dirty thoughts and sweet feel...

By dreamyeroticaaa

25.8K 360 708

moving to nockfell was an unusual change from what you were used to in the city. you needed to get away to a... More

chapter 2 - chapstick and cigarettes
chapter 3 - his touch
chapter 4 - passionate pleasure (āœ°)
chapter 5 - i feel free (āœ°)
chapter 6 - camping trip (āœ°)
chapter 7 - familiar face
chapter 8 - reinforced trauma (āœ°)
chapter 9 - healing a wound
chapter 10 - letting loose (āœ°)
chapter 11 - dread
chapter 12 - seperation (āœ°)
chapter 13 - betraying trust
chapter 14 - reignited yearning (āœ°)
chapter 15 - heartfelt reassurance
chapter 16 - new beginning, new end
chapter 17 - reminiscing (āœ°)
chapter 18 - unexpected arrival
chapter 19 - new life

chapter 1 - over a joint

2K 36 79
By dreamyeroticaaa

Word count: 4758

Your P.O.V

God, I knew moving would be tiring, but not this tiring. I've just about gotten all of my stuff in my new apartment. Piles upon piles of boxes were flooding my new living room. Did I really need to bring this much? I couldn't have left anything behind, hell no. Most of these things are valuable or close to my heart. I never planned on getting rid of any of this. Though, I really didn't feel like unpacking right now. Moving in each box tired me out completely to the point where I felt like it was necessary to glue my eyelids open. I'll probably just run to a nearby store, get some food to eat, come back, eat, then sleep. I'll just sleep on my mattress tonight. There's no way in hell I can assemble a whole bed in my fatigued state like this. It's impossible.

I scooped up my car keys from my jacket pocket and made my way out of my apartment door. I wasn't looking forward to leaving the warmth of this building since outside was aggressively pouring down with rain. But to my luck, the rain started its work as soon as I finished getting all of my boxes in, so that meant no soggy clothes or belongings. I also wasn't sure on where the nearest 24 hour store was. It was late right about now, around 10pm, nearly 11 according to my wrist watch. I needed a store that sells decent food and is open at this hour. I'll probably find one. It can't be that hard, right? Upon making my way further on down the hallway, I arrived at the elevator and pressed down on the button to summon it. I hummed a little tune under my breath as I could hear the raggedy elevator clink and clang as it made it's way up. I lived on floor 4, which wasn't so bad. The apartments were quiet from what I could tell, even when I made my way in earlier on today when I thought i'd see at least a little bit of activity going on. The only person that interacted with me and that I saw was this strange man that spoke to me through his mail slot. He claimed to be the landlord of this apartment, he seemed really sweet. I found it odd that he spoke to me through a mail slot though, maybe it was an insecurity thing. I didn't ask, and I let it slide to be polite. I avoid an awkward conversation whenever I possibly can, and me asking such a personal question was practically a social death trap.

The elevator doors opened slowly, making me cringe at the almost agonising sound of the ancient elevator doors trying their best to open fully. When they did, I stepped in, one foot after another. Turning my heel, I clicked the ground floor button with my index. I once again gritted my teeth together at the screeching metal doors making a close. It sounded like nails scratching on a chalkboard. Man, that's gonna get annoying real fast. The elevator began to ascend, releasing loud metallic noises while trying its hardest to reach my wanted destination. After 10-20 seconds, I arrived. The doors slowly screeching open once again making me groan instantly. As soon as the gap in the doors was big enough, I squeezed past them to get out. I didn't have the energy to stand there until they fully opened, the noises the elevator made while trying its hardest to function were painful.

I made my way to the exit of the apartment building to make my way out into the brutal rain storm, but I stopped.

"Hey. You're new here, right?" I heard a masculine voice from behind me. It sent a shiver up my spine. the voice was deep, and raspy, very attractive too. I turned my head and my eyebrows raised in slight shock of what I was seeing. There stood a very tall, handsome man with long, brown locks and smooth caramel skin, accompanied with alluring deep brown pupils which sat a pretty birthmark underneath one of them. Looking down slightly, he wore a shirt with the letters "SF" crudely printed in the middle. Over it he wore a large, black leather jacket, as well as tight jeans and platform boots. The outfit suited his overall vibe very well.

"Yeah, I am." I gave a polite smile, fully turning my body to face the man before me.

