By arassiWP

12.2K 676 125

Even if everyone is against us, as long as you're in love with me and i love you, no one can separate us even... More

The Tortoise And The Hare


511 31 9
By arassiWP

[Tzuyu 12:15] I'm very sorry for not replying to your messages earlier. I get a little busy settling some stuff and sort. Hope you'll understand, I miss you too. Please eat healthy, see you soon.

Tzuyu was out of the country, she admit without Sana she felt empty.

She's trying her best to communicate with Sana even it's risky for them both.

Tzuyu was with her parents for business even if it against her will. It's not the first time she's traveling for business in fact everytime the annual gathering of investors with their company she has to be there. Her presence is much important in dealing such, Tzuyu somehow must follow the idea of advertence in the matter. After all she is the next in line.

"I really need to go home tomorrow." she said it bluntly while eating her dinner with her parents.

"My beautiful daughter, tell me what you want just to stay here for a while." Her Mom while stroking her hair, she felt irritated.

"Oh c'mon Mom, you never grant everything I asked to. Why would I trust your words?" she slightly bow down to get off her mother's touch.

Tzuyu's Dad clear his throat as a warning sign of her daughter's behavior.

"Calm down honey, we're working so hard for you." her mom said it in a soft tone.

"For me?" Tzuyu's voice slightly raised. "No Mom, you did everything all of these, just for you! I have no business here at all!" Tzuyu stood up and leave.

Her Mom felt humiliated but her Dad just chuckles.

Tzuyu came back to the table and said "One more thing Mom, Don't you ever think that I will marry the man that you chose for me. I can't live the rest of my life marrying the person I didn't love." then she look to her Father who silently eating but eavesdropping.

Tzuyu left her parents speechless and she didn't regretted what she just said.

She immediately took her flight using one of their private plane. She can't wait to embraced Sana and date her for real.

She love Sana and she will do everything even if it risk it all. Even if she has no assurance if Sana love her back, all she thinks right now is to be with Sana and nobody else.

The moment she arrived, Tzuyu drove straight to Sana's house excitedly. She did not tell Sana that she's coming just to surprise her with the bouquet of flowers she bought on her way.

Without the knocking, Tzuyu enter the house that drawn attention to the maids doing household, they already knew Tzuyu since she's visiting Sana several times.

Tzuyu immediately rushed upstairs to Sana's room. The maid said she was preparing herself for school, she might be a wrong timing but she's Chou Tzuyu.

Tzuyu sneeked in to Sana's room scanning around but Sana was nowhere at sight. She heard noises from the bathroom, so she thinks Sana was still there.

She sat down on the side of the bed to wait. After a while, the impatient Tzuyu stood up and walk through the corner where the bathroom is.

A frosted glass is the only division between where she stood up and the shower room. Sana was there. Her eyes wide open when she saw Sana, naked. She didn't noticed Tzuyu.

Sana's body was hot, to say the least. She'd seen it before but it's more clearer now. She had a perfect physique, her butt was firm and plump. Sana was currently rinsing some soap suds off her body, letting warm water run over her pale, smooth glistening skin.

Tzuyu's first instinct was to run out of the room. But her feet is her out of control, it moving towards Sana's in its own. When she's moving closer slowly, Sana noticed her presence, she stared at Tzuyu for a second, she does not look confused nor angry instead she slightly smile and reached her soapy hand to Tzuyu.

"Come here" Sana's voice was gentle and seductive that make Tzuyu's heart trembled.

In a second, she joined Sana at the shower, her clothes started soaking wet. Sana kissed her softly and smooth, she responded it. She bit Sana's lower lip hungrily, she took off her clothes with Sana's help. The water still running at the top of their heads. Tzuyu is naked now.

She wrapped her arms around Sana's small waist and leave no gap between their bodies, the affection between them electrified their lustful body.

"I-i missed you..." Tzuyu gasped. Her tongue is now traveling to Sana's body, Sana whimpered for the hot sensation she felt.

"I-i m-missed y-you too" she moaned.

She lift Tzuyu's face and kissed her, she's more aggressive this time. Sana sucked Tzuyu's swollen lips and extended her tongue to Tzuyu's mouth.

Tzuyu cupped Sana's breasts and squeeze it softly, Sana was moaning softly.

