
By LoveTheNerd

17.9K 327 24

Mia Toretto falling for a cop? Sure. But an Ortiz falling for a cop? No one saw that coming. Cover by: RougeG... More



1.2K 27 5
By LoveTheNerd

"Dominic Toretto once said, I live my life a quarter mile at a time. Nothing else matters. For those 10 seconds or less, I'm free."


Nathan presses the gas pedal to the floor board, causing his car to take off into a wheelie as the race begins. Nathan makes it back first with a big smile on his face. Since Dom had to flee the country, Nathan has taken over as the King of the streets, winning every race that he competes in.

Sure he is still a cop, but that wasn't going to ever stop him from doing what he loves. His only regret over the past four years, is not going to find Letty. She is the love of his life and no one would ever change that.

Nathan gets out of his car as the crowd cheers for him.

"Here's what you won," Hector says as he hands the prize money to Nathan.

"Thanks man," Nathan says as he and Hector do a quick bro hug.

A girl walks over to Nathan but she isn't what causes the look of shock to appear on his face. It's the woman behind her that does. Leticia Ortiz. Letty, the love of his life.

Nathan goes to make his way through the crowd to Letty but the yells about cops are heard. Nathan watches as Letty disappears before running to his car and taking off.

A few hours later, Nathan sighs as he finds himself outside the Toretto household. A place he has visited often over the past four years, making sure Mia has help with whatever she may need. Nathan is surprised to see three cars in the driveway instead of one.

It made him wonder who could be there with Letty because none of the cars looked like what Dom would drive. Nathan pushes his nerves to the side as he gets out of his car, making his way up to the porch. Before he can even knock on the door, it is opened with Letty standing on the other side.

"Took you long enough," Letty says with a smirk as she leans against the door frame.

Nathan smiles as he really looks her over. She has matured for sure but is still as beautiful as she was the day he met her.

"Only about as long as it's taking you to invite me inside," Nathan says jokingly, causing Letty to laugh before leading him inside.


"Hey, Nate," Mia says with a smile as she answers the door.

"Hey, Mia," Nathan says as he gives Mia a quick hug. Mia has really became like his little sister over the past few years.

"Letty and Hollana are in the garage," Mia says as she sees Nathan look around. Hollana Lue, the girl from the Dominican Republic, that stole Dominic Toretto's heart in a matter of ten seconds, or at least that's the way Letty describes her.

"Thanks, Mia," Nathan says before heading for the garage while Mia leaves.

Nathan smiles as he sees Letty leaned over the hood of Dom's Charger before he sees Hollana's feet sticking out from underneath it.

"Beautiful." Nathan wraps his arms around Letty's waist, causing her to roll her eyes which Nathan notices. "Oh, you thought I was talking about you?" Letty turns around to face him. "I was talking about the car." Nathan smirks before Letty playfully shoves him with a small laugh.

Nathan grabs Letty's overalls before pulling her into a kiss, which she gladly accepts. Most would say it's weird how fast Nathan and Letty got back together. But for them it was as if it had only been a few hours since they had last seen each other not four years. "So, what did y'all want to talk about?"

"Hollana," Letty says as she taps the side of the car before Hollana rolls out from underneath the car.

"Good, you're here," Hollana says as she starts wiping her hands off. "What I'm about to ask is important and I need you to know which Nathan I'm needing." Nathan glances at Letty slightly confused before looking back at Hollana with a nod. "I need Agent Nathan O'Conner."

"Okay, you got him," Nathan says as he realizes how serious this talk may be.

"I want to clear Dom's name so he can come home," Hollana tells Nathan with a look saying "he needed to make it happen no matter the cost".

"I'll see what I can do," Nathan says with a nod before kissing Letty on the forehead. "I'll see you later."

"Chief Penning," Nathan says as he shakes his hand. "Thank you for meeting with me."

"I needed to talk to you anyways," Penning says with a nod as they sit down. "I have a new partner for you." Nathan nods in understanding. "You redeemed yourself from the Toretto case and now it's time for your partner to do so as well."

Nathan looks at the Chief confused before Brian walks into the room, causing Nathan to look at him in shock. The last he had heard about his brother was that he was wanted for letting Dom go.

"Brian, Nathan is going to be your partner. I expect there not to be a repeat of last time." Nathan and Brian both nod in understanding. "Now, Nathan what did you need?"

"Uhh," Nathan says unsure on how to go about asking now. "Speaking of the Toretto case." Penning lets out a sigh, knowing that Nathan is still close with the family. "I have two members of the team willing to go undercover and be CI's in order to clear Dominic Toretto's record. Is that possible?"

"Usually I would automatically shut the idea down but we need two drivers," Penning says as he thinks about it. "We are trying to shut down the Braga cartel. We have two under right now but the previous two came back dead." Nathan frowns at the thought of Letty going undercover into something like that. "So, it would help to have some drivers that don't reek of police, if the two under right now don't make it. You have two weeks to prep them, in case something goes wrong with these two. We'll make a deal once they're under."

"Thank you, sir," Nathan says with a nod before leaving with Brian following him.

"Who's back that would be willing to go under?" Brian asks as he looks at Nathan confused.

"Look, Brian," Nathan says as he turns to look at his brother. "You're my brother and my partner but anything to do with the Toretto family is no longer your concern."

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