"The name's Larry. Larry Johnson." He gave a slight smile, his tooth gap on full show. My heart slightly fluttered at his grin. It was sort of cute. Before I knew it, he stretched out his rather large hand in front of me. I reached mine back out, shaking his hand gently before pulling away. His hand was huge compared to mine, I thought.

"I'm Y/N. Great to meet you, Larry." I grinned back. Normally, I'd feel uneasy around men acting this friendly while it's late at night when i'm also alone and vulnerable. But Larry seemed like a gentle giant. I know I sound ridiculous and I should never put my guard down, but I felt like I could trust this man. He didn't give off a threatening vibe and he didn't make my stomach clench with uneasiness.

"So, what's a pretty lady like you doing out this late?" He shoved his hands in his jean pockets with a slight lazy slouch.

Pretty? That's flattering. "I'm gonna go get some food. Do you know where the nearest store is?" I asked politely, fiddling with my keys in my dominant hand.

"I do. But I don't think any stores will be open right around now. Believe me, i've been living here since I was a kid." He huffed with a slight chuckle, showing that adorable smile once again.

"Oh." I looked down at the ground for a second before looking back up at him. Guess i'm just going hungry tonight. I felt like he could tell I haven't ate, and it was clear that he did with what he said next.

"You're more than welcome to come to my apartment for some food if you really wanna. I was just heading back there before I bumped into you." He took a glance to the elevator then back at my eyes.

"Thank you, but I don't want to be any trouble." I declined his offer while waving my other hand around in a dismissive manner.

"You aren't being any trouble. I promise I don't bite, sweetie." He laughed slightly, making me smile. His laugh was heart warming, I was growing on the man already. Plus, the adoring pet names he was giving me only added to that.

"Okay fine. Lead the way to your apartment, sir." I joked and held my hand out to the elevator, making him giggle and make his way over. I soon followed behind.

We both stood at the slightly large, metal doors as Larry pressed on the button beside them. We both stood there silently, waiting for the elevator to do it's job.

"So uh...How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?" I shifted my eyes up to him, earning a little cackle from the tall man beside me.

"Jesus, do I look that old?"

I began to panic. I accidentally asked a question that sounded more rude than I intended again. Way to go, Y/N.

I began to stutter while trying to muster up the correct words to apologise to him, which made him laugh.

"I'm just messing with ya. I'm 22." He gently poked his elbow at my side to really show that he was kidding. I exhaled a breath of relief. Thank god I didn't upset the one and only person I now properly knew in this place.

"How about you?" He asked with a curious tilt to his head.

"I'm 21. Just turned 21 not so long ago." I followed up.

"Had your first drink yet?" He gave a devious little smirk while asking.

"Nope, I haven't. Haven't had the time to." I sighed. My plan was that the minute I turned 21 was to have my first drink, but I never got the chance because I had to make my move to Nockfell.

The elevator doors squeaked open, and as I could tell, Larry had gotten used to the sound of the annoying doors sliding open, because his expression was completely unfazed by the almost deafening sound. I wasn't surprised though.  Like he said, he's been living here since he was a kid.

We both stepped our way in, me going first because Larry had to be such a gentleman and wait his turn.

As I waited for Larry to press a button, he reached down into one of his pockets and grabbed a small, peculiar card of some sort between his index and middle fingers carelessly. I arched a brow in curiosity at the thing, what's it for? My curiosity coming to a halt as he pushed the card in the slot that sat below all the buttons before shoving it back into his leather jacket pocket. I was wondering what that little slot was for when I used the elevator for the first time today. I just assumed it was for special residents or something of that kind.

"We should go get a drink sometime." He looked back down at me, following up the conversation where it left off as the elevator doors slid shut.

"Yeah, that'd be nice." A smile grew on my face. I knew I could trust this man already, even if we go out together. Its not like he'll take advantage of me. If he wanted to, he probably would've by now. The chances that he could've done so and to get away with it were multiple, yet they all didn't happen.

"Hm, can I ask another question?" The elevator began to rattle and drop slowly as soon as he asked.

"Sure, shoot."

"Why'd you move here?" He asked, shoving his hands back in his jean pockets almost like he wanted to get comfortable before I said why.

"Just needed a new place to stay. I used to live in the city, the rent got way too expensive so I decided to move here." I simply answered his question, clean, cut and to the point.

"Ah, I've always wondered what it's like outside of Nockfell. I mean, i've been abroad to visit family, but I haven't actually been outside of my hometown, y'know?" His sentence ending with a little higher pitch to emphasise what he was trying to say.

