𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐧�...

By emilywithoutths

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'Avatii Miller'. A 22 year old detective and lawyer, she loves her job and so do the people in her family, be... More

I. N. F. O.


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By emilywithoutths

Avatii's POV:
2 days later:

I stood up before I headed downstairs. It was 6 and dinner is being served by now. I entered the huge dinning hall making the men and maids come to the view.

20 chairs all around the big table with gold knifes and forks. Ever man in this room is dressed in black suits while the maids have small uniforms on that probably is 2 size smaller.

I headed to my usual seat which is on the right side of Angelo. I pulled the chair and sat down before the maid came and placed food in my plate.

I didn't look up at anyone and tried to eat peacefully till dickhead William started to annoy the girl that was serving him.

"Just for once use your brain instead of the dick" I said making their attention turn to me while some of them laughed.

"Don't get jealous baby I have enough for both of you sweetheart" he said playfully making roll my eyes before I talked.

"Don't call me that or I'll break the other arm 'sweetheart' " I said making his fits clinch around the knife. Before he could say something a strong voice came making everyone stand.

"Don" they all greated making me roll my eyes. He haven't talked to me since the day he fucked me while I was high. I honestly haven't either I mean I'm only staying here for a reason and I need to do my job and stay in focus.

I can't think about something else.

I looked at him and he looked as good as always. His eyes were already fixing on me while I ignored his stare. I looked down my plate again before I started to eat.

I was trying to ignore his strong aura so badly but I kept feeling his eyes burning holes in me. He then opened his mouth and talked.

"William take someone with you and check on the restaurant you're on charge on" he said making Willi talk.

"As you wish Don" he said 'respect fully" making me roll my eyes. He is afraid of Angelo I've noticed. They all are to be honest.

After dinner I stood up and walked to the garden. I took a cigarette out and started to smoke. The weather was likes shit.

Yeah maybe because we are in the middle of November.

"What do you want William?" I asked annoyed when I heard his footsteps behind me.

"You to go with me. You know get to know each other' tr-" before he could finish I cut him off.

"Okay shut up" I said smoking out.

"Come o- wait okay?" He asked shocked making me give him a yeah. I have nothing to do either and it will probably also annoy Angelo so why not.

And you also need to get to the papers in the restaurant right?

Yes also that of course.

Marcus called and told me that I need to see who is the main owner to the all of Angelo's restaurants.

"Yes now fuck off before I change my mind" I said making him chuckle before he walked away leaving me to smoke peacefully.

After I finished I went back inside and walked up to my room. Om my way there I saw the lawyer making me give him a look so he can follow me. He needs to give me the damn number.

I walked down the stairs and to the little cleaning room that no one uses after dinner. I opened the door and made sure no one was following me.

I went in and started to wait for him till 2 knocks were heard. I unlocked the door and saw him standing making me mention for him to get in.

"The new phone number" I said looking at him.

"I don't kn-" before he could finish I pushed him to the wall my arm holding his head.

"Don't fucking play right now" I whispered annoyed before he nodded. He took the little chip out of his pocket and handed me it.

"Find me a gun and bring it" I said checking the number. Marcus said it ends with 635 so it better be.

"I can't I'm already risking to much" he said walking to the door till I kicked his back making him fall down. I bent and grabbed a handful of his hair before I bent down to his face.

"I can fucking end you asshole...so you better do as I want or I'll tell him about you-" I whispered in his ear.

"I want it after 48 hours...and if I don't get it I'll fucking tell everyone about the little innocent lawyer" was all what I said before I throw his head back at the marble and walked out.

"Dickhead" I mumbled before someone's voice came making me turn around and see William's guard.

"He is waiting for you in the car Miss. Miller" he said making me nod.

He can't have heard something. No he can't. I'll make sure.

I walked upstairs and grabbed my leather jacket and the little stupid knife I took from the kitchen last night while everyone was sleeping.

I placed it around my ankle and placed my boots on again.

"Took you long enough but I can tell it's worth it beautiful" said William making me roll my eyes when I entered the car.

"Don't make me slice your damn throat William" I said while the driver was driving out the gate.

"So feisty huh?" He said chuckling. I ignored him and his stupid attitude and looked out the window. It was piece-full. The sky was clear today like the night I remember

1 hour later:

The car started to drive into a very luxurious street before a huge restaurant came to the view. Huge window glasses all the way and fancy tables with matching chairs.

We got off the car and the street is called.

Moertos street. 3 traffic lights. 1 huge restaurant on the right side and other fancy shops around it. A little flower shop on the corner. 2 cameras and a hidden one that is placed right beside the entrance where a boy stands and welcome people.

The boy opened the door before we walked in a a very big wine wall came to the view. Italian wine. The most expensive and luxurious wine only the high class can afford.

"Sir. Good to see you again-" before the manger could finish William cut him off.

"Just give me the damn report" he said annoyed walking in front while I was studying every little detail about this restaurant.

