Cier Journeys: Path Of Corrup...

By DxmonicJxmes

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An exciting journey of a few supernatural boys traveling across the world to find the Cierious fairies and st... More

Chap 2: "Lets hit the road!"
Chap 3: The Magdurus Pass.
Chap 4: A Test Of Strength.
Chap 5: Vengeance.
Chap 6: Something To Fear.
Chap 7: Not A Coward.
Chap 8: The God Wannabe.
Chap 9: The Sixth One.
Chap 10: "Give me a break.."
Chap 11: Separated.
Chap 12: Quitting isn't a choice.
Chap 13: Defeat.
Chap 14: When The Night Ends.
Chap 15: Allies.
Chap 16: Sudden Strike.
Chap 17: A Day At The Village.
Chap 18: One Harsh Morning.
Chap 19: Break Is Over.
Chap 20: The Undead And The Livings.
Chap 21: Violence Breeds Silence.
Chap 22: The Ones That Remain.
Chap 23: Undone Bussiness.
Chap 24: The Four Divisions.
Chap 25: Battle Cry In The Forest.
Chap 26: The Devil's Origin - Jasper's Backstory Part 1.
Chap 27: Refusing To Give In - Jasper's Backstory Part 2.

Chap 1: Warm up.

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By DxmonicJxmes

In a world called Cier, land of the stickmen, some people takes the choice to live a normal life, some takes the choice to do special things. Everything exists here, from monsters to ghosts, from magic to elements, from robots to knights. Some people would take jobs as Bounty Hunters and killing someone in the wild wouldn't get you into jail, if you're a fighter then high chances that you will die in the battlefield. Enough with all that talk about this world, you probably dont need to know much heheh, anyway! Our story starts here in a large peaceful field called Aegis field. A place known famously for its previous battles and wars, some soldiers rest here for enternity.

On a bright, sunny morning, the breeze feels nice and the sun shines down on the grass. Two fighters cross path, on the left side is a red stickman, and on the right side is a blue-ish/purple one. They stare eachother down, seeing the experience in eachother's eyes, the red one speaks up.

"Are you a warrior?" Red asked. Replied by a chuckle from the purple one. She jumped right in front of him.

"Yes, my name is Hillina. And i challenge you!"

"The name's Kruno." The red one chuckled and sets his fist on fire as he launches a punch directly at Hillina. She was sent flying backwards but landed down safely.

"Not bad for a kid!" Hillina laughed as she turned herself into dust and flied towards Kruno.

"I'm 26, not a kid." Kruno replied, and as soon as she made a move, he did as well, sending waves of fire at her, Hillina was on advantage as she didnt take any damage as she was still in the form of ashes.

"Ah damn." Kruno took a step back as he charged in a big fireball behind him. Flame tentacles rose up from below and attacked Hillina, she formed from pieces of dust into a dusty flyeater. A kind of plant, she had advantage in size, she was small and hard to hit so barely any attacks of Kruno had reached her.

"You know, you should learn some Alchemy!" Hillina laughed.

"Alright then, bud." He slams his fist into the ground, the fist makes a trail of fire going forward and the trail ends with a large fire pillar rising up from the ground and sending Hillina flying, Hillina took the attack directly as the dust would've heated up and turns into clay so she had no choice but to go back to her physical form.


"Welp, good one." Kruno sat down as Hillina rested on the grass. It didnt take long for Hillina to rest and regain conscioussness.

"That's better.." She stretched. From below, something buried itself down there rose up, a pale dark hand rose up from the ground, slowly a black stickman climbed out of the dirt, it looks like..a zombie, he isnt that much rotten though.

"Where. Am. I?" He wondered to himself. Kruno saw the zombie, and he recognized it. Its' name is Jasper, they have fought before and for some reason Jasper dug himself underground and possibly its because he wanted to trap travelers into fighting in the field, then he will rise up and attack. Sadly he was under the dirt for too long he became unconscious. Kruno was sitting nearby, he just tried to burn Jasper for fun.

Jasper then tackles Kruno into the ground, luckily Kruno made a fire clone quick enough and avoided it.
"MMMM, DO YOU WANT A REMATCH?" Jasper said. Right at that moment a green stickman with a grey scarf appeared at the field he ran over to Hillina.

"Hillina, are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm okay, Flif." Hillina responded to Flif, the green stickman.