Before I could rant on about how shitty it was to live in a loud, busy city, The elevator stopped. We must've arrived to where we needed to be. The double doors opened once again, to reveal a hallway that was slightly different than the others.

We both stepped out as I took a few short glances around. The wallpaper and surroundings were different and the hallway was cluttered with tools and cleaning products.

"How come you live down here?" I made my way over to him, which seemed like he was unlocking his door while I was taking a look around.

"Eh, my mom works as a janitor here. She got this apartment free with the maintenance gig years ago." He plucked his key out of the key hole as I assumed he got it unlocked.

"You live with your mom?" I asked, not rudely. But just out of pure curiosity.

"Nah, she lives with my new stepdad on floor 4 now. I'm planning on moving out, but for now I have this apartment all to myself." He followed up and swung the door open until the door handle lightly tapped the wall inside of his apartment.

"Home, shit, home." He joked and sauntered into the apartment, which made me giggle rather loudly at his playful attitude.

I walked in behind him, gently closing the door behind me as he kicked off his shoes by the door. I slipped off my shoes after him, neatly placing them beside his boots. The strong stench of weed filled my nostrils, but it seemed like someone tried to cover it up with cheap air freshener that smelt like fresh laundry.

His apartment was slightly cluttered with trash here and there, but it looked homey. The furniture was easy on the eye, so was the picture frames hanging up straight on the walls.

Larry switched on a nearby lamp which flickered for a few seconds until it buzzed on completely, lighting up the majority living room with a soft yellow glow. He then strolled over to the dark kitchen that was right next to where I was standing. He swung the fridge door open, the bright light of the refrigerator illuminating the whole of his kitchen, and himself. He held his hands on his hips and shot his head around. I snickered at the man, he seemed so focused on trying to look for something to eat. Upon further inspecting the fridge, he let out a few loud, frustrated huffs and puffs like he was the goddamn big-bad-wolf.

I giggled as I looked over at his pouty expression. He slammed the fridge door closed, leaving him to stand in the dark of the kitchen. He made his way over to me with a playful, aggravated expression. He was like a 12 year old boy in a 22 year old man's body.

"Looks like I don't have anything per say appealing. Wanna order pizza?" His own eyes lit up at the idea followed by a grin.

"Sure!" I smiled enthusiastically. Pizza sounded so good right about now. I was so used to microwaveable meals since they were cheap, so just thinking of devouring a pizza made my mouth water.

"Alright, Pizza it is. Go ahead and make yourself at home, i'll make the call." The edges of his mouth curling up into a wider smile, which I returned before he made his way over to the telephone that sat on a nearby wooden table.

I slid off my coat, now not needing it since I wasn't going outside in the dreadful weather anytime soon. Propping it up on the coat hanger that was on his wall, I heard him dialling the numbers down onto the phone. It seemed like he was familiar with the number, as he dialled them really quickly that it was impressive. Like he had the number memorised at the very top of his head.

I then made my way over to his cozy, plump looking couch that was enough to sit 2 to 3 people. But before I sat down, I looked over the picture frames that hung above this living room. I smiled slightly at Larry appearing in all of them and looking joyful in all of them too. In most he looked younger, around 16 maybe. One peaked my curiosity the most though. I squinted at it to examine further. Larry appeared in it with 3 people. One wore a cracked mask and blue, bunchy pigtails, another was a girl with long, luscious hair and a beautiful face that I could say I envied. And finally, a boy with a sweet looking smile and orange hair and glasses. He looked like he had loyal friends, he was lucky. I never really knew what it was like to have a decent friend, let alone a whole friend group. I continued to look over the picture frames, unconsciously smiling at them meanwhile. It was rather refreshing seeing Larry happy and cheerful, he seems like a lively guy.

"What pizza do you want, Y/N?" He asked, snapping me out of my trance like state. I turned to face him as he stood patiently with the phone up to his ear.

"Erm...Pepperoni, please." I nodded.

He gave a confirming smile before turning his head back, speaking my order down into the phone. I flopped down onto Larry's couch and wiggled my backside to really deepen myself into the marshmallow like cushions. Parting my lips, I let out a sigh of contentment before resting my head back on the back of the sofa. Being sat in my car for hours on end to get here made my ass hurt, to be honest. So this couch practically hugging the bottom of my thighs felt astonishing.

After giving a polite farewell to the person over the phone, he placed the phone back down where it belonged and looked over at me.

