More to You ✔

By Voyageavecmoi

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As Maria accepts being a newly single expat teacher in Thailand, she can't forget the passionate kiss she sha... More

Chapter 1 - Catfish Soup (Mitch)
Chapter 2 - Movies (Maria)
Chapter 3 - A Tricky Dessert (Tom)
Chapter 4 Ayutthaya (Maria)
Chapter 5 - Boat Noodle (Maria)
Chapter 6 - Classroom Hacks (Mitch)
Chapter 7 - Penang Curry (Mitch)
Chapter 8 - Bar Brawl (Mitch)
Chapter 9 - Comfort Food (Maria)
Chapter 10 - Impromptu intervention (Tom)
Chapter 11 - Nachos 'n Drama (Maria)
Chapter 12 - Giant Lizards (Maria)
Chapter 13 - December 14th (Mitch)
Chapter 14 - Dancing Shrimp (Maria)
Chapter 15 - Promises (Mitch)
Chapter 16 - Christmas shopping (Maria)
Chapter 17 - Family (Tom)
Chapter 18 - A touch of home (Maria)
Chapter 19 - Red (Mitch)
Chapter 20 - Pain (Maria)
Chapter 21 - Bittersweet (Tom)
Chapter 22 - Gift exchange (Maria)
Chapter 23 - Called out (Mitch)
Chapter 24 - Emily (Mitch)
Chapter 25 - Christmas Skate (Maria)
Chapter 26 - Koh Kret (Maria)
Chapter 27 - Strawberry Fields (Tom)
Chapter 29 - Diving (Mitch)
Chapter 30 - Family Meals (Maria)
Chapter 31 - New Year's Eve Revelations- Pt 1 (Tom)
Chapter 31 - New Year's Revelations Pt 2 (Tom)
Chapter 32 - New Year Reflections (Mitch)
Chapter 33 - Mountain Warmth (Maria)
Chapter 34 - A Mistake? (Mitch)
Chapter 35 - First Date (Tom)
Chapter 36 - Tom Yum Goong (Maria)
Chapter 37 - Party Planning (Mitch)
Chapter 38 - Guilt (Maria)
Chapter 39 - Pierogies (Tom)
Chapter 40 - Loss (Maria)
Chapter 41 - Pool Party Part 1 (Mitch)
Chapter 41 - Pool Party Part 2 (Mitch)
Chapter 42 - Pool Party (Maria)
Chapter 43 - Late Night Worries (Tom)
Chapter 44 - Aftermath (Maria)
Chapter 45 French Café (Mitch)
Chapter 46 - Go-karting (Mitch)
Chapter 47 - Decisions Part 1 (Maria)
Chapter 48 Decisions Part 2 (Maria)
Chapter 49 Empty (Tom)
Chapter 50 - Hollow (Mitch)
Chapter 51 - Falling (Maria)
Chapter 52 - Seventh falls (Tom)
Chapter 53 - Fix You (Mitch)
Chapter 54 - Rebound (Tom)
Chapter 55 - Khwae Yai Bridge (Maria)
Chapter 56 - The River Part 1 (Mitch)
Chapter 56 - The River Part 2 (Mitch)
Chapter 56 - The River Part 3 (Mitch)
Chapter 57 - Ocean Eyes (Maria)
Chapter 58 - No Rest (Mitch)
Chapter 59 - Palentines Day (Maria)
Chapter 60 - Picnic (Tom)
Chapter 61 - Keystage Leader (Mitch)
Chapter 62 - La Normandie (Tom)
Chapter 63 - Hold On (Maria)
What to read next

Chapter 28 Waterfall (Maria)

49 7 41
By Voyageavecmoi

Photo credit: Ash Edmonds from Unsplash


Maria and Tom walked in silence down the boardwalk, leading to a lone gazebo overlooking the mountaintop strawberry fields. A gentle breeze eased the tropical sun's heat. They passed several laughing and smiling tourists, but that energy didn't transfer to Tom whose jaw was still tense.

After how quickly his mood had turned, Maria wondered if she was the problem. First, she'd made her friendship with Mitch awkward, and she'd ruined a decent day with Tom. She should have left the past buried where it belonged. Once under the grass roof's cool shade, she leaned over the gazebo's railing and gazed at the farmers tending their fields. Would her life ever look that peaceful, or did they have insecurities tormenting them too?

Footsteps drew closer and stopped at her side. Tom's piney scent intensified, and he sighed beside her. "Sorry about earlier. Your question brought up some feelings I thought I'd already dealt with."

"It's fine, Tom. We should focus on the future, not the past."

"I want to be honest with you. I have nothing to hide." He rested his elbows on the railing and picked at his thumbnail. "My ex loved horses. After we'd been dating for a month, I took her to a ranch my friend's family owned, and we rode through the foothills. I brought a picnic lunch with the foods I'd noticed she liked. I should have seen she was more excited about the experience than us becoming a couple." He ran a hand over his freckled arm. "How did things start with your ex?"