I need to get to the office Marcus been talking about

"Um where is the bathroom?" I asked the boy that was walking with us.

"This way miss" he said walking us upstairs to probably the owner's bathroom. Just what u want.

" thank you I know my way back" I said making him give me a smile before he fucked off. I walked out the bathroom and looked to my left and right.

One camera in front of the door. The office.
Shit shit shit...okay think Avatii. You need that file. Think.

Wait Marcus.

I walked back to the bathroom again so it doesn't look like I'm planning something. I turned the water on and splashed cold water on my face before I heard one of the toilet being unlocked.

A woman walked out in her late 50s. She had very old fashion yet Brandy clothes on with a vintage black leather bag. She walked pass me to the sink before she started to wash her hands.

"Hi sorry for annoying you but my phone got stolen from me and I need to call my finance so he know I'm here and waiting for him therefor I wanted to ask if it's okay if I could quickly borrow your phone?" I said making her give me a smile before she talked.

"Are you here on vacation?" She asked making me nod before she took her hand in her purse and took her phone out. She handed me it before I grabbed it and called Marcus.

"NYC FB-" before he could finish I cut him off.

"Marc it's Avatii Miller. I'm at one of Angelo's restaurants and I'm trying to get to his office but there is a camera placed right above the door. I need your help" I said making him talk.

"I need the exact location and the camera number" he said making me close my eyes while I kept repeating everything I saw in my brain.

Moertos street. 3 traffic lights. 1 huge restaurant on the right side and other fancy shops around it. A little flower shop on the corner. 2 cameras and a hidden one that is placed right beside the entrance where a boy stands and welcome people.

Moertos street. 3 traffic lights. 1 huge restaurant on the right side and other fancy shops around it. A little flower shop on the corner. 2 cameras and a hidden one that is placed right beside the entrance where a boy stands and welcome people.

"Moertos street. 3 traffic lights. 1 huge restaurant on the right side and other fancy shops around it. A little flower shop on the corner. 2 cameras and a hidden one that is placed right beside the entrance where a boy stands and welcome people." I heard his fingers going over the computer before he talked.

"Perfect. Camera number. The one that he have above his office" he said making me start and bite my lips.

How the fuck am I gonna do that. If I walk out they will know I'm planning something and will be dead.

"Come on Miller. We don't have the whole day" said Marcus making me take my fingers through my hair.

"hold on" I said before I turned around and saw the lady looking at me making me give her a smile.

"Sorry but I need to go and see what the mangers name is since there is different restaurants like this" I said handing her the phone.

"Could you please wait here just a few seconds?" I asked making her say yes before I walked out.

Okay so there is a door to the left so I'll just pretend like I'm lost. Are you for real A? Okay I admit it's the most stupid idea I've every came with.

Fuck it.

I walked and got closer to the camera each time. I looked up and then the number came to the view.



"Are you looking for someone miss?" A body asked
Making me look at him and give him a smile.

"Oh sorry I was just looking for the bathroom" I said walking to him.

"Here is the bathroom miss" he said looking at the door.

"Oh silly me..." I said chuckling between before I walked back to the bathroom. I closed the door and saw that the lady was still there.

"Qr836p" I said as soon as Marcus picked up.

"Okay wait 5 minutes before you go in. The cameras little red light will remove when we hack it and you will have exactly 10 minutes till when you walk in" he said before I muttered a yes and hang on.

"Thank you so much you just saved our dinner" I said looking at the old lady before she gave me a smile and walked out.

I kept looking at the big ass clock hanging till 5 minutes passed. I walked out and saw that the camera was off. I opened the door but lucky me it was of course locked.


I took the little hair spin out my hair and opened the door making the brown office come to the view. I walked in and closed the door before I headed to the desk and started going through papers.

Where the fuck is it? Come on Avatii where does Angelo kept his shit. Important shit.

I opened a desk and it was locked. I unlocked it and there it was. The file. I took it out and opened it making every information that continued this restaurant come to the view.


I grabbed the paper I need and shoved it in my bra. I closed the door and made sure everything was in place before I walked out his office.

"Where the fuck were you?" Asked William making me roll my eyes.

"Watch your fucking mouth idiot. I was in the damn bathroom" I said rolling my eyes before I walked to the car that was waiting outside.

I got in and so did he. He sat right next to me which made me roll my eyes. He kept looking at me till I turned my face and looked at him as well.

"Is there something?!" I asked annoyed making him smirk before he looked down at my boobs. I had a push up bra on and a black top that only covered the bra.

"I'll love to taste yo-" before he could finish I slapped him right across the face before I stood up and grabbed a hold of his hair.

"You always want me to break a part of your body don't you?!" I asked before he pulled his gun out. As he was about to pull the trigger I grabbed it and placed it under his chin.

"You whor-" I hit the gun at his head making him yawn in pain. I punched his face and grabbed his hair again making his eyes look in mine.

"Don't you fucking dare to call me that" I said before I throw his head back and sat across him. He didn't move or did anything since he was holding his head and chin and looked like he was about to die.


