Deltarune Chapter Two Fanfics

By darkkris2020

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A range of Deltarune Chapter 2 fanfictions. More

There for you
Hurt Kris
Extremely Sick
Halloween In The Dark World


228 4 2
By darkkris2020

Summary : The player controlling Kris insists that Noelle use the Snowgrave spell, and despite her many refusals, she finally gives in. Berdly is killed, and Noelle returns back home, leaving Kris at the scene alone.



Noelle looks at Kris in confusion, along with Berdly. Kris's eyes were glowing red and his body is moving, against his will.


Noelle shakes her head 'I-I don't know that spell, Kris." She looks slightly scared at Kris's sudden change in behaviour.

Berdly stammers "N-Noelle? What is he talking about? What's going on?." Despite Berdly's confusion and Noelle's refusals, Kris repeats again.

"Snowgrave. Proceed."

Noelle cries this time "Kris! I don't know what your talking about. I don't know that spell!." Berdly grows slightly angry "What are you doing Kris? Because if your hurting Noelle, you'll have to hurt me first!."

Berdly jumps into a fighting stance with his weapon, and Kris and Noelle do the same. Noelle shouts "Guys! We don't have to fight- why can't anyone just listen to me?!?." Kris tilts his head slightly, in a creepy kind of way and says it again.


Noelle refused again.


She yells to Kris that she doesn't know that spell. Yet, it didn't seem like he heard.


Something in Noelle snaps, and she screams "Fine! You wanna see what happens when I perform a spell I don't know?!?."

Noelle's eyes start to glow white and she slowly floats in the air, in front of Berdly.

Berdly looks at his friend in fear "N-n-noelle? What are you doing?."

Noelle ignores Berdly, and Kris finally smirks, saying the word she once hated.


With that, millions of snowflakes appeared from nowhere and started raining down on Berdly. Everything was a blurry mess, but Noelle and Kris don't move once.

Minutes seemed to feel like hours, and it was finally over. Noelle dropped to the ground, her eyes covered with a dark shadow and didn't do anything for a while. Kris regains control once again, although far to late, as Noelle whispers.

"W-what happened? I don't...I don't feel so good." Her body is shaky and her voice is almost, dead. "I think I'm gonna go home."

The deer leaves Kris alone, to stare at what he had done, or rather the player had done.

Anger, shock, fear, confusion, sadness emotions started welling up inside his chest. What had he done? He just...he just KILLED Noelle's best friend, and it's all his fault, and that stupid player that keeps controlling him.

Kris stares at the giant ice figure, and flashbacks start appearing in his mind, how Noelle had killed Berdly because of him, the look on Berdly's face just before he was killed and Noelle's angry refusals after each time he insisted she used the spell.

It's all his fault, what would he tell everyone at home, Susie, Lancer and Ralsei, that he just let Berdly die because he lost control of his body?!? Kris started walking back, to the area that Susie and Ralsei were in.

Once he was there, the two greeted him cheerfully. Susie playfully punched his shoulder, causing him to flinch, but luckily unnoticed by Susie. "Where were you dude? We were looking everywhere for you."

Ralsei nodded "Even Susie was worried, Kris!." Susie blushed a dark pink and yelled back "No I wasn't- well maybe a little but-."

She stopped when she actually looked at Kris. He was pale, he looked sick and his breaths were heavy and shaky.

"Kris- are...are you alright?."

Ralsei looked concerned and had the feeling something was really wrong.

"You look....sick."

Kris couldn't even speak, his throat was dry and he felt so...empty. Susie and Ralsei's worry for him only grew more and more, as time passed.

Ralsei decided he would break the silence. "Kris. Is everything alright? You really don't look well Kris. If your hurt, Susie can heal you, she's been practicing."

Susie nodded, and grinned "I'm the healing master now!." Ralsei smiled softly before returning his attention back to their shaken friend. Susie continued " are you hurt?."

Kris felt his lips tremble slightly as he replied, voice barely audible. "I'm not hurt, I'm fine." Ralsei did believe this, but didn't agree that he was fine. He certainly didn't look fine.

Susie looked at Kris in disbelief "Dude, I don't believe you. Your voice sounds strained and you can barely talk without shaking like a leaf."

Kris didn't know what to say. He couldn't just tell them! Like what was he supposed to say? I lost control over my body and killed Berdly. Noelle casted the spell and then went home afterwards, she wasn't feeling well.

Kris started hyperventilating. His breathing quickened and his head was thumping. He could almost hear the players voice in his head "Proceed. Snowgrave. Proceed. Snowgrave." For the first time in his life, he felt truly guilty and scared.

Ralsei ran forward, grabbing Kris by the shoulders and crying "Kris! Calm down, deep breaths. It's okay, just relax." Susie joined the fluffy boy with hugging Kris, after a few minutes, his shallow breaths and crying reduced to quiet sobbing and sniffles.

Susie let go and then looked Kris into the eyes, which were slightly visible through his dark blue bangs. They were a piercing red, and were filled with tears. The monster asked "Please tell us what's wrong Kris, we'll help you no matter what."

Kris turned away in shame and closed his eyes. He hated himself so much, he hated his life, he hated everything. He wished he could just die, and then the others would be happier and safer.

Ralsei and Susie patiently waited for Kris to regain himself. Kris turned back around and tried not to cry anymore. He had no right to cry, if someone should be crying, it'd be Noelle. She just lost her best friend and school partner. Kris forced himself to begin, although his voice was still quiet and drained from energy.

"Whenever I come here, or in fact anywhere, I'm hardly ever myself. I'm always being controlled by "the player". They force me to do things and say things that is against my will. Everything I'd say would never be MY words, and everything I'd do would never be MY choice. I have to- to tell you the truth about what happened before."

Kris recalled the previous hour events to his friends. "Noelle and I were walking together until Berdly appeared and he thought I was hurting Noelle and forcing her to be on my team. During the battle, the player gained control of me and made me force Noelle to use the strongest, deadliest spell, known as Snowgrave. I had no choice in this whatsoever, I was scared and the worst part was knowing that all I could do was stand and watch from the sidelines, not able to save them. When she cast the spell, it froze Berdly in this giant ice figure and he was...was dead-."

The human lightner broke off with more loud sobs. He couldn't get over what he had done, it was so wrong, and now his friend Noelle would hate him forever because he killed her friend, that she had known almost her entire life. It wasn't fair, why did he have to be possessed? Why did he have to be the hero, when he never even felt like one? Why must he play this never ending game of puppet on strings?.

Ralsei and Susie were filled with all sorts of emotions. First their faces were solemn and shocked, then worried and sympathetic and then fear. They actually looked scared. Could you blame them? They're probably disgusted right now, that only made him hate himself even more.

But instead of walking away, or giving him dirty looks, they both came up to him and gave him the hugest hug he had ever been given, both saying "It wasn't your fault Kris, don't worry, we'll find a way to fix this." Kris returned the hug and let himself weep into their shoulders.

Maybe they were right, maybe they could fix this, maybe it wasn't his fault. But despite everything, he always knew that he was never alone.

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