly.

"Elena, calm down!" Wendy said. "Why are you so nervous all of a sudden? You were just fine an hour ago!"

"I know, but..." I closed my eyes and swallowed. "Just thinking about them staring at me in there...and what if they don't like me and Sylveon? I'm afraid they're going to banish me from Fiore and I'll have to go back to where I came from! I don't want that to happen to us..."

"There's no way that will happen!" Natsu stood up quickly in his seat, and I turned my head in surprise at his sudden outburst. "Because you're Elena of Fairy Tail! We didn't make you a member because you don't use magic. Yes, you don't produce magic yourself, but you're the leader of your friends that do! That's what makes you a mage!" My eyes shimmered from his words. "Now go in there and show them what Elena of Fairy Tail can do!"

My fear was completely gone, and I stood up in confidence. "You're right!" Eevee sprinted around my legs in happiness. "There's no way I'm going to let the council banish me from this world! I'll show them what it means to be a real trainer!"

"That's the spirit!" Lucy said. "We'll be there for you all the way!"

"Thanks you guys!" I smiled, and everyone was standing up by then.

A guard then opened the giant door to the council's room. "You may come in now," he said.

"Okay! Let's go!" I started into the room with Eevee on my shoulder and my team in my bag. Lucy, Natsu and Wendy tailed behind me. We walked into a giant room with a long table in the middle. Every chair around it was filled by a council member, and they all were waiting for something that could blow them away.

"Allow me to introduce the newest member of Fairy Tail," Papa said as I walked up beside him. "Elena..." He looked at me for a last name. I realized that I never told them.

"Throwbell," I finished, then looked at the council. "It's an honor to meet you." That's when I realized that every member was staring at Eevee on my shoulder. She flinched back in fear with a small cry. "It's okay, Eevee. They're not going to hurt you." I pointed to Eevee with a smile. "This is Eevee. She's one of the Pokémon that I'm sure Master Makarov told you about."

"Yes, he mentioned it." One of them sneered. "It's not everyday we have an outsider come into our kingdom with such unknown magic."

I widened my eyes, excusing their rudeness. "I see...I admit that I am different than the particular magic seen in Fiore. But I promise you, it's enough to work in a guild as strong as Fairy Tail."

One of the council members humphed. "We'll be the judge of that. You have one chance. If you don't please us, then you have no right to be within this kingdom."

They didn't say it, but that meant that I had to leave if I didn't meet their expectations. I knew this would have been said from the start. I nodded in confidence. "Of course. I wouldn't want to be here if I didn't feel like I belonged." I sifted through my brown bag, and Eevee hopped off my shoulder to go and sit on Lucy's lap behind me. My guild mates watched in silence as I pulled out Sylveon's pink and white pokéball.

When I enlarged it, the council widened their eyes. "What is that?" One of them asked.

I answered with a confident face. "It's called a pokéball. Every Pokémon on my team has one. They keep my Pokémon safe inside, and don't come out until I need them. To demonstrate..." I threw my arm backwards. "Let's show them, Sylveon!" The ball flew forward, and the blue energy came crashing out with a loud pop.

Sylveon appeared when the blue energy exploded, and she cried out her name while moving her ribbons to their particular places. I heard Lucy and Wendy squeal softly behind me. I grinned. "Allow me to introduce Sylveon," I moved my arm to introduce her. "She is a fairy type Pokémon. Master, have you told them about what I've told you about Pokémon in the past couple of days?"

"Yes," he answered with a nod. "Everything that they need to know."

"Good. Then let's get started!" I waved my arm towards Sylveon, and closed my eyes while she closed hers. The spark connected between our minds, and we were one. I opened my eyes with a smile in even more confidence. "Sylveon, give them a Misty Terrain!"

Her ribbons started to glow, and they shimmered out to the sides as a pink mist surrounded the room. The council looked around themselves, seeing their room become a pink mist. Sylveon went back to normal, and I took better measures. There were special lacrima targets where no amount of power could destroy the building, and I was glad. Hopefully Sylveon's powerful magic would affect them the way they wanted it to.

"Now, let's give them what you got! I'm going to use another Pokémon to have her powers be effective." I knew Natsu would be satisfied after this, and Flareon would forgive me for being in love with Sylveon. I sent him out and let Natsu and the council give out a sound in awe. "This is Flareon," I announced. "He will be given the privilege of being Sylveon's target for the next couple of moves. Sylveon? Sweet Kiss!"

Flareon held his stance as Sylveon came forward, and she gave him a soft smooch on his red cheek. Flareon immediately acted very strange, wobbling around like a man in love. The council was confused at this. "Allow me to explain," I lifted a pointer finger. "Sylveon is able to immobilize her opponent with her cuteness and charm. Sweet Kiss is only one of the moves that allows boys to fall in love with her."

"It's not just boys, you know!" Lucy squealed.

I giggled. "Okay, Sylveon. Now give him a Draining Kiss!" Sylveon kissed Flareon again, but this time he fell over from the sudden energy loss. Despite that, his eyes were still in the shape of hearts from Sylveon's charming way of affection. Sort of.

"All right," I pulled out Flareon's pokéball again. "I think you've had enough, Flareon."

"No way!" Natsu objected. "Is that all he's got?!"

"Goes to show just what love can do to you." I moved a strand of hair from my face. "Anyway, it's not just immobilization and stealing energy that she can do. Moonblast on the lacrima!"

Sylveon hopped up, and a moon appeared within the room behind her. She absorbed the light, and her ribbons shimmered in the darkness. Then she yelled as a huge pink beam of energy made the lacrima smoke from the sudden power. I watched as the council clapped in awe.

"Amazing!" One of them said. "I've never seen such power in one little creature!"

"Oh, you haven't even seen the finale." Sylveon landed in front of me with her beautiful figure, and we both closed our eyes to feel the spark. We opened them again. "Light of Ruin."

Sylveon's body glowed as she absorbed power, and it took about five seconds of gathering energy before a giant beam of light shot up and over to the lacrima. Not only did the lacrima shatter, but it covered the whole room in chunks. One of the council members stood up from his chair.

"That was..."

"Incredible!" They started to chatter, and then started clapping. Me and Sylveon bowed in accordance.

"I've never seen such magic, but it doesn't seem as different as our magic would be."

"Right," I supported. "That's because I'm not the one who uses the magic, however I love every single one of my friends who do. We've been together for as long as I can remember..." Sylveon came up to wrap her ribbons around me. "And I would to anything to keep them safe." Sylveon smiled at my words, and Eevee hopped back onto my shoulder.

"Then we have already made our decision," I looked up at the big table.

"Sir?" I asked.

He smiled. "You are free to stay, as long as you obey our rules and keep your guild members safe. After what we've seen today, we have no concerns for our safety whatsoever."

I made this sink in, then felt the smile overtake my face. My guild members came up to me and laughed in happiness. "Oh, thank you so much! You won't regret your decision, I promise!"

Then my Eeveelutions all came out of their balls on their own, and tackled me to the ground again.

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