A hour later we reached the mansion and I got off the car before I headed to the door. A maid opened it and told me that the asshole want me in his office.

I didn't do as he says and instead walked back to my room. I opened the door and went straight to the bathroom before I locked the door.

I took the phone out before I texted Marcus telling him all the information and sending a picture of the paper.

Marcus: perfect. You did great, but there is something wrong. Some shipments haven't been checked and it's strange because the Italian police told us that each month around 55 shipments get checked and the last week there was only 42, I need to know if it's Angelo's mafia.

Me: I'll give you answer as fast as possible.


Marcus knows nothing about me making illegal work legally, because if the police finds out I'm gonna end in jail.

I need to find a lie or something.

I placed the phone back and covered it perfectly before I straighten my bra and lipstick. A knock on the door made me flinch.

I walked to the door and opened it to see Angelo his highness standing in front of my door making me roll my eyes, I started to walk before he grabbed my forearm and pushed me to the wall.

"Where the fuck were you?!" He asked through his teeth making me smirk.

"Why the fuck do you care?" I asked trying to get out his grip.

"I asked a question" he said trying to control his tempter.

"Don't worry he didn't fuck me" I said playfully making him chuckle before he turned all serious again.

"Do I look like I care?" He asked making me talk.

"you don't, because you are acting like a possive upset boyfriend ?" I asked before he bent to my ear making me feel his hot mint breath at my neck.

"I do admit that you were the best pussy I've ever felt but that doesn't mean that I care if you fuck someone else...Avatii" he said making me gulp.

Asshole don't let him effect you Avatii he is trying to control you.

Don't. Let. Them. Control. You.

"Good then" I said before he pulled away and looked me in the eyes, he didn't say anything and neither did I.

"When I call you you fucking come got it?!" He asked before I muttered a yes. He pulled away before he told me to follow him.

We walked out and to the elevator before he pressed the button to his floor. Fucking dickhead.

Non of us said anything the whole ride down and I was happy about it. But I'm not gonna lie I felt his eyes all burning holes in my chest making me roll my eyes.


"My eyes are up here asshole" I said making him look up at me and give me a cold look.

"What did you just say?" He asked in a 'fear me' way.

"Asshole want me to spell it? A S S H O L E " I said before the door opened, I walked out ignoring him while he was following looking at my ass.

The guard didn't open the door till the asshole nodded to him. I walked in and sat across his huge desk that he don't even use.

He walked and sat down before he opened a drawer and took a report out.

"The police found out that there are some missing shipments that haven't been checked this time, I need you to talk with them as my lawye-" before he could finish I cut him off.

"Sorry but aren't you supposed to talk with your lawyer about that?" I asked crossing my legs.

"I don't trust him and plus you've worked with the police before so I want you to talk to them right now" he said pushing his phone in front of me.

"What will I get from it?" I asked looking down the phone then him. He raised a brow and probably didn't like what I said but hell I don't care.

"Nothing. Do your work" he said making me smirk before I talked.

"This isn't a part of the contract so I will not do it without something in exchange" I said looking in his eyes that were burning.

"I can kill you" he said making me chuckle. Asshole he thinks after everything I've been through I'll get scared.

"Do it" I said confident making him give me a confused look.

"What do you want?" He asked after a long silent making me smile like an idiot.

"No more guards guarding me. Bring me my car from NY. And I'll not ask for your permission to go out or not...oh and let's not forget the most important thing..." I started before I took a breath and continued.

"Weapons...my dagger and gun. I want them back" I said before he looked me silently in my eyes.

Minutes passed and he was still reading me making me place the wall I use when someone try and read me.

"Why do you want weapons?" He asked after the silent making me open my mouth but nothing came out.

What the fuck is wrong with me?!

He kept looking in my eyes while his hand was unlocking the drawer beside him. He took out my dagger and gun before he locked it again.

There most be important things if he lock it

"Try and not kill my men" he said pushing them towards me.

"I can't promise" I said placing the dagger around my ankle and the gun on my waist while he kept looking at me.

"You will get what you want and the car will be here tomorrow but you most call the police right now or I'll take everything away" he said making me roll my eyes before I grabbed his phone. He also ordered me to open the speaker. Asshole.

"Hi it's Avatii Miller. NY FBI section, I wanted to say that some of the shipments that haven't been checked in Italy got checked in NY before they got off..." I said before the police officer talked.

"Hi Miss. Miller. It's Matteo Narco FBI. It's totally okay we will rewrite the file about the shipment right ahead and there will be no problems anymore thank you for informing us" said Matteo making me talk.

"Thank you and also some of the shipments will get checked in NY every month" I said before he said that it's Good I told him. He hang on before I gave the phone back to the asshole.

"Can I leave now?" I asked standing before he nodded while kept looking at me. I stood up and headed to the door.

I have plans today




     Hope ya all love this chapter :) comment if you   
                want me to change anything.

                                  Love y'all

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