It had been a cliff dive of unrestrained first love, racing faster than she'd expected, but it had felt perfectly right. Tom wouldn't see it that way, and to be honest, if someone tried the same thing with her now—which Mitch implied ages ago—she'd turn them down, at least until recently. She took a breath. Mitch was elsewhere, living his life how he wanted. No sense dwelling on the pain he'd caused. Tom waited with a patient smile.

"We met after one of his shows. He invited my best friend and me back to a bonfire at his friend's place. She had been friends with the band since high school, so it wasn't as sketchy as it sounds. He and I chatted for hours," and made out. "We both fell hard for each other after that."

Tom stared at his hands. "Simple, but I guess classics work."

"Or I was young and naïve," Maria said.

"That's why dating gets trickier. We're stuck making up for other people's transgressions, which destroy our ability to trust or give ourselves freely."

Could that be the case for Mitch? He'd told her he cared about her, that he didn't want to hurt her, but maybe he was protecting himself or he just wanted to have carefree sex without drama. He was honest to the point of bluntness, and he knew her well enough to avoid anything serious.

Stop thinking about that man! Tom's the one here and sharing his painful past.

"It also teaches you what you don't want," Maria said.

"Good point, like image-absorbed energy goblins."

Maria laughed, picturing her ex with some more pointed and ugly features. "I like that, energy goblin, or in my case: a time, energy, money, and happiness goblin in need of constant reassurance he wasn't."

"There's your stunning smile."

Maria bit her lip to keep it from growing, and warmth filled her chest. As much as her heart was still raw with Mitch's rejection, Tom's lighter, playful side drew her in more each time it appeared. She didn't know if the mountain air or Mitch's absence caused it, but this trip brought out a more attractive side of Tom.

And he won't reject you, her heart whispered.

Prae came to discuss plans for the rest of the day. Maria took panorama pictures before they returned to the vehicle. They must have gotten service since she had a text from Mitch. She glanced at Tom who still chatted with Prae and wore a smile, then she opened the message.

Mitch: Hey Northern cutie, just saw someone devouring one of those taco desserts you loved from the market and thought of you. They weren't as savage with it as you were ; ) Hope your trip is going well and that Tom is being a gentleman.

The warmth she'd experienced earlier doubled, spreading up her neck to her cheeks. He still recalled one of their first outings in Bangkok together, the day after she cut ties with Adrian for the first time. But the mention of Tom meant Mitch joked around in a platonic way.

Maria: It's going great. He's being his usual sweet self.

Mitch: Nice, I'm happy for you : ) Have fun!

A sinking feeling settled in her stomach. He must have believed Tom was a good guy for her. As much as she hated Adrian's jealousy, at least it showed he thought of her in a romantic light. Mitch didn't care beyond wanting to sleep with her, but she already knew that. Why did it still hurt? She shoved the phone back in her purse and joined the group heading to the truck.

"Everything okay?" Emma asked as Maria caught up.

"How couldn't it be?" Maria raised her palm to the bright, fluffy cloud-dotted skies and stunning surroundings.

"Tong said we're visiting some temples and gardens next."

He slung an arm around Emma's shoulder. "The beautiful King and Queen pagodas."

The perfect distraction for shutter-happy tourists like themselves. Once they arrived, Tom indulged Emma and Prae's requests for photos of the girls together on the steps leading up to the pagoda, on the bridges, beside the elaborate flower gardens, all with grins Maria couldn't compete with. In the future, she'd want to look back on these moments like Sunshine did while stuck at home, but Maria's cheeks were raw from smiling. She just wanted to take it easy.

She walked off from the group, admiring the rainbow colours of the flowers and the beautiful mountains in the distance. Before she was aware of her actions, she pulled out her phone to ask Mitch how he was enjoying Southern Thailand. If her texts bothered him, he wouldn't have sent any of his own.

Mitch: It's missing a hottie in an orange bikini ; )

Her heart raced. He's just teasing you. Remember what he did when you tried to follow through. She'd have to keep things light as it was extra challenging to tell what he meant over text.

Maria: I think Tom packed one. Want pics?

Mitch: Haha, I'll let you keep Carrot Top and his matching swimwear all to yourself for now.

"What are you smiling at?" Prae asked from a nearby path.

"Oh, just a message my sister sent," Maria said, tucking away her phone. "Is it nice to be home?"

Prae laughed. "It will be when we arrive."

"Classic Tom. Has to make the most of every minute."

Prae glanced back over to where he and her brother chatted. "It's a new country for all of you. I can't blame him for wanting to see as much as he can. In a different place, I would do the same."

"I would find the best food and spend the day eating."

