Werewolf Hunting

By Star_shadow05

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Fourteen year old Lilly and her best friend Allie consider themselves the biggest supernatural fans there are... More

Werewolf Hunting
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Three

161 8 2
By Star_shadow05

Allie and I decided to avoid the park until tomorrow. Part of it was the fact we had a ton of homework to do, the other was because we didn't want to see the boys again. They were either guarding the place because she was right, or they were just being stupid, I thought. Stupid. 

We went into the cafeteria, and Allie went to get in line while I claimed a table for us. She usually took a while. so I pulled out my notebook and flipped to a blank page and started drawing. Everything in there was theories about Supernaturals hiding themselves, or that they do exist but are being hunted, some  bad drawings and a record of events whenever something happened. I wrote the date and started the entry about the park and the boys. 

Were they guarding it, or was it to annoy us? Either way, neither of us has seen them before so it might be worth to keep an eye out for them . . .  

I slammed it shut and looked at the line. Allie was in the middle of it now, and I wanted to drag her out so we could go get fast food or something else. But no, she thought it was 'unhealthy' and refused to eat it, and school food was ok.  

Part of me wanted to go back to the park as soon as we could to figure out if they were hiding anything. I felt like they were but that could have been me wanting an adventure again, and Allie didn't want to go back there yet. Shrugging to myself, I took out my phone and started playing games. 

It wasn't until five minutes after I noticed Allie was looking down, looking like she was either going to cry or scream and someone. 

"Allie? What's wrong?" I asked.

"I was . . . just thinking . . . about the park . . . " she says in a daze. The look in her eyes says she's somewhere far away and that's never a good thing. 

"No!" I screamed as I shook her shoulders. "We promised not to go back there until tomorrow!" 

She looked at me, and then blinked before shaking her head violently. I had to resist pulling out her cherry red hair to get her to stop dreaming. 

"Sorry about that, I zoned out. So, you paying attention in class?" she asked in her perky voice. 

"Yeah, were you?" I asked slowly.


We started talking about how we needed to get our grades up, and how stupid our schedules are, and just enjoying being around each other. It was nice, not scheming about anything but having fun in that weird way only we were capable of. 

Our fun was forgotten as soon as a hand came down on our table, sending vibrations all through it. I didn't have to look up to know who it was. It was Chelsea, the head of the popular clique that made it their duty to torment and humiliate everyone else. She was alone today, and the look on her face said she wanted to start shit. 

"What do you want, bitch face?" I asked without thinking. 

"Well asshole, I was thinking about taking your little ADHD friend and going out." she said, sneering at Allie. 

"Not interested. I don't need to dress like a whore." she said in monotone. 

"I'm just trying to be nice you social rejects. You're monster obsession will be too much later." she drawled, twirling her dyed blonde hair around her finger. What was it with popular chicks and trying to degrade you?

"No, you're trying to make us fall into your pathetic game, and it's not working." I said, clenching my fist under the table.

I didn't notice that a crowd had gathered around us, and they began watching like we were going to fight. Allie could fight her if she wanted, I taught her the basics of it, but I made a promise to my mom to stay out of trouble when possible after my last fight.

"Who said it's a game? Besides, everyone's already gone at least once."

"Look you prissy whore! We don't want your invitation to go pole dancing!" Allie suddenly screamed. On the inside, I was laughing like a maniac because that was the rumour now, and it wouldn't have been so bad but she let it slip.

"At least I have sex appeal," she said with a 'humph' as she walked away.

"What the fuck was that about?" I asked out loud.

"I heard she was trying to recruit pole dancers. If she has enough she can drop out of school and make a living like that. It's true, Sam told everyone that she invited her." Allie explained with a smirk of victory.

Wow was all I could think of. This is where a line is drawn, I'm too shy to yell like that, and Allie is just out there all the way,

"Anyway . . . " I tried to change the subject. "We have five minutes left and two more hours."

"I don't want to go to English I don't like numbers!" she whined.

"That's math doofus." I said before laughing with her.

After the confrontation with Chelsea, everything seemed to go by fast after that. We got most of our work done and after the final class, we decided to hit up the video store for some movies. Anything with supernaturals in it or anything funny was what we usually got.

Once we arrived at my house, Allie instantly screamed and dropped the movies. I looked at her and then screamed too. The step was walking around the house in his underwear, a bottle of Jack in one hand, a cigarette in the other. Seeing some thirty year old guy with hair all over him that he won't take care of, can be horrifying if you still have some innocence left.

"What the hell you two screamin' at?" he asked before he spat in the corner.

"Mom! Your drunk idiot is naked again!" I screamed before shoving Allie to the floor. He chugged whatever whiskey he had left before throwing it at us, and the glass cracking was what was the final straw.

"Henry!" came a angry voice.

I gave him a look at that said 'Ha!' and watched as he was scolded.

My mother and I looked the same, the same curly chocolate hair and the same hazel eyes, but our personalities were way different. I liked to keep things simple and down to Earth, she always wanted to come up with some crazy way to take care of problems but didn't because she could never get the supplies. We both knew she would only dabble in trying to invent something.

"You've been nothing but horrible to my kids! If you don't start being nice and trying to get along, I'll kick you ass to the curb!" she shrieked before looking at Allie and I. "Get up you two, come here."

We followed her into the kitchen and she took out a few sheets of paper, and a 9 millimeter gun with two more filled magazines. She looked at us grimly before noticing the knot on my head.

"I know how bad he's been lately, and I am going into work later. If he pulls anything, tries to hurt, or kill either of you, call the police. If he found out how to cut the cords," she slid the gun to me. "you know what to do."

"Are you serious?" Allie asked, reaching for the gun.

I slapped her hand. "He's supposed to be your second husband, you can't just give us a gun and tell us good luck."

"Honey, I know. I'm trying to make sure you have something to defend yourself with if he gets drunk or violent." she said, her gaze softening. Looking past her wrinkles and into her sad hazel eyes, I understood what she was trying to get across. Trying to have us go anywhere would be out of the questions because of money. "Let's keep this our secret."

"You don't say!" Allie almost yelled, making her face.

"You, catch." she said, pointing. She reached into her pocket and tossed her a pocket knife, the kind that looked like gardening clippers. "Don't tell me you don't know how to use it."

"Oh, my god. You actually have one of these." she said, eyes wide.

"I'm leaving forty bucks for you two, keep it in your pocket, give some to Henry." she said. "It's five, I need to go shower and take off." She hugged me and got me an ice pack from the fridge before taking off to bathe.

"Dude, you mom, is the best." Allie said after a long silence.

"Get up stairs before something else happens," I hissed. Out by the front door, Henry gave us the finger before started to pick up the broken glass.

Upstairs, Allie flopped on my bed and I almost forgot how much I hated my room. It was a soft pink color, and the only window was by me bed. I threw my back down and went to use my computer in the corner. I wanted to do some research, and Allie had claimed my t.v.

Hours, later I had nothing but old facts and myths about werewolves. Allie and I decided to start watching the movies we rented, and somewhere along the way, Allie fell asleep with her head buried under a blanket.

I didn't want to finish the movie, so turned off the tv, locked my door, and slowly began to remember the facts. Silver bullets don't kill werewolves, they aren't human under a curse, and they won't turn into vampires after they died. That Twilight shit is fake, werewolves are not shapeshifters, and they have thoughts and senses like a wolf. . . . .      

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