"Damn, you look comfortable." He chuckled. I didn't even raise my head to look back up at him. I know it was rude, but I was way too comfortable to even move my head the slightest.

"Because I am." I purred with a big smile.

"The pizzas are gonna be here in 30 minutes or so, so don't get too comfortable to the point where you pass out." He giggled, me replying with a hum that sounded like "yes".

After a few seconds, I heard him let out a little gasp. In which made me snap my eyelids open and look up at him.

"What?" I asked, a slight tint of pissed off in my voice now that i'm not as comfortable as I was because I moved.

"I have a wicked idea!" He grinned devilishly and made his way over to the left of where I was sitting, not even telling me his so-called idea. He opened a door with a bold sign on it that read "KEEP OUT" which was kinda childish, so I giggled a little at it.

I could hear rustling inside of the room he was in, when the rustling came to a stop he let out an almost proud laugh, which made me arch a brow.

He came proudly sauntering out, one hand holding a flip lighter with a design of a skull on it, and the other hand occupied with a joint that looked packed with weed. My eyebrows raised and my eyes widened a little at the thing, before my face rested.

"So that explains the smell in here, you're a stoner." I leaned back with a grin, which made him laugh at my cocky comment.

"Yup. Sure am, gorgeous." He fiddled with the joint between his fingers before plopping himself down next to me.

"You smoke?" He asked

"Yeah, I smoke cigs every now and then but i'm not a chainsmoker." I replied, resting my elbows up on the back of the couch comfortably.

"Soooo, You wanna have a hit?" He showed off the joint to highlight what he was talking about. One side of me told me no. Larry seemed sweet and all, but what if this was a way to make me more vulnerable? I mean, if he were to make a move and I were to yell for help, nobody would hear me. The other side of me told me to just jump in and do it. There's no harm in taking a few puffs, right? Both sides of me continued to argue in my head, all until I cleared my throat to snap myself back to this situation.

"Sure. Why not." I smiled a little. Yet, I haven't had much experience with weed. I hit a bong when I was 15, me being the little troublemaker I was. But on the surface, this was the first time. When I hit that bong, It didn't effect me much, so I don't know what to expect.

Larry looked into my eyes with his own to find any trace of regret or hesitation to find out if he accidentally peer pressured me, he found nothing. I was sure of myself, and maybe Larry was even more fun when he's high. I desperately wanted to know.

He turned his glance back down at the joint, lighting it up by flicking the wheel of the lighter with the pad of his thumb. Once it was lit perfectly, he raised it up to his lips at took one big inhale. After 4 seconds or more, he pulled the joint away from between his lips and blissfully exhaled the dark smoke. He must've been smoking for some time now, because after a big hit like that, he didn't cough or splutter one bit which was rather impressive.

"Jesus, you have a great set of lungs on you." I spoke my thought aloud. He broke out into a laughing fit at my weird compliment. I soon enough came to terms of what I said, which made me laugh along with him. After sharing a giggle with him which lasted a few seconds, he sighed contently and turned his gaze to meet mine, reaching over and placing the lit joint between my two fingers that were held out before me.

I plucked it from him, reaching it up and taking a hit of it. I tried to take a big hit like Larry did, but after 2 seconds, I yanked the joint away and broke out into a coughing fit.

"Woah. Easy, sweetheart." He gently patted my hunched back to ease me as I continued to cough into my fist.

"You okay?" He asked with a sweet smile after my uncontrollable coughing came to an end. I replied with a nod as I passed the joint back over to him.

——— Short time skip ———

After 10 minutes or so of passing the joint back and forth and chatting, we were both completely wasted, and it felt completely amazing. Meanwhile chatting though, I found out that Larry was rather passionate about music, metal specifically and this band called Sanity's Fall, which explained his shirt. He also told me that he likes to paint. I never would've guessed, he doesn't look like the type to enjoy painting, and finally, he told me about his friends. Sal, Ash, and Todd. He told me that I should meet them all soon, and I was totally up for it. From what Larry told me, they all seemed so great.

I giggled contagiously after taking my turn with the joint, holding a grin as the smoke I just inhaled escaped from my nostrils.

"God, that's some goodddd shit, Lar." I looked over at the man beside me taking a large hit before letting go with a laugh. He looked over at me with a huge grin on show. Fuck. He's so handsome, I thought. He's the epitome of a God. His eyes were tinted red and looked droopy, but I still continued to carelessly look into them just to see his beautiful irises in all their glory. His eyes were like a deep forest. A forest I'd fucking love to get lost in for eternity.

