Aaliyah's Love

By guddystar

1.1M 35.5K 1.6K

"I know you married me only for my money and my family money. And I will not be giving you anything from us... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
New story!
Cover change

Chapter 3

25.5K 803 21
By guddystar

Emmett pov

I am working in my uncle Ben home office. It is almost nine at night. There is so much work to do. The company has always been looking forward to me for making our Robinson proud and make number one in the world.

Our company have already won the best company for two years now and I like to keep it like that. It's my goal to make it achieve more and more. It was good until grandma dropped the boom two days back about marriage.

If we have to get the properties, I have to get marry. That's not what I want. Sebastian still has three years to turn 25, which means I should get married because next year I will turn 25. Why does fate play with my life. I was happy leading my life like this because I love my life. I don't want to change anything from this. But life doesn't work that way.

The door to office opened and I looked up. My uncle Benjamin came in with some file.

"I have to discuss this file with you" he said. We both sat on the couch and started discussing.

Before I came to the company, uncle Ben has been looking after it. Even though his position was not a CEO, he helped our company. Till I turn 25 this company is under the authorities which we have shared. Because it's my choice whether I have to continue my position or give it to others.

We were almost finished when we heard a knock which interrupted us. I said them to come in.

Aunt Grace came in smiling.

"Oh Emmett I have good news" she said sitting beside uncle Ben.

"What is it Grace?" Uncle Ben asked.

"Ben I have found a girl for Emmett and even Eleanor agreed" she said happily. My face turned hard has I grind my teeth.

"You have to be kidding me right!" I asked.

"No Emmett, I just talked to Eleanor. We both were thinking about the same girl. I think she is the right girl for you Emmett" aunt Grace said looking happy as ever.

"What about my decision aunt, when did I even agree to this that you selected a girl? I am not ready for this nor I will ever be. I will not marry anyone for anything" I said closing the file.

"Emmett, it's high time you should settle down. You are turning twenty four in a week. And I think it's a great opportunity for you" she said smiling at me. I shook my head not agreeing to it.

"I will not and don't want to marry anyone for this clause aunt. This is not what I want" I said. She got up and came beside me taking my hands.

"Emmett, we can't leave this properties for charity when your grandfather had worked so hard. Just think about it. Right Ben" she said turning to him. He nod his head.

"Just think about it son. For one year give it a try. I know your aunt has choosen someone good. And if it doesn't workout, then there is always divorce you know" he said shrugging his shoulder. I glared at him.

"Also Emmett, I know you don't like to disappoint your parents. They wouldn't be proud of you or anyone about you leaving this. Not only you, even Sebastian has shares. Don't make rough decision. I know you won't disappoint us right" she asked looking at me with so much hope.

She has been like my second mother since my mom died. Both of my parents had died in a car crash when I was ten. It was really hard on me. But aunt Grace has always been there for me and helped me out. Even uncle Ben. They are like my second parents. And Sebastian is like my little brother. They are my family even grandma. 

I am really not ready for this marriage because for me marriage is long time commitment between two couples which is built on trust. I don't trust anyone except my family. I don't know what to do about this. I don't want to disappoint my family and mainly my aunt. She looks so happy about this. I am so greatfull for her for where I am now. She was my idol, teaching me to build this company for higher level.

I think for a year I have to endure it. But who would agree to marry me in short amount of time. Are they after my money? Sure they are after money. Who will agree to marry someone who is loaded with money. Ofcourse gold diggers. Whoever this girl is, I already dislike her.

Just one year Emmett. For the sake of my family, accept it.

"Ok" I said in a low voice.

"I knew you won't disappoint me Emmett" she said hugging me. She pulled away and looked at uncle Ben.

"Ben, that girl is so sweet. We already...." I stopped aunt.

"I have some work to complete if you will excuse me" I said standing up walking to the door.

"But don't you want to know who she is" aunt Grace asked. I stopped at the door but didn't turn to them.

"If you have choosen her, then I don't have to think about it. I am sure she is great" I said going out. I think they didn't know about the sarcasm in my last sentence. I really don't like this nor who this girl is. And I don't care about it.

Aaliyah pov

I am currently in my office room completing my work. For four days I have been working so much. The door to my office opened and Seb came in.