"My family is preparing many specialties for us," Prae said with a broad grin. "You won't be disappointed."

"Can we help by buying groceries or giving you some money or—"

"No!" Prae's eyes went wide, then her gaze softened. "You are guests, very welcome guests. It is our pleasure. New faces mean prosperity in the New Year, according to my grandmother. We'll trade you food for good fortune."

Maria laughed. She'd gladly take that exchange.

After driving to the highest point in Thailand, gawking at the mountains one more time and taking a typical "we made" it tourist photo of the sweeping peaks, Jason drove down the steep curves to one last waterfall near the base of the mountain.

"Less tour buses here, but big impressive waterfall," Jason explained, using emphatic tones on the waterfall descriptions as they passed the town where they ate breakfast. Down a few more winding jungle paths, they reached a large parking lot with few vehicles.

Maria dug through her suitcase for her lacy tankini and a flower-print sarong she had bought weeks ago at the beach to use as a light towel. Tom's eyes followed her movements, and she quirked her lips into a half-smile. He wasn't the sort of person who'd flirt with someone just for the fun of it. If she leaned into his affection, it would grow into a genuine relationship with a person who cared and wanted her for more than a few months.

"You have a nose on your face," he replied before she could use his earlier question.

"Haha." She stepped closer to him and looked into his hazel eyes. Their amber hue seemed to intensify the longer she stared.

Tom's smile grew as neither of them moved, just took in each other's presence without stepping away. He wasn't as tall as Mitch, but he stood still a head taller than her. His copper-hued hair was the only part of him he let grow unruly today, escaping from its usual side-swept nature. She wanted to tell him it suited him, but the air felt trapped in her chest.

"Maria, are you planning on swimming or having staring contests?" Emma shouted.

"I'll be right there."

Maria stole one more glance at Tom's beaming face, now growing redder, and sauntered to the washroom, risking a peek back to find him still captivated. Even though she'd suspected he had been interested in her for months, giddy energy filled her steps.

Emma whistled twice when Maria entered the washroom. "How's our little flirt doing?"

Maria's face burned. "What?"

"You have a hundred and ten percent made Tom's holiday by being his snuggle buddy all morning."

Prae left the changing room grinning. "I am very happy to see your change of heart."

"It's just, we're just..." Maria readjusted the sarong in her arm.

Emma laughed. "We know; decisiveness isn't your strength outside the kitchen."

The last time she'd been decisive in her dating life, it had nearly ruined her friendship with Mitch. Emma stepped closer and lowered her voice. "I wasn't always on team Tom, but you two are awkwardly adorable. He's caring, adores you, and he's good-looking enough. I'm not sure how he is in bed, but loner guys either know your body better than you do or are completely lost. He was with his ex for years, so I'd put money on the first."

"I'm not worried about that right now. Earlier, I asked him about his ex. What's wrong with me?"

"Maria, you were with an abusive prick for years, then Pretty Boy toyed with your heart. You haven't gone out with a regular guy who didn't have a selfish agenda. If you stumble a little, don't sweat it, okay?"

Maria nodded before retreating into the change room. Tom hadn't run or shut her out as Mitch did anytime his personal confessions slipped out. He wanted to make her happy and to have an honest relationship. So did she.

Once they returned with sarongs fashioned into temporary dresses, Tong stood, his arms crossed over his chest, and shook his head after seeing Prae. He said something in quick Thai that ended with "Farang," which meant foreigner.

Emma frowned and turned away from the conversation with raised eyebrows. Prae retorted a few heated sentences and narrowed her eyes. She grabbed her bag and towel and headed down the path toward the falls. Emma followed on her heels.

"You catch any of that?" Maria said under her breath to Tom. His facial muscles tensed.

"No," he said, "but it didn't seem friendly. I hope it's not our fault."

Maria nodded as they followed Prae.

The waterfall roared from behind the greenery, and soon they caught glimpses of the falling water through the trees. This one spanned several rock faces, both high and wide. Standing near the base, its trembling power vibrated the air. Tom rested a hand on her hip and his chin on her head. He had odd this way of holding her where he still kept her at a distance, but it was growing on her.

"You don't find this in Bangkok," he said.

The falls' spray dotted her sunglasses with beads of moisture, and she wiped them away. The temperature had risen since their mountain visit, so Maria found the water far more refreshing than chilly. Emma and Prae climbed down more rocks until they reached the river, which carried the water from the falls. Emma shed her sarong and hopped in, wearing a little red bikini that made Jason and Tong cheer.

Prae sat on a rock with her legs dangling in the water. She'd thrown her shirt and shorts on instead of the sarong. "C'mon, Prae, the water's warm!" Emma called out. Maria untied her sarong and folded it to leave beside her bag.

"I'm fine here," Prae said.

