Stevetober (Original by AllyC...

By IcyWillowSong

11.5K 347 64

This is my versions of Stevetober with AllyC45 who is proving the prompts. If you want to join as well just g... More



938 17 3
By IcyWillowSong

Day 1, World
Notes: Au where the first curse doesn't escape chains so no curse or loop. This is a while after the Darkness is destroyed as well as the Shadow Sword. Also all the Red Steves are known.

    I managed to sneak away from the Steve village a few hours ago and by the looks of it no one is following or looking for me. I adjusted my hoodie to help keep me protected from the sun. It is a nice day with a few clouds in the sky and a cool breeze blowing through the air. I hoped that cool air would bring in Autumn soon. Then again I'm not sure if this world has seasons like mine. I've been here for over a year now and still the sun shines bright like it does almost everyday.
    I made my way through the forest as it slowly became more and more familiar the further I walked. I hope that I can get to my destination soon, before the steves look for me. I can't bear to say goodbye, but it hurts to stay in this world. I need to go back.
    Soon the trees thinned out and the sunlight was blocked by a huge wall surrounding a large area. The Rainbow Hub. It's been so long since I've been here. The last time I came to this place was to get the Shadow Sword to fight back the Demon Steves. Now, this place was in even more ruins than it was before.
    This place almost looks like a forgotten temple made out of white stone. Portals of the color red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. All the portals are mostly gone with shattered pieces around them. The ground has been overgrown by plants and weeds. I can only hope that the centerpiece of this place still works. I go to an orange beacon on the ground and stand on it in hope it will take me where I need it to go.
    Lighting struck me and I flinched. This world has given me a fear of Lighting.. Especially because of how my steves I've seen die from all this lighting... I closed my eyes shut waiting for the sound of thunder to get out of my ears. Soon the sound faded into  a loud ringing sound in my ear. A side effect I get from being teleported. I wait until the sound goes away for me to open my eyes. I looked around relieved it took me to where I needed to go. I saw Orange Steve's old house that has been destroyed by the looks of it. It used to stand so tall, but now nothing but a few walls and the foundation remain. Just like my friend, nothing more but a memory that only leaves a few things behind.
    I shook my head. This is not what I came here for and I can't get distracted now. The others probably know I teleported here now and might be after me sooner than I think. I started to run away from the ruined house in case they came here sooner than I hoped. I ran through the forest hoping I was going the right way. I've barely been to this place, but it's the only thing I have now.
    Within a few minutes I got to the side of the mountain, the only landmark I have. I ran near the side of it looking for wood, looking for a house. A home I hope is still standing. I heard Lighting in the distance and quickly ignored it, picking up my pace. That lighting most definitely came from where I teleported too. They were a little too close for comfort. I soon found myself in a small field of red roses and a spruce house that went inside. I went to the house and pushed the door open and closed it behind me. I took a few deep breaths as I listened outside for any footsteps. I didn't hear a thing as I caught my breath. I looked around this house covered in dust and dirt from time to time. The first place I came to in this world. Red Steve's house. I made my way into the living room to find the pressure plate against the wall. It led to the portal that got me into this world. A portal that will take me back to mine. I stepped on the pressure plate and a small part of the wall opened up. I squeezed my way through the door to see the large portal still unlit. I expected it to be like this so I came prepared. I took out flint and steel. A way in my world to open up portals. I snapped the two pieces together on the ground and a fire lit on the ground.
I closed my eyes and waited for the lighting to strike. I waited to hear thunder that would make my ears ring, I waited for the hum of the portal to fill me with joy, butIt never happened. No sound was heard rather than the fire that was slowly burning out. I opened my eyes to see the fire grow smaller and smaller from not having any fuel to burn. I slowly sat down against the wall in defeat as the fire continued to burn and smoke filled the dusty air.
It didn't work...
This was all I had left to go back to my world. No other portal, no other steve, no other powers, nothing. This portal was the only way to take me back to my world. Back to my friends, family, pets.... Back to my home. I could never go back home...
I hugged my legs and put my head on my knees to watch the rest of the fire die. Just as slowly as my hope to go back home. The room went dark and I cried. I cried through the fabric over my eyes. I cried tears down my cheek, but never sobbed, never sniffed. Just cried in defeat. This world won and I could never go home.
I heard the door open and closed. As well as the wall that leads to this dead portal room. I didn't bother to look over to see who it was, I already knew who it was through the heavy footsteps. Light Steve.
He was going to say something, probably something bad at me for running away so suddenly and worrying everyone, but I really didn't care. Instead he stayed quiet and looked at the portal then at me. He instead asked me a question.
"Is this the portal that brought you here?..." He assumed. I didn't want to speak knowing my voice would crack. So I nod. He got down to my level and saw the flint and steel on the ground. He put a hand on my cheek.
"I'm sorry, Sabre. I should've known you wanted to go home. This isn't your world afterall." He tells me while helping my cheek dry from the tears still on my face. I still couldn't speak and he sighed.
"Was this the only way back?" I whined and nodded again, more tears running down my face. Light pulled me into a hug where I started to sob. He rubbed my back while taking off his helmet. He just comforted me. I mumbled.
"I want to go back to my world... I want to go home..." I sobbed out my voice cracking as more tears ran down my face. There was no other way back... I have no home now...
"Would it be okay if you came to my home for now? I can talk to Professor Red to see if he may know anything as well. He might be able to get a connection to bring you home." Light picked me up putting his helmet on my head. I looked up at him to see that he looked upset by this... I started to relax, not able to cry anymore.
"You can stay with me for now and I can get Time there too. He is especially worried about you. So is everyone else." Light gets us out of the dead portal room and out of the house. I looked back to the portal...
"Are you ready, Sabre?" He asked me to get ready to teleport us. I nodded, not paying too much attention. Light starts to teleport us away and I continue to look at where the portal is. The portal to my world.
(Words 1390) Please go to AllyC45 For the prompts of you wish to join! I hope you like day one of Stevetober!

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