She put pressure on Tzuyu's body with hers and pushed her against the glass behind and pinned her arms.

Sana smirked in triumph. She teased Tzuyu with a smacked kiss.

Tzuyu looked at her, confused.

"Let's do this next time, I'm late for school" she uttered yet still seducing Tzuyu.

"Have you forget I'm the great Chou Tzuyu?"


"I ordered the school to suspend the class for a week." she winked.

"Why did you-"

Tzuyu cut her off and pulled her close and kissed her. "I just want to be with you" and kissed Sana again.

They took shower together and fed up their lustful soul for an hour. Even in just a few days without seeing each other it feels like forever. They longed for each other. At the very least they have mutual understanding. They cared for each other.

[Jihyo 21:29] Mina? Sana called me. She invited us for a party.

[Mina 21:30] Really? When?

[Jihyo 21:31] Tomorrow night at six, meeting place is Incheon port. Hehe

[Mina 21:35] Oh I love sea parties. See you.

[Jeongyeon 23:06] Hey Bros, party tomorrow at six, Incheon port, don't be late. Bring your dates.

[Chaeyoung 23:46] Got it!

[Dahyun 02:55] Okay.

Tzuyu's family owned one of the most expensive superyacht in the world, they named it after their company "Chounwa". The yacht feature a 6 VIP bedroom, guest suites, a club setting, swimming pool, movie theater and a helipad.

Sana was fetched by Jihyo with Tzuyu's permission. Chaeyoung is with Mina, Dahyun brought Momo and Jeongyeon with Nayeon.

Chou Tzuyu first came to the yacht to ensure everything all set up before the party. The captain, chefs, bartender and other service crew already there. Bustling around for a perfect party.

The sun is setting, and her friends started coming. First was Dahyun and Momo, their faces went awe how huge and luxurious the yacht is.

Later on, Chaeyoung and Mina arrived. Chaeyoung escorted Mina like a fragile glass.

Jeongyeon with her girlfriend Nayeon and Jihyo and Sana arrived at the same time.

It showed on their faces how amazed they are, to the boat in front of them. Neon lights behind the stairs welcomed them.

"This yacht owned by Chounwa Group right?" Nayeon asked to Sana and Jihyo. Jeongyeon was way up ahead them.

"Maybe, I think." Jihyo answered.

"So It means, I'm stepping now the most popular yacht in our country." she exclaimed.

"definitely no idea about that." Jihyo slighty shook her head a little. While Sana just listened to their conversation.

"Yes, I heard about this on news and articles... have you ever heard Chou Tzuyu?"

Sana look at Nayeon talking, she's now interested on what she's gonna spit out next. Jihyo look at Sana and smiled. "Why? What about her?" Jihyo asked.

"Chou Tzuyu was the only heir of Chounwa Group. Jeongyeon said she met Chou Tzuyu once, she said Chou Tzuyu was arrogant in person. She's so pretty though and look nice, I saw her on news and magazines too."

Sana and Jihyo try to hold their laughter but it can't hold enough when she added."Jeongyeon is better but if Chou Tzuyu showed up in front of me, I'm gonna chose the wealthiest if you know what I mean. Hehe don't tell Jeong, okay?"

"I guess Yoo Jeongyeon didn't tell you everything huh." Jihyo's face turned red for laughing.

Nayeon nodded.

"So, who do you think invited us here in the most expensive Yacht as you said? "

"I don't know. Maybe Jeongyeon's rich friend?"

"Right. So who's that rich friend?"

Before Nayeon answered, Tzuyu came to them after they reached the deck. Her charisma never fails, she's dazzling even in windy night. Nayeon with an open mouth shook like she have seen an angel.

"Chou Tzuyu-ssi?"

Tzuyu look at her and smiled. "Hi, and that's my name. And you are?" Tzuyu reached her hand.

"Im Nayeon, my girlfriend. Guess I haven't formally introduced her to you." Jeongyeon said from behind and grab Nayeon's arm to get close to her.

"Well I guess you forgot to introduce her to me at the party in my house Jeong" She smirked.

Nayeon looked at Jeongyeon fiercely but Jeongyeon peck her on the cheeks to calm her down and it works.

Jihyo, Sana and Tzuyu just smiled mischievously.