She wore a bathing suit under her clothes, and she kept directing looks at her brother.

Emma swam to the rock as Maria waded into the water. "Your brother is a hypocritical, shit-disturber."

"I don't think I know what that all means," Prae said.

"Tong, if you try to get your sister in trouble, I will repeat word-for-word what you said to me at the summit to your parents. I might even add something, just to make it interesting," Emma said. "My Thai is more fluent than you think."

Tong's eyes went wide, and his cheeks reddened. "Okay, okay, you swim, Prae, in whatever swimsuit you bring."

"Okay, gorgeous, hop in the water," Emma said.

Prae looked at the nearby families and a handful of tourists then sighed. "Thank you, Emma, really, but maybe next time. It is too chilly."

Tom pulled off his gray t-shirt and handed it to her. "It might stink a little, but you can wear it if you'd like. I have others in my bag too if you prefer." Prae accepted the shirt with a big smile and turned it right-side-out.

"Thank you, Tom."

As Tom joined Maria and Emma in the water, Prae wandered off behind the bushes with her sarong and the shirt.

"That was sweet of you," Maria said.

"As sweet as those strawberries?" Tom asked with a grin.

She shook her head. "Not you too."

"I'm practicing to work in hospitality in case teaching doesn't pan out."

She held in her laugh. "What else you got?"

"If you were a vegetable, you'd be a cute cumber."

"Mmm, food puns, eh? You're as smooth as a freshly waxed floor."

"Oh yeah, smooth enough to make you fall for me." He placed a hand on her lower back and dipped her near the water. His face grew close enough to count the freckles on his cheeks. She couldn't tell if he was joking anymore or if she wanted him to be.

"Tom's got moves!" Emma hollered.

He helped Maria to her feet as they both caught their breath.

Prae returned in Tom's shirt, which covered her swimsuit. She slipped into the water and swam over to the group. Jason and Tong also shed their clothes and jumped in.

Maria took in the contours of Tom's arms. "Where you'd learn to do that?"

He bit his lip. "I'd rather not say."

"Is it from watching hours of dancing shows?" Emma said. "Or you were a cheerleader or secretly in a boy band?"

"You have a wild imagination. If you must know, my ex thought drop-in salsa classes would be fun until she realized I have no rhythm."

As his smile faded, Maria squeezed his hand. "I had fun dancing with you at the beach. Sometimes it's the company you're with."

Tom returned her gesture. "I think you're onto something."

Jason, who'd climbed atop a nearby rock, leapt into the river screaming "cannonball" then splashed them all. The action set off a water fight between Tong, Emma, and Jason. Maria took shelter behind Tom as they tried and failed to stay dry.

After twenty minutes of swimming and chatting, Tong's phone rang from one of the higher rocks. He swam over to it, his baggy shorts just barely staying on to Jason's cackling amusement.

"Time to meet father," Tong said.

The others climbed out of the river. When Maria stepped away, a tug on her waist kept her in place. She turned to find Tom grinning. "Wait."

"Why, what's up?"

He looked her in the eyes and ran a cool, wet hand along her upper arm. "I've got nothing. I just wanted an extra minute of this."

Maria stepped a little closer, his warmth radiating toward her a drawing her in like a moth. From the looks of his torso, he took care of himself, not in an overdone six-pack way, but he had defined shoulders and pecks. Her heart raced like when he'd dipped her earlier.

Maria placed her palm on his chest and smiled back. He leaned closer, bringing in a piney aftershave scent, and kissed her cheek. His lips were soft and warm, and their presence lingered even as he pulled away.

"C'mon, you slowpokes, the truck is leaving," Emma called out. Her eyes widened as she came into view. "My bad! Carry on." She scurried off.

"We're coming." Tom gave Maria's waist a gentle squeeze that tickled. She squirmed, pressing herself closer to him than either of them expected. He sucked in a breath.

"Sorry," she said, her cheeks burning. She hadn't meant to be that intimate yet, but she also didn't want to step away. He, however, did.

"It's okay. You go ahead." His face was red like a cooked lobster. "I'll uh need a minute."

Maria bit her lip and nodded. Her and Tom's gazes kept crossing as she climbed out of the water. She smiled at him, which he returned without hesitation. "See you at the truck then?" Could she not have said something better?

Tom laughed and his eyes sparkled. "Yeah, save me a seat. Wouldn't want to miss that comfy truck box."

"You could sit with Jason up front."

"And miss out on keeping you warm? Not a chance."

Maria smiled. "Careful, I'll hold you to that."

"I hope you do."

As she slipped away, her steps were light like she was walking across a trampoline. Her face was burning, but the breeze cooled it to the perfect temperature. Her pace meandered between slowing to want to chat with Tom once more and hurrying so they'd be together again on the drive to the city. Her body danced with energy, knowing they had the entire long weekend to spend together.

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