"Jasper, right? I heard that you're wanted by the Dojo." Flif pulled out two guns, pointed at Jasper and Kruno. "And who might you be, red boy?" He asked Kruno.

Jasper was rude, he didnt care about Flif. He continued speaking to Kruno in an agreesive way.

"You know, i wouldn't have attacked you on sight if you didnt start the drama." Jasper cracked his knuckles, frowning at Kruno.

Kruno stepped back, crossing his arms and stares down Jasper. Flif and Hillina was standing nearby and Flif got annoyed by the way Jasper talks, so he just pulled the trigger while Jasper wasnt caring about him.

"Bam!" The gunshot tears Jasper's face out but the force blew away Flif's arm. Flif blows the tip of his gun and walked over to Kruno.

"I didnt like the way that zombie boy spoke." He explained, Kruno just lightly nodded.

From afar, somebody who spectated it all walked out, revealing himself. A crimson stickman with slighty darker fists.

"Hey." He walked over, gaining the attention of Flif and Kruno. The guy had been watching since the beginning and he's somebody that was supposed to be coming after Jasper's bounty, Jasper is secretly wanted by an super large organization of fighters called Hyun's Dojo is because he possesses the power of a corrupted rice, mysterious rice with unknown source that are mistaken with the rice harvested and used for meals everyday accross Cier, it was too late to stop it as the rice has been transported everywhere. Those who accidentally consume it may become more agreesive but much stronger, or it may weaken them. Jasper is no exception, accidentally consumed the corrupted rice he became an undead with the ability to reattach his limbs.
Back to the crimson stickman, he looked at Jasper who may be..dead.

"You took care of him for me, aw. You know..he was a cool guy and i kinda wanted to be his friend." He looked up at Flif, Flif just stared back and didnt have a clue of what he was trying to say. Flif looked over to Jasper and frowned, he threw a crystal down next to where Jasper was laying.

"I kinda feel like avenging him. Would you..let me do that?" It was a challenge to a fight. The crimson stickman lowered his body and legs, getting into a tiger-like stance from kung-fu.

"My name is Helios Konfi, i challenge you to a duel."

"Eh.." The crystal next to Jasper shattered as Flif fell to the ground coughing.

"Wow, okay you just needed to say no." Helios chuckled. Flif coughed a few more times then explained.

"To be honest, i feel bad for shooting him, he probably wont die from that but seems like he isn't conscious.. so that crystal healed him, but in exchange it costs me my own health."

Jasper stood up, his expression was even more agreesive than it was.

"You coward. Attacked me when i was in the middle of something else, why didnt you come and punch me instead, then you used a gun to try and kill me."

Jasper cracks his neck.

"What are you? An idiot? A moron?"

Helios shook his head. "That sounds painful man, dont be so heavy with your words."

"No, he's right. It was my fault, i suprise shot him because i didnt like him, that was stupid of me." Flif coughed.

"Hey, Helios right? I want to speak to you in private."

"Mm, okay." Helios accepted, Flif tried to get up and walked over to a tree nearby. Helios followed right behind.

"So, this is a really big offer, nobody around believes me so i'm like..trying to find someone that would take my word. I'm looking for two fairies, they are called Cierious. And i will need your help, are you up for it?"

Helios nodded lightly and replied.

"Sure, i mean..i have nothing to do, a little bit of adventure would be cool. And that Jasper guy over there is 24/7 free as well so perhaps we could also get help from him, i dont see why he'd say no."

Flif was satisfied with the reply, it was one that he didnt expect to get.

"Great! We can go now. Next destination is my house."

"What about the Cierious things? Why are you trying to find them?" Helios asked in confusion.

"Oh, i'll tell you soon." Flif winked

"Mysterious, i like it."

They made their way out and as Helios said, Jasper did agree to go but he had a "whatever" attitude about it, Helios was Jasper's neighbor back then when he wasn't corrupted so he didnt mind Jasper now. They made their way to Flif's house and when they step in and introduced themselves...

"BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAWAAAWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!" For some mysteriously ridiculous reason, Flif's whole family laughed at them on first sight.

"W-whaa?" Helios is confused.

"HEY IS THIS SOME-SOME SORT OF SICK JOKE???" Jasper said in anger.

"Hi, make yourself at home!" A family member said.

That night they stayed over at Flif's house, got invited to have dinner and get to know Flif's family. It was a fun night even for Jasper although he would never admit it.


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