"Aaliyah, cupcake, I have a great surprise for you" he said excitedly. I pinned the dress at the waist of the mannequin and turned to him.

"What got you so excited" I said leaning against my desk. He grabbed my shoulder and shook me. A little harder.

"I got a perfect dress for your wedding" he said happily. I pulled his hands away.

Yes, my wedding is in three days. It's on Emmett's birthday. Eleanor want it on his birthday so that clause will come in handy. Everyone is so happy about it but except one. Sebastian is the one extremely happy about it. He is over the moon. Since then he and Nate are looking for my wedding dress. Still I didn't find the one to my liking. 

I thought to talk to Emmett before wedding but he is out of the country because of business. Looks like I have to meet him at the wedding.

"So where it is" I asked. He took my hand and started pulling me out. I have to apologize some people as I crash to them when this monkey is pulling me like a mad man to the wedding section. Our boutique is small.

"Slow down Seb" I said. He pulled me down on the couch and closed my eyes from behind.

"Now bring the bride her wedding dress" Seb said.

"Here is the dress majesty" I heard Nate voice.

"Nate" I called him smiling. Soon hands covered my eyes is removed. I opened my eyes and looked at the dress Nate was holding.

It is the same dress Seb was making few days back. I have to say it is the most gorgeous dress after adding the finishing details. I got up from the couch and went towards it. I felt the fabric with my fingers analysing the dress.

It's so beautiful and elegant.

"How? I thought you have given this to your client" I asked him. I am still mesmerized by this dress.

"You see my client called two days back and said that her wedding was cancelled. So she didn't take it but she did give me some money. Now don't worry about that. Do you like it, I made some changes yesterday" he asked. I hugged him tightly.

"Seb, this dress is so beautiful. This is the one I was looking for. Thank for giving me this" I said smiling with happiness. He kissed my head and hugged me back.

"Yours welcome cupcake" he said. I extended my hand to Nate so he can join us. He took my hand and embraced us.

I love them so much.

We talked for time and continued with our work. Nate left because he came during his lunch time.

When it was time to go home, Seb drove to my home. When we reached there he parked his car at front of my home. But I didn't want to get down without asking him some questions. I wanted to ask about Emmett. He sensed my hesitation.

"You can ask me cupcake" he said. I sighed and looked down at my hand.

"When will he come back from the business trip? How is he doing? Did he really agree to this marriage?" I asked.

"Cupcake he is doing fine. And yes he did agree to this marriage and you know the reason" he sighed and continued "And I really don't know when he will come back. Mom said he agreed to the marriage and went to Dubai the next day. And he is not receiving anyone's call. He messaged that he will be present at the wedding. That's all" he completed. He also looked frustrated about this.

"Seb" I called. He hummed in response.

"Am I doing the right thing or am I taking the advantage of my feelings that I have for him to marry him. Will he ever notice me? Will he accept me as his wife? And.....and will he ever love me back" I whispered the last sentence. He took my hand and tilted my face with his fingers by my chin to look at him.

"You are not taking advantage of your feelings okay. You are doing the right thing. I and grandma are looking forward for you to change Emmett. I know you will because I trust you" he squeezed my hand "I am sure he will notice you, accept you as his wife. All I have to say is, don't let down your hope. Think this as your mission and make him fall in love with you. I mean who doesn't fall in love with this bubbly, sweet, caring girl" he said caressing my cheek.

"Also I think who can resist that sexy body of yours. If he does that he is a baboon" he said. I laughed slapping his hand away from my face.

"Seb" I said smiling at him.

"There is the smile I want to see in my sister or..... soon to be my sister-in-law" he said wriggling his eyebrows teasingly. I blushed looking away.

"Now go. Pamper yourself and take rest. The wedding is in three days. I don't want you to walk down the aisle looking like a zombie. You have to look gorgeous infront of my cousin so that he should fall in love with you instantly. Now shu" he slightly pushed me by my shoulder. I laughed getting out.

"Okay, bye and good night. And I wish no sweet dreams only nightmares for you" I shouted running to my door. Seb screamed at me for that but drove off.

I smiled to myself and got inside the home. I greeted my parents and had dinner with them. I have not seen them so happy until now. I am glad about it. I and mom talked about the wedding till midnight and went to sleep.

I hope everything will change.


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