Ashton's Little Sister


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Ashlynn James Irwin is 17 almost 18. Ashlynn aka Ash or Aj is Ashton's little sister. They are like twins nev... More

2 Part 1: Confusion
2 Part 2: Liam's Temper
3: Meeting Simon Cowell
4: Interview (redid)
5: Mackenzie
6: Truth or Dare
7: He's back
8: The Secret
9: Tour Meeting
10: Frist Fight
11: Tour
12: Gone???
13: Fights and Makeups
14: Hard Truth
15: Talking To Management
16: Break-up(Redid ending)
17: Sound Check(Redid)
18: Concrets and Answers
19: Clubs and Heartbreaks
20: Forgiving
21: Talking Future
22: New Look
23: Christmas Shopping
24: The Truth
IMPORTANT: About Ashlynn's Condition
25: I have what?!?

1: Meeting the boys and Saying goodbye

559 12 1

Ashlynn POV

I woke up to a loud bang on the front door. I got out of bed and quickly brushed my rainbow hair. I put a pink Mickey Mouse hoodie, and sweatpants with total bae on the side.
I quickly brushed my teeth and ran down stairs to answer the door. When I opened the door to see to police man.

" How may I help you "

" I'm officer Robert and this is my partner officer Jeff. We are looking for Miss.Ashlynn "

" I'm Ashlynn is there a problem officers "

" No. We have some bad " officer Jeff said.

" What type of news " I asked weakly

" Your mom and dad were in a car wreak and died on the way to the hospital " Robert said

" How " I spoke out

" Drunk driver miss.--"

Before he could finish I started to cry.

" Is there any else who can take care of you sweetheart "

" Yeah my brother "

" Do you know if we can speak to him "

" No you can't... his gone with his band "

" What is the band called "

" Um 5 Seconds Of Summer and my brothers name is Ashton his 19 a legal adult sir "

" Ok thanks sweetheart and till we do find him please call us if you need anything "

" Okay thank you "

They gave me their phone numbers and went to there car. I shut the door and sat on the couch turned on the TV.

*4 hours later *

Today is just a lazy day I have been watching chick flicks or sad movies. Currently my tears stained on my face. I then heard a knock on my door and got up and to answer the door. When I opened the door I see my brother and 8 other boys with with him, I ran to Ashton and wrapped my arms around his waist cause I'm really short. Ashton wrapped his arms around my neck.

" Sup shorty " Ashton said

" Sup Ashy " I said

We stopped hugging each other and I see 8 pair of eyes on me.
" Ashton is this your girlfriend " A
blonde boy with a thick Irish accent.

" Ohh ashy poo gotta girlfriend " a curly haired boy with a British accent said.

" Ew no never in a million years " I said. Everyone was like ' ohh that burns someone go get ice' or ' ohh'.

" Guys this is Ashlynn my sister she is-- well why don't you tell them " Ashton said

" Ok. Well my name is Ashlynn James Irwin I'm 17 turning 18, I love to dye my hair crazy colors as you can see, singing, reading, and nandos like who does not love nandos. Uh I hate kinkiness,People who are full of them selfs and any thing among those lines. So who are you guys bands or something. "

" I'm Liam Payne "

" Niall Horan "

" Zayn Malik "

" Louis Tomlinson "

" Styles. Harry Styles " he said while kissing my hand. I was trying to not gag in my mouth.


" Wait a minute I don't give a flying fluke about who you are, and don't kiss my hand you stupid boy. " I yelled.

" Haha you got told. By the way I'm I'm Calum"

" Luke "

" Hi I'm--"

" I know who you are Michael. Only because your my favorite and you remind me of a guy version of me "

" Well I like her already " Michael said.

" Let me guess Liam, Louis, Zayn, Niall, and the flirt are in a band and Luke, Ashton, Calum , and Micky are in a different band"

" So I'm Micky now uh "

" Yeah got a problem " I said trying my hardest not to laugh.

" No not at all " he said looking in my eyes. His eyes are amazing. Its like heaven, my own personal heaven. What where did that come from. What is this boy doing to me.

