Fairy Tail- Things Have Chang...

By Magdalenka1123

176K 4.3K 1.5K

This is a fan-fiction about fairy tail, it will describe the (love) life of the characters in the anime. This... More

Chapter 1: Home is close?!
Chapter 2: Changes
Chapter 3: What's and Why's
Chapter 4: Some of the Feelings
Chapter 5: Secrets
Chapter 6: Differences
Chapter 7: Full Moon
Chapter 8: Little Dragons
Chapter 9: Embarrassment
Chapter 10: Real Power
Chapter 11: House?
Chapter 12: Care
Chapter 13: Time
Chapter 14: Suprises
Chapter 15 Not What I Thought....
Chapter 16: Things We Don't Know
Chapter 17:Why Are You Leaving?
Chapter 18: Crazy Day
Chapter 19: Cat Search
Chapter 20: New World
Chapter 21: Mum
Chapter 22: Reunions
Chapter 24: Small Training
Chapter 25: What are you made of?
Chapter 26: Undesirable Magic
Chapter 27: Black being
Chapter 28: I know I love you
Chapter 29: Visit
Chapter 30: Precious Little Life
Chapter 31: It's just a beginning

Chapter 23: Family Party Begins

3.7K 107 63
By Magdalenka1123

Ohajo minna. How are you doing? I've been ill for most of the week
...do you have no idea how hard it is to pretend that you feel ok , when you feel like you are about to collapse and still go to school, well that's who I felt....well I'm on a holiday since yesterday so yay. One last thing, if you could be so kind and get this story to 10 likes it would be greatly appreciated. Love ya people

DragonHeart sings out


Lucy POV

As is heard the last sentence said by Levy, a massive grin appeared on my face. They finally moved forward and yet I'm stock here thinking about a guy that will never want me... oh how perfect is life.

Strolling around the castle, I could feel that someone is walking behind me, as I turned around slowly I was almost scared to death by Serena and Happy "Would you explain to me why are you acting like that Serena?"

"We saw that you were sad so we thought of cheering you  up" She said with a pouty face.

"It's okay then, I just have a lot of thing on my mind right now" I started to pet the exceeds "I was wondering, why are you two always together?"

The two exceeds blushed heavily as I began to giggle "I see. Even you found yourself a soul mate...." i said with a sad voice, he is never going to notice me and he is supposed to be my king.

Happy and Serena flew towards me and gave me a bear hug "Thanks you guys, I won't tell anyone about you, but keep my promise as well; I want you to say quiet about what happened when you found me, ok? " they blushed again and shake my hand "Deal" they said

"What deal?" Natsu asked, leaving everyone frozen. Why did he have to come here now? Great what I'm I supposed to do?

I know "We were just planing a party for my mum, can you keep a secret and keep my mum occupied so she doesn't find?" I asked while he nodded and run out screaming "Don't worry Luce, your king won't ruin the suprice"

My face turned as red as Erza "Why is he so dense...?" I moaned to the cats as they teased her "You liiiiiike him" the thing is they are right "I do but shut up, time to make a party" I cheered

"Hai" The exceeds responded


Romeo POV

Well everything was interesting since we talked with Natsu and Lucy; Gajeel and Levy are together now, Erza and Jellal finally got their new house, Gray and Juvia are not scared to show affection in public  which makes me sick sometimes also me and Wendy are getting closer... This happened in few hours I can't believe it.

"Hello Wendy, wanna go for a walk with me?" I asked her politely.

Wendy looked at me confused "Sure" She sounds so unsteady, maybe I should wait until tomorrow to ask her and live in the world of procrastination.

Then I heard something or either someone snap me out my world "Romeo are you ok?  You seem to be spacing out a lot since Lucy called us, please tell me I am worried about you" She looked at me with her big brown eyes which melted my heart.

"I will tell you soon when we get there" I said softly, she pouted at me while I just sticked my tongue at her.

5 minutes alter we arrived at the Sakura Blossoms forest which had a crystal clear river next to it. I took Wendy's hand and led her to the shore, it looked amazing; Sakura petals flew all around the forest and glistened in the sunlight and gracefully landed on the surface of the water.

The mood was ready now it's my turn "Wendy I wanted to tell you something for quite a long time now..." She looked at me confused "....I know that you are 7 year older but I have developed feelings for you. While you were gone for those 3 years, I was crazy about you leaving me alone..." Tears were streaming down my face, she is everything I have, I can't loose her "...please don't leave me, I-I love you Wendy Marvel would you be my girlfriend?" 


Juvia POV

As Romeo and Wendy left, me and my darling went after them; Lucy affected Gajeel so I wonder Romeo will confess to her "Gray do you think that he can do it?"

"I think he can. Romeo is a brace young lad. Now let's go otherwise we might miss it" he pulled my wrist and run after the love birds. When we cought up with them Romeo and Wendy were kissing near a river. I took couple photos and we returned to the guild "Let's keep it a secret, please Gray" he kissed me and said "Alright baby"


Layla POV

Lucy, Serena and Happy were no where to be seen all day today, I'm getting worried on the other hand Natsu have annoyed me for the whole day and followed me even into my room however he was is really important questions about his new role as the king.

"Natsu would you stop asking please and call me mum if you could, there is no need to be so formal you know" I smiled at him

"Okay mum. But I have 1 last question to ask you. When will me and Luce begin our training? And with who?" He grinned at me.

He is really clever, he just acts in front of Lucy "As a matter of fact you should  begin tomorrow morning and with me" I looked at my future son. Suddenly he froze and his eyes began to glow, then he pulled my hand and pulled me to Lucy's bedroom.

"Don't worry mum, the only reason I annoyed you today was to keep your mind off something. But wait I'm just gonna get dad here so we can celebrate properly " he stopped me in front of a door and went to get Igneel, I tried to peek but Natsu and Igneel cought me as I touched the handle

Natsu grabbed mine and his father's hand while the doors opened widely. What we saw there was beautiful. The wall were covered with glistening stickers the floor was full of flower petals. In the middle of the room stood and wooden table with 8 avaliable spaces.

"Lucy my dear did you make this yourself?" Mum asked Lucy "Nope. Happy and Serena helped me so as Natsu but all he did was distraction" She explained.

Then Igneel walked towards her and asked her the question I wanted a to hear the answer for quite a long time. "And if you don't mind me asking; what is the purpose of this meeting?"

She started to look down "Since we are going to be a family at some point, I wanted to get you to know better" She turned red a a tomato.


Erza POV

I'm moving in with Jellal today, I'm so excited about this, the house I'd only 200,000 a mont It's 10 pm so we will only have time to move couple things today. Our house is located near Lucy's house anve I cane even say that we are neighbours but she is here.

"Jellal, I will move all my armor to the lowest level in the basement" I turned into my Heavens Wheel armor and I transported all the armour I had exempt  my; pj's, swimming costume, normal clothes and the Heavens Wheel.

After 30min I was done and it was time to get all of our clothes in place "Jellal could you help me please?" Is asked but he only answered  me with a kiss on the cheek.

When we finished, Jellal took out two sleeping bags and we went to sleep in them. "Goodnight my little strawberry tomorrow will be a big day" he gave me last kiss in my forehead and we drifted off to sleep.


Due to really poor internet connection in my holiday house some chapters might be delayed but I will write two more chapters after Monday, I PROMISE

DragonHeart sings out

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