The three ladies joined the others at the party station leaving Tzuyu and Sana.

"You look so gorgeous tonight." Tzuyu whispered to Sana and and kissed her on the cheeks.

"Am I?" she asked. Tzuyu nodded in respond. "You look prettier than me though." naughty Sana poke Tzuyu's dimple and chuckles.

After that flirty moment, they decided to joined their friends at the party station. They took their dinner together, with special buffet cooked by the greatest chef in the country.

Sana took a glanced at Dahyun, then Dahyun saw that emotionless. Sana suddenly felt awkward, she want to talk to Dahyun to clear her thoughts, she felt guilty with Tzuyu for not telling her about Dahyun appearing to her house several times.

But for now, Sana would rather enjoy the party that her Tzuyu prepared for them.

"Where is this boat going Tzuyu?" Chaeyoung asked.

They were sitting at the white sleek  couch in circular design so clearly everybody can see and talk with each other. It's doubtful that you can be an outcast in the room, Im Nayeon itself can talk the whole night and you can just sitting pretty and listen.

"I don't think there's a destination, I just ordered the captain to keep us away from the hustle and bustle of busy city and bring us to the most calm ocean." She explained, everybody just listened.

"Aah a sweet escape..." Jeongyeon sighed in relief and extend her arms behind Nayeon and Jihyo.

Jihyo slightly nudged her elbow to Jeongyeon's hard abdomen. Jeongyeon groaned and rub the area where it hitted.

"Is that your defend mechanism or something... Miss Jihyo?" She asked. Jihyo just released her charismatic gummy smile to teased. Nayeon at the other side didn't mind at all, she's always glancing at Tzuyu in front of her.

How a person so beautiful and filthy rich at the same time?... Is Sana her girlfriend? Aaaah I'm so embarrassed what I've said earlier. I'm so dumb! Oh!!!! Is that Hirai Momo? The famous model? The Prime Minister soon to be in law? I've seen her at the party before but she's more stunning in this close! The hell! This squad is a hella bomb!

Nayeon's mind was occupied with thoughts and astounded. She looked again the in cognizant Tzuyu having a conversation and chuckles and then laugh showing her dimples as Nayeon observed, but this time without her knowing Jeongyeon noticed her.

"She's beautiful right?" Jeongyeon suddenly asked in low tone, Nayeon shuddered for a second.

"Who?" Nayeon acts innocent. Jeongyeon's brows got frowned and rolled her eyes. She stood up and walked away abruptly. But Nayeon without doubt followed her. The rest witnessed what just happened.

"What happened to Jeong?" Chaeyoung curiously asked but nobody answered her cause obviously nobody knows.

"Well anyway, let's have the drinks on this table. I get a little thirsty so sudden" Chaeyoung playfully gulped and rubbed her throat.

Before everything else the bartender show off his skills in front of his expensive clients.
Everyone was awed how she flipped, mixed, blend, throw and performed other tricks just to impressed them. Not yet over until she poured out the beverage in their glasses with different color came out. That's amazing in general, nobody knows how he'd do that, only bartenders knows.

All seven girls just applauded praising the man.

They're about to toss up but Chaeyoung stopped them. "Wait...wait...this ain't fun if we're not complete. Hold your horses for a moment, Mina and I will look for Jeongyeon and Nayeon. Okay?"

Mina and Chaeyoung looked for them around the boat, it's quiet huge so they decided to split up. Chaeyoung was in upper deck while Mina was in a cabin. After a minute of looking they haven't found a soul, Chaeyoung and Mina meet up at the balcony at the 3rd floor deck.

A perfect humid weather, the night sky was clear that the stars are visible.

"Can't find them..." Mina gasping.

"Me too."

Chaeyoung and Mina paused for a moment to appreciate the scenery of the ocean and sky. The boat stopped in the middle of the ocean, guess they arrived. The ocean is so calm and blue, night sky is reflecting to the waters. It's peaceful.

"Aah this is so relaxing" Mina inhaled the cold breezed. Chaeyoung tried what Mina did, she inhaled. They both laugh for some reason.

Until Mina glance at the starboard below. "Oh! Jeongyeon and Nayeon!" she pointed the direction. Chaeyoung look after.

"They're... making out?" Chaeyoung said in confused.

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