" HELLO stop starring like no one else is here " ashton said.

We all go inside and sit on the couches this was the order,

[Louis,Harry,Luke,Zayn,Liam] was one couch. [Calum,Niall,Ashton,Me,Micheal] on the other. This should be interesting.

" So what brings you home " I asked no one in particular.

" Ashton wanted to see his parents. Softy. " Louis said with a laugh.

" Uh about that " I said with tears in my eyes.

" What " Ashton said a little confused.

" This morning I was woke in up by banging on my front door. When I answered 2 cops were at the door and they said our parents died by a drunk driver " I managed to get out.

" Why did you not tell me sooner " ash sighed.

" I was.... " I cut myself off by crying. I have never cried in front anyone before, they probably think I'm so weak.

" Come on baby girl " Ashy said picking me up to take me to my room. We got to my room and he laid me in the bed and pulled the covers up to my shoulders, he kissed the top of my head and said ' Night baby girl ' and shut the door and left.

Ashton's POV

After I got downstairs and sat back down were I was, all of the guys looked at me and I heard Harry say

" What's the bed situation "

" I don't know. We have 5 bedrooms, my room, Ashlynn's, our parents, and 2 guest rooms, 2 people can be in each guest room, 2 people in my parents, one with me and one with my sister. I know who that is going to be cause I only trust one person to be in my sisters room who I know will not do anything to her. " I said.

" Who's that mate " Michael asked most likely hoping it was him.

" That would be.....Liam " I said.

" Really.You trust me with your sister" Liam asked kinda shocked I said his name.

" Yea I know you would nothing to my sister. So who is sleeping with me, who's in my parents, and who's in the guest rooms." I said

" I could sleep with you mate " Luke said.

" Me and loobear, parents room " Harry said, I was not shocked they wanted to sleep in the same bed. Man I hope they don't do it in my parents room.

" Michael and me i guess. In one of the guest rooms " Calum said.

" I guess that leaves Zayn and Niall in the other " I said. I showed everyone to there rooms. I was about to enter my room when I felt a tap on my shoulder,I turn and see Liam.

" Can I talk to you mate " he asked, I nodded and told Luke go ahead to bed he nodded and went to bed. I lead Liam to the game room that was at the end of the hall no where near any of the bedrooms.

" What did you want to talk to me about mate " I asked

" I wanted to be completely honest with you, I kinda like Ashlynn mate,and I can tell that Michael likes her and I know Harry likes her by the way I wanted to know if I could cuddle her, like when I sleep and I also sleep in loose sweatpants no shirt, just in case you come in and see me cuddling her. "

" Look man I respect your honesty and the Michael and Harry stuff and I could care less if you cuddle her or sleep shirtless. She has been through so many relationships and heartbreak, she used to cut and starve herself till she throw everything up when she ate, she might even get be scared of you for a while or she might not, you have to warm her heart up first. She is very sensitive mate... please I beg of you if you break her I will hurt you"

" I will never hurt her mate. Thanks mate for everything " he said and we did a bro hug.

" By the way she is most likely in underwear and a bra, she always sleeps like that, I don't know why she does, but she does" I said

" Thanks for the warning man " he said. I showed him to his room and he took his shirt off, he already had loose sweatpants on he got in the bed careful not to wake her up. I shut the door and went to my room and went to bed.

Liam's POV

I felt her move and shift around she opened her blue eyes meet my brown ones.

" Oh... did I wake you. " I asked kinda scared of what she is thinking.

" Kinda but I was cold and um... I felt something warm. Can you um... cuddle me. I'm really cold " she asked me. I smiled to myself thinking of how her body would feel

" Yeah we can cuddle... come closer baby girl " I said. She came closer to my body.

" You are so cold baby. " I could tell she had no shirt on cause of my not having a shirt on to.

" Well duh....I have I black laced bra and a thong on I going to be cold " she half laughed.

" Lets go to sleep now okay baby girl"

" Can you please just call me baby. I like that name I don't know why. I just do " she asked

" Okay baby " I said. she put her head on my chest. Thats the last thing I remember until darkness room over me.

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