"My supplier is my friend's dad, actually. He grows it himself here in this very building." He nodded proudly at the man I wasn't familiar with. My eyes widened in shock as I broke out laughing.

"Really? Holy shit!" I laughed and clapped my hands together joyfully like a seal. Larry is lucky to have such a trustworthy dealer. That way you know you don't have to deal with the risk of getting jumped or anything.

Our laughing came to an end as we heard a firm knock on the door. We shot our heads at the door then each other. we both held very excited expressions at the thought of the delivery person being right behind that very big hunk of wood.

We both shot up, Larry rushingly trying to put out the small bit of what remained of the joint in a nearby ash tray as I bolted over to the door. Taking a glance through the peep hole, we were indeed right. It was the delivery man with our pizzas.

"Larry! Larry, quick you slowpoke! Our pizza is here!" I screeched mixed with a giggle at him struggling to put out the lit joint in the ashtray that was piling with residue of past joints.

Once he successfully put it out, he ran over to me so quickly I thought he was gonna slam into the door if he didn't slow down fast enough.

I stood behind Larry as he swung open the door with a very excited smile.

"Delivery for Larry Johnson?" The delivery man asked before Larry interrupted and didn't even answer by yanking the pizza boxes out of the mans hands.

Larry made his way back into the living room completely disregarding paying the man.

"I'm fuckin' starving!" Larry announced into the air. I snorted at him stumbling over to the couch before looking back to the delivery man, that was clearly pissed off yet clearly trying to hold on to his sanity.

"Here, dude. Keep the change." I pulled out two twenty dollar notes from my back pocket and dropped them into the man's palm, which he replied with a small "Thanks." and made his way back over to the elevator. I slammed the door and mocked what he said, tone on point and everything, that in which made Larry cackle loudly. Larry leaned over and switched on the square like television, which added more decent lighting to the poorly lit living room.

I sat next to Larry on the couch as he began eating his own pizza. At this point I started to feel light and mellow, which made me gently lean up against Larry's chest with a happy sigh and my eyes rested closed before I listened closely to his heartbeat.

"You okay dude? Your pizza's probably gonna get cold." He asked, which sounded kinda muffled since he had his jaw full of pizza.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just...wanna stay like this for a few seconds." I smiled. I would've never thought moving here on my first day would lead to me getting high with an dorky, attractive man. But, here we are.

He chuckled lowly, making his chest rise and fall with each breath of his laughter. The sound of his heartbeat was so soothing. So I listened...And listened...And listened.

——— Time skip ———

I must've fell asleep with my head on Larry's chest. Because the next thing I knew, I was still on Larry's couch, but alone this time. A soft, knitted blanket was laid over my body and I felt that there was a small pillow underneath my head. I propped myself up with a low groan as I took glances around each corner of the pitch black room to look for a tall outline of a masculine figure which could be Larry, yet he was nowhere to be found. I squinted my eyes to see that my pizza was vanished from the small coffee table in front of me, so was Larry's. Upon further inspection, there was a note I seemed to not see since there was no light source in this room whatsoever. Leaning over the couch arm, I swung my hand around in hopes of finding the switch for the lamp. After what felt like forever looking for the damn thing, I eventually found it and switched it on. I sat back down on my backside and swiftly picked up the note. This is what it read.

i didn't wanna wake u up so i left u here to sleep. i'm in my bedroom if u need me. it's the one with the sign on the door. don't hesitate to wake me up if somethings wrong.

p.s. ur pizza is on the kitchen counter. throw it in the microwave if u need to. :)

- larry

He was so sweet, I thought as I felt a deep blush grow in my cheeks as well as a smile grow on my face. I didn't want to wake Larry from his slumber, from what I could see by his dark eye circles is that he definitely needed some shut eye and needed it when he could. So, I folded up the note and slipped it into my back pocket. I wanted to keep it, for memory sake. For all I know, Larry could be a life long friend or my future husband. No, don't sound so stupid, Y/N. He would never like you like that. Besides, you only now just met the guy tonight, don't jump to conclusions.

I sighed deeply and shimmed down so that my head was propped back onto the pillow as I slowly shut my eyes, enveloping myself in the blanket that Larry ever so kindly gave me.

Yeah...Larry seems nice.

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